Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Aug 1926, p. 26

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26 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Guest of Ev- WILMETTE LIFE Mrs. Bernard C. Bowen of 605 E ighth street, was hoste ss on Wednesday of last ""eek at luncheon and three tables of- bridge in honor of Mrs. R. Ashley of Stewart, Fla., a form er resid ent of \Vilmette who is now visiting here. August 6, 1926 Mr. and Mrs. George Hughes Duncan and daughter, of 701 Central aveanston, announce the birth of a son, nue, have returned from Canada where Thomas Joseph, July 27. at the Evthey spent some time in Montreal and anston hospital. Mrs. Gttest wa s forat th e Chateau Frontenac in Quebec. (Continued from Page 18) merly ~~i ss Florence Steiner, daughThey took the famous Saguenoy River trip up to Chicoutime, and returned formance in thi s part of the countryt er of ).Jr. and :!\Irs. Joseph Steiner by wa y of Niagara Falls. there was such a demand for seats of 1451 \Yilmette avenue. that the house was completely sold out nearl\' a week in adva nce. E':ery ava il a ble hit of. free space was bkeCitizens' Military Training Camp, Fort Sheridan, Dlinois, " ·ise taken. And this vast audience August 3 to September 1. Fort Sheridan is best reached was as enthusiastic as it was lar.ge. There was no mistaking- the impress JOn bv the North Shore Line. · It is one of the important interest that "La Yid a Brcn·" hacl made, so. the centers along this high-speed electrically-operated railroad. announcement that it is to he g-1\'Cn a!:!·a in on \\.cd nc. day ni ght . August 1.1 , " :il l hr welcomed by many. Agam :\fm r. Bori ,,·ill he l1 card as Salud, the Spanisl1 gypsy gi rl. in. which =- he \\·a:; so snccrssfu l that one 1s at a loss as to '"l1 ct her she sco red IH.T ~rcatc:;t t r i um p 11 (1. · s i 11 !..!'C r 0 r a<: t r (' s c;. ~ r~11 e. nori maile this part ln·c. reach111g ma!!nificcnt heights ni dr;tma: 0!~ pnsite her Jose ~f oj i ca . .'\'lw. lth· h.1 ~ ,·i=--a-,·is. is Spants h. achtn·ccl splcnrltd success. Other. in the cast arc .Tn a H~urska,·a in a fine c haract cr iza~ to.n. Louis D'An ge ln. equal ly rc.altsttc. Desire Defrere and Paoln Anantan. A Antioch Oconomowoc feature of the perfonn:tnrc is tl1e halChannel Lake Nashotah Lakes Jet \Yith Ruth Page an(\ ~fark T_urhyLoon Lake Nehmabin Lakes ft!l in Spanish (\ancc;;. Sr~t11calh· . m nsica 1h· and cl ra mat ically, t h 1s work Round Lake Silver Lake i s r r do fc..· nt of 0 I d Spain . a n cl e\'c. n Lake Villa Delafield the libretto is in Spanish. Tha~ tl~1 s Fox Lake District Waukesha Beach atmosphere may he presen·cd 111 t.ts Grays Lake N agawicka Lake entirch·. the operatic pcrfonnancc 'nll Volo- McHenry Pewaukee Lake he prccccdccl hy a g-roup of three T alee North Shore line trains Take North Shore Line ttafns to Take North Shore Line to Mil· Spanish mtmhers playe(\ by the orco Kenosha, and North Shore Waukegan or Llbertvville: North waulcee-atep into T.M.E.R.