Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Aug 1926, p. 8

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WILMETTE LIFE August 13, 1926 f~$lMMIMIMJM!MIMlMIM!lWJ~MIM!M!MIMIMI~J..\ ~ ~ ~ . ~ '~ ~ ~ Study of ,Music an Aid to Scholarship Record : The Mallinckrodt i North .()hore Catholic High School Ridge 8 Walnut Aves. -----~------- ~ Wilmette, Ill. A Central High School for Girls ~ -- CONDUCTED BY THE SISTERS OF CHRISTI AN CHARITY - - - - .... COURSES Normal Preparatory College Entrance General Commercial Art ~ Instrumental Music Vocal Expression Physical Training Sewing Cafeteria and Bus Service Fall Term Opens Sept. 8 Tel. Wilmette 1700 Apply to Principal :~ WHITE CASH MARKET CO. 1189 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette l'HOXE-\Yilmcttc 2779-2538 Students of music are 25 per cent mor e efficient m their sc hool " ·ork than chi ldren wh o haYe ne,·er tak en any mu.s tc lesson-s.' it _ts sho\vn in an "Spirit" wa s the subject of the lesexh;,lusttve analysts o_t sc hool grad~s son se rmon 111 all Churches of Christ, of Springfield, ~[o., htgh .sch~ol puptls Scientist, Sunday, August 8. n,1acle hy th e Cont_l ~r ustc Center at The golden text was from Galatians I·,lkhart, Ind .. ~lustc study ,,·as ·found "He that so weth to ·his flesh shall no.t on ly to_ tn!pro~· : the .gr~de:,. hut of the flesh reap conyption; but he also to rank htgh ,t a nH:ntctl st lllltt- that so wcth to the sp trtt shal l of the !ant in ot her ,,-ays. . spirit reap life everlasting." ~1 ore t~Hlll 20 p_er cent ~t t.he 3,:l78 Among the citations " ·h ich comst ud ent s tn the. !ugh and JU!liOr ht.gh prised the. le :-;son-ser mon \\'a s the fol scho.ols of ~pnngfield have stud tcd low ing from the bible: "Stand fast mu stc for stx mot_tths or 111 ore. The t herefo rc in ·the lib erty where\rith general anragc ot the grade~ of the Christ hath made tb fret'. and he not Springfield hi gh s~ho o l.:i \ras tound to entang led again with the yoke oi bnndl!e 82 per cent, w_l11le the ~,·era.l{e grade age. For, brethren, ~- c han~ been 10\ thos~ study1~1.g mttstc \ras. three called unto liberty; only use not lihpotnts htghcr. Stnce se n~nty ts the crt,· for an occa~io n to the ilesh, hut minimum grade a nd. c~ghty-t:\-~) the !)\·: lore :;ern· o ne another. For all g:ncral a \·c rage. t~1ere 1s a cltffcrcnce tfte la\r is £uliilkd in one word. e\·en nt on_ly twel_ , ,e potnts. and_ the actt~a l in thi:-;: 'Thou shalt lu\·e thy neighhM supenorty ol the three po111t~ on t11.c as thnelf.' This [ sa,- then. ,,·a lk in part of 1hc mu:;ic :~t~dc1.1ts In thctr the si)ir it, and Yl' shail not iuliill the gL·m·:al sc l:oo l wor~ tmlt_c ;~tes an _ap: lu ~t of the tlc sh." (Ca latian s 5:1. 13. pro:xnnatl' mrrea:-l' 1n cAic tl'll CY ot .?:J 1-L 18 l. p c r .cent. . . . T he k s ~ n n-s t· :m on abo inc Iu d c d t 11 L' Ot the puptls :-.tudy1ng· n~u,tc, 1>~-. f~r following pas <tge irtHll the Christian the largest number take p1ann. \ ~olm Science tcxthonk. "ScienCL' and 1Iealth ts nl'x t ttl favor. and C(J flll'~. clartnl't. with KeY to the Scripture<' by }.Jan· :-axaphone and trombone toll()\\- 111 Baker l·~cl(h·: "\\'hen what \H~ errnnL'the order t:amerl. . . oush· tl'rlll ·the tin· physical sen"t'=-' art' The rclattnn of we~lth ttl ~nttste :ras : misdirected