Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Aug 1926, p. 27

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August 13, 1926 W ·I L METTE L I ·F E 27 R~sidents Prudential Insurance Rush to Share Garden Blooms Loans Large Sums in June Continuing its policv of making . h U nf ortunates Imortgage W tt loans on soui-td real estate I ' , t: (Continued from Page 24) security, the Prudential Insurance __ · Company of America during the branch in ~f ilwaukee and reports month of) une. loaned a tot~! of $20,glowing success in that city. She is 802,767.50 m thts field, accordtng to the al so planning one in Indianapolis. George H. Taylor Re~l Estate MortIn \Vinnetka the women who are gage company. Of thts amount $14.most interested and are anxious to 807.642.50 was on dwellings and apartinterest others, ~re ).[rs. C. C. Daugh- ment house s. in the ~,"nited States and adav. ).frs. HathawaY \Yat so n. 900 Canada whtch provtded accommodaSUJ;set road. and ~1 r s~ Alfred E. ~Ic- tions for -+.412 families, the remainder Cordie, 559 Oak street. ~f rs. Daugha- being advanced on city property other dav has further announced that the than residences and on farms. booth will be open e\'ery day during An indication of the Prudential's the flower and vegetable se ason. and sinccreitv in the effort to make it urge s that everyone in \Vinnctka ·who possible· for the individual of modhas a garden will share it "·ith others. erate income to own his own home is Started by Needleworkera found in the fact that during the fir st Those of us who are ignorant of the six months of 1926 mortgage loans for \\'(· rk of the l\;ational Plant, Fruit and such purposes have ·exceeded thos~ Flow(·r guild learn that it was organ- made during a similar period of 1925 izrd hy ~fr s. John \\·ood Stewart, ii1- by more than $20,000,000. tcrnati o nally known and de~orated From January 1. of this year to June hy the French govc:nment dunng t.he 30 loans were made on 11,241 dwetl~\· ar. ~1r s. Stewart. 1:'1 famou s for. hav- ings and 659 apartments t o the total 111g fc.ltlnded the ~eedlework gutld of of $65,847,400. Through these loans Amcnca. \Vhen the \Vorld war began 19 216 families were accommodated ~f rs .. ~te\\'art was in Lyons, France, " ·i'th Jiving quarters. The total for the and It was due to her efforts tl~at the first six months of 1925 "·as $45,788,\\·ar \H> rkrooms and soup · kt.tchens 650, providing 8.018 dwellings and 413 " ·e re started. She sent to Amenca for apartments which accommodated 13cloth. money and financial aid. Rc- 331 families. ' turning to America. she turned O\'er ht·r home as a place for canning and presrrving jellies and jams, sending Strong Acreage Activity nvn 20.000 glasses of jelly to the boys. in Quest North Shore Area ~he supervised the se wing oi clothing There app~.:ars to be no let-up in and adopted many French war or- actiYity in acreage transactions west phans. particularly 0 ttt on Kotz road where And this is the ).f rs. Ste\\·art who values in so111e instance::; are said to i<,undcd the Kational Plant Flower and have reached $3.000 per acre. Dudley Fruit guild . Chicago suburbs can he Bradstreet of 788 Elm street' \Yin a so urce of real joy to many cripp led nctka. report::; a recent sale in this and sick. and manY unable to sec a section to an undisclosed purchaser. of t rc.:c or sm('ll a fl~wcr. \\' e on the ten acres. located on Voltz road. west non h . horc arc apt to be . poiled, for of Kotz road and adjoining the Forest fln\\·l'rs arc t·vcry\\'hcre and trees arc Preserve property. l' OilllllOtl. ~~ t'f ~~j1io~ ...,~ · _:==----.-.-~;~ ' }01 ... ~'~. ·, ~l l l l l l l l l l l ~~, j_ . ~ 1 ~; ~ J l:- IIIIIIIIOUIIIU~ Jd~~~~~~ ~ . ; ~~ :, if(.-.,~ - -. - =-----'"---=-~--... ~~~ ·/~- . ~ = - The Georgian· Is Cool in Summer When the mercury boils m the thermometer and the humidity outside pants for breath , Georgian apartments are as cool and refreshing as the pine woods of the North. The controlled ventilation of The Georgian washes and cools the air you breathe. A series of air ducts and fans draw out the warm foul air and force this ice-cooled washed air into every room of The Georgian. Banish discomforts of hot dog days. Live at The Georgian and enjoy them. It costs no more. - - - = == illlllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllmlllmnnuumnlmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli T o quote irom a pamphlet issued hy tht· (Jrganizati o n. the purpose is to rc.Jiect the surplus oi the gardens, A(Jwers. i ruit~ and vegetables, '"hich is oftrn allo\\'ed to go to waste. and to cli :-;t rihute it to· the sick, aged and rrippkd in their home s or in instituti0ns and to proYidc a clearing house -,('nic~.: for those who have something to gin· and those in need. llarn Barnhill nf \\.ilmctte. through I th e real estate firm of Eddington and :\ 11 e 11. 410 · L i 11 c1 r n a\' en u e. has purchased · fifh· feet of vacant on A . hlan<l a\'Cm;c, on which it is said he plans the erection oi a 11~\\· hom.e in the future. This is 0ne ot the ntcely wood~cl lots w.est ?f Thi.rteenth strce~ .a nd 111 a sect10n tn wh1ch four llC\\ homes have been erected within the I last few months. . Harry Barnhill Buys Ashland Avenue Tract ~ I . thin~ about I' m -ieUirtg you! I didn't RJtow a OUR COA~S ALL. C.OI\L y QUALITY STANDARDS B WE 1\BID~- AAO A FU&."" YARD WIDe-- E v e r y element of real esta-te;I took -their ·advice and mad~ a r{>al profit/ safety is satisfied in the purchase of a Smart ~ Golee First Mortgage Bond secured · by North Shore Real Estate. One \vay to make sure of complete heatof perfect coal satisfaction-is to use our f1:1el. It's warranted to be the full ..value coal that you and your home are in need of. It's better to hurry now than worry· later. Phone Winnetka 450 and say· "Now." We'll do the rest HUBBARD WOODS LUMBER & COAL COMPANY For All Your Needs in Lumber and Building 'Material Phone Winnetka 451 or 452 1564 Sherman Avenue Evanston

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