Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Aug 1926, p. 10

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.-------------.,1 10 WILMETTE LIFE August 13, 1926 HOME FROM WEDDING TOUR The RcY. and ~Ir s. Leland Hobart I Daniorti1. \\'ho returned from their 1h(lnr~·moon at Lake Placid, K. Y., : ahnut .·\u g u:' t 1. lcft ~f on day to spe nd ' a \\'tek Yi:'iting ~fr. and ~Ir s . Carl KL·ith at Big Lake, \\"i s. l :pon their rt·tmn \fonda~· . thr~· " ·ill spe nd the 1remainckr <·i the time until Scptcm1hl'r 1. \rith ~fr. and :Ofrs. Ira C. Dar ' lin g, ~l r:'. Dani11rth's par.ents , and \Yill ' th·n 1110\'L' in!tl th eir nc\\' lw1nr· at 333 \\· ar \\' i ck r 11 ;u 1. Quality Foods Our d i:-lll' . . cookt<1 tn pkasc t IJ 1..' plll:t t t.' 1 1i 11 art i c ul a r p cop k. You \\'i1i ;t],, ;t _\·.., tincl our ioo<i ~ the irl':-.hl':-t and ll1<ht daintily Sl'rYl'd. ar~..· PL:\TE LUNCHEONS 45c and SOc TABLE d'HOTE Dll\NERS 75c with ·h<li l'(' of da.int-y dishes. 5 P. 11. to 8:30 P. 11. The Wilmette Cafe Meals that satisfy EVER.VTHING AUTOMOBILE ../Or the TOURING A stitch in time · saves ntne and a whole lot of trouble STREET Clyde ~f. Brigham. or Chicago, \\·ith . C. \\·. Dunham. heating special ists, ll=lS Drastic prier reductions rffectin~ purcha:'ed the "~fndel f-Tomc." erected immrdiatch· on all lin e~ ni Frigidaire at -+30 ~faple aYC·nuc. \\.innctka. ln· E. were anno-unced this \Ycck. Tl1c n1t 'f . 1· 1 nil( " 1 \\'1 '11 t a 1 ·- · · in price ranges from S20 to S<>O. fn.conan, .;:e posses~10n oi the structure ~eptcmher 1. The sa le creased demand f,lr Frigidaire. fol\mr"· a~ made IJ\· ~I j..;:-; C. T. Hoc,·. of the rd hy increased production. is a..;~i g· nc\1 1:\nrth ~hon: Real F:'t;te con;pany, oi 1 a~ the r('a . on l.y C. nicchl~· r. 1':·L·_-i~fr. and ).fr~. S. H. Tidcman oi 1().2.1 , -ll R Linden aHlll1C'. \\"ilmettc. dent and gl'nrral manai!L'r ( d Fn!!1rlLindL·n ;1\'l'llllL', arl' . le aYin!.!· Snnda,· Thi:' i.; th e h111 1~c which mor e than aire. I i( r t!lL' Ea:-t. '"11l'rl' the~· "'-'ill spend 300 pc(1plc ri:-itccl r·n till' first Sun"Thn·ngh anticipated production ;n\H't·k hL·iorL' sailin.!.!· 0n August 21 f0r daY it ~\'as open f,·r insp ect ion. a fc\\· cn·a:'L' \\'(' expect til 111akria ll y imrl'r . l·:nr( lpC'. The~· plan to rt·t urn to \Yil- \\'l"l'ks ;tgll, and \\'lll're addit ional hun- · nur prcldnrtion co:.t~ ... -.aid \fr. nin·~;lllt.'ttl' thL· la-.t 11i October. <Ired-. ha,·r calkd iQr a :'imilar pur- · kr. ('(illlll1t'llting· on th(' :t1111<1lll1U111l'd. 1 · -op11:;c· -.i nn· that ti111e. Tt i-; of ~pani -. h "\\·~..· han· :-old morl' than :?!Hl.' (I!; ~fr. and ).[r.;;. l <' dlll F. \Yi ed1in and dl' -; ign ancl cnnwrises man,· attract i,·r Fri~idaire -; t 1 datL·- a larL:·cr numi>L'i" thl'ir :-011 ;tnd dat;~htcr. Tack and D 1r- icatur(':' \\'hich 1..~11 itk it to .t he clistinc- tha; h;h liL'Cll ~c,Jd ]l,· all <;thcr nl;tk:.···..; (lth~·. (It 120 Pa.rk an'11;1c. arc lcaYing j ti .