Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Aug 1926, p. 33

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August 6, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE ANNOUNCE LEGION MEETING vVilmette Post, No. 46, of the American Legion will hold it s re gular meetin.g at headquarters in St. Augustine's Parish ~ousc Tuesday evening, August 10. ).fr. and ~Irs. C. Newburgh, 832 Greenwood aYenue, arc spending a month on a western trip. They will pass part of the time at the Glacier Kational park and Seattle where they will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bostwick, formerly of \Vilmette. On their return they will . visit a ranch in ! Kenilworth Happenings ).I i s Cornelia Keith, 310 \Varwick I 33 August Clearance SALE Radical redurtions on all Coats, ~resses and Hat's. Come in and take your pick. I roac.l, Kenilworth, is having as her guest for five days at her summer home at Big Lake. \Vis., from Thursday, Augu t 5 to :\Ionday, August 9, :\liss ).[argarct Backus and .one of her bridesmaid., :\lis s ] eannctte Cherry. -o).frs. Grant }):tehn and her baby son \vill leave ~enil\vorth Saturday, Augmt 7. for their home in :\cw Rochelle, ,. ~\. Y. ).f rs. 1\:(·e hn 's mot her, ).f r . . Ed~· ar \\'. Burchard, 310 Oxford road \\·ill accompan~r them on tht:ir trip and \\·ill n. C. Ha\\'kcs. 157 Kenilworth a\'en ·main a w<:rk in the Ea . t. nue, lta\'es Kenilworth this \Yeek-encl _ 0_ on a lm sincss tri~~~ .Xew York. ).fiss ).fargan:t Dackus. 245 Cumnnr road, 1\:enilwortll. will ha\'t as her hc1use guest. ).fiss Julia :\larcia D;n·is oi Kansa s Cit,·, Kan., who will arriH r1n Tue~day, :\u g u~t 10. to remain for ~I iss Backu< \Ytdding. -o~fr. and ~lrs. Francis Alll'n of Xc\\' York arc SJH:nding their \'acation in l'l'nilworth as the gue:-,ts nf ).fr . .-\1len's iathcr and 11H1 ther. ).[r. and ~lrs . L. :\!len. of 25R a\'entte. J \\'1 ~ Seymour ;Jason of Kenilworth, who has been undergoing a serious operation at the Presbyterian hospital, is showing signs qf improvement. -o:\Irs. Joseph Joyce, 531 E . sex road, Kenilworth, was hoste ss at a dinner party Saturday, July 31. -o).[r. and ).[r s. ~. ]. ~icks, 2~1 ).felrose avenue, have been visiting :\Ir. Hick's father in -oOhio. llNIQUE STYLE SHOP 1 12.6 B. COPLAN, Prop. Central Avenue Pb<:>ne Wit. 2 .. 03 I ~ lI 1 ~fcmh ers ni the Kenilworth Cardell I c 1u 1 'II go to '( orton GrO\'C to d ay to 1 sec the arboretums. ~ ~ t!··-----·-·-·------·-~-~-~··· · ~S~o~u~th~~~a~k~o~ ta ~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MARMON SALES AND SERVICE STATION 6017 Broadway, Chicago Phone Lqng Beach 642.8 Open Evenings and Sundays Call F. C. Heaney for a demonstration in the New Marmon. ~r. ).fr. and ).fr~ . D\rinnell Slat<-r of l.l·xington. ).fass .. \\·ill arrin· in Kenil\\'(lrth ~lltHJay for a visit at the home oi the latter\ parents. ).fr. and ).[rs. 1.. ).f. :\lien. z.::;R ~f l'ln~se a\·enue. ~[l'lrn:-;c -o- AUXILIARY MEETS TUESDAY I The auxiliary of \\.-i lmttte Post. Xo. -l6. of the :\merican Legion " ·i ll hold a mctting in the Parish Hou~c of St. :\ugn . tin ~·s church Tue sday ey·cning, I . \t~~;uc:;t lO. ).f r. 1 I , - and ).f rs. \.. \Y. Kihhv oi 8.)j Lake an:nuc with :\Ir. Kibb)\ sister, · -~·) :\frs. Gage of Hartford, Conn., haYc ···-·-~~-·-~~-~~-..