August 6, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 17 CJhe·. f -"II!"' ' reatest uccess .in a Quarter Century ofFine Car Creation There have been many golden periods in Cadillac's quarter century of pre-eminence among the fine cars of the worldbut never a time when Cadillac was so unmistakably the Standard of the World as now. How completely Cadillac dominates the high-priced field is conclusively proven by Cadillac's unprecedented gain in the past 12 months-when sales increased 87.5% over the preceding year. ./ Cadillac N._ow Offers 50 CJ3ody Styles and rr5ypes Five Hundred Color and Upholstery Combinations, Many Exclusive to Cadillac In combination with the widest selection of body types and styles ever pres en ted ·by one manufacturer, Cadillac .offers five hundred body color combinations and an unexampled range of upholstery selections. As of this day and date, Cadillac dominates in its unmatched a hili ty to supply every motoring requirement, to meet every individual taste and preference. Here is a manufacturing advance literally more important than any other development since Cadillac introduced the car buyers which has never before been approached, and which only Cadillac is today able to offer. The complete Cadillac lineincluding the standard models, the distinguished Fisher custom-built series, and the finest and most luxurious exclusive creations of Fleetwood-surpasses anything ever before attempted. Cadillac today establishes itself on a new, high plane of skill and service which must inevitably add to the public acclaim that has rewarded Cadillac, in the past 12months, \vi th the greatest success in the his tory of fine car manufacture. On Display This Week All Cadillac Salesroonts 50 Body Types and Styles 500 Co lor Cum binations :.'L 90-degree eight-cylinder motor. Here is an achievement in individualized service to fine NEW 90 DEGRE~ DIVISION OF · GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION Cadillac Motor Car Company, Evanston Branch 1810 Ridge Avenue, Evanston UniVersity 8600