Aug ust 13, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 35 and_ Mrs: C. A. Waterbury and fam1ly of \Vate rl~o, Io~a, and J ohn HO\ve of Columbus, Ohto, were to arrive Friday to be the gue sts of ).[r. and ).Irs . .Charles D. Howe, 240 · ~enilworth avenue, for the wedding of ).[i ss ).largea rt Backus, daughter of ).lr. and ~Irs. Jonathan Trumbull Back us, and Hamilton Wilcox Howe, next Tuesday e\·ening at the Kenilw orth Cnion church. Miss Elizabeth \Yatcrbury, a cou sin .of l\fr. Howe, will he a member of the bridal party. John H~\\'e is ).Ir. Ho\\·e's br,:>ther. types mentioned \Yill di scus 3 strllcTRADE ORGANIZATIONS two ture, program oi work, memb er ship, meetings and committee man .. ARE SUBJECT OF STUDY finance. agcmcnt, publicity. cmwention s, commercial and indu st rial acti,·itic s. ass':'m- St. John's Pastor Back 1 ~r. from Vacation This Week thetr . Rev. ~erman \V. ).!eyer, pastor of St. John:; Lu the r a n church, has returned to the Yillagc after a brief vacat ion, most oi ,,·hich \\'a s spe nt in the Luth eran .:; umm er camp at Arcadia, ~Ii c h. \Y hi lc a\\'aY from \Yilmette \Jr. ).[ tn·r Jecturc(l at the summer ramp an·d late r preached in a Chicago parish \\·hich ha:; come under his charge. He ,,·ill conduct the service s at ~t. J(lhn':.. Sunday, August 15. Leading Economists to Give Two Weeks' Course at Secretarys' School in Evanston Ten oi the leading eco n ollli~ts of :\mcr ica. ~<.:krted innn fi,·c. outstanding :\tnerica11 unin: r~tucs; t\\·e nty·ou r manager~ fl i proper ! ~· functionIn .~ .\ mn ican l'hamhcr.; of Commerce, t'::tch one expert in his field: and fourteen cxecuti,·cs oi outstan din g Amcricatq trade a~sociatinn .. each one a sucn· . . :-; in his lin e, will ht· gathrr<·cl at '\"t·rtln~'l'='tern uniYer~it~· ior the purResident pose or gi\' in g an i11tcn . . in: tw ') week 's I u~ ur:-;e in thC' iundanH·ntal principle~ a t1.crt ing IHJs in l' ;;:-; men\ oq.,:a ·1 iza t io1H>. . . tarting .-\u. l!tlSt 1f'i. and \riil ll.lint tn\\':lrd a go;d ni grL·atcr ~.:flir icnn· in Man Injured in Auto Mr. Frederick E. Lewis. assisted by Mrs. all hu~in;·;;s liie. according t·l at~· an'F. E. Lewis, has had twenty-one year.J Crash West of Village I ll·11l11CC'l1lent made 1his " .<:e k mTr The of succ~ssful service in the professionaJ Charle~ 1-lart. i-l2 Elm street. \Yi 11-\ ~·hic:1gn Daily '\"ew:-; r adio 1>~· J ohn X. field. The best testimony to their care· \ ·ander\.ric .... ni \Yinnetka "·i1o i.; -:<·c- net ka. \\·a.; <:cr iou.;ly injurc:rl \\'hen an ful , courteous, and conscientious work rt·tar~· (If the Clrganizatiflll ;:n d ,,·]w is au tPmohik in \rhich he ,,·as riding comes from those whom they have served 1·r 0111 i11 t'11 t i11 t lw C ham her 8 i Com- (l\'erturnerl in a ditch \\·tst oi \Y ilmctt.e during their residence on the North :nv J:C('. l·. S. :\ . last SuncJa,·. Th e car \\'as dri\'en ]>,· Shore. All calls will be personally at\lr. \·ander\.r iL· . . indicat~·d t 1ut tilt· Frank ).lichinard. 