Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Aug 1926, p. 1

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WILMETTE VOL. XV, KO. 45 \VlLMETTE, ILLINOIS, ACGCST 6, 1926 LIFE PRICE FIVE CENTS A Weekly News-Magazine for Wilmette and Kenilworth BOARD WILL DEMAND I AWNINGS BE RAISED Suit Will Be Instituted Against Those Whose Awnings Are Lower Than Law Allows SCOUT ' TREE SURVEY All Scouts working on the tree suney and those interested \\'ho haYe not · yet taken part. are requested to meet at the Village Hall at 7:30 p. m .. on ).fonday, August 9. for reports and assignments. George R. Harbaugh, A. D. S.C. I I; Compliance with the ordinance requiring that all awnings on bu sine:-; s plares in the village he suspended not · l·J\\'l'r than six feet. six inches. abo\'e the s ic.ltwa.lk level, is to. he demanded I by the Vtllage board m accordance with action taken at the hoard session Tu e..; clay of thi~ \Hck \\'hen the trus· · · tt·t·..: \'O ted tu ha,·e th e Yillage attorney Apparently failing to realize the t ake action against all riolators of thi~ speed of a fast train. Edward Farmer, 0rc.l inance \\'ho haYe not complied with ()j years old. of Highland Park, \\·as it~ . .;t ipulation before September 1. =- truck and in stanth· killed when he aTte mpted to cross- in front of it at ln the accompanying statement read the KenihYorth station of the Chicago lJci·> rr the hoard Tuesday night it is and Xorth \\·es tern railroad la st \Vedpuinted out that special and repeated nesda,- afternoon. reque sts has been made tn the violaTh~ train \ras Xo. 20(). south hound. tor.; of the ordinance t<, have t1 .eir a fast. through train. The old man, str· rc awnings placed at the hcighth in- \\·ho is the father of E. E. Farmer, dicaterl in the ordinance. The state- contractor. of Highland Park. with n1l'n t reads: wh om he made his home. wa s sitting '·_.\,bout a year ago. the hoard of in a truck on tl1c \vest side of the tru stees. repres ented b~· it s pre sident t;ack s. He s t~rted acro ss to t.he staand chairJnan of the public sen·ice tton as the tram \\·as approachmg and committee, so ught to haYe raised all hef_orc he could ~ro ss the tracks the :l \\·nings o,·er sidewalk s that were . be- tr~un " :as _upon hun. He was hurled In\\. the legal clearance of 6 feet, 6 fitt~· feet tonrard an~ s tn~ck the low inchl's. Thi s act ic 1n ,,·as taken because fe.nce nn the cast stde ot the track t 11 t . w j de 11 i11 g 0 i =' t r e tt s i11 the h us i_ \\' tt h such force that on c of the l1 e ~ ,. y nL· . . ;; district on F ou rth and Linden and \\'~?den po sts \\·as knocked out o.f l111c . nn Central and \\'ilmcttc narro\\'ed the I I he k. body ,!,·as t1alk"e'nCt o tSclott s un~ide \\'alk s . < e.~ta ·tng par or . .. -; en ra avenue. Bad \\·eather made it necessarv to \\ tlmctt e. where an mquc:st was held postpone the Schaefer family's atinual Have Received Notice Thur scla,· morning. A Yerclict of death picnic and reunion, scheduled for last '· The superintendent of public \Yorks 1)\· accid.ent was returned b,· the coro- Sunday. August 1. The date for the mc~ s ured the m·erhead clearance of all ' ncr's jury. affair has now been set for Sunday, :l\\· nin .~· s and made oral request one or 1 August 15. Other plans for the picnic nnre time . to ha,·c tl'e low ones rai~e?. Marian Anderson Wins remain unchanged, it was said. An appeal was made through the Ct\·tc I . . This is the third annual reunion of committee ( 1f the CI1amber of ComSwtmmtng Honor at Camp the Schaefer family, who arc descendmr~cc . to ha\'(? the_ legal cl~arance ).fiss '\farian Anderson. c1aughter of eel from Peter Schaefer, \\'ho came to tll:ttntatnecl. Thr ch1cf of pohcc has ~f r. and ~[ rs. A. ).