Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Aug 1926, p. 12

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1Z WILMETTE LIFE August 13, 1926 School Days Not,Far Off Every child should enter school i n the fall with a normal functioning pair of eyes. Now is the time to have · the c h i I d ' s eyes examined. Phone for an Appointment Florida Manufacturer Hold ·Services for . Visitor on North Shore Mrs. Falk, Widow Harold Hemb has returned to his home at Titusville, Fla., after a brief visit \Vith his parents, and Mrs. H~rry Hemb,. of 515 Lmden ave_nue, \\ tlm ette. Mr. Hemb went to Tttusville Ja·st fall and in the spring opened a large concrete block factory in that thrivi1_ 1g little city on Indian river, \\:here h~ has since been .doing a splendlcl hu smess. He obtatned contracts for furni shing all the blocks for the new city hall, the new court house, the new hotel and the fine new theater building. The large number of new hom.e s and garages building in tl:i s s.ectJOn also further tax the capac1ty of hi s plant. He is at present emplaying from twelve to fourteen men and is planning further expansion of this indu st ry. His company is kno\YI1 as th e Lamore Tile & Construction Co. CLIMB GRAND TETON ¥r. 0 / L ate 0 tto F Q Jk PURCHASES VACANT TRACT I. K. Sto,·er of the Frigidaire company. a resident of \Vilmette, has purchased from P. \Y. Bradstreet, a beau tiful piece of vacant comprising a little more than one acre, at the southeast corner of Hill and Private roads, \Vinnctka, \\·hich it is sa id is to be deHlopcd into a very higli class residence property. )f r s. PercY Skillin and her two sons, F.d,Yard and~ David, of the Indian Hill apartments, tog-ether with a friend from Chicago, left Thursday by motor for Eagle River, Wis., where they will . pend three weeks. Drs. Bersch & Stone OPTOMETRISTS 117 7 Wilmette Avenue Wilmette 2766 See the New Formfit ·zenith Girdleieres Demonstrated on a Living Model SATURDAY August 14th at '1r. atld ~.rrs. Jot111 R. '. Iot1tgot11ery "" 'I ·' and their daughter, Marion. of Green Bav road, Hubbard \Vood s, have ju st returned from a month's trip with the Sierra club of California, spe nt camping and hiking through the Yell owfrom the chat~el at. 5774 Lawrence ave- stone. . nue, and huna~ will be at the MemSuperintendent Albright of the park orial Park cemeterY. personally direc ted the laying out ..~f Mrs. Falk \\-a s Years of age and a most comprehensive route by tr::1.ils had been in ill hea1ti 1 for some time . far off the tourist roads, many of them animal trails over m o untai1~ ran g:-s Since the death,. of h:_r hu sba nd, ~un- and through dense forests. day, January 2:>, 192:>. she had ltved ~fi !'s ~farion ~fontgomen- ac"omfor a time with ~frs. Joseph Haberle, paniecl four other girls a nd seve n !~len, a sister. in \Vi sco nsi n. For the past I the mo st expert mount ain climbers nf several months she had lind \Yith ~{r s. the Sierra club, on an expedition to the Bonghcn. About t\H) months ago s he Teton )~ountains. forh- miles to th e suffered a paralytic stroke from which south of the houndarie:;- oi Yellowstone she never rcco\' erecl. park. This part,· scaled the Grand Mrs. Falk was horn in Valparaiso, Teton. rated the -1110 . t dangerous anc! Tnd ., hut had been a resident of \Vii - difficult peak to rlimh in the rnited mette or the Yicin ity for the past States. Grand Teton i.:; ahn u l llOOO thirty years. Justice Falk was · well feet high, the summit consisting ni :tlknoml on the north shore, haYing held most p.erpendicular, jagg·ed turrets ::Ji~d the office of Justice of the Peace for "chimneY~.