Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Aug 1926, p. 4

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4 WILMETTE LIFE August .6, 1926 Wilmette Playground Events For Your Week·End I OutiDI WILSON'S · Rolls Hamburger, "Hot Dogs," Water an~ Poppy Seed WILSON'S Famous Boston Brown Bread WILSON'S Individual Pies, Cup Cakes and Cookies WILSON'S Doughnuts WILSON'S Cofiee Cake, Sweet Rolls and Schneckens If yott select from our stock of Freshly Baked Goods, you're sure to have a good time. Order Saturday for Sunday and Monday THE WILSON .BAKERY 1162 \\7ilmette Ave. Phone 414 WHITE CASH MARKET CO. 118.9 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette PHONE-Wilmette 2779-2535 SPECIALS for SATURDAY, Aug. 7 BETTER Native Rib Roast Beef from the raft to the shore with their feet tied together and the lollipop grab for the r~rls, in which the contestants dove to the bottom to pick up lollipops, the winner being the one who picked up the most. Stephen Hopkins wa s winner in the handicap race and vVinifred Stoerck and Margaret Evers tied for first in the latter event. The results of last Friday's events were as follows: horse and rider fight, opcn-L. Bennett and B. Rich, fir st; Lyman Goss and Stephen Hopkins, second; George McLean and Richard Gonder. third; Stephen Plowman an<l James Baler, fourth. Chariot race for girls-Elsie Paterc::on and Isabelle Cracroft, first; Shirley LAST BEACH DAY Popp and Georgia Alice Vosbmg-, In spite of a rather off lake roll, a second: Anna :Marie \Vilson and large crowd witnessed the third week- Eileen Burke. third: second heat: Bnh ly Beach day last Friday given hy the Kelly, first; Elsie Pater son, second; Recreation bureau of \Vilmette. James Baker, third. Friendly opposition was keener than Handicap race. open -Stephen Hopat any previous meet and the eyents kins, first: Bob Sherman, second: were run off in scheduled time with- Georg-e \\' hite, third: Shirley Popp and . out the ommission of a single one. Harriet Dauber, tied for fourth . Probably of more intere st than any Backstroke race. hovs under t\\' eh ·e of the others were the no,·cltv events -Jack Dunn, first; . James Burrill. which rlrew the interest of the crowd second: ~ed Shapker. third; hackand laughter from the contestants. The stroke race for boys twelve, thirtl' Crl most humorot,s event of the afternoon and fourteen: Bill Holmes, f1r:-t; was the balloon race . This was open Jame s Baker, second: John Rick sc n , to both boys and girls and was so pop- third; George \\'hite. fourth. Backular that it had to he run in heats. stroke race, girl s t\\'el\'e, thirteen ancl The g-irls proved the equals of the iourteen - El sie Pat er so n. fir s t: Fl o rhoys In 'this event. The object of this I ence Bird. second: Anna ).faric \\'itevent was to push a toy balloon from so n. third. Bacbtrok c race. hoy s fifthe shore to the life line against the teen, sixteet"! and sc,·cnteen-L. Benwind. nett and Austin Zimmerman tierl f0r Other novelty events which proved first; B.ill Holn)e S, s~concl. B~ck~trok c inter~st ing to . con t~stants. were the 1 race, gr ~Is . fi f t ee_ n. s.r: teen. ~nd . : e.':enhancllcap race 111 whrch chrldrcn racccl 1 tccn- H.trrrct Dcluht'r. first. \\ rn1trefl r;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; · S t o cr r k . s e con d ; H a r r iet Y o u n g . t h ir (L Girls and hoy s " ·inning· the "\Y. n·":· last Frida\· \\. rc T.\·man Cn .-;s. \ "ir!!inia \Yerclen. B. Ri ~· h. Ra\· Ander."( ·ll. (;e orge ).I c{'aulty. Ebie P ;;ter:-;on. 'B (I b Kelh·. Thomas Ohermc\'er . .-\ nna tnd I ).far~e \YiJ:...on, La \ "erne. Popp < · Gunna~. A .!! roup nf contc:-;tants \\'i1'111in~ points for c·ntcring- and completin~ (:'\'C'lltS \\'trc George ).faraulc\', n ic k ).fcGinlcy, Bob ShL·rman. Stt-phL·n Hopkin s. Bob ~fann. }alll<.'S nak r, George Ke!L;-. Yirginia \\.c rden :trHl J ime Anderson. Beach Day Program for Friday, August 5 1. Wheelbarrow race-open to boys and girls. · 2. Peanut race, all classes-boys and girls. 3. Handicap race-girls . 4. Crawl stroke, all classes-boys and girls. . 5. Yacht race-open to all classes. 6. \Vatermelon grab-girls, seventeen and under. Horseshoe and college g-olf tournaments will start next week at the beach. Th.ese events are open to all ages. Anyone wishing to enter should g-et in touch with Dudley C. Stone, instructor at the beach. M.EA T8-LOWER BEITER MEATS LOWER PRICE Fresh Dressed Broilers PRICES Young Pork Loin Roast Hot Weather Dishes Are served in a manner that is most pleasina. Each day you will find something new on our menu. Daily instruction in liie ~aYing for both s eniors and junior:-; is gi\·en at the beach at 4:30 o'clock. Am· candielate, for either class is eligible to en1 ter this class. The Red Cross cxa111incr will he the last of this month to c~nrluct ~xamination s for those eligible. To be cli'gihle, a hoy or girl must put in at least six hours of actual practice. 1 34e lb. Small Pig Pork Roast 29Y2e lb. lb. Genuine Calves Liver PLATE LUNCHEONS at noontime include soup, meat, potatoes, vegetables and coffee 4Se 45c and SOc TABLE d'HOTE DINNERS 75c with choice of dainty dishes. College golf is proYing to he Yerv popular. Girls as \\'Cll as. ho\'S are enthusiastic about the game. · Plans · are being arranged for a contest with I the winning playgTotmd team fr : Hn Evanston. The tcnni~ tournaments. both junior and se nior, start next ~~ ondaY. Those who have not yet signed up· arc in.structed to get in touch with "Hap" Gathercoal this week. The schedule of games will he posted on the bulletin board Monday, it is announced. A large group of the "Sunbonnet girls" entertained their parents at Washington park, ~re dnesday after· noon from 3 to 4 o'clock. The "Sunbonnet girls" are regular attenda~1ts at the morning session of the Washingt?~ Park playground, under the supervrston of Mrs. Alta Caldwell. (Continued on Page · 37) 2)e lb. Fresh Fish on Friday Home Made Potato Salad 4Se.ab. Fresh Butter and Eggs 5 P. M. to 8:30 P. M. For a rn~al that satisfies. or our specials. Try one 30e lb. PHONE ORDERS SOLICITED The Wilmette Cafe Meals that satisfy

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