Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Aug 1926, p. 22

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Z2 WILMETTE LIFE August 6, 1926 ""'""""""'"""'w'"'"""'"""'"""'"'""'""'"""'""""'!TITTTT!TTU:rmcr."'"""'w"""""""""""""'"""'w'"'"'"""""'""'""'"""'~.JlJllliliiilll"'"'"'"""'"""'"'"""'"liii w'"'w 11!111!1'" """'"" "'"" Open Day for W. W. G. A. at Sunset Ridge . I I I I I I I I ill I II I I II! I I I I I I I I I I I II I] , I I II I I I I I II I II I I II I II! II I I I I I I I I ill Iii I I II I II I II I I I I II I I I tu:mnnnm(!liiiiiiiiD't!TIIIJIIIJm I I I I I I I I II I ill I II I Iii I II I II I II I I II I II I I I I I I iii II I ill bll I iii Iii I i.DlliJilDJ'I:i:.il..II'Jmm.!!: I I I I I II I I II , ! I I I II I iii !iii ill I I I II I I II ill I iii I II I II I iii I I I I I II I IIIII! I II I II I II I I II ChamP.ionship Play for Women at Golf Clubs During Month L\liss .Tt·a n Tt: n Brocck) Will Marry Ensign Plan for Annual Benefit Arden Shore Again Bridge at Woman s Club Urgently Calls for The advent of Octoher will be one of the signals for th e opening of the social season which even now sends forth prophecies of heing very active. The fifteenth annual bridge party for the benefit of the philanthropy department of the \Voman 's club of \Vii~ mette \vill be a large event of \Vcdne sday, October 27, given at the clubhou se . Proceeds from the affair will benefit the various welfare agencie s to whose support the club contributes, among which are the Wilmette Board of Local Charities. Arden Shore, the Mary Bartelme and Sarah Hackett Stevenson memorial homes, Northwestern ·Cniver sit\· settlement, the Great Lakes hospital for ex-service men and the CommunitY Chest. Pivot h;idge will be played and a prize will he given for every table. Mrs. Charles A. \Vanner of E\'anston has the arrangements of the affair in charge. and she \viii be assisted by Mrs. J nelson F. Stone, Mrs. \Villiam H. Holmes, Mrs. \Villiam Chamclon, Mrs. 0. E. Phaleg, Mrs. ]. L. ~fitchell, Mrs. Nathan P. Colwell, ).f rs. C. P. Berg, Mrs. Haye s McKinney, ~1rs. George \V. Kibby, Mrs. J. A. Pancoast, ~ rs. David J. Davis. ~f r!-1. Raymond \Vheelock, ~frs. \Villiam Me:.. Gihhon, ?\frs . Freel M. Bo"·es, Mrs. C. Miles ~tcDonakl, Mrs. Albert 1\. Page, Mrs. B. ]. Galloway, and ~{r s. George Iliff. Children's Clothes J -. Scanning the remainder of August's :-ocial horizion, one looks in vain for c\·en a sug-gestion of any, as yet unannounced, large affair s other than tho:O-e emanating from well known ~o urces. our country and golf clul>s. An occa. ional wedding, debuts to come and philanthropy affairs have given promise of il reawakened season; but there is no douht that the social curve has taken a downward direction this month. But while the interest of so man\' north shore women centers in golf: the time is propitious to give a rc~t11ne of the forthcoming events at local dubs. Of most general interest, perhap~. is the announcement that Sunsrt Ridge will he the hostess cluh Frida~· . August 13, at at1 open day for the \\'oman's \\'estern Golf associa~ tion. At that time the club will extend its hospitality to all who arc members of the golf association. There "·ill be on.c or two rounds of match play. August is th e month of contention for women's club championships. ~frs. E. P. Bartlett is chairman for the \Yomrn's golf events at Skokie club, with ).f rs. Arthur J. ~'[ itchcll in charg-e of the August schedule, and Urs. E. R . Hankins. of September. ~Irs. G. R. Child and ).f rs. A. S. \Vehster arc other members of the committee who sen·ed in ]ttly and June re spectively . The (jualif~ ing ronnel of the club cllampion ship will he played Augmt 13, the matches to he completed during the " ·ce k. August 20 will be guest day. These arc the two outstanding events of the month. High lights - for August at Sunset Ridge club, in addition to the open day before mentioned, will he the eighteen hole handicap and flag tournaments, events of the first two weeks. and the club championship arranged for the conclu.din'! event. Mrs. C. C. Kendrick is chairt) ..uJ of "ladies' day," with Mrs. I. B. Conner, Mrs. C. Dorr Price and · 1..