- ..- - · -·- · - · - · - - - · - · - gone to sprn.cl some time at their summer home in nort hern .\Viscowin. Marmon N orth Sh - ore I -o\fi:-.:' Ih-rnice Cole. 315 f.~scx ro;1d, 1\:vnil\,·nrth. anrl ~li-.:-; Ra\· Kriete. 32.) ()xinrd m:td, ~pent h~t \\'C:ck-cnd ,·isiting- ~Ji .. . , l~lizahcth n,erhardt at the t ·ry:-.t;d Lake G<tli and Country club. -0- '\ ;0 \f r,. Ltndon 11<1\'t. Tr .. ~()() Chnn .. tn·ct. \\'inn ctka .. L:·a~-e a fan·\\·eil · lunchcClll \\.cdn e:-,da·.\·, .-\ugu:-.t 4. in llnn(·r ni \f r". Grant l(cehn. \\·ho ha :; 11t'l' n " i ~it in g in K c n i h" or t h. -0:t ~--~~, ~i.~ . *~~, ~ ~iscon.sin Xorm:tn Yi-.:-.vrin~. : · ..;; Kenilw arti1 t'lltlt'. \\·hn )la.., J,ct·n in Fl<1rida. ~pent a in,· da,·s in l\:L·nihH1rtl1 la::;t \H' tk. 1ft. Ita:-. llfl\\. ~<·m· to join hi, iathcr in ~··ut h Dakota. -0- ~Minnesota · Glorious~ealth ·and )'outhful Charm B contributing OWMAN'S MILK is a great fador to the health and happiness of iti many users. It is rich in 'the vitamins so essential to physical well-being. It gives cru · ··k energy to offset fa· tigue. lt s ~ rcamr goodness puts the rosy glow of health in your checks. Start drinking Bow~an's Milk to· day-the full, cream milk which for fifty-one years has been the standard of fJUality. Simply telephone our nearest di· tributing station or order from one of our courteous milkmen. Now! before you forget! ).fr-.. Huiu s B. ~tolp ..Bt) \\' an,·ick r(J:td. K('nih\<lrtll. ~:nt(·rtainl'd hl·r ~lab Jc·ngl! club :tt luncheon TtH::-.day, .\u gu .. t 3. -0- \)r,, t ' hark~ l>ul1:-;k\·. r,/2 .\l>l wthj,,rd n1:tcl. Kcnih\ orth .. entertained the 111 t m h LT ~ o i .h n h r i cl !:.! e c1ub ;1 t lun c h t ' l ·tl Thur :;da~·. ' -0- .Colorado · Yellowstone Utah ,California Pacific ).fr. and ).fr..;. ).fark \\·. Crc:;ap. 2.N F:-.:-.ex roacl. Kenilw orth. ret urn eel to Kcnih\-(lrth \\'cdne~da _, . after a ~horc hu:; i ness 1rip to ?\ C\\' York. -0- Rus:-,cll Cooke 331 Cmnnor road, Kcnil\\'0rth. \\·ho h;t .-; been in the f.\·a n~ t(1n hospital bee a usc· of an in i rctcd font. i:-; no\\' recuperating. ).fr~. Northwest \1 . Jasper ~::~on·· Black Hills \OF lOUTH DAKOTA -oFrank Young. 333 Cumnor rnacl, -0- 1( en il \\'< 1rt h. \\'ill he ho:; te!'s at din ncr and bridge Sat11rd ay, Augmt 7. ).fr. ancl ).frs. Theodore E. ).loritz. 226 \\.an\' ick road, Kenilworth, spent th t \\'cek-encl at Oshkosh. -o).[i s5 \'irginia Hedrick spe nt a few dav~ last week risiting in Kenil\\'orth. . h-e is stay in g at Leland. ) f ich. Free uHow to Keep Well" Movies Wide c:hol~ of route1. Stopover anvwhere-Spleadld tbrou1h tnlu· Ask (or our popular booklet "Forty Way· and MoretoCaUforniaand the NorthPad6c:Cou~' Will Attract Attention at Eacort·tl all- ·xp·n·· ffHire to Y·llolll· aton·~ Col·rotlo, Zion N·tlon·l P·rle anti Lolifornlo. AaAr o6out tlll·m· Illinois State Fair Springfield, Aug. 21-28 Chlca8o & North Weetwn a,., lli'Jt For full Information and de~eripd·· foWn apply to ticket a8enh · Miiii".i Phone Wilmette 55

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