Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Aug 1926, p. 24

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24 WILMETTE LIFE August 6, 1926 You Will Like the Service of Chicago Manufacturer Buys Wilmette House The spacious nine-room brick re sidence at 823 Ashland avenu e, \Vil mette, \'r as , old th is week bv C. Frederic Doscher to EchY in Georger. ).f r. Gco rger. who is an official of the Pratt a nd Lambert company , Yarni sh man ufacturers, ha s bee n renting in \ \ .i!Jnettc for som e time until he found a de sira ble home. He will take pos~ession of hi s ne \Y home Septem1 her 1. ).fi ss H oe \· of the ~orth Shore Real Estate coml)any represented bo th part ies in the tran sac ti on. CLUB IDEA POPULAR Promotors Receive Many Inquiries Regarding Details of Prospective Vista del Laga L. C. Gregory & .Co. North Shore Realtors LOANS RENTING " Once Tried Never Deniedn INSURANCE LET US SELECT THAT HOME COURTEOUS TREATMENT HIGH SALARIED SALESMEN We H.tndle Property in Evanston, Wilmette. Kenilworth, Winnetka, Glencoe and Highland Park GOLF COURSE SPECIALISTS uGre~ory Knows Where Value Grows'"' L. C. Gregory & Co. 2930 Central Srreet Greenleaf 1020 Residence Phone- Glencoe 416 The enthusiasm with \Yhich the entire north sh re received news of the plans of Commodore J. Stuart Blackton and hi s a s ociates to g ive thi s comnnmity Yi sta d el Lag-o, is equaled o nly hy that 'rith \\·hich tht: pro m otor s nf the e11tcrprise arc L'1l~<l!-.?;ing in the preliminary work. Ground \\·as br ok en this \\·cck for tl1 e erection of a miniatl} re ~pani::.i1 lod ge which is to he used hy th e archiResident of Germany tect a nd a s a field nfllce. lt is locat L·<l Leases Wilmette Home nn a sec tion of the tract purcha se d for Jo sep h Haupt , nf B erlin. Germany. the n e\\' club building and ,,·ill he of t hrou g h the :\or th Shore Heal Estrl.te white ~t uc cn \\·ith r ed tile roo i. 1t \\·i ll company . -+ 1R Lind c n a,.e nu c, \Vi 1 - he ru:--h ed to co mpleti on in about three mcttc. ha s lea se d the residence of "\[r:-;. \\T C k s. it is sa id. , \ ·irg inia Pritchard at 12R Laurel aveFr om \ ' ista del T.a go headquar ter". 11tH.' . \\' ilmctte . \! r ::;. Pritchard has 93() X e> rth "\lichig an a,·c·nm·. Chic:u..?.o. tak e n a s111all ::; uitl..' o f ro oms on Prm·- it \Ya s s tated thi s wee k that thL' \' ar·· ident arenue. \Yinnl..'t ka. ~fr. Haupt now enro llin g· metnht·rship s tn tiH~ cluh is taking snme specia l work at ~orth at a li Hh· rat e. F ollm,·i11g the an\Ye ste rn univer sity. n o un c em c ;1 t o f t h e c1u h · s . p 1a t1 s . in HOME FROM VACATION \Yit. '>tETTE LIFI·: la:--t \\"L'l'k. i11qUiri~..·.., hq.?.:tll Robert D. Smith. \Yith \\·. G. Sta cn·l coming in. man:· telephonin g- for ~110rc r ea l es tate company. 33() Linden a \·e·- cletaikcl iniormation. it was sa id . Th e nuc. \Y ilm ette, is expected hnlll c the . pontancou .; respon se . the prnmntor..; latter part of this \\·cek from Lake fe el. is indi ca tin· of th e general popuI<iplcy. \\'is .. ,,·here l1e has been larity of the plan. :-; pending a two weeks' yacation. "\fr. ancl ~fr s. John H.ccrl Fuganl oi r,,·anslon. left last Suncl;t,. night f()r Lo :-; An ge le s. Cal.. to h e tl;c gtll..