Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Aug 1926, p. 6

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WI L 1\i E 1· T E LIFE August 13, 1926 For Your Week·End Outing WILSON'S Rolls Hamburger, "Hot Dogs," Water anq· Poppy Seed WILSON'S Famous Boston Brown Bread \VILSON'S Individual Pies, Cup Cakes and Cookies WILSON'S Doughnuts WILSON'S Coffee Cake, Wilmette ~ay Parade to Begin at 9:30 A. One Clf the most interesting fea· tnrcs of \Yilm ette Day. And the fir;-;t part 01 thL· long and Yaricd pn1gram ni entl'rtainmcnt. " ·ill he the parade. which \\·ill start at 9:30 o'cloc k sha rp irom the \ "illagc hall, at \\"i lm ettr ;tn cl C<'ntral a ,·e m1cs. The line Cli 111:1rch will he as fo llm\·:': Ce"tral avenue to Tenth street. Tenth street to Linden avenue. Linden avenue to Fourth street. Fourth Street to Central avenue. Central avenue to Eighth street. Eighth street to Chestnut avenue. Chestnut avenue to Twelfth street. Twelfth street to ·Lake avenue. Lake avenue to Main street. Main street to Central avenue, where the reviewing stand will be located. Central avenue to Wilmette ave- Flat Tire Brings Woe to Boys Who " h , Ch ·. B oug l· a evvy 1\dch· .-\hronloYitz residing on I.ocuq ro.ad " ·est oi \Yilm ette, and \\' 110 :;a\·s lH: 1s FJ: Frl'cl Ob<'rt, 1<1. oi ?..ili Cl~urc1 1 · trcct. Evanston, and :\1 ike Dod e. 18. also of 'E\'ansto n. rt~id;n~ at 1811 Dc111pste r street. made a .<' ri~ ous mi!-tak.- 111 their get-a-\\·ay pl~tl s \';he n the\· stopped in Hubbard \\.(· Cl rl:> to changL; a tire on a ChC'nol t ~L· .hn. I Patrollllall Ed. Cumm in g-;, r·t the rJL'e c1l'partmvnt . :1\\' 1 1lC \\.innctka po 1 IHl\':-- ;tt \\"fork ()Jl the car awl hv c:une ~~~~picious that .a ll \\'1\ S n·· ; ri .~ll~. I "\ \ 'ha t ,·ou think you'r-.· dt·:n·:" :\hrt·m,n-i t~ a.;ked the L)ft't·'l·.r \\'!H·:l he Ctlllt' tn !toOk (Ill, . "( 'ht ·L"kinL! up t·: l J'( S\Yeet Rolls and Schneckens If you select frorn our stock of Freshly Baked Goods, you're sure to have a good ti1ne. Order Saturday for Sunday and Monday THE WILSON BAKERY ·1162 \\'ilmette Ave. :~ Phone -+14 / !!Il l jjl!i =======~==-::==:=:=:=:::=:==::==::=:=:=:==:=:=:=:=:=:=::==:=:~~· ~1-~~-!~d~;~~n~H~ll~l~\~\tlllld lidllol"" ·l"'i!i!lii 'I'll' I /:vel. "\",,thing "Tnilg \'.1: 1 ;hi . h:1-." :'. l·r:·nHw itz rcf··rttd. ' Th\.·rl· pr(lbahly ,, ;t..,n't ;tn ytl1i:1~ nue. ".,.,, 11 g \\itll .the "l>u-.." ~;tlll' l ti·.tn :1.c Wilmette avenue to Ridge ave- I cldl;tted tire. and :\ 1>,· ,, 1 11(1 \· i· ·~ rJi.,:~ l: ·.· t· d nue. Ridge avenue to the American ' a J,iJI 01 .;ale ior tilL· rar m ;uL t·u: :(· hi111 1"· Obert. Legion grove, on Lake avenue i La tL:r the IH 'Y'- ::-<t icl t h<'y had ; :Jrjust west of Ridge avenue, cha .-L·d the car r.n :\ ugu:-.t (J. 1r";i 1 T. where the procession will end. All residents are urged to dec- ' F. 1\Hh ;tl:--k i. (11 1208 l'hictL!" 