42 WiLMETTE 1 LIFE RE,\.L ESTA'I'E August 13, 1926 Rates- inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory or who are regular subscribers to either \VILi\IETTE LIFE, 'W INNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. 15 cents a lin e in one paper. 25 cents a line in any two papers. 30 cents n. lin'} In all three papers. lUINUIUM CHARGE, 60 eents. A;\·erage o~ fin~ words to thP line. No black face type used. 10% discount on CLASSIFIEP ADVERTISEMENTS · Classified adYertisements will be charged Q.Pl)' to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe General N 0 tICes- -.. . ..lz;ne for Insert:onsClassified advertisements will be acc~pted D C::UU · · up to Wednesday 5 p. m . .for the 'W ILMETTE LIFE or ah three papers; 'l'hursday 5 p, m. for the \VINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 p. m. for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or \Vinnetka 2000-2001. all cash with ortlc.r ad vcrtisements ~,· hen brought to our office at 1222 Central A.u., Wilmette, or MH Lincoln An., Winnetka. RF..\L ES'f .\ TE ~-----~~::_~·~~::~-----·-1 ~-----------------.. · ...'"\. ~ OOLOKIAL RESIDENCE OF 9 ROOMS,. S ROO:\T BRIC'K 0~ TILE RESIDEXt 'E 3 bl'lths. :Xorthern Winnetka E>ast of at :lS5 Yine St., \Yinnetka.; :> bedrooms: tracks. One block to express stop, :? hath~: ::;lpg. IH:h.; ·unrm.; att. p;aNorth Shor.e Electric. Two blocks to ragt'. Larg·e irregularly shaped lot. Hubbard \Voods North Western station. Price $23,51H). . . h 1' "' C ~nter h a 11 ' 1a~ge 1. tnng room W1t 1\'~. int; porch; opposite side is dining room with dining- porch, butler's pantry, Exclusi\'t' .\gt>uts kitchen, etc. Second · floor has four 41i0 \\"innt'tka A n·. \\"inn. UWI) master bedrooms with two haths, hath 1 1/1'.:\4\i-lte being connected with each bedroom. Larg-e ~ewing room, center hall, unusual closets. Sleeping porch. 'l'hird floor, two finished rooms, bath and large ::\ll'~T SELL :\IY LOYEL\" li lltHL\[ storage room. Basement has oil hurnstu""" honw inmwdiatl'l\'. Ht·autiful ing hot water hf:'ating systt>m: large lnva tiun: Iandscapl;d ;. unusual laundry room with gas drier. BeautiHtYlt·; large Ih·. room, hn:akfasf ful large lot with trees and shruhberr. Jwok, garagt· anti t·:n·. S:u·rine{· for Garag-e. Telephone own e r: \Vinnetkn. ··a:-;h: will also t·un!'idr"r krm!". Ph. 1208 for appointment 1LTN44-3tp U\\'ller, Winnetka :!12S. lLTX46-ltc :\-.