Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Aug 1926, p. 3

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August 6, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 3 NEXT WEEK IN WILMETTE (recorded at the Chamber of Commerce) Friday, August 6 jWilmette Department Now on Speaker at Chamber of Commerce I 6 p. m. Second weekly American A determined effort to minimize the · Same Pay Basis as EvansMeeting Finds Suburbs Sal- I Legion Steak roast. Wilmette traffic J;azard at s~ree.t interse~tions in on. Cite Improvements beach, foot of Forest aYenue. the residence scc twn of the v1llage by ' I vation of Metr:opolis 8 p. m. Wilevansbrook Encamp- having overhanging shrubberv at corment, 1\o. 177 I. 0. 0. F., Odd ' ners cut back so as to permit an un-1 Wibnette's police were granted a "Chicago need s \Yilmette far more obstructed view of cross streets, is , $10 a month increase in sala.ry this Fellows hall. than \Vilmdtl' needs Chicago," memplanned by the Village board. week at the meeting of the Village Monday, August 9 ber ~ of~ the Chamber of Cor'nmerce President Orner. after hearing re- b?ard. Since the questi~n qf enhanwere told this week by Dr. Sam AtkinR p. 111. · Ouihncttc Court, No. 848 ports of complaints of dangerous con- cmg the. P~Y of. the poltce has been Catholic Daughter's of Americ::1, so n of EYanst on, lecturer and authoritv ditions at various intersections, stated under constderatJOn by .·the board _of on economic conditions, in an acldres-~ Odd Fellow's hall. that he has been filing all reports of trustees for several mo~1ths, the mTue!'lday, August 10 on "Personal Contact" given before this nature and will proceed soon up- crease was _ma.cle retroactive to May 1, 12:15 p. n1. Luncheon . \Vilmette on a general campaign to remedv the or the begtr~nmg of !he current fiscal the Augu st mee ting of the bu siness condition. · ye~r. The mcrea se m pay now nets O~timist cluh. Lake Shore Termen':; org<inization ~fonday of thi s the patrolmen $175 a month, or the \\·eck_ race. In most instances it ,,·ill he neces7 p . m. Committee dinner, Ouilmettc sary to appeal to the property owners same salary as is paid the Evanston· "B~- that st<ltemcnt I mean." conpatrolmen. Coun trv club. ti!n~ed Dr. Atkin son. "that the captains to co-operate in clearing- up the interIn the recommendation for increase 8 p. 111 . A 111 e rica n Legion :\ uxiliary, 01 1ndustry and commerce in Chicago, section obstructions. it was pointed in pay the chairmen of the public St. :\ ugust inc's parish House. 111 :-l"t of wlwm re...,ick on the north out. The condition is dangerous genR:15 p. m. \Vilmett e Post, ~o. 46 ~dJni'L' ul' in ~~thcr suburbs, arc inerally throughout the village, accord- service and finance .:ommittees of the Village board presented the following American Legion, St. Augustine's fl ul·nrc <l hy the cleannes s of their ing- to President Orner. parish. hnnw communities, ll\· the ministers in The Village public works depart- statement at the board meeting Tues8:15p.m. Ouilmettc Council, No. 922 ment ha::; already started upon the day of this week: thl' ;;ub urh~. and h .,.. the spiritual and Knights of Columbus, Odd Fel- task of cutting a\\·ay IO\\·-hanging tree w!Jnlcsome snci;d life of their suburban Step in Improvement low 's hall. branches on parkways at street intersurroundings. The~· cannot help but "For the past two years a strengthsec tion =- . the trustees ,,·ere informed. Wednesday, August 11 \<lrry the ~e influences into the mart:' ening of the police deparlment has 12 :15 p. n1. Luncheon. \\'ilmette ni trade in Chicago\ g reat indu s trial been under wav with sat isfactory reand co mmercial renters." Rntary club. Ouilmette Country sults, and \\'C now come to a tim-e for club. increasing the pay of police personUrges High Standards nel so that still further improvement Thursday, August 12 The businr-,s men in the suburbs. in the srrdce may be made . 7 p. 111. Buffet dinner and ProgrcsDr. Atkinson dcclarrd, must measure "A real police;11an is one who is si\·e bridge, Guilmette Country tl p tn a high standard tn compete \\'ith loyal. courageous, above reproach in club. tilt' rapi(l ;\<h·a nct· of loop store \\.ilmettc dogdom rejoiced and was hranrlw~ upon th e north shore area . 