·· !Jnh· thr ee other parti"s many years. He \\'aS also the fir .; t han succee ded in m~king the ascent secretary oi the 1'\ew Trier Cammer- to the summit. This iourth part,-. cia! association, the forerunner of including \farion :\font gmnrr~· . i. tl~e present Chambers of Commerce in large st group to nnke a succe:'siu l \\'ilmette, \Y i.nnetka: and Glencoe. . trip to the summit. Mrs . Falk ts surnved h~: three s1sScv rat other mountain peaks " ·ithin ters. ~frs. BouglJ.en. o~ Chtcago, ~fr s. the boundaries of the park wrre Haberle. of \\ tscon ?m, and Mrs. dimhed ))\· the member~ of the hiking J?seph Arnold, of Ch1ca~o. -~ fou rth party. and interesting Yic'"=' \\'ere ohSJs tcr, ~1rs. John Gottlteh, checl 1 ast tained oi wil<t g-ames: a h<:rd nf t\Hn t,· June. elk on )ft. flancnrk. and occasional moose. ,,·bile brO\Yn ancl black hears. ~fr s. Kenneth \fcLain oi 107() Pine \\'ith a gdzzh· hrre and thrre . \\'C're a..; street. \\-innetka. entertained twelve plentiiul as squirrels. friends for luncheon and bridge on During thr last \Ht·k. ',j the tour of Tu esda ,. of last \\'C<.' k in honor of )f iss the cluh. Snpcrintencknt .\lhright kit Sara Barnes of St. Louis and ~fiss fnr Cbcier park. tak ing thirt~- of l1i" Rosemary Howe of Chicago. rangns to fight the lll <·~t se rious outbreak ni forC'st fir e.; n·c·r knmYn j,, C'.larier. Tlwsr fire.:; \\'t·rl· catt"rcl Jnli.£!'ht nin g during ir tqurnt thtllHlc :r st(lrms. Clacicr park ' ·~1" clnsed tn tomists inr sn·r·rr~l dan until thr mrht dan~t·roth oi the fin·,· ,,·en: under control. Y<'lJ (, ,,.,tnne p~rk. ,,,, ,,·eyrr. l1:1.:; hcc·n \\'hnlh' irce <=o f;1r frnm f,,re.:;f fir ~" during thi..; srason. ; \fi s ..; \f onU!OtllC'n- is lH·\\· Yisitinl!' r~t l Lak(· \finnd (lnka . . ~finn .. ;1.11rl \Yill be · l lH ,liJC ahnut Septrmhrr 1. 1' Mrs. Augusta Falk, ·widow of the late Justice Otto Falk died at the . ' home of her stster, ~frs. W. H. Boughen, 5621 Lawrence avenue, Chicago, Tuesday afternoon, August 10. Funeral services are being held today North Shore Girl in Party That Scales Moat Dan.rerQUI and pifficult Peak in the United States 60 1 ·a. E. s. PICNIC \\"ilnwtt<' C'hapkr. Or ckr oi t 1Jt E r~ s te r 11 St a r. ann 1 , un ct.· . : a n i r n i r t n he held S~tt unl a\·, Augu~t 21. at thr hon1e of ~fr . and \fr-=.. Fd\\·;trcl C ;dit ~ n c· a r D a m ~ o. 1. n i t h e F nr r s t P r ~, srn·e nn :.r ih\·auke(' aYrnut·. about t·llt' mile .;ou th of \Yh cclinl!'. Tll. \fr .;. \\-illi f'lm :\ . Rirllarcl-.on i..; f"-'Pl'Ctcd to return tn 1wr lH·llll' :1t 1~33 Lake a\'Clltll', Sund ;n · irom :\lt nnna. Pa .. \\'here ..;lw \\'as call('d Ja . . t \\·t·t·k lw thr death nf her mother. \h.;. \.. F.. II 0\\'ard. -0- 2:00 to 4:00 P.M. and at 7:30 to 9:00 P~ M. Club Luncheon Served from 1 1 You are cordially invited to attend to 2 "Formfit"-On-and-Off .. in-aFlash Absolutely new, a hookless garment that saves you time and brings new -found comfort . Broche and fancy silk striped madras 1 e n d s to beauty. Showing in the West Room, Second Floor Choice of Meat or Fish Vegetables Potatoes Bread Butter Tea Coffee Milk 50c Sundays 12 to 5 Personal Supervision of Fred Miller }.fis.;; \farian Thld\\'i l1. d;nwhtrr of \fr. and :\frs. Genrgc Dr~ld\\'in. 1117 \.rernlrr~f a\-e nue. is lc;n·ing- tomorrow for \fichigan. '"hrrr ~ht· will spend four "·reks, diYidinrr hrr time between H ris tings and Gem 1ak r. -()- Models at $5.00, $8.50 and $10.75 CENTRAL CAFETERIA Nelson Building Central Ace .· Hit of Wilmette Ae11. \fiss \faqraret Cilchri ..;t. 510 Lakr ;l\·rnne. left Satunla~· {or Saugatu,·k. :\fich., \\'here shr has be r n sne nrli11g the week as the guest of ~fi ss ~f ildrecl Burns of \\.ilmettr. -()- Rosenberg's Davis Street-Downtown Evanston Charlrs J. Carl.;c n, 501 \\·ash in . Q'tnn tlVC' ntl r. r1re at their sumIller hnme ~t C'n·stal lake until thr first of September. . ).f r. ;:~nd )f rs . -()- WILMETTE George and Clark ~fair, 327 F ourteen th street. haYe hern at Ea!!le River. \Vis. . wherr the,· were the guests of 1f r. and Mrs. Fred Redua.

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