Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Aug 1926, p. 5

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August 6, 1926 W I L M E 'T T E L I F E 5 Miss Betty Hens 1415 Hill street, 11 r s. ]. H. Brown r eturned to her ho me in ~Ionmouth , Ill., early this entertained fifteen of her little school w as c<;)l~dition \\·ee k aft er spendin g a month with her friend s Wednesday afternoon of last v a un t, Mrs. ] . F. \ Vaugh, 812 Ashland we ek in celebratio n of her sixth birthd ay. ave nu e. sit uat ion . at th e railroad crossing if -o-oSecretary of State Emmerson Fa- one was involved showing wheth er Th e F red erick Tilts have sold their . Mr. Conrad T. Frykman of 1045 vors Law Requiring Detailed gates \\·e r e dO\nl, cross ing was g uard - hom e a t 615 La urel a yenue and arc Ashla nd avenue, was given a surprise ed or unguard ed, a nd \\·heth er or not lca Yin g toda y to res id e t emporaril y at pa rty by twenty-five of his ChicagoReport of Accidents th e prope r sig na ls \Yer e g iven. 2721 As bury ave nu e. E Yan ston. They a nd Wilmette friend s Monday, August 2, on the occa sion of his birthday. Poi nt ing nut th e stat ist ic al data I S It also includes qu es tio ns relative to ex pect t o r et urn to \ V ilmet te. ah~n lu tc h· cssL' It tia l to all\: · t ll' t the n ames a nd addresses of witnesses -o. · lll ~ lge n ;11;.d nf J)Crson s a rreste d, if a nY. ).!r s. ] . H. D yon o f 1310 As hl~nd campa ign ior the n.: d uctio n ot auto- ----;-f l · f · 1 · 1· 1 mo bi le acc id ents. Secretary f St t lC I ll orm atwn care upo n \\' u c 1 a yenu c· .. e nt erta in ed th e m embe r s o f · r·. 1',lll · ii iCfSon t OuC:l\' .1 a e l 1 th e r c port is m ad e is () lw 4 in 1·. OlliS 1 < ec arC( · · ·, · ches in t he F ou rth did . ion of the Methodist 1 1· If f tl 1 ( · · Til' · f stze, an d th e q uest 1 o nn a1re ts com- chur ch at her h ome Thu rs day af ter ltl OIS o {)act. The pe r so n m aki ng t he repor t lllllsc < lr ll' ~H ?1? lOll Ill nncl n of las t wee k. ~(lllH' s\·stclll rcc punng reports of a ll · · 1 on 1 k ma r k · 1· 1 · · · · 1s r equ 1re< ,. tn p 1 arc a c1 wc, · mo tc1r \ T 1t c L' accH 1c nts resu lt1ng 1 11 111't tl · · t st' to jur\· c,r deat h. oppo~ 1 e 1e appropna e qu e.. 1011 READ THE WANT ADS · desc n bc the acc tdent. ~o ,,·ntm g ex.. ~(11_11e fli thl' st:ttl's }wn·. adopted cept 11 a·mes. H<ldre~sc:' ~n<l numbers is L,l\rs lor the .reportmg. 01 acc 1dc nt s hy req uir ed. l ilt' pcr:;nth 111YO ln·cl 111 them and by SecretarY oi ~tate Emmer~o n sa\·s ~.'uhlic C~fticials," ). f r. Fmmer-;o1.1 . a i<.l , that he is· i; 1,:c,ra1J iy imp r es~ed b~· t l ~is :111d \\·e nCL·cl :-.0111c ~uch law 111 Jilt - SY!->tcm an(] contemp lates work in g out liCII:- . (;lll' <1f some\\·hat simi lar nature for The Patty Shoppe is open "\\.t· :-.hould he able to know wha t lll inois. :-j ·t·l·ifll' i;tn lh in clri,·ing res ul t in th e at 7:30 mornings for those L!T l·a t l' s t 1111111 h t' r () f a c c id c 11 t " an d at ). f is:; B e ul a h D r a k e o i C a Iii o rn ia an d who wish coffee· cakes and \\·h;tt P<,int:' accidents occur. Th is ).f i~s Cern· D r ake oi ).f a di ~o n , \Y is .. sweet rolls. ,n,uld t· Jtahk us tn direct attent ion han· r et ur;H: cl t<, th ei r h omes after a ;tnd ii m·n· --sar~·. legis lation towar d ri-;it at the ho me of their au nt. ).f rs. \ We have a good selection of tlw eli1ninati()11 r,f dan~t r ons pract ices. c. lifforcl Older, of 1026 E lm,,·oocl aYeft \muld aJ,n call attt·ntion to high \Yay nuc. cookies for the children and intn~cni(lns and grade cross ings afternoon teas. \\'hne ·dangero us condition.;; res ult in frtqU('nt a~c i dents. ".\stud _ ,. oi this :-nhjtct i~ nm,· hl'DELICIOUS in~ 111aciL· in 111~· department ,,·it h ~ Party cakes made to order. t lur llkllU hati h.-tn r tY ised \ ic\\· tc1 po!----il>k kg i ~laticm. T hcl it·,·c :tnd ~upph-mt·nted to contain 1~ 1: 11 ~clllll' :-y~tvnl r,j thi.; knd ' i-; ah,om a 11 ~tt·l11\11ing· ~ u m m ~ r lutvh· t· :-~cntia l hl"ir1n· \\·t· can m;tkl' 1 tli:::l1v~ that mal\t.