·,!l oi tilt.· "~f o del_ H ome ." of ~lcctric rl'lngc.'rat~·r . . . ro!l1hint·<l. t::-~morro\\· to dn,·c to Po ;; t Lake, ncar \Jr. T.('on :trd. 1n.11 "·h"m H. r.. \\·L. lt"l'l that the puhhc \\'111 drm:lnd . \ nti~o. \\'i:- .. to ;;pc11d a h\·o week-;' I \.ka~on i: 1111\\. as.:;uci:tttrl nnd<"r tl1c Frigidairl' in nn incrc:t,ing- quant i::~..·) ,·a cation firm n;I111L' oi T hl' F. T. Le0nanl com- and no\\· it i-. time to }Ia, .... on tilt" < 1\·Jia n~· . " ·ith r1nicl's at :;3t1 Center :;t rcC't. ing..; that \Yill lit' <tLTI ·111Jdi-.1Jcd. \~ · innc_tka. will 11t:.l! in ~tt (111ce tl_1c rr c··FriL!irl ;tirl' rn·cnth· :tnnounL ·d a t1o n 01 anothl'r :-Jx ro1·1 11 Spalll-;1_1. type s2o.oon.ono i; 1ct<lry t·XJlal l:-i,l n 11rr 1gram lwu-.c·, ,at_ R11 f (·xda k a~·~mtt·. \\ 1111~et- " ·1iirh ,, ill ~in· it an 1 ,uq 111 t c·i f,tlll.11nn l-:;1. _l.h1~ llt 1 ll:L· ~tbn \nll_ hr tnltcal reiri[!'trat 11 r 11 nib ilL"t n·ar. Thi:-. n· .._\. ~pa111-.h 111 do1gn._ L·11 Jhr;1c1ng approxi- Cl'tH:r;tl ).1 11 t ::-~r;; 11 bnt \·,i.ll J1 c CI·111J·; .. ·t ~n;t t L'J_,. t 11 · ,a llll' H·a tun·:- to l~e f (l\1lid td wit hi 11 a :-.hort t inw and will Lv in 111 the \fa pk ;l\Tll1H" h0t1:'t', \\1th ~OnlC' t' 1 · t<)'Jadditi<11llt1 jl<lint:'. and ,,·ill he a t\\·o pro< 1nc 11Jll ear Y 111 -'· ..;tr1n· -.tructur<· j 11 ,trad n i 011 r. "The Jlr.iL·l· rut alft·CI" Frigicl:tir c ' · nlt'tal cabinet l11tldl'b. rl>idt·nti;tl and L' :-1n1111 (' ]' ( i a 1 i 11 :"> t ; l 1 Lt t j (11] ..., ; lll d ;d-.() C I I ( 1]\fr. and ~fr,. T~ d\Yard K rarke. their lng· unit, dt·'i!..!nt·d it·r ll'l' j 11 t1 1 t · ""~,, : iEstimates given without I . . 1111. f<l\\ard. Jr .. ;tnc1 thvir <laughtn. ;trd makn 11 j icl' 11oxc-.. \ "irginia. rl'tllrJH'<l ~uncLt,· to their 'l · "1\vt ail -..ak-.. inr tilL· t1r-..t 't'\ r·n obligation II . llllllC at 1(1( l l T ·. l11\\'CI0d an·nt1C ait('r t\H> )'L·;tr-.' tra\·cl ahr 11 acJ. Thr,· \\ill 111<·1lth-. nt 1()~(, ind iL·a l\· that "'-' ,. :1 1 1't.'111ain in \\"i!mt·ttt' until nt:tc 1 her. p;t:-" i;tr llt'~·~·tlll tilL· ."~O.IHlO.i:d:: 1:-..t··\v ' PhoP~>: Wilmette 2764 " ·hl'n thl'y 1Yill lt-an· again tn . . pend a -.t·t a-. nur ~~~a l i1 1 r t.hi-. year." \l r. ~·L·ar tran·ling :~hr oacl. l.."p c111 th~..· ir re- Hin·h ltr "aid. "\\·l. h<t,.t. tn"n· re;t- .. ;· 1030 Greenleaf Ave. turn tn the l"nitL·d S:;lfc:'. thC'y plan to to lH" Iit·\· l· th:tt ccdd \n·atlll'r -;a!i> ,,... ;: 1 mah· their lw11\t' in ::\t'\\' Y11rk. The\' run many tim~..· .; hi!!llt'r than Ja,· ·.t;·!·. WILMETTE p1 a 11 t < 1 di s J1 (I :-t· o i t h L ' i r \\ ·ilml' tt L ' 1](J 111.c io r t lw p ul d ic i" . j u-. t Ill ·.L! i1111 i 11 ·~ . 1· 1 dnring their in\· 'mon ~h-.' :-ta~· herr. · rl'ali7<' th;tt it i.;; ~ummn in tilt' Lit-<;v ·1 tilL' wlwk n ·;tr ;trnund and th:·· ;t.;l'_ quate rL·iri~~..·r;tti,,n i-. nn·dvd v\'t1 ~- d:.:; in the ~·L·a r. ··During lht· J·:t'-.t t\\t'1~t.'