Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Aug 1926, p. 36

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36 WILMETTE LIFE Aug u st 6, 1926 mate, t hi s being nea rly half a bil lion do ll ars more t ha n was spe nt during the 1925 season. S. N. Tideman Completes Great Task in Electrification of Illinois Central Ten doll ars pe r day per car is a fa ir Railway );"ine million automobiles car rying es timate for the canvas brigade. Three 1 Rebuilding of Bleachers Will Give mi ll ion of t hem out for thirt\·-three approximately thirty-six mil lion peop le \\" hen tl1e week of fest ivities celcBasket.ball Arena Capacity da\'s will mean ninetv-nine ·m illion wi ll trek the gaso line trail on long- da~· tours at a cost o( $10 a clay or !Hating the electrificat ion nf the Ill iof 6,000 distance tom~ during thi" season. ac- approximately one bi llion dol lars. It nois Centra l rai lroad suhurha n sen-ice cord ing to an announcement made bv i~ sa fc to assume that the other group, is inaugurated Saturday, Augu st 7, a Tnstallati{)n of a new set of bleachthe touring bureau of the Ch icago \Yhi lc on the road for onh· about onc\Yilmet k man ,,·ill he accorded no cr:; and complete reorganization of t h ~I otor dub. This figure "·a computed t bird as long the campers, \\'ill haYe ;;mall share of the plaudits. He is S. seatin~ arrangements in Patten f!"Yl11aitcr checking the report of the tour- about three time s the per cliam exing board of the :\mcricJn Automobile pen ses, so that t \\·o hi ll ion dollars for X. 1'ideman of 1025 Linden a,·cnue. nasimn '"hich ,,·ill add 1000 more seats ·association and the reports of the the six mi ll ion car:; is a co nservat ive tliHI has had complete charge of the I is the task now being undertaken hy taming bureaus of the 815 clul)s affi li- estimate. This would all ow on ly $7.50 rxL·Iuti0n of all t he contracts for this the athletic department of t he uniHrated with the American Automobile a cia~· for each occ u pant oi a car work for his firm. the Pierce Electric I sitY. ~=-~oci~tion. c~ll_ll_Pa ny oi Chicago. l.T is rcs pnn si'l' he I1C\\. plans will make it po ~siblc carrying iour passengers. · hd1t1c . cm·ercc! h.oth thr . 1 gnJI and the to sc at oHr 6000 persons at ba sketh all Oi thi~ tot~] of nine million c~rs. ~r I ~I . p '" C 1. . IOlo ~ ·h - po\\"cr tra tblllls~ton field s. ganlL':- wht·rea ~ a numb er slightly Je.::s th ree million will c~rry camping equipr. an c - r =-. · . \ · u t u , > .·\ ::\ k. I1 . 'II - l( ( 1I . 1. . ment and extend their outing to thirh·- land <n-enue. and . 011 , Bohl)\·, \Yi ll mo· ext wet · s ce c. >ra~tnl1 ':·1 cnm- tl_ 1an_ ~.( ) ) \\·cr_c a) c to cro\\·~ tnt o t.:1e t hree da~·s. Two-thirds oi the · caraYan tor t o Camp \ l inocqua. ,~· here the mcmnratl' the rca!Jzat_JOn nt scn:ral h1g _111cl os_ur e Ill the pa st. 1he entJ:-e . haw 11 ot y ie lcle<l to the can vas I u re ,\,1 '11 SJ>e 110 a ·eek or t 'l"· / yrars of hope and cll' ~ ll·c on the pJrt proJect \nil he compl eted hy the opL n1a\ s. " the camp en and < .tc tr · I I r · · 1· 1 · · k 1 1l · and "·ill depend on lwtel:; for accom- son '"ill be at ~ft and lot: 1c. pc o 1~c _1nn .