Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Aug 1926, p. 30

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30 WILMETTE LIFE TO RE-WRITE . PETER PAN August 6, 1926 .. Sir James Barrie has just proved himself. the most liberal minded liv' tn , ing author (the dead have nothing to say about it) by allowing his story With a crew of North Western "Peter Pan and Wendy" which was railroad workers alternating with a considered difficult for children to un- crew of Sanitary di strict workers the . unfinished 1000 foot link of the ~Icderstan?, to be re~wntten by ~ary Cormick boulevard was nearing comBY:ron m two vers10ns one for httle letion this week. By the middle of ch~ldren, three to seven, another for IPS t b r it was estimated by As-· .ep em e ' . · . f and \V. Han·ey, Jr., "The Red by Frank Pack- chtldren seven to fourteen. ststant Engmeer Harnn gton o t 1 1c haYe just returned to their home at ard is an excellent adventure story Sanitarv district. this link will he· 103~ Greenwood avem~e afte: a month's and anyone who cares for an exciting lli ss Elizabeth B. Cowell, 900 For- complet-ed and the hourevarcl thrown outmg at Portage Potnt, l\l1ch. story will take great enjoyment in it. est avenue, who has been in the Ev- open for regular traffic for it s fulT anston hospital for the past few length from \Ve st Railroad aYenue in months on account of a fractured hip, Evanston to Devon a,·enue in Chicag'). the re sult of a seriou s accident that The unfinished section goes t hrou , qh occurred last Christmas day, has just a suhwav which is be in g built und er had the cast removed, and soon will the North \Ve stern tracks at tl1e point b'e able to walk again, it is announced. where thev cross the sa nitar y cf\nal Mrs. Harold Smith of Lima, Ohio, is and th e b-oulevard sout h of Oa k tnn th e guest oi ~[ r. and ~r rs. \V. I. Beam street. of 800 Greenleaf aYenue. Part of the work is being done by -othe sa nitary di strict and part by the . ~fr. and ~fr~. ).1. L. Redfield and railroad. This week the rail work(·r:; daughter, t-.;atalie, of 1131 Forest ave- were shifting a section of the . track s nue, left \V cdnesday for \ \' ashington, involved. The need of coordinating D. C.. to complete arrangements · for the various interest s iiw olvcd in the Mi ss Natalie's attendance at 1\ational suhwav has caused a dela y in it s comPark seminary. pletion. vvhich was originally set fo r this spring. Grade to Be Gradual The suhway " ·ill carry the full wid th of the 40 foot boulevard and in addition space is being prm·ided for a sidewalk on each side. Th e boulevard i.;; being bent out of linr . lig-htly to the cast at the suhwav in order to make the intrrscction with the railroad moH' Washday! What a bugbear. ·Upstairs, downnearly a ri ght ·a ngle. The curve, }lOwstairs; kitchen to laundry, laundry to kitchen .. ever, is slig-ht and "·ill not ohstrnct Yl f\ Inn. The long approaches to th e Luncheon for the laundress. Hanging the clothes structure allow for a gradual do,vninside. when it rains. And a dozen and one other ward slope. The suh wa~· will he lighted, and in addition \\·ill he guardl'd' things to do. And you endure all the worry, s h y tl a :-; h Ii g h t. . :\ 1a t it s port a 1 bother and trouble, simply because you think it though th e roaclwa~- is a consideral)ie· depth beneath the tracks. it doec.; 1 Dt i! your duty. And how foolish! go as low as the surfa ce of thC' cflnaT and drainagr into the Gtna l " ·i ll thu.;; Enjoy the more pleasan ter duties of life- reading Ihr eas ily provided fnr. The embankment at l'arh "ide ni tl:c - club work- longer play hours with the children. suhwav will he t er raced :111cl land.Turn your back on Washday and enjoy a New scapcci. according to prc:o;c nt plans. It's not so much the size or color · Day a week. Easy enough to do, too. The Skokie . Yalk~- Electric line of the EYES tha.t makes them passes m·cr th e canal an d the X ort h ~autiful. Rather, it's the glow \Ve ste rn track s on a viaduct at th is which radiates from them. UnA few words on the telephone or to Bill the less kept always clean and healthy, point. so that three tiers of tra ffir will EYES lacktthis alluring lustre. he ~rovidecl for " ·hen the sull\\·ayWashington Laundry Man and washday would opens. Millions of women throughout be a thing of the past- removed from your calthe world promote EYE health Before the subway is opened, uflkand beauty with Murine. It endar--your mind and your home. ton street in Niles Center fr0m ~r c cleanses EYES of irritating par.. Cormick boulevard \ve st to Lin('(d n tides and keeps them clear and road will he opened. according to an bright. Contains no belladonna. announcement made In· Niles Center Our illustrated books on "Eye Care" \\·hich sets September -1 as the dateor "E~·e Beaut)'" are f'REE on J'Cquut. I of the completion of this piece of paYThe Murine Company ing. The paving of Oakton annu~: l)q>t. 33, Chicago in f:,·anston from the canal \\'t :-t t::> Asbury avenue is on Evanston's program c·f local impronm ent s. CALL IN BILL TODAY. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gower of BiMrs. Lloyd Yost and her daughter, loxi, Miss. and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hey- Jane, 1016 Greenwood avenue, ar. e ler of Alberta, Canada, have been spending a week at Cedar Lake, Wis. guests this week, at the home of Mr. Morgan, Carl and Jane Yost motored and Mrs. ] ohn A. Hartmann, 1305 to Milwuakee last week-end. Sheridan road. -o-o]. H. Gibson, \vho makes his home ~li ss Elizabeth Hannah, 256 \Vood- with his daughter, Mrs. ]. F. Waugh, stock aYenue, Kenilworth, entertai,ned 812 Ashland avenue, has been attendat bridge Tuesday, August 3, in Miss ing a conference at :Monmouth, Ill. Fogle's honor. I this week. McCormick Subway, L B J J L· k ast ou evar Nearing Completion ~Ir. Mrs:-F~ Ledge~;:- I ' ... _ Turn Your Back on Washday- Enjoy a New Day a Week Beauty Lies in Healthy EYES I o' HE'S IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD TODAY-AND EVERY DAY ~fi-;s Esther }~uffman, 1()35 Lak e a\·cnuc, ldt last Sunday to SJH.'ll( l three \H'c ks in /.i on P :uk , Utah aml Colcorado. · 20% Discount on work brought in and called for

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