·o;h ni Commodore T. Stuart Bla ckt on. chair man of the l;oard of directors of Y i::.ta ell'! L agn. \\'hilc there. "\fr. Fugard " ·ill co ntinUL' hi:- . ttHly of Spa ni"h architecture whi c h ,,·ill be the arrhi w rth ~ h orc tl' Ct u;tl note in the ne,,· 1 r lu h. Thn· \Yill also ,·isit the dozen :-- h () r c clul; s in T. o :-; :\ 11 L!." e k s. which han: ro mpldel _,. rcYOlt1tioniZL'cl cluh liiv nn th e Paritir coa:-;t, it is said. :tf'fc,rdi 11 ~- ;t.; t hey do. a c 1u I> in r L' H r y 11 H'tll · hL·r of tht: family io r c \·c ry day oi the year. r..: Chicago Man Purchases C. E. Heckler Residence Sovm1u Dfil'orlmfltlt G~~t~fiNJI Bontin11 Tru.Jt Deparlmfltlt Bond Deparlmfltll R ea l F..Jtate Loan Dt~partmfltll Correspondents 1 1 The Rooms Are Larger Hotel rooms are hotel rooms. They are all very much alike. But The Georgian . a furnished apartment hotel for exacting people, sounds a new keynote in apartment hotel rooms. Georgian rooms are much larger. And comparison will prove this. Visit the model suite ar 512 Davis Street. See a typical furnished apartment in exact reproduction. Compare the size of the rooms; compare the type of furniture and furnishings. See how every minure derail has been provided for your convenience. Y ~t Georgian rates are standard. Come today. Your are cordially invited. Make any comparison. Ask any questions. The model suite. 52 2 Davis Street. Metropolitan Lllelnsurance Company Millions to Loan First Mortgages LOW RATES Residences Bun&alows REAL ESTATE LOAN DEPARTMEN'T The Xnrth ~hnre R ea l f.stat<- rnmpany. -l1 R T.inrlen :trcnm·. \\"il mdk. r\'porh the ::;a k of the Charh'" F. Heck1 l' r r('-.iclcnrl..' at 1100 Cn·c n\\·c111r\ aH'1111t'. \Yi1m dtt·. tn J..\ . Sh;1nk. ni ..t<J-+7 Crand hnulc,·anl. Cl1ira~· o. P 0~ st·-..; ion i::; t n h l' gin·n Sl..'pt~tnhn 1. Thi ::; i-.; a ht'autiiul ninv-rnom n·sicl~..·nct· ~,n one o~ till' n1a1~y pretty_ lrrl' L'll\\.()()(! an·nut· . ; ttl' s. h ;l\·11lg a Ir!lnl~l~t· nl ..;t·n- nt:·- fl\T fed. Thayer Residence Taken. by Grant Osborne Family \Yillarcl Than' r ha" .;olcl to \.rant O . ; horn r. of F\:anston. his r e.;i clt·nc-e at 32.2 Cent r :ll ;-~n·m 1e. \ Yilmvt t l' . :1 1Hl the iormer ,,·ill mm· c th e fi r"t part 11i next \\Tek int() the T. r.. Ra,· 11011H' . r.u~ \\ · ;1 s h in I! to 11 an~ n t1 e . un t i 1 t h <' c n 11111 1 rti on of t1H' 11 {'\\' hom (· \Yl1ich tlw iamih· i::; huildinl.! in sn ut1H·nst Kvnilw orth. Tht O..;horn;·..; \Yill take p(1 .;.;cs<.; i()n of th<' ir 11\' \\. ('Pntral ;l\T1111L' 11cmw .\·ptemher 1. TTil1 an d Ston e. -lO .f Linden :t\'l'ntte. \Y cre th e hrol..: cr s. · SELL VACANT TRACT Hilt and Stone, of .f()-t Lind en a \·enue. report the sale of 50 feet of Ya rant on Brier s treet. ju:;t north of Rogers avenue. Kenil\\·ortl1's rapidl:· · growing- cnmmunity. the sal e being maclc for Edith G. \Ve ::; ton to an undisclosed purchaser. ~iss Ethel Gilchrist. 510 Lake a\·enue. returned \V cdnesday of last '"eek from ·Channel Lake, -where she was the u-uest of l\fi ss Tsahel Cooper at a Kappa Phi sorority house partv. Miss Gilchrist attends Denison universitY, .where .slfe ·is · a men~ber of Kappa Phi. . l The Georgian now nearing completion at DaTis Street and Hinman AYenue will be ready on or before October first. OIIfAOOTRUSifDMPANY LUCIUS TETER PruUhmt .JOHN W. O'LEAI\Y Ykt~-Pruldtmt SOUTHEAST COR.NER MONROit 6: CLAalt.

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