~ \\ ·tt 11n _t 1c: trCans- ·mg ~~ ~hr 1~a s ·ct)a .cason next \Yin1 1 11 · · 1 por aunn l 1st net 01 t 1r tnots en- tcr 1t 1s ~ate . t nwdation:'. The latter cbs~ "·ill spend ~r 1- ~ c 1tl 111 1>C g-_ue:-.b .a t 1 1c 1 ... :--. \ ul gc t ral railroad in C'hica~n ancl cnnk . I 1 · ~n a \·cr~gc of ten days en tour. conducted m connectiOn w1th the camp 01 t . Tl . t ·. . AccMcling to th e pans now >t"I1H~ 1tng tl 1C made c 111 ~-. · lh sy~ cnl. 111 r 1 tt < th e new set of bleachers \':i11 :\!though it i:' impo:'siblc to ddcr- for vi itors · · Snuth Cl11ragn and ·the Blue hland start fr(ll11 the c·clge o f tll(" ba:-k cth;,ll minr exactly ho\Y much money tl1e ~rr. and \fr ;;;. \Fnr~an T. Hammer s hranrhe~. compri~t:" approximately ior- floor thcrdl\· eliminating the ro\\· nr motor motori:-ts \\·ill spend. the A .A.A. o(l- " d · · ~~mik ~ of right of way. box touring board and thl' Chicago ~fotor o f () I ~..reetnroo aYenue. rc:tnrnecl to - ~ea t s 0 1~ each side ~ncl end or :~:l' dub tonring bureau assert that thrc(' \ \.ilmdt e aitcr a t"· o \\Ttks' trip to The neg-otiations hl't\\"t'l' ll thr Tlli- flrJnr. The tier s \rill also ri :-c mc .:-c nni-.; Cl'ntral railroad and tlh' C'it,· of perpendicularly in ste ad of s lantin ~ ;,.;; hillinn d01Jar:' is a conserYati\'C' csti- Clacicr Xation a l park. C'hicago leading to this great - 1111 - they nm\· do. , pro\·emcnt culmll!atcd in tl. , Tllinoi :-: To Use Wasted Space : C'entral EkrtrificaticHI Ordinance oi The -.;e change s \\·ill br acr ompanit·d Established 18 54 The . Tllinni ~ Central railn a :! Jn· alter;ttion .' at each rn<l of the gy:11 1 FJ10. I combined with the ta . . k ni ckctrifi- it; c1 rder tn utilizl' much space \\·h·i,·!1 : cation rxten:;iyc imprn,·etlll'tlts on t11C' 11 (,,,. is " ·;;sted insofar a.; . rats arc: cc··;1 l'ntirc Chicago tnminal. fnr the pur- rcrned. The bkach ns \\·hi ch .la\·c pn--e ni eliminating g rad e rro~:'ing.._ snn·d in tht p :l~ t \\·ill he ll'-l'd inr rn:lFuneral Directors f ot 72 Years and increa~ing tlw nutnhn ni trarb te:-t s such a. iooth a11, baseball ;,:1 cl for the accomlll(Hlati c·n ni it s tr:dlic. other mttrlnnr sport ". Jordan Funeral Service plan reduces the cost of funerals Say 36,000,000 HONOR WILMETTE MAN People Will Be Motor Tourists ADD 1.000 NEW SEATS TO N. U. GYMNASIUM as c:: "' 1 1 ··········----------·"·-----------------------·--·-p ' ·. C. H. JORDAN & CO. considerably 6 r :1 Dav is St. 'I SincP th e great incrra~ e nf intc·n·q fic a tion could he C011ll1lL'tlCl'd . Tn .\u- in haskdhall at :\ c, rth\\· e~tern clur i~~g P hone U niversity 449 the b:-t itw Year ~ . the g \"lnna ~i nm h;;..: gu:-t nf 1925 erection ni thl' steele · ·· f hetn unahk to arrnnlnHHlate tl ll' br~·· W ilmette Office Phone W ilmette 3 3 54 structures or the ~uflport of the rrmnls \\·h irh de:--irc tn \\·itn C'·' 1·-cCHICAGO nrcrhead electric · ~ntem wa ... -.t;lrtC'd · ganl L 's. La . . t " ·inter l111n dr ecls "' t·:·L· 1oo E. Erie St. ;ltHI the cnnt rae! for the ('kct ric Phones Superior 7 709-771 o turn c<l a\Y:t\· :1t l'arh ~amc :ltHI it i- ::1 t ra n~mi .;s ic,n and catrnan· \\·c·rk \\· a~ · · ·············n······································ let. 