· the d innL·r ntucit hcad\\'a~· pren·qtin.l.! accidents Phone Wilmette 5 75 rc.rg·t·l \\·arm \\·t·atht·r. c·n thv hi).dnra~ · .; r1i thl' ~tate." Cite New York's Law Tempting S ervice r)nt· c1i the ,tatc.·s \\'llic.·h ha:-. an arcidt·tJI rt '\Hirt inl.! ~y--tt·m i:- \"L'\\. York. 1153 Wilmette Avenue l'tllirv authllritit·, and pcr~nns inBo\vling Lunch Opposite Villaqe Theatre Yrd\td in an-idvnt.; ~nc.· n·quin·d tn ;tJ :tkt· n ·pnrt" to tht· ~tatt gi,·ing ;tll c1f All ord'ers of a dollar or over 11 A. Jf. to 8 P. !11. ·h t· ill lj·<·rt;tn t rlvtail . . c·i arrirknt-.. delivered free. Ave11ue 1159 ~Vilme tt e l hc.·,v inclurk il l i< ·r uJati ·>ll n ·Lttin· : .. tl it· drin-r < ·r driH·r.., lll the car.; in- 1 r, ,) ,.v r1 i 11 t Itt; ; t L. ·irk 11 t . ;1L!l'. , l ' .'\. r1 r i \. - I . · I l!l L! c. ' :'\jlt'rll.' llCt'. t' c. Your clothes washed free if you T! H · q.11 \·, tic 11 111 ;t l ;·c :tl," r c.: q 11 i r l ' :' ; 11 - ' Vacuum ElectriC: rmg us i<lrnutiPil :t " t·· \\hL·tht·r thL· acrirk11t i 1\ cd\ :"cl jl('d v--tri:tll..:. :tn alll(llllOhilc. ;1 Eiectrical Repairing r:tilr cl:tcl tr:J; Il. :1 --trt·d <:ar. llor,v- ; Radio Sets and Supplie~ dr:l \\ 11 ,.t·lnL·lc.· c1r <lthvr Yelnr lvs nr rolEveready "B" Batteries Music Master Loud Speakers Wfl)upj~ l i di 11 i! " i 1 h a li :-. v cl "1 ,j t r t. I t a:' L i or 1 Base Plugs Installed :he.· 1111111hvr r1f pvr:-t1!1S k ilk d or in- \ Fine Lino of Lighting Fixtures 1ur (' rl. and w h d h l' r n r n n t t h c,. ". c r e i,a,,vngvr.; nr pl' de. tr ians. . Adams Electric Shop Questions as to Cause Phone Wilmette I04C Fourth Street The.· c:ttbl' ()i the acc id ent is gcliH' PEN the faucet-hot intn 1-ulh· h,· the (] ue.;ti on nai re \r ith water-as much as you qtH·--t itlll; :1s. to \\·hat th e d ri Yer " ·as 1 want, clear, clean and rloi1t .L!· : tlw rc1ndition of t he dri n-r. steaming, tumbls into the \\·hl·1hl' r he ha d a ph~·s i c~ 1 defect (1r tub. wa-- iJttuxir,tll' d : the co ndi tio n o r th<: Automatically the Pitts\'rhirle. inc lud ing brak es . :' tcc· rin g burg Lion Storage Water lllL'rhani.;lll, hl':t dlights. no ch ain s on Heater refills its tank and a ..,)ipp t·ry r()ad. l'tc.: " ·hat the pedesbrings the water back to the tri:lll. ii <lllL' \\; 1" in r nln d. \\·as doin g: proper temperature. Then t he r nn d it in 11 n i t h L' p <' cl e s tri a n. ""h e tItthe heating flame goes out. er intoxicat ed, l1av ing a physical de NEED STATISTICS ON fect. confu sed hy traffic, or whether his Yiew ob stru cted ; th e AUTOMOBILE MISHAPS · of the roadw a and t he con d1t10n of the wea th er : co nditio n of ligh t a nd th e ° Fresh Baked Water Rolls " every morntng . 0 Jiec,'alt'er ~;:J; arm 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 MAC'S The Patty Shoppe c n 0' '0 0 OJ:O 1 EA . l !!"" ... iii1 .'1. WASliER ~~ O New Floors LAID AND SURFACED OLD FLOORS RESURFACED TO LOOK LIKE NEW There are eighteen different sizes and types of Pittsburg Water Heaters. Come in and let us demonstrate the one that \Vill heat your water at the cheapest possible rate per ga~lon. SILVERWARE ~~GE ~~JIE~TER Cl ean <'d , r e11a.ired and r e plated to look ju:,;t liktl ne w. \.Vt> mateh ::tny p a ttern of s il\·erw a r e no matt t· r of what mak e or how old, ju:-;t bring in a samph·, W t' do the r est. .-\11 kinds of jewelry ::tnd watch repairing. Sidley Home Utilities 51 7 Dempster Street University · 9335 · I I · I I I I. I. I Dominie Pagliarulo Jeweler f1 Optician 1 166 Wilmrtte Ave. P. E. DOWNING PHONE H. P. 566 P. 0. Box 423 Phone Wilmette 1 o6 i I II I · I I I · I :;..·. :i;·. :t;·. :;;. .·; ·. ...).· :i, '· :;·. :;·. · ·t,·· .··,.. :f:·...~ ·. ;i.J·......... ·. :t,·. :;;. :ii· ·'t/· :i'· .:;:. ... · . I 0 I I I. · I I I e I I e I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I · I I I I I I I

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