Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Aug 1926, p. 18

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18 WILMETTE LIFE August 13, 1926 Chicago Man Commits Suicide in Lake Here John E. Murphy, 53 years old, 1718 J uneway terrace, Chicago, was found dead in the lake a short distance north of the houndarv between vVilmette and Evanston last· Sunday morning. The condition of the bodv indicated that the man harl attempted to cut his throat, but because of the fact that no knife was found police at first considered the possibility of murder. An inquest was held at Scott's undertaking parlors. 1124 Central avenue, last Monday at which a verdict of death by suicide was rentrned hr the coroner's jury. Te:::timony of the wido"· disclosed the fact that Murphy had made some peculiar remarks before he left the house Saturday morning, and she later realized that he was then planning to ~ake his life. Despondency because of tll health .was . thought to have been the reason tor hts act. Brown Building to House StutJios and Small Recital Hall The \Yilmette Masonic order and Eastern Star have transferred their paraphernalia and pipe organ to the new 1fasonic temple at 1010 Central avenue, preparatory to r.es~nnit.1g stat'ed meetings ""hen the hUIIdmg ts r~ady. No m.ore will the hall s and corndors of the Bro,yn building re sound .to state!~· step s and solemn c~rem~:)l11 es of ~fa s onic fetes . Almost htstonc as a meeting place for ·the se organization s, and where during the world con flict. war camp activitie s brought ~hC' whole Yillage together, it is no\\· henlgrapidly rcmoclcled into delightful stu dios and profess ional offices. There '"ill al so he a fine hall. se ating about 12~ per='on s. and suitable ~ or lectures . recital s and select dance s, wtth upright and grand piano s. dre ss ing room s and a daintv kitchen with cnnvenience s for ser.Ying light refr es hments. This hall '"ill se n ·e a long felt ne ed. it is expectcd. and wilt he a hu ~ ~- plac r during the " ·inter so cial season . ~om e of the studios ar c already tentata,· ely engaged. 1010 Linden avenue. and her daughter. :\Irs. \ i V arren Fifer. 125 Fifteenth street. will entertain at luncheon and bridge at the Korth ~hore Golf club today in honor of Mrs. John S. Pre scott of Fort Lauderdale. Fla., who is visiting her mother and sister here for some time . About fifty im· itati o n ~ haYc been issued. · ~frs. :\f. H . ~fc:\Iillen. r A! -o:\f rs. F. \\". Fuermann of 835 Green - Indian Hill Residence Sold to Evanston Man Qt1in!an and TY ='On. In c.. ;utn c~ tt!H'<' the ~ ale of the \\"innctka hmiJt· ot ~fr . and ~Ir s. HaneY A. Crai~Z at t.t T nclian Hill road. to :\lr. \Vatt er A. Glo s of Evanston . Thi s homr is o i whit e coloni al de sign on a lot oi OY er an acre oyerlooking Indian Hill G0li club . Mr. and ~fr s . Gl os expect to mon · int 0 the \Yinnetka pron e rt~· in Sentcmher. Fr ank ).f. Orndorff of tlw \\"innetka . office of Quinlan and Ty so n, Inc ., wa s the broker r epre senting all parties. Meh·in ~f. Hawl ey wa s attorney fo r the setters. wood aYenue, ~ntertaincd the Tuesday Bridge club this week in her home. ~f rs. \Y. A. Dixon of Hollywood, Cal., who is ~frs. Fuermann\; house guest this month, was a special guest. returned to their home at 1209 Sheridan road last week after spending a Yacation period at Odell. 111. Cpon their return, :\[r. Jones left Saturday with a friend for a iortnight' s auto trip to ~ew York. :\f r. and ~f rs . Soloman Jones -o- For Those Who Demand Something Different If you are content with blue serge, roast ~f, square houses and domestic cigars, then Wills Sainte Claire is not made for you. Other motor cars of more or· less distinction will do just as well. Happily, there is a small hut extremely worth-while group of people who are more exacting in their tastes. They are rather partial to Biltmore tweeds, squab pheasants, sandstone cottages and pure Havana leaf. They do most of the things worth while in this world, and they do what they do with a flareLIVE WITH AN AIR! For these C. Harold Wills created Wills Sainte Claire. One must be born with the devine gift of INDIVIDUALITY, before the half-European beauty, and wholly American pep and rower of this remarkable car becomes an irresisuble necessity. I ~'; .'1' ~~ ~ 462 7 Sheridan Road Cor. Eastwood - - -- - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - *~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ A National Reputation in Furs ~ ~~ ~~'* ~F urs Featuring WILLS SAINTE CLAIRE of NORTH SHORE R. N. BO.EHMER !l50 Broadway, ( hicago Edgewater :2900 WILLS SAINTE ClAIRE v.totor ears tiOOD ' FOR YEARS AND YEARS . AND YEARS

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