1._.,.1 1': ·. E\ ·an.~ton. ;1 tbtd rar <kalcr. or;.te their cars and enter in ! ]\q·!Jal:-.ki. \\'htn cc·nlmunica:L··l v. i: ·,, the parade. : rdl'.rrl'd t(' hi" r<'cord:-. and -aid ' 1·· 1'. td '===::-:=::=::=::==::=:--:: _ =-=::---== ~ uc h a car. c 11 gin e 11\11!1 h l' r. · i i r t :1- ·.' JJU!!Jhtr and all, in lli:-; Yard-. a rar :1c ' Golden Glow Soars Three ; rn·l'lltly had purrha:-.L'(l. l~ tl \'. :] l ',l l Y d . Bidamon Garden came t·', lo(lk. tl.le r.ar \\' ;t ., g-r·:.~·. a: ' ?. ar s In hl· h:lcln t -~ dd n c1t lH·r. .\1 !':'. l'. E. nidamon . ..?3~ l'ata]p;l The 11(1\"' \\"l'rt turner! (1\'l'i : I : ' : ' , Jil:tn·. Ia_, :-. cl:tilll t·1 :hL· t:tlk . . t ~ :tlk ( >f p"liL·l' a: ·,E\·an_:-._ tc _ · _ I _ 1._ _ __ 1 1 11 : ( ~ .] d v C1 1 1." 11 ! 11 L' n , 11· t h :' 11 1 'r t ·. J ·k r \ 1r. .I 11~~ r :-.. I·; d " a r d "K 1 , , .., , 1 _. . -111 ((illtt'ntillll 1... :-.llJ·JI<·rte< 1 1 l_, . anua 1 lllc;t -, ]'ark ;1, ,. 11 , 1l .· :tlltH·lllll.'L' th 1 · hir: 11 ··i , :-otlrL·Jl!l·nt:-- \\hil·~1 rt\L·;tl thv iart that d: 1u:..:- ilH·:· . l\1hv \l:triL·. 1 111 Ju l. 2 .t 1h l' " ~ ll k - 1 r t h r n· ' ;t r d , . ]ark in g t ll r c c t 1Ic . 1·:' ;tl b 11 '11 h ""1 ·i; ;tl. .\ I r "'. 1\: 1 in.c1H·"'· 1i anyt·ny ~·an lH·at that . .\l_r~ . · \\:t' j,1rmnl~· 1\n-v P.tn:k r.i . · · ::1 hke to ktw\\· ahllll 11. hrt111k. 1 , 1 ·; 1 I-- · '. '- !! I ill!! I !i ill lii!li!i,j I, II !il l II I! 1/ , lill! ill! !iii I I I I 1 1 t!J 1 !! 1 i !!l!lliii! !iii!! 1 1 !l!J ~ 1 1 1, ! ill I II· !Ill' I I I I' It r ijl 1\i I I II II ,_,..=n:;:: The Joy of Jewelry J EWELRY carries 'vith it a remarkable pyschological aspect. As a gift it richly conveys our deepest feelings; bought to wear for ourselves it marks a point of attainmenta point of distinction. You needn't be 'vith out jewelry any longer. Our complete new stock gives you a choice of an immense selection of exceptionally fine jewelry. Optical Department Our OP'fiCAL DEPARTMENT is under the supervision of Dr. Burr Davey, 0.0. Optometrist; Eyes tested, glasses fitted, lenses duplicated and frames repaired. Complete Jine of optical goods. ... ·J ~ Phone Wilmette 6 DAVEY P AUL -JEWELER§· 1165 Wilmette Avenue 0 1 ~~~~~~·~ll'~"'~"'~'ll~ll'~ 11 ·§!it§i ! j·l ~l!i!j!l !j!t·! !P!j!l l1 1~ ! !jl ·@i t@i 1@ 1 1i@l l~'l !j!i1 ~1·t!j! 1 t!j! 11 1~11'1~1~11·~· @ii@lll~'i'@!i~!j!l!·~ll~~lllil!j!ii@·"@lll~'l'~ll'ill"i"ii:i!!j;!:;jl~~·~1111~·t~tl! jl!·~tli~tl ~lil!j!l t!j!o!j!t!!!ll~llt!ilij~i~'~II'S"'~'"!!!"'!!!"'~'II~IIi'@ll·@o·@!i·@ii·@o·~"'~'ll~ll'~ll':~·~ !1}~ 'o!!!tll!!!·ll~ill'@lil@lil@"'~'"~"'~"~~~~~@"l~i!l@·ll@"'~'"~"'!!! t! ! it! !·l ~li'~'l!'! ijl t@!i1@"'~'"~'l~ll'~"'~"'~~·@·t~!!jii·!!jiit!!jll·!!jt!j!!i·!!!ll·!j!

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