-J rs. Thomas F. McNally, members of her committee. At It"lCiian Hill, under the direction of ~-Irs. A. Ballard Bradley, chairman, and Mrs. Grant Ridgeway, Mrs . Charles Klotz, Mrs. Harve Badgerow, 1\I rs. A. Fletcher }.1arsh and Mrs. George Forrest, the following program has been arranged: Wednesday, August 11. the occasion of medal play handicap; August 18, handicap against par; August 25, choice of partners. The \Vilmette Golf club has been following a general program each month, arranged hy the chairman, ~f rs. Richard ~. Trevett, and her committee. Mrs. Tracy · Holn1es, Mrs, Thomas McLaren, Mrs. Charles Poole and Mrs. E. F. Wellinghoff. The first Tuesday of each month is the time for the qualifying round for the monthly trophy. The second is the occasion of a choice medal round, with a choice of the best six holes on each nine. The third week a two-ball foursome is the event and the last Tuesday the event is match play against par. Mrs. Frank W. Snow is chairman of women's golf eYent~ at the North Shore Golf club, assisted by the following committee, Miss Katherine Photo by R eid< ?\1 iss ~r argaret Backus of Kenil worth. daughter of ?\fr. and Mrs. ] ona than Trumbull Backus, is one of the August brides for whom a number of prc~nuptial affairs are being gh·en. Her marriage to Hamilton \Vilcox Howe, son of ~Ir. and ~1 r s. Charles D. Howe, ;1 lso of Kenilworth, on August 17, will be a militan event as the prospective bridegroo-m is an ens.ign in the Cnited States Navy, and all his attendants will be navy or army men. ~fr. and ~Irs. Halbert Frank Riley, 730 Lake avenuC' . announce the engagement of ~fary Jane \Vilson to Herbert A. Gould, Jr., son of Her bert A. Gould. 1130 Lake avenue. The wedding will take place Saturday, August 28. 111111 l.illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 111111 1 Mrs. Howard L. Fogg, 818 Ashland avenue, will entertain about forty guests at luncheon and bridge today at the Guilmette Countrv club in honor of her sister, Mrs. ~Russell D. Barker of Mountain Lake. N. ]., who is spending the summer with her. Winship and Mrs. George Gonsalves, who w~e in charge in June; Mrs. R. C. Boozer, Mrs. B. H. Huggins, July; Mrs. ]. E. Cain, Mrs. M. B. Wilson, August; Mrs. Frank Ketchum and Mrs. Thomas Ross, September. During the current month the following schedule has been planned: Friday, August 6, is the qualifying round for the CainWilson trophy; August 13, will he "Jinx" day, with thirteen prizes to be awarded. Each player will invite her partner for a mixed two-ball foursome, which will be followed in the evening by a dinner-dance; August 20, match play against par is scheduled, with full handicap, and August 31 will he the occasion of the qualifying round of the club championship, which will be completed September 3. Eight will qualifv from each. class in the opening round over eighteen 'holes with gross score, and special events will be played each day of the tournament. Arden Shore se nds forth a most urgent appeal for clothing· and shoes, especially clothing and :;hoes for children. The summer finds Arden ~hore camp a busy hive, with its many little groups of mother. and children each having- their fortnig-ht of relaxation, nourishing food and out-of- doo r Iif e, surrounded by green trees, green grass, and a stretch of beach on Lake ~fichigan's shore to offer cooling recreation. These two weeks snatched' each \'car from the sq ualor of their Chicago abode s, offer _ these women and children, perhaps, tl1 c only rest and recreation of their Ji,·es. The camp is now in innncdiatc · n erd of clothing and shoes t n supp ly these summer guests, and particularly now, tl1c ·c hildren. Each fa,pih· of thc.::c north ~horc Yillages is asked to take stock of its castoff clothing. of the cloth in g outgr0\n1 hv it s little hov s ancl it s little girls, a;Hl sec if ther~ is not "nmcth ing to s upply the want s of .