-l.-S-l"-.\-l... T-,"J-.-:\-'-I"_J"l_t-.\-C-,1-'l-\-YJ-.~-~-R-(-)(_)_)I aiPROVEMENTS NOW GOI~r;. IN ~pani:-;h: 4 lH·droo m~; ., lmths; on and building- ·starts in a few d:1ys on lwautiful lot in lndian Hill di!"tri ct. If our Glenayre property. Restricte d lots ~·ou :tl'f> in tlw m:ukt>t for a good a~ low as $43 per foot within 2 blocks , ·alut> at ~ -11,00u, thb will he interest')f rn.tlid tram:portation. Only 33 mining- to in\'t>Stil!'at e. ~ utestotheloop. Easyterms. Wewill assist you in building. ~. 1 · ..... 1S ~ea tv 0. \\'t· can also ngxT your property; HiU \\"inndka .\ , ., .. \\"inn. 1. IIU ha ,.e unlimited calls from renters. 1 LTX-t6-ltc :\1 GST ~ACRIFICE l\IY TWO CHOI.CE lots on Bangs Lake, less than 40 mtles northwest of the Loop ; all resort features. Small p<wment down,. balance r·CE:\TRAL HOTEL - LIGHT. OUTSIJ.?.!f to suit. Owner ,P. 0. Box 260 Wau- I rooms for transients and restdents. li-9 conda, Ill. 1LTN44-3tp i\lain tit. Phone \\'ilntt.:tte lUSO. _ 4LToO-tfc FORCED TO SELL \VOODLAND PARK, DEERFIELD. Lot ;-sec. 'l(9: FOR H.E?\T._A ROO:\£ IX OUR XEW east front on Stratford road. 67 ~ x176 ,1, , hOllll' suitabll> for ,1 or 2 gentlt-nwn Ill' · sewers, streets and water in, and all ft>rrt' U. t;at:ag~.:, it de::;ired. '\\"iln~ e tt<= due taxes and assessments paid. Must I 662. 4L4<J-l tc ~ell at once, $2,000 cash, or ,_easy terms to suit. Address Life A-90 '· ROO:\[ FOR RC);T-I~ PRIV. F.\::\liLY. 1LTN37-tfp Clost' to tran~vortation. \Vilmdte 293. -----------:-=-:=:-:::::::::-::;;;;~ 4 ~U Park An:., \\' il mett~. 4 L4 6-ltp ~'.\.XTED - KE.:\'IL\V'ORTH Oil WINnetka. 10 room home, 5 or 6 bedrooms, ',1.'\\"l) t: 1..:.:\'TLE:\IEX CA.~ HAVE NICE extra vorehes, 3 baths, extra lav:. garroom, board if dt·s ire<l.. Tel. \~'ilm e tt e agt', nice lot, East );ide. -~.bout $a0,0~0. 210. 4LT45-2tc ACT QUICK LARGE ROO::\£ FOR T\\"0 GE.~TLE men, also room to be shared Wltl~ another man, separate beds. 1046 Lmde_n A.\'enue. 4L46-tfo Xo 5. hrok..,rs. .\-fl AN IDEAL HOME FOR S "IF I FOR 1 l. E. E Stults RealtY Co. i , I .I -----------------1 REA.L OPPOH.'rU\:'T'l""Y' I I I D£SIRA.BL£ VA CANT -{-. . FOR TIE~T STORE, I'.JXCELLE.:\ 'l' location, hen. utifully dl·corated :~~ I d' . 