theY are simply the mani l~rough~ OUt as ~1.1: lll} ~rest111g Stdl' - : fested IJeJicf-, lllOrtaJ mind, \rhich ~tght ~ ~ the analysts. II~L' Rl'l·d Ju11 - affirm that life. :-uhstance and intl'll itor !Itgh schoo!. located tn the poorer : ge ncc an· material. in:-teacl ni --piritsecttnn of Spn~tgfield .. had th:t·e per 1 ual. These false helici:-. and thc!r cent. more pup~b ta~tng 111~ts1c. than 1 products con~t itut e the fle:-;h, and tltc the Ja.rrl'tt ]un1or Htgh " -hu:lt .t:' lo: 1 flesh " ·ars against spirit" (p. 2i4 l.· rated. 11.1 the tnore wt·a lt lty scrt wn ot j · . . the Cit~· Thl' '}.[ isses '}.f artha and J cllll' ~prm ~1 c~. 72-l For~ :-;t an·t_Hle. _lla\·~· rcturn~cl \ l r . a n d \ f r s. C h a r 1e s S. CIa r kt· an c1 fro 111 t he l a 111 p F 1r l' (, tr h r a n1p 11: their two son:- rl'turned la=-t \H'ck to I '}.fichi1-p11. ,,.Jtt·tT tltl·~· :-j)L'llt :'L'H' ·a! their home at 52ri \\.a:;hinl!:t,·n :-t\Tilttl'. l \\-el'b. '}.fis~ \brtha wnn the hnn , ·r from a mntor trip to Fa.irhOJh'. :\la .. 1 of "Torch Bearer" \\~h ilt- at ca111p. (·,.: stopping c111 the rl'turn jnurnn· at higlte:-;t hnnor that is conitrrl'rl tl i"·:l Look(lttt llllllllltain (tlld \famm ot lt ·caVL'. a metlll>l'r ni the c~unp Firl' ;t ll (l itt:I< 1 '}.l r:;. Clarke h;ts a:; ht·r l!llt':'b f,)r t\\·o he earned. or three w l' eb. \I r.; . l. H. l \. ir L' of ! -oBirmingltant. Ala. }.fr:;.· RieL:, rlaugh- i The \\'ilntl'tte Cankn club will l11 !d ter. \fiss Dnr ot ln· _ -\nn. \rill joi11 i1cr i a A.nrer ~ho\\· at its tll'Xt mn·tim: 1111 lll<·thn in tltt' l'la-rkl' homt next \\-c ek. till' first Frid ;J\' tn St·ptl·mher. \rhi\.' h -o\\·ill hL' lwlrl at the homt· of \lr:-. ll "i'L· ~li:-:-; Fnn ()Jrler. Ill:?(, I·Jnl\\·oncl Tlwmp~1111, 1:?1 1) .\ ·d1bn cl annttt. _ \~ a n·ntH' . It a:-; ret ur nv d i r, ·Ill t lH· Camp it-; ntl' ding n n Friday o i Ia=-- t w n· k 1: 1 Fire camp at f. ;tkl· \\-i..,con-.in. "· her~· tlh· ltCltllL' 01 \1 rs. l'ltarle-- 1-Jclrirl L.:··. she spent a \\'l'l'k. \fi:-!' Dett,- Older 1021J Lth· ctHtlll~'. ·\1r:-. D~~nald C ·tllit· returned :-\JI11l' tit11L' a. l!n a itn. :-.pending ~an· a talk Clll hL'r trip t 11 tltc \\· L'--t a month campltlg. Indies. Christian Science Churches 1 6:8, oi 1 I 1 1 SPECIALS for SATURDAY, Aug.l4 BETTER Native Rib Roast Beef MEA T5-LOWER BEITER MEATS LOWER PRICE Fresh Dressed Broilers PRICES Young Pork Loin Roast $100 Music Course Free! Through the HINSHAW CONSERVATORY of 34a lb. Fancy Boiling Chickens 21V2 e tb. Genuine Calves Liver · MUSIC AND DRAMATIC ART Kimball Building, Chicago \\" e arc able tn offer a free ~~-h(lbr--hip to :-<·me nw:-it ~tu(lent in \\'ilm ettc. You can help ~OtllL' iriend unckr 21 to \nn 1t. .-\11 \r ork c!Oill' l'itltLT 111 the Golld\\-itl Darhcr Shop or Deauty Parlor entitle:- ynu to a certain numbe r of ....-otc:; according to tht <tlll<Jlltlt of \\·o rk dn11L'. 11allnt huxe:; are in both places. Help your Ll\·oritc t o \\'1 11 tlti:-; \\-onderful ®pportunity! 4Sa lb. Home Made Potato Salad 29V2 a tb. Fresh Fish on Friday 4Sa tb. Fresh Butter and Eggs 30a lb. GOODWIN'S Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor 115 9 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wilmette 723 PHONE ORDERS SOLICITED

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