8 p. m. A. 1'. Sherman Lodge. ~ 0 exceedingly glad this week when it be- integrity. courteous and representative Tlw l(1ca l hu :-. inc:-. " mL·n. who arc a part 892 I. 0. 0. F .. Odd Fellow' s hall. came known that their masters hence- of _the authority and dignity of the nf the spirit u;tl. ~ocia l and ci,·ic life fNth ,,·ould be required to pay only community in maintaining law and order. of the communit,·. cle se rn: the co-oprr$.1 for their dog licenses, as against "Such a police force can be attained ation and patrc,n<l.ge of tht.?ir frienfi . , the $5 required to date. only in men of the above qualities and and neighbor:'. he tmphasizrd. Get the Action ,,·as taken hv the Village Jl;f by unhesitating moral and financial rc, · rlper;ttion of ~-<ltH paqors. and urge hoard Tuc=-da,· of thi s- week at the of the communitY, represented hacking t IH·m to htcom<· llll'111hrr s of Your or:;uggcstion o f -Trustee DraYer to haye by the elected officials. ·This backing ganization. hr urged . ).[ost inini stcrs Jam es C. ).f urray. 433 Cum nor road, the d0g tax reduced, the iH~ \v regula- includes adequate pa~·. commensurate are good husinc:-. " men . TIH·,· must Kenilworth, president of the Kenil- tion stipulating that all dog-owners with living standards of the community of nrcess itY Lle ~n. he qicl. if theY are worth Village Board of Trustee s nar- " ·ho do not pay up \vithin sixty days and increa sing- according to the into co nduct S11CCC',:--f ulh- the chu-rches rnwly escaped injury last ).londay eYe- irom elate ""hen licenses arc due and crease of service standards. th at haYe b een plaC'ed .in their c har .~·e. iJing \\'hen his automobile struck a pa~;ablc will he required to pay $5. ::-\ot that \Yilm ette's officials hold "The president and hoard of trustees C[)-opcra tion oi cmplm·cr and rm- tree after colliding with another ma: pl., yc \ras a bn st n· s=-r d h;· thr spca kcr chine at Elm\\'nod avenue and ~inth our ca nin es any more cheaply than have had under consideration for a a..; e..;scntial to the ~urcessful conduct :-.treet. The other car "·as driven bv heretofore hut. as Trustee Drayer had year an increase in pay for the Police repeatedly insisted , the $5 tax. \vas department. The president. the public oi the modern hu si ne=-s c~tahlishmcnt. ).fr~ . n. Eastman. 1027 Elm\YOOd simtll_,. exorl)ita11t. serYice committee and the finance Tn these 1110clern times. he said. no one aH'I1 Ue. The nc\\· regulation '"ill go into efcommittee are in unanimous agreetll:l!l ca n run a hu:--ine=-s sucrt'~sfnlh·. According to the \Vilm ette police.. feet " ·hen clog license time rolls ment that an increa se of $10 a month H l' mu:t haYe thr do. r co-operati~n ).f urray was driYing north on Ninth around next summer. he made effective ~fav 1. 1926. for all of all his emplon's. T.et Your em- qrect and Mrs. Eastman was clrivit~g personnel of the p~lice department ploye~ knn\\· that ;-ou reall~- appreciate cast on Elmwood avenue. It was satd f t below the rank of chief." their sen-icc. ~h<~t )sl~trray struck the ~r~c in an tu~a s rom ree .u · The statement wa:; signed by C. E. Lauds Luncheon Clubs ·' ~tcce .s_tul attempt to a\otd th~ colltEscapes With Bruises DraYer. chairman of the public service Co-operation amnng hminr . ~ people ~ton h !\Irs. 0970 Eastman. . · · d J. . B e. k · Cl wtt).{'11 G ,· , . :\onnan ~!tel. en. the fourteen Year- comnnttee an ·er, c1 1atrman \ra..; pointed out a . . the hig· stimulus to · en . t cr. > reen\ IC\\ a\ enue, 0 II f ).f 1 '{ , \\r 11. I of the finance committee atH ·' r:-.. a< cmar · modern commerce and trade. The Chicago. dri,·ing l1i:> new Hupmohilc .~ son pa..;t twrnty years haYe witne.:;srcl s.·dan. \\· a~ hadk shaken up ).{ondav ;\telson. of 3-1. ).faple a\·cnue. frll fr~l11 a hut wlnch th~ h_oys of the Motorists "Stuck Up" qupendous stridr . s in this direction, in- enning when ht:" car was struck 1>~· . · · duced in brge measure lJy the in- truck driYen by A. A. Hoffman, Ridge nctghhorhno<l had .. btult m a tree at an·nue, \\.ilmctte, at Sixth street and the rear ~f the, ~lelsen lc:t. \\ ednesfor . Wdmet.te Hobday fluence of cnmmrrci11l associ~ttions anci ...,ttrL'I " ... ,.etltte · 1'11c ·sc..