[. Anderson of America in 18~3. Three sons and aJ,o maclc per=-0nal request to the same ' Chestmlt avenue. who is spending the daughters of this man are st ill living. I I They are Joseph Schaefer, of Chicago, en(. ~ummer at ·the Tecla \Yooket Camps. ~frs. Gertrude Feltman. widow of the '·Xn apprerial>le number of awnings Roxbury, Vermont, was signally llon- late Frank Feltman, and Eva Schaefer, !Ja,·c been raised, nor has other effort ored last \Yeek h~· being a\vardecl her wife of the late Peter Schaefer. The hcl'n made to establish clearance. :-ccond class insignia for swimming. family is very large and more t1 1an Tints. it appears that all measures of On!~· those girls who show pronounced five hundred persons are expected to patience ha\'(~ been used and exhaust- ability in the sport arc thus honored. attend the picnic. cd. and it now appears that other steps Of the Yarious sports at the camp, It will be held at Glen Oak Acres, mu st be taken to insure the rights of s"·imming is one of the . most popular, on the north side of Lake avenue bethe public. although tests in this department are tw.een \Vaukegan and \Vagncr roads. "Tt is, therefore, mo,·ed that the Vil- probahl~: the most difficult. Of the two The festivities \\'ill continue through(a'4C attorney be instructed to proceed, hundred and fifty girls enrolled in the out the afternoon and evening, and . after September 1, 1926. to impartial camp. on ly a small per cent succeed will include dancing, for \Vhich an enforcement of the ordinance, and that in pa~sing the requirements for the in - orchestra is to be provided. ~uit be instituted against all offenders signia. tn collect penalty for violation, and Five New Members Join th~t the superintendent of public Ask Property Owners to \rorks be instructed to have measure Wilmette C. of C. Ranks Present Petitions Soon Ne\\' members recently added to the ments taken under the direction of the attorney, and to keep record pre\ Yilmette Village tru stees are re- roster of the \Vilmette Chamber of paratory to- th e testifying in court." newing their request that property Commerce were announced this week owners desiring alleys paved next as follows: r. Lloyd, on Tour, spring present petitions as soon as D Paul Davey, jeweler at 1165 Wilpracticable. The county court began mette Dr. F. B. Erwin, 1000 Deplores Canada Roads tv,·o month s' vacation on July 20. They Ridge avenue; avenue; Hammond Ice Cream \\' ord has been received from Dr. will be back to work after the middle Stephen A. \Lloyd. minister of the of September. Add to this date the Kitchen, 722 Twelfth street; C. M. First Congrega tiona! church, who, ·with usual ninety clays a petition takes to go McDonald, automobiles, 1019 Davis ~f rs. Llovd, is touring northeastern through court, and Christmas is here. street, Evanston; Superior Fur Shop, Canada, that since leaving vVilmette Lettings should be advertised m 1122 Central avenue. last week they had traversed 1,500 February for spring ·work and conAPPROVE ALLEY PAVING miles on their leisurely jaunt. Most tractors will hid bottom prices. SavNew alley paving improvements apof the roads in Canada, Dr. Lto~·d ings of 20 per cent to property owners declared. do not compare in quality may reasonably be expected on spring proved by the Village board this week and width with highways in this vi· contracts below those let early in the include the fir'lt alley north of Lake cinit\·. Some of the main roads are fall, and spring lettings may .be as avenue between 16th and 17th streets, so n·arrow, he observed, that it seems much as 30 per cent below ?tds on and the first alley north of Forest probable they were built by Scotch- street and alley work taken m Octo- avenue between Eleventh and Twelf.th streets. ber. men. .4ged Man Kzlled Wh.en Struck by C N W Flyer Word has just been received from Sinaia, Roumania, the summer residence of the king and queen of Roumania, th(}.t Milan Lusk, the well known violinist, whose home is in vVilmette, has again played, on July 9, in Castle Pelisor for Queen Marie and her family. On this occasion, he met King Ferdinand and Crown Prince