Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Aug 1926, p. 12

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12 WILMETTE LIFE August 6, 1926 m t nt club; N. R. Matheny, Theodore J,oose Yelt Post, American Legion; E. l\1. :\fartin, Union Lea~·ue club; J. E. Whit e, Ameriean Legion ; Norman J. Sugg, Junior Association of Commerce; Shelby :'If. Singleton, C itize n's association; Graham Taylor, Chicago Commons. Miss Grace Youngs, of Michigan, is Mrs. Harry Brown, 819 Ashland avenue ga\'e a luncheon last Saturday at spending two or three weeks as the !he \Yilmettc Golf club. guest of her sister, Mrs. James A. Burrill, 812 Greenwood avenue. 1Irs. John -OJ udgc 'Ira Hyner of 1-H5 Hill street, Boddie of 1621 Forest avenue enteris spending two \H'cks fishing at Con- tained a few fricnds : in :Miss Young's; over and Eagle Ri\'cr, \Vi s. honor Tue sday afernoon. Revive Party Government BY HOYT KING (\Vilmette) A conference wa s held at the Sherman hotel last week in connection of a better citizenship campaign. It was a part of the effort of the National Civic Federation's plan to revive party government. Among those who attended the conference were: Gerhardt F. :\Teym', Rotory Club of Chicago ; harl es \V. Schick, Ame ri ca n Lt:gion ; Ferre C. "\Vatkim;, American L~~ g ion; 1\lrs. Paul Rittenhouse, Illinou; Leagu e of Women Voters; :\Jrs. L ee Sturges, Chicago Woman's club; :Mrs. Edward L. MurCey, Woman' s City club; Ida E. G. Sherman, American Legion a uxiliary;· ·willi am D. Salti el, Junior .\ s!:;ociRtion of Commer ce; U eorge E. Co le, Cit izen 's association; Robert L . Floyd, Am e rican Legion; \Vayland Brooks, Am~·rican Leg·ion; Howard SaYagt>, ,\m e rican LPgion; Hoyt King, Union Leagu e cluh; Vv. H. Holly, C ity club ; Philip Yarro w, Political Action 'ommission, Chi cago Church F ede rati o n. Lloyd E. \Vork , Lions c luhs; A. H. Thorn, Lions clubs; F. C. Whitehead, Chi cago ('ommons; G. \V. L:-Lwrence, Chicago ('ommuns; Sydney L. Hmith, ~lilitary Jntt' lligence as!:;ociation; Alfred Crangt-r, <'haptc'r, Resen·e Officers asso <·ialion: ::\Iargut·ritt~ A. Benson, Gon:rn- -Unhurried ~uying means correct purchases -in Evanston shop with ease. Save your tnoney. EVANSTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The department on political education of the National Civic Federation urge s voters of all ages and cla sses to join in reviving party government. John Hays Hammond is chainnan of the department. To for\\'ard the movement, meetings \\'ill be held in 1,000 cities on September 21, to urge a rcnC\\'ed intcr'cst in party \vork. Similar to the met hod pursued lll \\ ilmette 1)\· the "Forum for 100 per cent Voting," atC organized froccs witi be enlisted. The me et in gs will he called hy officials of the American Legion. The ,,·ork is endorsed bv the na tional officers of the Legio-n and \\'ill be directed an d supporte<l by them. In Chicago, th e preliminary meeting has been called to arrange for the September meeting. The September meeting '"ill be followed bv comtmtnitv meeting s simila r to the \Vilmctt e Forum meeting-s, at \\'hich plans for joining present. or forming nc\\·, party cl ub s \\'ill he worked out. In ~ C\\' Trier town ship it is proposed that Yotrrs join their party organizations. The party organization names \\'ill go to the county judge. fnr his apprm·al. all judges and clerks of elec tion. lt name s tl11..' candidates oi this community. tog~·~ on the county ticket a the primary. :\C\\' Trier nn\\' casts thl' llil!.hL·st pvrccntage Yotc nf an~· cc,untr~· tmrn ship and it -; support is oi impurtatl (l' i11 :1 primar.\· election. \\.ith incrl'a :~e d inten· ~t in p ;t rt~· organization. :\n\· Trier can he a jHt\\'L'r in t he c1 tun t r .' · d i.~ t ric t. Fd\\'arrl T.. "Kitl'llil!'. Tr .. ~nn ni )Jr. ;\11<1 \1 r--. Lcl\\·ard . I .. ·r.::flvtli~· c1i l'l..?X Flm\\·t ,od :t\'l'1ll1L'. i-: ~ p e nding sn·v ral \\'l'ek s at :\otre J);11ne Cllllp at 1\. ·11 ing Prairie . fnd . -()- ~ PIPER'S Mids~mmer Footwear Sales bave bee~ the OCClSton ot UdJ.Y' rtmarkable values year after y~ar_:_ and 1926 is no exception. Broken Jines from our regubr stock are placed in five price groups, each npresenting unusual buying economies. These are marked without regard to ongmal cost or vJiue. Furthermore, every other shoe in our shop is priced most op portune] y for su mmcr selection. en OOL t11111 i 111..( h; till, 1:; .) .~ Tlill ~ tn'et. a.11rl hn nil·ce . . "\I j.,._ .\ 11n;1 "\fr:\'atJghtltl1 . arC' :-pendin~ t"" \\l'l'k" ,·i-,iting iril'nd~ in Cahtn~t·t . "\1 irh. -0- "\ r r.... l LliT\. D. c Nate these five bargain price groups: The Children's Shoes The Misses' Shoes For Women and Girls $2.85 $3.65 Strap Slippers, Oxfords and Pumps Sho.es and Oxfords for Boys $4.85 "\lr. anrl "\Ir s. Frank IT. Tl Htiiia . : ni Philadvlphia. llHt\rtrl'd \() Kl·llil\\'l·t'th " ·ith thl' Fra11k Cnnuld-- and arL· thL' Qlll'~h ni ~I r. a11rl ).f r--. lll'nry 'f:tylor. Jr., af ~31 Fs--t·x r('acl. -()- "\fr. and ).frs . .\ . L SitllJI:'(lll :-~nd LL111ih' (If 1-f(i<) \\'i lmdtc an:ll\lt'. arc spcnciin g thl' 111onth (li .\ugthl at thL·ir C<Jttagc at Po\\'crs lake, \\'is. 'l'elet·ltone '-VIIinette 3347 $4.35 and S4.65 ~ The I ~ ';(§ , Hosiery and -~~ @ I I I Buckles We carry no Hosi~try over. from one season to another. Henct' tht>se timely savings on Jll Summer Hose: A group of Women's Lisle Ho~iery at 45c (3 pair $1 . 20) and 6sc (3 pair $1.85). A group of Children 's and Boys' Three-quarter Summer Socks, sse (3 pair $1 .45) lnbnts' Imponed Summer Half Socks, 35c (3 pair $r.oo). All Buckles at DR. FRANK B. ERWIN ~11eelnllzing VETERINARIAN In tlae trentment of "Dog and Cnt" your heat friends the All cnlls rt>celve my per·onal ntteAtlon 1000 Rl11 ge Ave. Wilmette, Ill. Telephone University 9 i 3 PmL ·INC· a ·PIPER CHILDilEN'S SHOE SPECIALISTS Evanston, Illinois 1608 Chicago Avenue

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