'l'lH· entirl' t·lcctrifit:a tion it1'·1al - nr dcr to a\·(, id a n ·jH'titinn r·i ~uc:1 .t .; it u at i 1 ·11 t ha 1 J) i r cctor K c·n nl" · h L bti()n \\·as cotnplctcd \\· ithi n a n·a r':' t imc. t h l' \\·nrk he in~ rl Ci tll· \\·it lw;lt tlw \\"ibc 111 h;t.; orck rl' rl the tH'\\' hk ;t,·':o :·..; ;1nd tht · nthl'r altnJt ifln ". k ;t~! int<:rrupt ic,n 1 11 tl1t· n·~uh r SL' rYi cc oi tlw r :tilrn:td , \\·hich cc 1 ..,i:-t" ,j Stadium W ork on Sched ule 11 1 nwr<' tha11 -ton trail!'- daih· . :\ pnrtinn \\·c,rk C1t1 tlw ic.(dh;t ll .;t;tcl iu:'l · :1 oi this Sl'n·irl' i.- nc l\\. c·p\·r;t t ing ("lt-r- C'l'nt r;tl :-,trl'l't ront in11L'-. tn ket" ~) '1 i) You'll ger thar new car thrill from your old c.u after \\'e han thoroughtriralJ _ ,. atHl it \Yill all ht · Ulll \Trtl'cl ;;:' \Yith tlw ~rht·cluk "t't l1Y thC' t'(·l:···: ,·ly reco nditi on ed rhe moror. rapirlh· . a:- ~rht·duJt..., t':lll he :trratl!!l'd lnrs at tht r1 Ub\'t ni t.hl' jc.h. Tt :1 W e refi nis h rhc cylinders. install McQuav -Norris piston rings, p istons and the rhatll!c · Pllt int c· c·!'iL·rt. ·x(,t thnu.,and SL·a t .; , c1r nt' :t rh· ;1 · maT'·: -~ , and pi ns and make the motor as good as new. . a man l~>St hi.., lift· nr \\":1-.. "c r_inu:-h- j the (l]r] ~tan cl s lll'lcl. kt \.l: ;lin· ad~· i1v 1 :1 injurrd 111 the pcrfl·nn;tnct' c't this C'Cllllp k tv cl. Com e in and lcr us give vou a price in :tdnncc on thr work 11rcessary " ·o rk. to p ur yo ur moror tn perfecr condition. Vv'c gu.1r,1nter .1 thorough. Th nsc- in ch:1rgc oi thr \\"nrk ...:;t:r: mechanica l j ob. Fntird\· lll'\\' car~. huil! ni ~tcel :1nrl that thl' :20.00() seat..; Qtl:lra nte vcl ir>r : 1'c almni11un·1. rnmmorliqth and r(lmfnrt- fir . , t gaml' " ·ill hL' cnmplded in t iPw. ahlr. each ~rating eig111~ ·- irmr pas.;l'n- The " ·ork i:- prn.L:-rrs--ing rapidl~·. F:tAutlzori::ed Chevrolet Sales & Service ~Trs, arc being put i11tn sc·n ice. :\I - \·0 rahll· weathvr C'(lnditinn.:; haY <' aidt cl 1 t vr n; ttL· car=- arc.: 111 n t r'r i1c d. '"hi c h mat C'r ialh· in tl1c r;tp id ·pr(lgr<"S \\ .1ir 1 mc;tns that ;1 .; ix -rar train carr ie·.; tln:('l' ha " hern. made. 111n 1ell· car.; \\·it h t l1r<'t' in tcrmediate n.\' thC' opening of till' ronincnc c At Rodenk irk, Propn" etor tr a ilvr.- . :\ train ni an\· silt' r<1n hr sca :-(·n it i expe-cted tktt 50.000 :::ra~~ 322 Linden Avenue Phone Wilmette 3664 con t r()lled ll\· t ht nwton;1a n :h rcadih· \\'ill he ~Yailahk for f(·othall fan s. T!;i ~ ;1s ht· could . nper:1 tc a "i ngk c;1 r. Thi.s \\'ill make a much ditTcr cnt app eara:lt'L' Official N. Jvf. A. Service Statio~t . j, accr·mnlished ll\· llll':t11 · fli a hi!!hh· frnn 1 thl' limited raparit _ ,. of 1.)_(1(11) cll'nlt·JH'd :-\· ~t<'m ~i motnrs and hr;;kt· ~. \Yhich f nrmcrly jammed and pack<"rl T1 w (' 11 t ir ;, sign a I <111 cl i11 t n Inc ki n~:! it . \r; t~· int n th old \\"OOdl'n stand". l:1fi:IHIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIII II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII II II IIIII IIIIII III III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II .IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" <; \ "~! ('lll.; within . tll (' S l 1 b 11 r h ;\ i1 diS t ri l' j·.