Nicholas who had just returned from travels on the continent. Lusk performed a lengthy program consisting of French, Bohemian, German, Roumanian and American compositions, and was the recipient of many complimentary remarks about his playing from her majesty \\·ho gave him several of her most recent auto· graphed portraits. In parting the queen expressed a hope that she would meet and -hear Lusk on his native soil as she expects to visit America in the near future. ).1 r. Lusk is expected to be home September 18, after his return from recital s in Boulder and Colorado Springs, Colo. Roumanian Royalty 'WILMETTE DAY TO BE Hears Milan Lusk, BIGGEST. BEST EVER Wilmette Violinist Chamber of Conunerce Members F onnulate Complete Program at Monday Session Enthusiasm reiRned supreme at the meeting of the \Vjlmette Cha1nher of Commerce ~fonday evening of this week. at which plans for Wilmette Day were discussed and reports of the many committes now "·orking diligently to make the day a succes s were heard. All members of the association are looking forward to the big communit,· celebration scheduled for \Vednesda;·. August 18. One of the new fe~tures of the <:lav is to be a game of inrloor hasebail between teams composed of merchants and professional men of the village. The merchants' team. captained by Tack Budinger. wilt he known as the Discounters. while the otlwr team, to he composed lanreh- of doctors and capta ined by Dr. \V: \Y. Hawkins, will nta,· under tl1e title of the Bonesetters. This g::1me shoulrl he one of the most interesting ::1nd amusing events of the ria\·, anrl will take place at the Village Green. beg-inning at 12 o'clock noon. The orrler of events has been so ~rranged that there will not bP a dull moment the entire dav. First will come the nararlP, " ·hich is. expected to be l::1rger and better than ever before. Thrre clas--es of prizes are offered for the best decorah"d Yehicles. One is fo·r mPrchants' pleasure vehicles. one for resid<>nts' pleasure vehicles anrl one for trucks or floats. Even·one wilt kn·e a chance to "·in ;:~ nriie and all are un:red to decorate their cars and oartiripatr. Follo\\'incr the naracle which " ·i ll vi,it the thrre business SC'ctions of the vill~fY(' anrl terminate at the American Legion g-rove, on Lake avenue just wrst of Rid~re a\·rmH'. \\'ill comt> the £Yame hetwC'cn the Discountrrs and the Rnnrsettrrs. ~ext. ~t 1 :30 o'clock, \vilt · he tht> r:-~cr s. There arc to be "COrPs of Ya1uahle and attractive prizes for thme . " ·ho enter the various rares <~nd contests anrl thC'se will include mam· ne"· anrt novel r\·ents. Krxt \\'ill rome the C'hildrrn's oarade. in "·hich a 11 the kid dies will have a chance to decorate their hicycl<>s. kidrli~" rars. haln·-htw("ies anrl other vel,irlrs TlH·rP will he nrizt><; for the lw"t OPrnP ~"rl vrJ,:,.tp in this parade, -.l~n. ;1nrl ~ 11 th ... rhilclrPtl "·ho narticio;:ltp will he ("i\·en novrl favors. The next event on the orogram wilt hr the hasrhalt g-ame hrtween the ,,.;1,1ptt(' A. r . tf'alll rP1rl rl.tlOthPr team which h;1 " not as vrt hPrn flnnouncen. This wilt roncluc1r the ~fternoon's entertainment. excent for selections bY the hand. which \viti rontinuP to olav until the clancing hegins at 7 o'clock in tl1e evening. Tht> dancin(" will lH· hPld at the oavillion of the AmPrican Legion O'rovr, flnd tl,e musir ,,·ill hP furnisherl hv thf' nonular Tof' S~"hnr:ocr orchestra. which ola,·s at the r.rm·f" even· Sat11rrt~v f'\'~'nin(". TlH· rhnring will c-rmt:mlf' until 11 :30 o'clock. \Vith a r0mnl~"te f'rnQ"ram of amusempnt · surh as this thP mprrhants arP lookinO' forward to tiw hil:n.YP"t and hP"t \ViltnettP eta'· e\'<'r held. All those ~"onrPrnf'l'l witl, the orenarati0n" ::~re on thP 10h <'nd the nl?.·ns ·will he fullv rnmnlPted in another · week it is thought. 1 Schaefer Reunion Is Postponed Till Sunday, August 15 1 1 I

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