&.L. Line Motor Coaches from e h e s t r a u n rlc r t h e h a ton. of . ~ f r,. De Shore Line Motor Coaches from trains at door o( our Milwaukee there on regular achedule . thereon regular schedule to these Lamarter. The opera ttselt \Ytll he terminal, for theae points . Through ticlcete .. points. Through tickets. Through tickets. conducted 1)\· ~fr. Hasselman:-'. Tlmrsd;w ·afternoon, August 12. \\·ill :1s usual l;c de,·ote d to the Chihlrcn '.s concert ancl entertainment. The musical prog;ram will he played by the Chicago Symphony orche stra under ~fr . DrLamarter and the conductor will explain the nnmh er~ played to the children . A double enter tainment has been pro,·idc<l to follow the c~ncert. Loui s Tops. acrobatic clown. \\"111 appear ancl \Yill present hi s tr.ick d.og a.ncl monkr,·. an(l Claude :\u ,tm \Ytll p:n·~ an rxl;ihition of comedy juggling. :\11 Ludington .Sheboygan children tweln· years of age ancl und er are a(lmitt c(l frl'C t:-> thest concerts. Manistee Port Washington Rese n·ed scats arc free for eYc ryon e. Hamlin Lake Elkhart Lake "L:1. Boh eme," Puccini's colorf~1l opc..·ra of lii e in the Pari -.ian T..at1.n Portage Lake Plan an early visit to St. Mary Cedar Lake o( the Lake Semiftary. Every. quarter. \\'hich l1 ~s \YO n ~nt htht st.lC one should see this magnificent Onekema Crystal Lake praise this seasnn 1s to be gtn.·n agat n worlc coating ten million dollars. A mile-long lalce within on Thursday nigbt. August 12. ~fmc. the 1.000-acre grounda. Hills, Take North Shore Line to Mll. Take North Shore Line to MilF 1i ~ ;, h c t l1 Ret b h c r g ',.i 11 1> c h ~a rcl . as flowers, trees, inspiring archiwaulcee; Pere Marquette night waukee; connections at door of tecture and lovely landscape ~f im i. a part to which she gwe.; ;n eteamer from there: arrive out' Milwaukee terminal with 1 work. Scores of wonderful Michigan next morning. di,·ic111 (1. 1 charactc..·riza t i1 111 a n<l ~Yim' .1 Milwaukee Northern trains for things to see and enjoy. Best Through tickets. these points. Through tickets. pro,·ide s f11l l opportunity for. a (}lsp.lay reachedbvtheNorthShorellne. of her yoicc in ih m :->lT lyn c qualtty. Fd"·; 1rd l ()bnso n. who has r('na lc..::l s~'n·ra l 1H~,,. attribute: as Hodnlfn. \nll ar,.ain he lu::1nl in this great tenor role. ~fis.; ~far!2.· cry ~laX\\' C' ll \\·i ll he ~fu -.l't ta. :.tr. na,ifll ;t, ~fr. Ddr l'rc and ~fr. Lazzari will he 1~ndolf,l'" . Bolw.m1an c0 m p a 11 i flll.; a 11 r1 P a o 1n .\ n; 1111 ~ n ~ nll ~) ~· lwarr1 in thc.l\Y8 chararll'r rok'. ). l. Papi will conduct.. . T h t' n' i" a t rea t 111 ~ t M c I < r a 11 t h C:::; C' wh n apprc..·ciall' nnicct opera hnutfe. f(lr "Fra Dia ,·olo" has heen placccl on t h e sclll' clul c f nr F r i d a y n i g h t. :\ ust 13. Here is :1. merry ol<l work 111 For schedules, fares andotheTinformation, inquire at ticket office, or at which mtlocly ahonn(b. comecly run <:. Traffic Dept., Chicago, 79 West Monroe St., phone Randolph 6.226; hin·h and at the sa me time has rnough Milwaukee, 4o8 Security Building, t>hone Qrand 990 or Grand .276.2. 0 ( drama in it to giYe it a serion:;ly romantic int er est. hut which leads to a happy endin g. lt will he rcmemhc.re.cl th at it was restored to the Ra\'mta repertoire season before las t, when manv of the \'Olin ge r opera goer s of The high-speed electrically-operated railroad this - community formed it s acquaintWilmette Passenger Station ance for th e first time. Ravinia posTelephone Wilmette 2 5 1 4 sesses a cot erie of artists especially Be~~gagi · C'hecked en<lowed to do full justice to thi s work in which deftness of acting must he coupled with superb lyric singin g. Mario Chamlee will have the title role , singing this part for the fir st time in his career. OFFER FESTIVE WEEK IN RAVlNIA PROGRAMS Q In the "Good Old" Summer Time! .,- Lake Geneva Twin Lakes Powers Lake MICHIGAN WISCONSIN ILLINOIS Libertyville Mundelein ll::- Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railr_o~d G_ompa~y

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