1 Ph ,, · ·. tlft. front. \Yill tnt ·'· on ' mtw 'a 163 or call 5G2 Lin(..'oln Ave., \\"inndka . GLTX41i-tfc cI"" I'"'"E'I'1" ~ FOP.. I'!. EXT ~TORES A~D ,, 1[() >.-, . FOR SALE -EAST SIDE W ·"·" . ., '-· . T··lt·tlhont· \\"innl'tk:L ti:!. 5LTXHi-tk 7 room hous t' .. 2 porches. Garage: ho~ 1- - - - - - -...........--~~~~~~~~~ ,,.,ltt· r lwat. 0 11 hurnc>r. Pleno of I tn·t·s. C'lo!"e to school and tran~portatinn Prke US 500. \Yilmettt~ Ltfe A~8o. · ' 1LTX46-ltp \YE \\".\XT E\'J·:f!¥ \".\t'.\XT .\PT. ( ·lt 11.,1 nr· in t11wn that is For Rt ·nt Jbu·d . Fnn ~.\LE TX \YTL~IETTE: LOTS 1:igg···st l'!t·nt ing oflkt· on X. Short·. T··T. t'lw:-;tnut. .\shlancl. 7th an:-nut· anrt \\"ilrnl'ttt.: G~·S or l'aul :-:I'I1I'tlt'd··r S.: , ·., . 11 n ~lwridan with rip. rights and pit·r!'; I 7LTX4·i-lt·· littlt· d 11 wn, long tinw. John P. C:_ag·t·. , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \"inland, X e w J t· rst· ~·. lL ·l.)-tft: 1 t'ol'I'LI·: \\" .\:\'T:-: · F£"1~:\'. fllll ':'l·: fr111ll Sept. ltlth to l~t ··· ··· mh· · r. if JH·!'!"ij FOl'!. s.\LE :~ LOTS IX "'JX:\'ETT~,-.\ ; lol· ·· 1"!· ·~t of r..r'I'I'··Uc· ·s. Phun·· \\' il;.ranoJ'. :-:d10ol and Pa.rk 1 hlo(' k. "til 1 nwttt · !' 1:·-1!. 7L'l'X!I)-1tp !-':t··rific···· ()wnl'l' .John C. c;riffitts,. 11~0 1 ~~~~~~~~~~----~---, 'Lnl-\t' Shore Drin·, l'hil'ago. 1T..TX41l-ltp : II Jl EU' W .\ '\'T E H-ll.\ L E ". RESTDEXCE, 7 R:\1S.; . -h , ~t · 4- .. t' g'lra,g·e · lot 100x165; ta ' c.<t ' · ' trees; 1 llk ~hruhs, elm, maJ)le, ' frUit J · Rrierg-ate cluh; 2 hlod~::; depot. 511,000. Phone Deerfield 115-:\L Rindahl. 1LT.:\'46-3tp S~LF .Addre8s 1LT"~'46 He \\ !lmette ·" Ltfe - :; }~OR REXT-STOUES ~ A~J) "'~ Ol'FICES I , t~oR E E Stu l R 1 C HIGHL.:\ND P.ARK S.\LE _ \YOODED LOT TX I lli·:~~P \\" ..\XTI~D -. _F£Ll: .t'L~·:r!K ..r:-.: Jrig-hland Park t,ardo ·!l!", ~,llx1-tl. Jm- ! \\Inndlw . <~f!t< .... ) l·~x.t.l . ul . 111.':xp. ~\ ~~~proy 1 · 11 wnt~ in. Fflr fl· ·tails !'all <;lvn- I i:lg to -'~ 01 k;. J lt·.t.~.un .. su ttfl.undt n-. · .' "\-'! tt ·)-l)t' c all at i.J,I)) LII'Vh !"t.. \\ li1I1··tk:t. ('O L· lOt or, tm·· ·· -· '· 11T'I""'t'- ltl' 1f.T:\' ·Iti-1tl' ~ _.., .. , ' -------------------- I FOT~ :-:.\LE TO ('l,(l~l·~ EST.