~ § ktn hren rl'huilt and thl' late st ancl 11 . 1 . 1 . \ \'i1111L'tl(' \\"aS ~rL·:itt'd t·~ !he u mt-\1~-=-=111CI:-( rc Ia) l' apnaratll.; IS lb('( 111 t 1(' nvw sY:-km. gi,·ing a ckgrcc nf . afet\· a 1 cxc . ltL·nwnt ot. a rtlll:t\Ya\· 1a . . t 'f .\ r·n ~ /;1l~isa~~~~11[ r~(;~;~~~~L:!i c~ 1\ · L~,t ~\~:." ell~·:~;~~ That New Car Thrill L. R. AUTO SERVICE . t Ch . . urch 0 f Ch rist, FIrs WILMETTE, ILL. \Veqnesday T esti monial ~Ie e t i n g-8 P. l\1. sCientist . . - r Tenth Street and Central Avenue SERVICES SUNDAY SERVICES-11 A. M. tn hif!h stH·cd operatic, 11 Sl'ldnm hr·fflrr 0hLtined. it · i~ said. :\n expe rilllt'nt ;tl trin with ;1. --ix-ca r train \\"JS madr \Y ithin thr last \Hek from Ran~ clnlph strel't In \ fattc~nn. :1 distance of Sunday School Exe rcises 9:45 A. l\1. Subject of the Lesson Sermon Aug. Bth-"SPIRIT" = =~ i =~ - ~=== READING ROOM-1163 WILMETTE AVE. d W k f l\! 'bl Th e B 1 HOURS e an or s o ary Daily (except Wednes da y and Baker Eddy and all other " 'I - :,)\ , 1) p ' 1 S a t ur d ay ) 9 ·"· .., . t o ~ ._ , . a uthorized Christian Sci-ence Wednesday 9 A . M . to 7 :45P. M . Li terature may be read, bor: "\ l r..;. lf. :\ . Pope. 910 Lake ;wenur. in Ln~ .-\ nrrelcs. wherr' ;; he was ca ller! h\· t he se ri o us ill ne~~ (li lll'r h rotl1rr. \\·hn. howcn'r. l1a:; ~ i nre ~how n imnron·ment. ).fr~. Pope \H i tr~ th a t · he also Yisite d \f rs. Tohn Co uffrr. form er· 1 1\' n f \\ .. 11mette . in h er 10111 <' in Gle ndale. Ca l.. fo r tw o days . j, Xick H(lrn· . Ckm·inY road . da-. 1~t· d through till' Yi ll:tgl' j,,r a CCllbickr:d·l c dista11Cl' hd(lre it was ... t(lpped. Hc ·;·rL· wa s dcliH·ring ngetah lcs to the \' ;! n Du('St'11 gTc,ccr~· from hi:- \\"tlg"C111 in tl~ ,,. alll'y at t l1c rca r. Sudden h· the 11< ·r~c lH'can1e alarmed fnr :-on1e ·unrl i:-c( ·\·vred n·a~r·n and bolted. Tt galloped to P rair ie anrl C'rnf ral aH'lHtcs. \\"ll('r l' :~: 1 au tnmohilc hlocl.:t'd the rnacl and it stnppul lnng ettough for the pursuing mYner tn ct1tch up ancl take command. Ko dama,ge \\·as don e and 110 one " ·;1. c; injure d. ~fi ss F.s tr ll e E nge lha rd t of t\'~· 111orning \Yht·11 a hnr-.~· 0\\11cd h~· SatTuhredaPyub9l·"cA·:·Mc.ortdo··al9ly p··n·vM·"te. d toro awtte edndorthel?uCrchhuarsc ehd. Serv·"ces and visit the Readinr Room . . e ..........ututumuuuuuumuuntuJuuuuuulullllllluuutuuuuutlluuuuulnllllnlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllttlllttlllllllliiiiii:Uuuu.~ Cong r ega ttonal church. : benefit f01: th e \ Voma n's Guild of th e \Vag ner of Joli et , ~yJ 10 ar e ; pendin g thi s week wi th her. = home. oll :a =; Yant ~~ shm r s .. E. P. F at ch \Y as hos tess at a wood a Yemt e. entert a itw<l th irtv gur~ts g lun cheo!1 \ Vrdn rs day a t h er a t a lawn pa r t ~· Tu es dav eve nin g in \ Vas hm g ton ave nu e. as a honor of ).Ji ss Dollv and M iss B et tv - o- 915 O ak- I

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