Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Aug 1926, p. 14

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f4 WILMETTE LIFE August 13, 1926 .mushroom-shaped · concrete structure Declares .Bahaists Save on Sheridan road just west of. \ ViiToward Wilmette Temple mette harbor. The temple promises to FiftN'n hundred of the one million hahaists in all part:-> of the world are saYing according- tn a regular mot'l thlv plan to in:->urt.' erection · of the Bahai t emple in \\' ilmrtte, at the \\"ilm rtte harbor bridg-e. it wa :-> state d this week hy leaders in the nton'ment. The trmpk':; l>a :->e ha s bet' n const ructed for srn'ra l years. Tt is the Miss Beth Bro\\·er, · i20 Fifth street, and Miss Ruth Kniep are leaYing to. ·. he what architects have described as day for Ststcr Bay. \\ ts., "·here they "the greatest creation since the Gothic will he the guests of ).!iss Julia Crossperiod." ley and Miss Jean Crossley in their 1 Loui:-; Bourgois, architect and' ardent cottages until ·after Labor Day. Bahaist, is quoted as sayi ng that -o$485,000 of the $2,000.000 sought "·ill ~[ rs. G. B. Xelson, da ug hter of Ur. h;n·e he en collected in three ,-ears. and ~fr s . I-:lan·e\· Erickson oi 50() Park Construction then will go forward, he ayenue, · is visiting friends in ~Iinneasserts. ' ' apolis. 1 CLUBS -HEAR PASTOR Rotary and Optimist Groups Favored With Talk by Rev. Bernard Brady at Joint Luncheon Re,·. Beri1ard Brady, rect or of St. Francis Xavier ch urch , wa s the speaker at a joint lun cheon of the \ Vilmettc Rotan· and Optimist dubs at the Guilmette. Country club \\'edne sday c1i tl1is week. Even· one of us · ha s a de stiny," F at her- Brady told hi · audience. "and the important purpo se in our li,·e s i ~ sen-ice to others. It behoo,·es us to he st rong. se lf-!reliant men and that also teach our children lesso ns in goo<l morals and good citizenship so that they may he ertual to the ta sk oi carn· in g the burdens of our great n :ttinn. that are soon to fall upon thei r :;bou ld ers. Let us train our children sn that the\· ma\· not he 111L' I'C parasite..;. liYing ·upon. and dependent up on othe.rs." Father Brady expressed l1imselr a, riL·Iig-llted at the opportu_nity oi meet~ in g " ·ith a represe ntat1\'l' group o! \ \ 'ilmctll"s husines..; and prnf e ~sinna 1 me 11 . TIe praise cl the sp irit of f e I1 o \\':-;h ip that \\'a:-> e,·id ent in the Op t in ~i< · a11d R t lt;tr~· organization-. in tlw Yi1- ,,-c , LO 111 BM./Jalo-war ·ane PRICE b .L!.L' . l I"() excise tax additional-terms if desired FitJe-pauenger, two-door Coach Six charming color opti8ns The l luh -. rccc iHd a pka,ant surpri-.t· \\ hl·ll Fat her Brad y :-a 111.~ :t '-( ,], · at the lll' .~L· nt rt'fllll'"t ni ttJll' ni :.1·' men. lie hetran·d tht' i;trt th;tt. in :u l. cliti on t11 hi"· :t.l>ilit ,· a!' an nrat11:·. 1tt t·o ...... e ...... vrJ a J11()-..t t;ka-.int! tt·n"r ,. ·il't'. Tht' j.,int 111tTting ,,j t11l· httt t<Jt·lll: rlltl, . . 1n~·u,~-:ht out taknt hcrvt··inrt· u·:1 , tt-.pvctt-cl in the grtlll\l" whl'll it ,.:t' :tnn·>llnced that thL· tll'\\'1\ ()t't.:.tni;t·rl p t i 111 i . . t- 1\ n tar~· q 11 :t r t l' { \\ , 'tt 1d .t,., ,:· t ht· lUI t ltL'rinl!". Ttl l'l .llt ~t·qtll'tll't· r': I t 1: i ~ hi 0 i II \. \ , . ... t 1H.' :1 \1 ,J i l' 11 c \' \\ i. m· . . ,l'd t.hl' ;~ppt:ar:tlll't·. t·i _Dr. Ct·;···~ ·; P . "\Tagtll. 1· . 1-.. T. l'\\' 1". 1·. rnt·-..t l :til'· I i :ttl!! Fmil "\"t1rrl. Tltt·ir Jll' ·:,q·nt:tllt'l· 1 \\·a.., :-.t·nqtit·nal. I nria.n Calitz. p:_l~t pn·. . i<ll'tl oi ·.'l.l' 1( l p t it n "' t r lu h. ckIll!" h t L' d t h' ttil' n \'. t: ' t\\'1) ..,, .J ,,:--, "Tlnnting," :tnd an Tri -. h J.,, t' "0llg. 1 ....' Regional Plan Leader B~ys North Shore Home 1 J -hody by Pierce-Arrtn D :t~ti t·l lf . Burnham ,,j D. lT . B u;Tlt;tnl ;utd rontpan~·. arrltitt·ct.... :t·.d ni thl' l'ltic al!.· l l~t ·~ i· ·t t ~~ 1 prl' . . idl'ttt i l'l an ninl!: a":-"riati()n. 110\\' Ji,·inl'.· .1· 133_; :\ .:-hun· ;t\'l' llt1c. F,·; tn-.tt~Il . >;t ... : J·tlrCJt:t..,l'r\ till' ]1)h11 \f. ()Jtll:-.lL'cJ I'L'-idL'll\.'l' 011 Fi-..lter lam·. 1 fuhhard \\ ... IH\~. it 11' a pril'l' -.:tirl tn hL· in t hL· llL'il!.hh ···ht II ,rJ (li SiO.OOO. "\ rr. n t1r 11 h a Ill \\'iII l'l'lll ( ){ k I ~ l' 1\\L·h·t· l'lltllll l111\l~e \Yhirh -.t;lllcl' "11 :1 t '" \' acre lot. a ncl mon· in Ill' X t -:prin::.!. T h L' property adj nith t ltl' rl':- iclt·nce '· i . \ tt1 ·rlle\· \\'altn Fi:->hn on l)t1L' .;.j(k ;tncl \\"iilottt!h!J,· \Y a llin l!" on th· othe:·. J. L Floyd ttegotiatcd the -.ak. , 1 Other Custotllabuilt Coadel Series 8o s-passenger, ·4-door · 7-passenger. 4-door · 7-passc:nger Limousine T(rmJ $32.50 33 50 34SO at Buffalo-war excise tax aJJitUtwl GAS IN INDUSTRY Tn tt.'n Year:-, :;;a\'S the Amniran G.t a :-; ~ ~ l ria t i1).11, the usc o i gas in in ell! . . t :·' ·h a:; g r o \\' n 1. 000 per cent. a 11 cl i n : !x nar:; the number of gas -fired. 11ou;cheating sy~tc tn:i ha:; grmYn 2.001) per cent. AD'VANCE AUGUST FUR SHOWING In Smart Creations for The Coming Fall Reduced Rates During August Sales Save Money and Delay TDke advantage of our reduced Summer rates and modeling and repairing. Phone CENtral 6049 if d(Jimi O.R.~URCO 18~8 Ridge Ave. Evanston, .Ill. Est. 1879 Room 601, Capital Bids. Formerly Masonic Temple State and. Randolph Streets Chicago

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