· ~·l'ar'. ;.,. <·xpn·t;,ncy 11i liiv ,,j tht· aq·r;t~ · .\ mcrican ritizv11 ha:- I'L'I'Il prolPil-!t·1 !l·n n·ar-.. Thi-. h;, . . l~t: t ' t l d1·llL' ~.11·, , .. -! 11 di"'~·minatinn (li k11n\\·kdL!'t' 1·! ';11 i1 ,. til·ll ;lllcl ht·al h ,·ai··~t1:trd'. 1dt:-.. d~l' t!nc \\r ·rk <lt·llt' 11,. Ill' ~0\l't'l\1 .. 1'11 ' ; 1 -.uj·t·ni,inL!' the prl'-.l'n:tti<·n 11i int· !.:; in tr;t!l,it. 1\dtn n·iriL!t·r:1ti·111 i!t !~·~· hul111·-. i-. tl.t· lll'Xt lo!!ictl >lt'Jl." "1\;tpid ~ tri<k-. are lwill!...! madv j,·.Frit!icbirl' i: 1 tht· l'··'ll11ll·!·t· i ,~J r,·i:·iL:t·:· .llilltl 1"1vlcl. :-:.ak-. 111 ~l'til'l'l". rl' au:·;l11ll'llr:-o. mt·;tt dl';tll'r'. d rtl!.!gi._t, ;,nd tl(1ri't' l·:t\t' 1\llll'~· tlun d<1Uhlcd in the 1;t,t q·ar. Thl' trt·llll'lldloth incrt·a,~..· in thi=- t~L·ld j ... ;tlt<·~cthL·r cltH· tc1. tilt' :_:rl':tt t'l'Uilt ·lllit· ' :11Hl adtkd r(Jll\L'lliv:it'L" ai:· I I r d I · d 1· .... l' It· I ·t r iL' n. i r i L!' l' r a t i( ill... . rr. fiicrhkr :-tatcd. T'hese are two reasons ,vhy "Mode/ H on1.e," Seen [ANNOUNCE PRICE CUT by Hundred: s, Sold Frigidaire Manufacturers Authorize Sharp Reduction In Cost of Refrigto C. !Jt1. Brigham eration Device r. a 1 ~ ~ I I 1 M. Portenhauser. Painting Decorating 1 Cold and Sparkling NEVErt CLOSED our Sodas are the most popular on the Ridge. Two more reasons are- our ~yrups possess that rich. fruit flavor which makes them really delicious. and the carbonated water we use IS the most sparkling th:lt can be made. GET THE HABIT OF COMING TO OUR SODA FOUNTAIN ENTERTAINS AT MUSICALE :-rr ..... llt·nr . ' Hi ~. N:-. l~a;hli(l1H' t ·n:~..· r1aim·<l Thur:-da~· l'\'L'ninl! a' a mu-..ictl · in 1 w: 10 r 11 i' h t· r ~ i . . t l'l'.... \\ h r 1 ; t r l' \' i . . i t i m~ her. .\ rti-.t-. fr< ·111 l'hic ;tl!'tl \\Trt· prc!'cnt. ;tnd ~fr:-. T\;lthhonl' hLT!'L·li 1!;1\'C \·0r:1l numhn:-. and n·ad Sl'Ytra l p~l'lllS frrllll l11.. r hu(lk "()n \\"in .l!.·. ., <·i Stlllf.! ." "hi~·h :-llt' l'~pn·t ... t(J cnn1l' (In· t1lt pn·c;..., '<oJllL·tinH. · this Ltll. :\hout thirt\· inrita 1i111h \rl'rl' i:-.!'-lll'<l for tl1c alTair.· Tlw annual pageant gin'n 1)\· thr Cl111JH'r:' at .\rden Shore " ·iil 1.t1..:c place at 3 (·'rl(lL'k 'l'l111rsdav aftl';·1;r.o11. . ;tt the ra mp. '"l~ich i.:; al1C'11t :\t l.l.!'ll-.t 19· a mile north of Lake Bluff on ~~l~L·rithn road. The J'clgL·ant \\'ill he tmd rr the direction of \fi-. . . T.eila :Of artin . \\'h) jc; camp pIa y d i r r c tor. 1t " .i11 con-. i . . t. of an oprr.ctta entitled. "Little Bm· nluc." a n d the n per a sin!-! c r s a 11 d act .or s \r i11 he the childr.rn and their m oth·: r s. This operet ta forms part of the fur. and fr01ic at Arden Shorr. and means refre shm ent and relaxation from the heat and g rind of the city. ~lt MAIN 'Vifntette ~hone Wi~eitJ~Coi J .C. Sfown RIDGE AVE. PHARMACY Ridge and Lake \Yilmette, Ill. Phones: 316 and 3390 A. D. VanDeusen

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