\TE. :~ I \\'. \:\'TEil-Y<H'X(~ L.\UY ltE:-:Tlli-: :\'T J 11 t~ t·a!-'t !"itll'. ownt·r . . \ -:· . 7. ,,( \\'ilmHtt·, Kt ·Jtilworth ur X·n·th J-: \1 LT.:\' ~fi-ltp , a 11!-'t~rn, for po!'ition as :'lodal S· ··· r· ·t:t r .'·; 1 le13 'W ilmette AYe. Tel. \Vil. 225 1LTX-t6-ltc FOR 8.\LE - Hl"BBARD 'VOODS. .\ <'harming S rm. colonial house with a front parlor, :: baChs, heatl'd g-arage; 4 hlnl'ks tn dPtwt; :~ hlotl\s to puhlic or Catholic school. Ht>atl'd with Oil-0~Tatic vapor h ea t. 2 fireplaces, large ma~tt.·r htdroom. Tlw intt>rior iii canvas:-;ed and ht autifully dl·coratf'd; with an extt>riot· hackground of choice everl:reens and ramhling- stone walls. HaYe JlUI'C' ha ·o:d a larg·t·r hou:-;,. a nd \\·ill st·ll at co!"t at your terms. I hone ""innetka 6~10-:\1. 1L'£)J'46-ltc [.OC.\TED IX XORTH EVA.XSTOX, o\·vrlooking Pnrk Plac ., \H' offer a !'tUc<'t> hllllll' at a real bargain. 1st floor: lh·. rm., din. rni., kitchen, fireplae·'. 111:1:-:sin.' .glazt·d porc h , and hrt"akfast porch. 2nd floor: :: bedrooms, 1 bath. Dt·autiful woodt·d lot, SOx~OO. 2-enr g-arage. Price $17,000. Terms . Shown h~· appointment. I'.RICJ.: HEDl"C'ED $6,011U.IIIl TO BL'YER whn will C'lo~·· this month on 7 rm. Dutc·h ("olnni:tl: .j. lwd rO Olll!'; ~ baths; PXt. toi.-la\·.; largo· lot: Yapor Jwnt; ·~ c:l r g·a1·ag1 ·. s,.,, at 11:1fl Lincoln .\n' . ·o r t'all :\g't·nt at \\"inn. 181111. 1~ ca:o;h; hal. mtg-t·. 1LTX4ti-1te 1 f·'C>TI ~.\LE-7 TI.:\1 . ~TI"t'('(l, 1 YF::\11 old. H. \\". ht. ~-t'!ll' !.!:trag··. To·rm~. ' Pho1w \Yilnwtt·· 7·i:i-.J. 11..15-tft· I .F or IIIHI!iit', "· ··~t :-inlt· - .Tu"'t COillJlh'h·tl 6 room side, 1st and 2nd :Mortgages Charles H. Brethold INSUR.\.~CE 5 ·lr, 1\In.in ~t., , .V ilmett e Tel. 65 1 TAii-tk .\TTP..\l"l'IYE '\\'ELL-nt·rr...T I TIOO:\T homt·, .· ht·droom!'. lilt" hath. lwatt-d sl~>t·ping- porch, !'Un pon·h. upt·n ftrt·pla<··· . Ynpur heat. r::,·autiul woodt:>d, lot Hllx224. 2-car ~ar:.q..:··· , do~·' to "L" a ml schools. ::\T·"dium ··ash parm ·n t. 1!1' :\'( :.\ L()\\' Fflll ~.\ U ·:. :-:1 WTJI ~T. .fohn's _ ,,.,·. ll it;·hla!Hl l\1rk . Tt·l. \\'inlll'tl:a J %1). 1 LTX·Iti-1 tr· · \\'. \:'\TI-:1·-.\X EXPEI!JEXi'l·:I·. X! ·: .\T. 1'\l.\ll'I·:TE:\"1' \\-lllTE :\L\11> Ft·l: 1;1·::\' t·: J!.\L HOCSE\\"<>I!K. (i!·:l~.\1.