Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Aug 1926, p. 29

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August 6, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE water system undertaken when the village acquired the water plant last year, is a storage tank with a capacity of 200,000 gallon s. It is located west of the tracks, near the center of the village, and will cost $10,000 to construct. The protest to the board will also sugge __ t that the tank be ornamented in some way, it is said. 11embers of the board sav that a structure to conceal the to":cr would cost $25,000. It is thought that such a large sum could not be spent for the purpose at the present time. 29 Keith Drake, son of Mr. and Mrs. · Lyman Drake, 933 Lake avenue, returned to hi s home Wednesday from Cambridge, England, where he spent a year at Cambridge university. OPEN CHURCH . SCHOOL Will Protest New One Hundred Fifty Enroll in Summer School of Religious Education Held at National Kindergarten College Kenilworth Water Tank as Unsightly Asserting that the new \\·ater tank is unsightly and is depreciating the value of their· property from twenty to twenty-five per cent, thirty-five residents of Kenilworth have signed a protest which is to he filed with the Village board at its next meeting. The new water tank, \vhich is a part of a general improvement of th~ -oM iss Elizabeth Fogle of Canton, Ohio, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. E. F. Snydacker of 13-lO Chestnut ~venue, Kenilworth. Charles L. Morgan of 1401 Hill street has left to spend six weeks in Europe. He "-ill travel principally in France and Italy. One hundred and fiftv ch:urch school \\·orkers enrolled ~{o;1dav for the .-;nen th annual session of the Summer school of religious education, conducted ]),· the Board of Education of the 1f ctliodist Episcopal church at the National Elementary and Kindergarten ocollcge. \ \'ith a get-together 'Monday evening the program for the session officially opened. The schedule of events being followed is classes in the morning, -recreation in the afternoon from 3 to 5. lectures and other features in the e,·en ings. ~- 0_ Harrington. community din:ctnr of recreation from Erie, Pa., direct:-; the recreational program of the ~e::;-;iott which includes tours to local IH1i11 t:Oo of in tercst as well as baseball, tt:lltl i.;, s \rimming, aiHl hiking. , \ \"edncscla~·, August 11, a pageant will he given by the students in the Dra matics class under the direction of M is:-; Lnlia Glm·er. The following cn·ning- the annual banquet of tl1e :-ell( )()I will be held. the la:'ot gathering oi the session aside from the comlllt:tlct:ment exercise s to he held Frid;t ,. a ftt' rnoon ·at 2 :30 o'clock in the m;;in auditorium. Rngcr Albright. 260-l Central street. i.- dean of the school. E\·anston member.- of the facult,· include Dr. H arri. Franklin Rail nf- Garrett Biblical in:-ti tttl'. ~fiss Edna Dean Baker. pre:Ooident of the Xational Elementary and 1--:indn:..(arten college. ~farion 0 . Haw tltornl' , :\ortlnYCstcrn uni,·ersity. ~r r. and .:-.r r:-;. Ed\,·in L Carbon anrl i atnil}·. former!~· of \Yilmettc, spent t · ~L· \\'L'l'k-end \\·it It \f r . and \f r.;. B. I\. lbn,hurg .oi liOO \\'alnut avenue. -a- DEPENDABILITY ECONOMY DURABILITY VALUE CJbe arne· ~eans F Gverytbing ical unit and every cabinet to identify that productand all the inventive genius, the precise mechanical construction, the features that are exclusive to Frigidaire are represented by that one word-a trade-marked name that cannot be used on any other electric refrigerator. When you consider an electric refrigerator and want those qualities that have won leadership and reputation for Frigidairebe sure you get a Frigidaire. Mail this coupon for complete information about frigidaire ~-----------------, :-iTOYEil ( '(), I 1 Please send me a copv of the Friaidaire 1 Catalog. :11:: S. )Llcltlgun .\rc. Chicago, Ill. Noon Lunch! F Ol{ rh~ business man to take his mid-day lunch at rbe Central Cafeteria is simply .l matter of course. GJ/Jis moJem ice man · calls o~ee-with FrigiJa~ and the '" J"Wys ~/ways Ar the "round table" each noon you'll always find a congenial circle of your business associates. Sundays 12 to 5 liiOii :-itour lslaJHl An·. ( ' hic·ag-o, 111. 'I i·l" a.r RIGIDAIRE was given its name to distinguish it from all other makes of electric refrigerators. Back of that name are the engineering resources of General Motors, and the guarantee of the world's largest builder of electric refrigerators. Under the name Frigidaire more than two hundred thousand electric refrigerators have been sold to home owners and industrial users. The nameplate is placed on every Frigidaire mechan-· w. 1;~:: as 1!I Personal Supervision of Fred Miller ;,6:?:? W. )Lac! bon c·otumbus OHS 7:!;, Oak St. Wiunctka, Ill. W lnnctkn 1:!:! CENTRAL CAFETERIA Nelson Building Central Ave., tast of Wilmette AcJe. n:,th, c' hf<·at.w BHcrl.r ~4:?:! 9.)6 Llnc.Ien An. lluhlmnl WoucH, 111. Winnetka 1ii12 -&69 J>rosp(·ct A H. )Jilwa.ukrt·, W b. Lakeside 2tl:i;j l!W ~out It York St. F.lmhurst, Ill. }:tmhurst HHI 4 S. :ith .\ \'l', 1.a(:ralllt't', Ill. J,aurault'c· lii Name------------------------------Address----------------------------- I I I 1 I WILMETTE a Be sure it is a Frigidaire- Product of General Motor~ CitY------------~-------State ________ I

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