-\ rd en Shore. The bundles may be taken dirrctly to the camp it is announced, or donor:, maY commtmicatc \Yith the following chairmen : ~f rs. E. D . Fuch s. indu strial chairman, 1043 Che::;tnut annue, \Vilmctte: ?\frs. ~lark Crc::-ap. 23f) F.ssrx road, KenihY orth: ~frs. Edwin Keeler, ()31 \Vaiden road. or ~r rs. F.mon- \Yilder, 6R7 "Hill road. \\rinn et111111 Ullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 111111 ka, w-ho arc in charge during the rlh~ Albert Tucker to Wed sence of the village chairman. ~f rs. ~farcu s D. Richard :;: ~fr ~. Henry Madison Girl Saturday Peirce Pope, 45-l \Y ondl~t\\'11 an~ nuc, A small, informal wedding will take . Glencoe. place Saturday afternoon, Au~ust 7, 111111 111111111 111111111 1111111111111111111111 1 111111 rlt the home of ~r r. and ).f rs. Clayton vV. Haswell, Madison. \Vis.. when Kenilworth Girl Guest their daughter, Miss Helen. hccame t '.; bride of Albert B. Tucker, s.on of at Prenuptial Affairs ~'fr. and Mrs. W. A. Tucker, 1214 Lake avenue. The Rev. Jesse E. Sarles of Prior to her marriag.e in Kenilworth ~fadison will read the service at 4 J~ucsdav evening, Augt1.~t 17, ~1i ss , k AI argaret Backus' engagement pad 0 c1 oc . . 1 1 f ff . . 1 . Paul K. Robertson of Evanschsc oses a num )er o a a1rs 111 1rr Mrs 1 wr Mrs. Alexander S. Joslin, 24() ton. sister of the hride, \Vill attend M~ss. E~~ex. road, and ~frs. ~ferrett H. Haswell as ma~ron of honor, and Mtss De.m ent. 337 Abbott -- ford road, enterFr~nccs Loomts, of Mattoon, Ill., as taincd at luncheon and bridge at Skomatd of honor. . . kie club· \Veclnesday. Miss Elizabeth W. A. Tucker will serve hts son ~s Hannah, 256 Woodstock a\'enue. wilt best man. Ralph E. Larson of Mac!t- give a luncheon for Miss Backus Tuesson, and Mr. Ha~ry C. Thomas of Mtl- dav. August 10. \Vednrsda:-r. August waukee, !ratermty brothers of Mr. Mrs. Hallett Cole of Chicago, wilt Tucker, wtll he the ushers. he a luncheon hostess in her honor. The marriage is a culmination of. a Miss J eannettc Cherry, 422 Ahbottsrollege romance begun when both Mtss ford road, wm he hostess at a bridge Haswell a;1d ~ r. Tucke: were. stude~ts give n for the bride elect and her at the untverstty of Wtsconsm. Mts~ house guest, Miss Frances Dockery, Haswell, a member of Alpha <;ht on Thursday, August 12. Next SatOmega sorority, was graduated wtth urday Mrs. Wesley Blum and Mrs. the class of 1924, and Mr. Tucker. a Harold McKenzie will give an aftermember of Phi Kappa Sigma, gradu- noon party for Miss Backus. Mr. and ated with the class 9f 1925. Mrs. Johanthan Trumhult Backus, '"ill Mr. Tucker and his bride will leave give a bridal tea Monday afternoon immediately after the ceremony for a following the rehearsal, and that same tour in the north woods, and upon ('Venin~ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ho" e. their return about September 1, will the bridegroom's parents, will entermake their home at 918 Oakwood ave- tain the bridal party at dinner and nue, Wilmette. bridge at the Orrington hotel. 11: .... 111111 Wlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 1111111 111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 The Barrington Garden· club announces a flower Show, the first in its history, to be given August 10 and 11 from 11 o'clock in the morning until 8 at night at Oak Brae, the home of Mr. and Mrs. James E. MacMurray in Barrington. Mrs. A. M. Cleveland of Plymouth, Ind., announces the engagement of her daughter, Mary Jane, to Philip R. Melangton, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Melangton of 606 Lake avenue. The wt"dding will take place in the early fall. ·

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