\:\' }'OR Hl-: XT-HOT"SES 1:? IJf~I·:FEnHED 0.:\'E \\'HO \\" . \XT ~ I;·H)jl JICl:\11 ·:. :\1l"ST 1:1-: 1;1H1ir FflT! nEXT ~Tl"('( '( · c·oTT.\r. E. i <'(ttiK. T\\"0 JX FA~riL¥. 1:1·::-:T f;J,·w·no· ~:i!l Yo·rnun .\\'·· . : Tio ·:t l' of 1 !tot t;ll:-;:~::11. LiY. rnom. 1\i!t'lwn . p Hnt ry , , \\'.\(; 1 ·: ~. TEL. \\'ILJIETTI·: ~ !7. I 2 L T :\ I·; · 1 t ·' lo :t t h . . ~..:·la!'!"· · d pord1, fin·t f1,,nr: J ... ornom ;tnrl cla~~··d pon ·!t, !'··<'llllrl floor . E'iPl'S.\ LE~PEl >PL! ·: trio · li!..!'ht. stfl\·,. h· ·a t. !'hrultlwn·. l!:tr·'1 I!~ nnLLA 1! D.\ Y. Tru·n~l> .\ Y. d.·n. .\(lult g'o·nti\1"~ only. :\i'iO.Iin. (':til . 1 . \tr~uH 1!1 . · \pply, :-;upt . 1 ·Jii,·· ·· ·.rd mu1o·t·: T!ogl'J'~ Park :!01\~ l·rforP ' f !Ill! 1'. 111 :t. m. ~LTS-tli-ltp i ha!' h;u) t·Xpo·l'i· llo 'o· j II .. :!:J.UII pi'!· ,,,, j,, .\pp l:. in Jlt·J'SIIIl to Cluilm..tt· · ( ·.,untr .'· t 'lul·. :·II .\liC"hig-an .\\···nu·:, \\'il1 ndlt'. .\ugu!"t Jtith, IJvtwL·L"11 7 and S P. :\1. 1~L l·i·l i·· jiJ'o·ft · !' IIIII' \\· )1q J: oooi\J~,.,.ping-: sal:t r~· ------------------------------------------- RO~EXDEP.n·s Downtown EY:tns!ttll 1'1 If'!. TIEXT - IX '\\"TX:\f:TK.\. 11:'\'l'TT. 1~LT:\' l·i-l t·· .\l : t~· I. 1!1':!~ . :.rod,·rr h n U !-'1', ~ hlo<"l<s ' fl'lllll station. Hot watt·r llt ·at. (; ho ·d- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rf"om~. ~ haths St>I?OJHl floor. \YEns~rER 1ft14~:: & STOXE Greenleaf GG 1LT:X46-ltc I~. 4~4 E. Stults Rcaltv Co. n·!'lidPn~·· l'l·ntral St. EY~\XSTOX l .. lntll"n .\ \ 'l' . \Yllnwltt· ~~~>II JLTX -Ui-ltc \\.EST OF \\~IL~1ET1'E \\"alls 1~5x1%. F()TI SALE tial stLH'I'tJ ~E\V G TIOO~I DRICK VE::;o..;EER SE:\11hun~alow . Tilt- roof, water lwat, large firo ·pl:t<'t', ~-C"ar garag-e, heat e d and 22S lOTH ST. SFBS'L\Xlarg·t· lh·. ruom, -l hl·d room~. tnt.· hath, al~o 1::;t tl oo r Ia\·., H.. \\". lwat, g-arag-o ·. Out of tt·\\·n o\\'IIPI' offt·l's t'XC·t·ptional \'aluv. ~L' · t·Xclu:-;i\·t· ag-t:-nt~: l'h"lll~ nn 2 lw:t!l ·d ' \\'. \.'\'1'1 ·:1> CER:\L\~ r no m!". third floor. 2-car g-ara!.!··'· Po~,,·,·gian f.,y· g·, · ~l··ral Jt.,tt:--o·,,·.. rl\. .'\ .. s· s!';ion ~cpt. 1. Phone \\"inn . 20~:-i. , wa:-;hi 11!.,!'