9-lX \Yill m" roaci. l tended to by Mr. Lewis . ...;:t:hnint:: 11i thc~l' tra<le cx,:c uti,·e::; \Yinnetka. \\'ho i:-~ held under bnncl by Our new D~ Lux? Invalid Coach is available for emergency calls at ;t t :\ rt h \ \'l' ~ t (.' rt1 i.; i 11 I j 11 \.. \\ it h ! h (.' the \Yilm cttc police pend ing the otttour Wilmette Funeral Home. :\nwrican JHdic~· ni tht1rt 1 1l,c:i1 tra!ni11g cc·nle 0i Hart's injuries. Hart waf' · ic .r all Jlt'r:'Cill-; whn arl' clo:-:··1~· iunct- taken to the EYathton hospital \\'here Very Latest in MoJe:n Limousine Ermipmtnt j , ·nin.~ in tht' fil'ld . it i~ thought he is suffering from a 11 :to Central Avenar "During the pa:-t year. ri~ht Brit- fractured ~kull. He roomed at thl' WILMETTE :,lJ \\nrkn .... under thl' . . pon-nr . . hip of I·:Jm ;-;tru:t addres:-.. h i: home being in Parlors phone. Wilmette 3 5 51 Home. phone, Wilmette 3552 ·1Jt· I.r.ndtlll D ail _ ,. ).fail. . . pent ·1 mnnth \\'ayne, Ill. :,1 t H' l"nitl'd ~tate~ wherL' tht·,· tra Yt·k d fl\·t· thnu . . and lllik~ to lt· ,t·r ,l and 'n i'tkv l111lllt' \\it11 tlll'lll tht· -tTrd c1f ·,;·, -]·nit ,. in .\ 11lt ·rit·;u1 hu..,itH'~.;. " he CoMFollT tmJ Cosrs -:t:cl in t"-:]·hinim! thl' cln-v rt·latiPnin heating your hom~: -! li p l·t'l\\t'l'll lll t ~ im·~.; ;tnd tradl' nr . .: ;tni;atirnb. ".\lll,lllt.!' the an:-\YC'r:; G~®'W_, ,, Mil G:!l®~O·B . ., !. it" il ·ht·\· :,.r,k hack tc1 Fn1!1and with ~~~ Sllt"nt Nokol: ::H·m · q ... · tlw nnt· " l1irh < · l11]1ha . . ii't'(l ~··t· J·rr·minvn p:trt jclaq·d in :\nw ri,·:t n hu-ine- . . liit· h\' hu:-illt':-' llll'll." "r~dlli latinn-. Thn·. i11\1fld. t· l t!n·ir :. :na;t·111t·n . in t hv~t· c·r1!an i;a t ion . . the -·~·l'at v-t \\ illit H~llt':-' (111 thl' 11:trt n f : .~ t·ntllt·r..; tc 1 di . . ru:-... \\'it~~ t·arh ot ht·r l'··1lll11· ·11 J·rt·hknl- and tc1 iurni . . h n 1 ntlJ,·r \ :tlu:tldt· iac . . rl'lati\'t' :n · ·: 1 ~· hu-int·"" in \\ l1ir h t tt·,· :trl' 11111t- : . ·.;all·: intcn· . . crl. .. ~rings R em~ rkable .Growth . 1 "!!11- l'T··\\th r1r .\nH·r tctn hu:-.nlt·-;;1 ·· r~:tni;a i· ·11-. t"\ll't·iail~ · clu:-in .L!' 11lt·, h - i it'\\. dn·;tclt·-. k1::: hct'n one oi t1 1t' :1.r.... t markt·d ckn·J,I:llilt'tlt-: ,,f .\ nlt ·rit':tll vrntJnntic li it·." Ct·ntitlltl' rl ·;h' - ·w: t kl'r. ". \ 111vr ir:t11 lnl.;inc.;..; h·:trl· ·r . . 1 ' 1L"lll-t·ln· . . h:l\'l' hl'('ll a~!,.ni:'1wd a· i~ and a" tllt·\· h:t\'t· -,tudit'd it. ·1 ;'1\'t' 11 t· t·n j,ll.t't·d 1·1 n·c·l~llii't' that 1:1;, 111··\·vnJt·nt 11vcckrl inh·l.lil!l' tlt kadl'r,1Jjp ii it i- 111 nrcUll\. a pnm:mt'llt 1 i ;J a c 1 · i 11 r 111 r h u . . i11 c . . .., . . t n 1 c 111 r t' ." 