Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Aug 1926, p. 32

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WILMETTE LIFE August 13, 1926 Edith Bideau Normelli Sings at Normal School .. WHAT MORE?"-SERMON Rev. W. E. McCormack, associate minist.er, will preach at the morning services of the First Congregational church Sunday, August 15. His subject will be: "\Vhat More?" Dr. Stephen A. Lloyd, minister of the parish, is a\\·ay on his vacation. KNow ILLINOIS 'Edith Bideau !\ormelli, soprano, who recently announced the opening of her large studio for the study of voice in the Studio Building, Sherman avenue ' EYanston, returned a fe\v days ago fro~n a trip to \Yisconsin, where she HOLD JOINT MEETING was heard in son;;r recital at the State I ~!embers of the Buena Memorial !\ormal school. RiYer Falls, vYis. \\~hile Presbyterian church Christian Eiclthere ~he .wa~ the guest of Dean and deayor societv will meet with the so~~ rs. L~·UIS Grere and was also the I cietv in the First Presbyterian church guest ot honor at a dinner preceding · SUJ;day evening; August 15, at 6 1 the concert. . o'clock. · I 52 New Holidays a Year When You Send It to the Laundry Why tolerate the Washday Bugaboo, when a few words on the telephone or to Bill the Washington Laundry Man would remove· Wash day from your calendar- your mind - and your home? By giving us your laundry each week you can have 52 new holidays a year in which to enjoy the pleasanter duties of life. Time is what we sell. Time is what you need. · Between six and seven thousand freight cars are handled daily over the 160 miles of switching track at Galesburg. Frederick B. Thomas and company During the 75 years Chicago has had with offices in Chicago ancl \\.innetka, gas at its disposal, service has never been suspended. not even during the report recent s.ales ~ggrcgatin~ more great Chicago fire. than $500,000 111 \Vmnetka, Glencoe . ~ore than 50,000 persons annually I and Highland Park. Am ong them are VISI~ the dome o.f the State Capita~ at the following: Spnngfie~d, makmg. the 100-foot chmb For Francis vV. P ark er. ] r ., to Atup t_ h e. c,Ircular .staircases. . bert E. Peirce of \\'inn et ka. the 12Jihnois electnc customers, .stanclmg room English type re siden ce \\'ith three ha~d to hand would form a lme from 1 acres of land on Ardsley ruad in SkoChlcago to El Paso, Texas. kie View subdivision. \\'innetka; fur Illinois ,,·as populated by approxi- Christy Brmn1 to Peter ] . Brennan of mately 20,000 indians when the French Chicago, the 9-room Spani:;h type rc sifirst entered the land. The Illini \Vere dence with 100 feet of gruund at the the ori~inal dwellers and Checaugua I corner of Linden ancl Sunsc.:t, \Vinnctwas the1r most famous chief. ka: for Earl D. \V cin :;toc k to R. M etz, A ·new world' s record for hoi :-; ting the brick r esidence at H5 4 Lincc:ln an:and loading coal was r ece ntlv set · at nue, lot 75 x 150; for B. F. Reiman to c.ommonwcalth Edi:;on c onlpat~y's mine P. ]. H oza,, 8-room brick at HO~ Fox1\umher o. l0cated at Sherman. when dale; for bugenc ~1arhl e to ]'.ugen c 5,137 tons were hoi sted and loaded into I Leslie. g-room frat ne . ltill io(lt lot. at 12<) railroad cars in eight hours. 6()4 Lin. coln . a.venue: iur ( .>. ~l. Col!i1~S \\'ith les::; than t) per cent o f · the to F. S. \Vhitc. 7-I~onm tr:u11e. at 2_,-t country's populati o n, Tllinois' invest- \\rooclland avenue: tur I.. !· .. .~litten !I} men t in puhl ic utilit ics rcprescn t s 8 R. B: K raet sc h. 7-r o( '!1.1 re:o; trl en cc at per cent of the total for the country. 1-+SS Sunset roa<.l ~ ~c'r ~Hi ney F .. B:t r_ tOne of the fir st pap ers established lett to R. V. 0 Bnen . 1-rcttttll l~n c~ .tt i1} the S~ates. wa s the Spectator, at 8~1 F ? x<.l alr a~·~-~~~Il': OIH' Jac~·c . 111, .~k o Edwardsvdlt.·, 111 1819. It is not now in kR1e ;:1ec'~ s t I_ h dni s.IO n ~~ n I tt.le R s~ rc ct , to 1mg; lor .-.c a ~. \.tp ey to existence. . !"· 101< James P. Gillies onr a tHl ,·,n e ha If arrc s so uth of Hill r c,ad. \\ T:--t oi Bi rch stn:ct, and ior Pierce C. \\'an\ t' · fohn C. Let Contracts for Rolling ~f ar shall the 9-room br ick r:.:-- idtn rc . Green Country Clubhouse lot 100x200. at 112 Crt'l'il Ba\· r oad. H . B. \\' heclock. architect of the Glenc oe. Al.o 100 itl't , ,j i· iparian proposed R olling Green Country cluh, 1 right s \'acant in Short.:clit'i :--uhdi \·i,i<·n, states that the huilding committee ha s Highland Park, to Rud,·lph Koe ni g. closed contracts for the erection of the $100,000 clubhouse. · Tt ,,·ill be o n Rand RETURN FROM ST. LOUIS road, Arlln).{t o n Heights. ' · Pr es ident J ose ph ~f. Flct clH:r :lnd hi:-; .,(1'1. \\'. ]. ~ - Rits cher expects to have the Lc: ,nenc c, ·of Seger :--trl'l·:. rcturne ·l b.uilding ready for D ecemb er fc s tivi- . Sunday from St. L oui~. ~f o.. \Yhtrl' t1rs. ~Ian~ · no rth sho re people are· the,· we re ca lled la:--t \\·n ·k hY the intere sted in the new club. cl ea.th of ~fr. Fltt chcr'~ ,i,tt.:r. - Fred B. Thomas Co., A $SOO 0()0 nnounces , North Shore Sales -- ~ 1 1 1 no r~s And Time is the. reason why hundreds of North Shore Housewives are our steady patrons. you wish to start the fall season with a new fur garment? The demand for fur coats this year will be greater than ever before, and the time is now, when you should select the skins, look over the new desians and place your order so that your coat may be ready ·~o wear on the first cold day. We are excl usivc furriers with 16 years of practical experience in the expert making of fur garments and you will take no risk in entrusting your valuable furs to us . o· CALL IN BILL TODAYHE'S IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD TODAY-AND EVERY DAY 20% Discount on work brought in and called for . W~ are making new friends every day through our conscaentaous and honest work so we · feel positive that we can please you too. Any garmenc made or remodeled now, will be stored free of charge until wanted. SUPERIOR FUR SHOP 1122 Central Ave. Ph ..Wilmette 3527 WILMETTE

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