. ~mall lH >US~'. T\\'o f'hildr· ·Jt 2LTX11l-1t!' :-, o·li·Htl at:··. Plll!lll' \\-inn..tl\a ]t;tol. 12L4G-1"' ' l-'1 11~ TII·~XT \\"JL:\T'P.TTI~ . I·TI~:'\- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , bho·d I ru11m hou:-;t·, gar:q.,:·1· :\tt:tf'h··cl. l lfi ·:J, I' \\".\:\'"1'1·:1> - " Fll,l·: ('f,I·:HJ-: 1.'\ f r"m ()rot, 1st. () month~ or !nng-t ·r. \\"inn··t ka loflit-v. Exp . .,,. in··xp. \\' il!in~ . ·· ·a r :tll tran~portation :l!Hl ~f'honl!". to \\'t>rk. J>!t-a ~n nt !'lll'l'ooUtHlin~..;s. 1 ';,j i ::t ~~tlfl P··r 1111111th . · \ddrt ·!'s \\"i!m 0 tt·· Lifo· ::;:· I;ird1 St., \\inn..tl.:a. 12LTX lti-ltp ~LTX lll-1 lt' .\-!1":·. I I plumloing carr it·d to !!nd flo()r. ~tipplHl. Bo·aut. wondt·d lot ~1 tl.tiltll. Tit·a·wn:!hle tt·rms. R. :\I. JOHKS'fOX & CO. \Yilmt.:tte GS lL 16-lt~ F. Coletnan Burronghs '· 1Li7 \\"ilmt"tte An·. \Vii. 640 lLTX-iG-ltc I~ ~Ioclcrn Cotnfortable Hotne X. J·:. \\ . T:\"":'\1·~~1,1{~\. XTXl-;: T!.<)O:\[~ . '\'"01}R IDEA.L OWXER GOIXG \Y EST :\Tl-~T DISpost' of his <·harm. li room solid hricl{ honw. 2 baths, JJ . \\". Oil lwat, can\'a!'!'t·cl walls: ~lat.· roof: ht·at··d garagt·, attached. ~upt·rhly woodt·d. lanoscapt·d lot in choic ·st E. !;'··ction. $27.50 0. Ea!-'r t··nns. !lot \\'att ·r ,jJ h· ·a t. 11 ., lolo!'k!-i tn ~. ~. vlt·<· tril' :-:tntion .. , ltltH'k~ to X. ""· stntiom. :: hlol'k:-; i<· :-;l'lwul. Xt·ar lake . ~p!t · ndid ('nlldit ion. 1 ;om! buy to rig·ln part~·. Xoo ag~·nts. \\'ilmt·ttt> Lift:> .\.-!1!11. lLTXt 6-1tc ------------------- ' ncr():\TS. ~I' \\".\:\'TI·:I>- \nTITE r;JJ~L H·TI r;E:\'..r·:tl hu ,-··\HJ I'k ;tnd t·· :t~sist \\'itli ··liild. k:lst ·. Ph~tn·· Xo washing. r.ou<l h·ont· · arHl ~·····~ 2L-I Il- 1tc wag t·!'. 1'1'1. \V'innf'tl.;:t 1 ~:;. 1:::;7 . \ ~ ),ur.\· .\ ,.... 12LTX !ti- l r·· f-'t ·T! TIEXT fi T!()Cl:\T JT(H'SE. lT. \\" . lH·;tt, g!az··(1 pot·c h , g· arl1~···· T· ·l. \Yin,,,.,k·1 1!1117 . '>LTXitl-tft· \\".\~\TI·:n- f{ELJ.\TIL'P. \YilTTE .\1.\Til for g·f·JH·r:tl hou~·H·work . Pt'l'lll. J)l:1· ···· :\'., \\':t1'h or g,·nernl r·l1·:tning-. -t in L11 n il\. FOR lll~X1'- .\ 1' ~\ UTJrF:~TS ., \\"a.l!··s ~~II.OU. Ph. \Yinn. ~::tis. · ------------------12LT:'\ l·:-1 t·· 1- nP. TIEXT TIE.\ rTJFTL XE\V 6 I :1nnrtn11'11t huil(ling: idt·al Jorn.tion !';P\'· ··J';ll hnndl·f'rt ft· ,~t from Tiidc- P .\ \ 'P. "L" \\".\:\"1'1·:1>- \\"llf'l'E :\L\fl> FOP f;[·;X~'rnl hnu~t'\\'o rk. ('ounl· · and on·· ··!Ji!