Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Aug 1926, p. 37

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August 13, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE Mr. Blaylock was formerly a Viltiage trustee. Paul G. Turner, a resident of \Vilmette, until recently, has also purchased a grove of ten acres within a mile of Mr. Blaylock's place and Mr. Turner and his family have gone down to occupy their new home. NEW FOOTBALL TICKET PLANS ARE ANNOUNCED Opening of Big Stadium to Hring Changes; Season Admissions to Be Sold Complete rearrangement of the entire football ticket sales system for the corning fall season in order to cpmply \\'ith the changes necessitated hy the enlarged seating capacity in the new stadium ha s been · made by E. B. Davidson, mana ge r of ticket sale s, at Northwestern university. Officials in charge of tickets and oth er plans for the season anticipate the g reatest season it\ Korthwestern football history. ·Enithu siasm is al==== ·ready .being exl:. u. llall!Hon pre ·sed in numerHa~· l'tJ4otn ous quarters and hundreds of requests for tickets are already being received. Among tht: new departure in the tickd plan:-; for this fall, a:; announced thi · week ],y ~lr. DaYid:;on, arc the f t, Jlu\\'ing: 1. Sale oi 10,000 SL:ason tic kcts at $1-+ apiece. 2. Xo or<!t:r - to be re~ardcd until : l'ptemhn :?. 3. Opening oi a ticket olt!ce at 1420 Central strl'd (acros:; street from ~taclium.) J. C. Blaylocks to Leave Village for Florida Fruit Farm months. Mr. Blaylock has purchased a twenty acre grove of oranges and tangerines, one mile from \ Vauchula, Fla., and contemplates moving there this fall. He was called home by the J. C. · Blaylock of 1232 Lake avenue, illness· .of Mrs. Blaylock and at presreturned Sunday from Miami, Fla., ent' has made no definite plans as to where he has been !or the past seven leaving the village. Mark off Sunday, August 15, on your calendar as a day to be at Racine, Wisconsin. All day ana ~L all evening,a beautifulregatta,w.ANight in V ~nice", will be held on the Root River, Racine, under the sponsorship of the Racine Chamber of Commerce. Four miles of illuminated floats, on canoes, will pass the judges' stand at Horlick'sDam in the evening. Admission is free-plenty of room for all-music. Bringyo'll lunch for an all·day picnic. Conveniently reached by the North Shore Line; leave trains at Racine station. ril .... \'OurVacation! Elkhart Lake, Cedar Lake, 1· Crystal Lake, Sheboygan, Port Washington: Take North Shore Line to Milwaukee; con· nect10ns at door of our Milwaukee terminal with Milwaukee · Northern trains for these points. Through tickets. points-Luding2· Michigan ton, Manistee, Hamlin Lake, Portage Lake, Onekema: Take North Shore Line to Milwaukee; Pere Marquette night steamer from there; arrive Michigan next morning. Through tick\!ts. Nashotah 3· Oconomowoc, Lakes, Nehmabin Lakes, CEDAR LAKE tHEBOVCiAN ® OCONOMOWOC NASHOTAH LAKES NEHMABIN LAKE» SILVER LAKE DELAFIELD WAUKESHA BEACH NAGAWICKA LAKE PEWAUKEE LAKE .f. 1\yenty-ft,·e thou-..and l.etter gw- in~· in format:on to l>c mailed out this PORT WASHINGTON Silver Lake, Delafield, Waukesha Beach, Nagawicka Lake, Pewaukee Lake: Take North Shore Line to Milwaukee-step into T. M. E. R. & L. trains at door of our Milwaukee terminal,for thesepoints.Through tickets . month. 5. hsm· . . L:ason i ootkdl hook to students in Chicago departments. 6. Emplt·:~mL:nt of 400 u::-hers to handle crn\\'d s. ' ' .\"l'cdlc:-:-1 to ~ay," said ~Ir. D:: t \·id-1 son. "we arc ,·ery optimi:;tic and highh· enthu:;ia:-tic onr the coming sea~:v 11. \ \ · e a r e to h a,. e one o f t h c fin t·~t stadiums in the country and we are making plans to handle the c~owds in a fttting manner. 1\e\·er betorc has so much interc:-t been expressed by the p.uhlic thi s early in the · cason." The ' ne\Y cason ticket plan, regarded by official:; as one of the most popular ~hanges from the former system, will giye lO,OUU fans an oppor~unity to acquire tmu ually 6·ood· ::-.cats tor every game. Thc:;c tickets, which will cost $14, \Yill ·be good for six g~mes. Ahsolutch· no orders will be rc[.!.'::trd~cl unt(l cptcmher 2. \\·hich is the date et bY all ·co nference schools for the acceptance of order:; 1·or ticket s. T!ti::: rule is to be follo\\'ccl ri gidly, and pro:;pccti\·e purchasers are urged not t o mail th~:ir onh:rs in beiore the first of the month. \Yithin the next t\YO weeks 2j,000 letters \viii be mailed ou_t to alumni in which b o·cncral information ahot.t . the . tickets and other data \nll be gt\'Cn. These letters will contain a plat of the field, shmring thl' seating' arrangement and all exits. . . I Students in the Chtcago professwnal l schools \rill be supplied this seaso· I with a student coupon book. 1 } t' "';···<] ·· 2 lo, MANISTEE ONEKEMA ~I ~~9-~i~::. '-~~ s~~ ···· LUDINGTON HAMI,...IN LAKE PORTAGE LAKE 4 · Lake Geneva, Twin La}ces, · Powers Lake: Take North Shore Line trains to Kenosha; comfortable North Shore Line Motor Coaches operate from there, on regular schedule, to these points. Through tickets. Channel Lake, 5· Antioch, Loon Lake, Round Lake, Lake Villa, Grays Lake, Vole. Fox Lake Resorts, McHenry: Takfil North Shore Line trains to Waukegan or Libertyville; NorthShoreLineMotorCoaches from there on regular schedule to tht-sepoints. Through tickets. Libertyville, Mundelein: (Don't let the summer pass without a visit to be <.: uti· ful St. Mary of the Lake at Mundelein.) North Shore Line to Lake Bluff where connections are made with trains and motor coaches 'on the Libertyville-Mundelein division. Through tickets. ~ ....-~~~~ l':?~t.llil~~'=""' · -i~--~ ~- RACINE u. (( KENOSHA II ZION \ II Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Company The high,speed electrically-operated railroad WILMETTE PASSENGER STATION Telephone Wilmette 2 514 Baggage Checked WAUKEOAN . LAKE BLUFF \ NORTH SHORE SUBURBS For schedules, ]ares and o-ther information, inquire at North Shore Line ticket office, or at Traffic Dept.: Chicago, 79 W. Monroe Street, phone R-andolph 6>226; Milwaukee. 408 Security Bldg., Phone Grand 990 or Grand 2762 AT MAYO CLINIC Frank A. \\.il.;on. proprietor oi the bakery bearing his name at 11~2 \\'ilmette avenue. is no\\' undergottt~ obsen·ation and treatment at the ~Iayo Druthers' clinic at Roche:;ter, ~linn. '\.' ICAGO

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