~at1 tttrt1Pd da~· fhc S ··1 . · '11 1 lunrhron clubs such as Rotary, I '" uc · f t . eYenmg. f t f tl hut I1 1 perhaps t t mette motonsts WI )e a 11 ~[iller \\·a . dri\·ing south or.' ee rom 1\0rOptimist. Kiwanis and otlwr simila;· o,·er · t\\'icc · · ':-.. · · · 's fall · 1 le kgrounc. Ht rl t 1 " stur k · un ., f nr t 1 1e next f ew wee k s, Stxth street and Hoffman was clriv- m,ltl . ( "as Ho. en SOI11C\\ la. )y what with \Vilmette Dav corning nr~·anizn tion s. Tiusine=-s men h;l\'c on a\·enue · The !at- ·I frequent the may ltmh . 1 commtttee ·. ing east on Laurel c tl t contnct ttl wtth 1 1 · 11 s 1along. Tl 1e paraue of t he co111c to know one another as frir· ncl~ ter \\·a~ not in)'ttrecl. Both cars "·ere! 011 ll ree. a wug 1 1e "a~ una) e 1 f C h' . k and not mrrrh· indi,·icluak This ha s · to grasp am· of them to stop hts . 1 0 ,,-n- '- 1am )er o ommerce t ts " ee scnoush· damaged j · · u 1 ll · · .1 h' 1..1 · · ' · mud descent. Tt i::; not thought he passcc out 11.c:tt111ng- \Yitluow s ~e u pashad the effcrt of eleYat ing- lltlsine~:; · suffered more serious injury than the ters _annotm_cmg the. forth-commg compr aL· ticcs a 11 a lon.Q" the lin c. friQ"ht an(t bruises ,rhich might he mu!11ty hol1day and hundreds of moJn conclusion Dr. Atkin:'on soundc<l anticipatcd in a plunge of such ex- tonsts h~,·e taken advantag-e of the a plea for ideali sm in lntsitw~s. Let' ~ : tent. opp0rtuntt~· to help boost the happy not think mereh· in terms of moneventure. tary g-a in in dealing \Yith our neig-hThose "·ho have not receh·ed the K. OF C. MEET TUESDAY bors. he asked. Deal "·ith the m:1n or Ouilmette council, Knights of Colum- stickers are in formed that there are the woman in terms of understanding bus. "·ill hold its August meeting Turs- plentv for all and thev mav be secured and friendly concern. Think not first d;l\· C\"<'ning, August 10. in Odd Fellows' by applying at the Chamber of Comof the tr:> nsaction hut rather of the I hall. This \Yilt he the only meeting of merce headouarters in the \Vilmette man YOU arc dealing- with. and hrhind StC).te hank building. the month. it is explained. him. of his family a;Hl horne. You will nnt then have to he seriouslY concerneel about the mone\'. Honest\· is the Legionnaires Arrange SPRINKLING RULES ht'"t policy. he derla.rcd. not 111erely heResidents of \\'i lmettc arc reAnother "Steak Roast" cause God said so. hut because that que~ted not to usc their lawn ·~..,[em hers of \Vilmette Post, No. 46. fact i~ demonstrated in practical. cn~ry -and Polly is sure to get it. sprinklers between the hours of 4 American Legion are planning another day life. o'clock in the afternoon and 8 Her owner is running this ad steak roast at the beach this eYening. o'clock in the evening, in a stateon the classif1ed page of this istast Friday the legionnaires were deCONDUCTS SERVICES ment issued by Village Manager sue: laved somewhat in their feasting by a ReY. Francis J. Tromp of Chicago, C. C. Schultz. During the extremeFOR SALE-TALKING PARdetermined downpour, but negotiated rot, 4 yt·nrs old, with extra ,rill conduct the scrYices in St. Auly hot weather, especially, the deJargt· eagt'. $15. -Also man's the rep:-,c;t a hit later w.ben the clouds gustine's Episcopal Church Sunday, mand for water is so heavv in these hicyele, two brand new tires, by. and the proverbial "good rolled August 8, in the absence of the rector. hours that the pressure ·drops al$10. Wlnnetl<a 1114. time was had bv all." The steak roasts Dr.' Hubert Carleton, \vho is enjoying Turn to pages 38·39 most to zero, it was explained. are planned as· a weekly e,·ent. his ,·acation at Post take, \Vis. CHICAGO NEEDS OUR. VILLAGE; WE'RE TOLD Plan Campaign to Clear Away Street TRUSTEES GIVE POLICE · INCREASE IN SALARIES I 1 Corner .0 bstructions ·Cut in Dog Tax Brings Joy to .Master and Pet K enilu,orth and C hie ago an in ll1otor Accidents c. 11 F T B c ° ·/· a l(T \\' 101 c. ·

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