·,. !-'tntiron f"ff f':t!"l' ~t. \Yill h·· l't·:trl:'o· t0 1 ~~"l'liP~· St·pt. .·\pply at R4~1 Lin coli1 Ave'., Win1wtka. Lith. Phon(' T"ni\' . ?!'l2~.T. 12LT:\' !1)-1 t I' :n,TX41l-1 tc· llf >l":-:1·: h ·11 F()R RP.XT h s. :':1 :;n, fl)r 2-Y··:tl' \\"ilm..tt·· l:i~2. .. \\"1~ .\nE OFFERlX<: .\ FF:\\" c HOif'F. I Before Prices .:\ch·ance rnP. nExT - HEI?\SE~ 721) Elm Stn·et & I\:ROLL. TN"C. \\"inn. 254 1LTX46-ltc loots 011 <'lwstnut ;uul .\shland an' . B ·st st·l·tion or \Y'ilml'ttt·. 2-R:\r. KT'rrHEXP.T1'E ·w:\:\'TI·:n - ( ·cnt PF:TI;::\'T, \YIITTI~ :lnnrtmrnt. steam hPat nnrl ianitor ~· irl for g·,·n··t·al hous··wnrk. ~mall f:tnl~ .. n ·i,·t·: 110:1r tram;y)ortntion. f'nll \ViliJ~·. Xo laundiT. \Yinnt"tkn 12i'ili. ,, ,. ttP uno . ~LT~4!-i-tf~ 12LTX·IIl-lt· · ::::·> FOR S.ALF ~PLEXDID EAST ii3xl ~~: ni(·e trt-·l'S. \\"IX:\'ETK..\ LOT, Pric·t· includt.·s plans for nttracti\·e 7_rm., ~"'w England typ(> AO!flt:>; 4 hdrms.; 2 baths; OJH'I1 pch.; a.tt . gar. ; etc. $7,950. ~Tal<e offt'r. F. E. Stults Rea]t,· Co. .UO 'Yinn t-tka An.·. ·\\.inn. 1800 1LTX46-1tc S1'~.._\CEY Fon Ul:XT-ROoJrs "".\XTF:D TEJI pnn.\ nY sTr.:xny. 1 ·l'dt·t· .\\·t·. PI1 ,~-·11 '>O" ------------------g'l'aplwr for 2 \\'t ···k!". ht·g-inning- .\ug·u!"t 0 ~ · · · t · ·· Fn~ REXT - LARGE LTCHT lTOT"S'P.lllth. .\ddn:· ~s Wilmdte Lift' .\-~t!)O. ---------------1_L_'I_ '-_X _4_6_-_H_ c """nin~· room. suitahh' fnr mal'rit'd 12TAil-1tC' t·nttnlt' or two l1usint·ss nH·n. Ta>l. \YilI·< tl~ !".\LE SIX ROOl\1 COTTAGB, m..ttP 1771i. -tLTX-lfi-lt<' '\\".\XTED .\. :\L\10 Fnn SF.('0::\11 g-aragt·, lnt 11tih::!ll7 ft., ··xtraordiltar~· and laundr~· work. Half o1· wht·lt· day. dt·\"t·lopm··nt prospt-t·ts. .\!so Yaean"'t 1;.\ nr. 8 I.Tr.HT F'TIOXT nnn:'.r. nxE I Home nig-ht~. Tl·l. \Yilml'ltt> 1i'i10. ~211 to ~;~o front foot. Terms. or twn. P.onrd if dt·!"il't"d. "\Yin'1 . 1!1'!0. . '12LTX46-1tr 4LTX-t6-ltr ;o-;T \~{.\.XT~ f:OOD LOnKJX(";. H Pin~ntld .'ht>., South of Lake AH·., \\-il.1 Ff"l~ RF.XT - ROO:\f "'lTH ROARD A RTl ~- oung woman to tWRt· for h ead. ~rust Phmw \Yil. 845.J. fnr twn g.;.ntlt"n1f'n. Call ;j~·; P:lrk AYe. l·P dark hairt>d. Ag-t· 20 to ::w. Phon~' 1 L46-ltc 1I...46-ltp 1 " 'ilmE-tte 1:370. · 12LT~46-ltc \V. G. " I I T. R. G.\ THERCO.:\L