1 most sensational comfort-developTht· innnatic,tl t·i l~t · ~el ton ! inr 1 This has been N OKOL'S gift to more than l', ·tllnll'rrial l ·>..:t·t·uti\'C· ~ ;tf '\"orth\\'l'"l- 1 ment in the history of home- heating is 29,000 homes-for periods up to 9 years. v:n 1tlli\'l·r,it\· \\';t.; 111t'llti·'11l'rl a.; a di'· ind . . tep in .thi=- ckn·lnpmt·nt and thl'.ll An unapproached record. · here. '\fr. \ -a11dn \ .rit·'· .;p(\ke <·i the thn· 1 You can see it, study it, compare it~·nttr"t':-. in Yari<·11" line.; \\'hich arC' to And now noise has been eliminated: he gin·n thi . . }·l';tr ~~ tht· :-rh.~ol, .;;1~·-1 today, The New SiLent NOKOL. cut to the vanishing point. Efficiency, alin!! in part tlw ic,1 1n\\'ing: ways great, is increased. More comfort "Tlw <'l'tlll(11lli~h \\'ho "" ill he on the ' Heat \vithout dirt or odor~ Heat without ~t·l1·1<·1' :' iarul n· thi.; n·ar " ·ill tr u ~·!1 than you've dreamed of. Note chart above. \vork or bother. Heat that costs no more nn "'llt'h :-.1th iL't:ts a~ p;·esent d::n· marK('ting prc~hJt.m..;, mari..:C'ting- an cl di..;than hard coal-usually less! (The lowestT oday's best advice is to see this great trihttt i(l n. puhlir finance and taxation. cost, fully automatic oil heat known!) :-nc ial prnhlcm.; nf t he com11111n it\·, inhome- heating advance! rlu~tr ial ckn·l npme n t 0i the Cnitcd State.;. and arC()t111tin~ and finand ·tl ana l~· ~ i s . i11r th e JH1rJI.(hl' 11i. den·lopinQ ~o uncl cconnmir thinkin£!' on thr p;;rt c1 f tho.;e wlw an' ~r l eri L:d to lead g,Toup~ c1f hu . inr .;s men. The 1hirt ,._ AUTOMATIC OIL HEATING FOR HOMES l'ight manager s 0i mgani1ations 0!. th" First domestic oil burner listed by Underwriters' Laboratories: approved by all leading hlage and usc of statistics, ex~cuth·e man age m ent, · industrial re sea rch . trade: extensio n. CQSt accounting,-cv ~ ry one oi \\·hich is a Yital problem in business men':; organizations." The Chamber oi Cnmmcrcc e~pc rt said that fort\·-:; ix stat es " ·r rc renrcsente d on the ·en r ollm ent of the .,dwn l at Xorth\\'c::;tern during the la st flye n ·a r..;, makin~ it. thcrciorc. a "tn:h~1ational orga.nizatinn" an d tl1at in :1dcliti on Cuba . Porto Rico, and C;-tt1acb han· had n.·pr escllt:1ti,· es at the q·hnn l. llc stated also that the enrollment tl1is n·ar bids fair t(l cxccrcl that of ;111\' i· r r" io11:; year a n rl that a m o:; t .~ u cc c s~ful meeting is promised. Frederick E. Lewis NORTH SHORE l Funeral Director (I A COMPARISON of ··a· ee . I tt. l 1 THE 1 I THE NEw Silent NOkOW + safety boards. Manufactured and guaranteed by AMERICAN NOKOL Co., Chicago Spend Your Vacation at + Winois State Fair Springfield, Aug. 21-28 And Viewing Capital Scenes OIL HEATING COMPANY :n:, 1311 Chicago Ave., Evanston ~.,, Phone University 7420 Phone ('t.·ntrnl .\ lidllgun An·., ( ' hi<·a&.w. ~ · -·· -··-··- · -,·-·· -·· -··-·· -·· -··-~·-~·-··-··-······-·-· - · ·-·-·;-,,-·-·-··-.. -·-· -·-·-··-·- ~ ';S:J~