Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Aug 1926, p. 8

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8 WILMETTE LIFE August 6, 1926 Salesmanship Contest Winners Hon1e From Abroad . ~e~ ~rier ~O~S ~ack From Prize Tour Of Europe . beautiful palace vie\\·ed in all 1heir pilgrimage, excepting perhaps the palace at V crsailles. Then t o Amsterdam and the Reich's ~{ u:;e um (Rembrandt's "The Kight \ iV atch" is there). The bon were str uck \Yith ()uckih' n0t h\') the great numbers of hicyck:s in Alilsterdam. A conserratire estimate is 450.000 of these conveyances. thry learned. EYen·hoch· ride:-; a hicHie anci they\·e got to ohsern lr;tflic r.ulc~ just as do we with <1ttr motor cars. llcre also. Symon and \\.alt er, through the kindness c1i a fc!Jn,,· t('uri:-;t, were pennittcd to inH:'tigall' the famous .'\..,cJwr diamond facton· (not on the itinerary) \\here the_,. gazed upon the 1\:ohinner, aid tu he the largest diamond in the \\·oriel. fn H olland the tour led to the Tsle eif }.1 arkcn in th <: Zunln Zec \\here the natin's retain the ·pictun.:squc costume~ c·i their for.dathers. And nnt.- < Ill(' oi th e gcnuinl' thrill:' Kenilworth Castle, in the Shakespeare oi the \\'hole jnumcy.-a trip hy airplane country, immortalized by to Brusse ls, Belgium. where in a hritf Sir W~lter Scott Yi sit \\'as seen the Xational Shooting " · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gallery of Belgium \\'here so ldi ers arc center upon the ianwu..- Rosetta Stone i(lttlHl in 1i1)<) ncar th e Rn..-etta mouth ui tlw Xile. hearing a trilingual in :-;cription a nd famnth as having given ~1. Challlpi,J]inn the fir st clew tnwards deciphering the Eg~·ptian hieroglyphics. TI ere. als0. the London Tmn·r, Hou ses of Parliament and \Vindsor Castle htlped to Yi:'tlalize some of the histnr~· le sso ns at 1\ew Trier. In Shakespeare Country From London, the metropolis, and hy wa~· of contrast, the boys "·ere taken tn the Shakespeare country, treasured spot (lf typical old rural England, t l1ere to sec in their rustic settings old Kenilworth cast le. imm ortalized ])y Sir \\"alter Scott: Gm·'s Cliff. where th e gigantic Earl of \Var wick li n·d as a hermit; Gu~··s ~till, dating hark a thousand years: \\' ar. wick castle. home 0f the Earl:-; of \Var"' ic k sin c c t h c fi f t e c nth c c n tun· : Stratford-on-Avon, scene of Shak·r· speare'::; birthplace. ruins of ~lemorial theatre, th e churc h where the poet is buried . Hananl House (birt hplace of John Harvard). and Anne Hathaway's cottage at Shotterv about a mile awiw. ~fore cia ,.s in cfear old London at;cl then on to Holland and The Hague. where one may explore such places of hi storic value as the Peace Palace, Anne Hathaway'· Cottare was seen in and the Queen's palace which im- A fair tourist exchanges pleasantries ita quaint rustic setting pressed our . travelers as the most 1 with two youthful Hollanders (I TheY went. the\· saw and the,· conquere<.l-t lw:;e t ,,:o X t' \\. Trier. High school h0Y:i who. 011 1unc 2R . ailed out of Xc~'" Y0rk harbor 011 the l"nit~d States stcam:-;hip President Hoosenlt as guests of Lloyd Hollister, Inc., to enjoy an educational tour of England, France, Holland and Belgium. S ,. 111 o n a n d \\"attn. ,,. h ose other n;ttne:-> are BmYs and Schr<,t·der. the iortner of \\"ilmette and the other oi (, k n Col'. a rrin·d hack Clll the north s h ore Sunday morning · h rimIlling ,,·ith iniormati11n aJH,llt tht' wonder:- oi other land~. to say Symon Bows nothing ni tlll'ir Cl\Yn ])J'O\\·ess 111 :tthletic endeaYor, as <lrmonstratecl tn the fact that each :-;ports a pair oi medals prl':-ented hy th(' ~tt·am~hip line in con:-ickrati(ln of a double~ golf t(1urnry \Yhich Symon and \\"altl'r captured. as well as a\\'ard;-; ior being tnemhers of thr \\'inning ha:-ehall nine on the homcwa.rd journey. Tncidcntalh· Ctordon \ Tan Kirk. inqructor at ·:\ew Trier Tligh schmd. \rho accompanied thr hoy~ abo carried 1a\Yay a nwcbl iM hl'ing on the runnerup baseball nine. But. th c' ·:-ie g;um::-> aboard ship \\·ere mnc incident:- in a loti.!.!. train of L·n·nts on th l' journt·~· on'r:-ea~ and :- c t u r n , t h at. a .; r d c r l ' n c L' t Sy 111 on's diarr indir atl'-;, filled t'\'l't'\' moment l'i t.lw tbirty-thrl't' cia_,. trip . \Yith marn·li lll:-\ internt. Ti une can imagine: ~(·nle thin g tH'\\. at en·ry turn of thr \Y<W in· the month of trarelincr. then c~ n~· ran cc,nlprehend after a ·fas hion the experienrl' (If thr:->e youthful :tdrtnturns into the stra nge land s of the r1ld \Yorld. Thr journe~· orer \Yas calm and pcacefuJ. and punctuated onh- with plca:;ant associatiom with fellow passengcrs and the rariety of athlrtic eYcnts and games. Once in England, ho\H'\·er, things began to happen with in n1arksn1anship and where the ill-fated Edith Cavell, British war I' nurse, was executed as a spy. From th ere the tourists moved on to Paris where they made the longest stay of the journey, observing countless places of interest prominent among which were the Eiffel Tower (once on the top they walked half- . wav down but rode the rest of th~ " ·ay), 'Hotel des Invalides " ·hich ho uses Napoleon's tomb, Sacred Heart Cathedral, Cathedral of Notre Dame where they witn~ sse d a wedcling ceremony, Jo sep hin e's Palace and the Palace at \ 'L·rsaill es. \Yhil e in Paris they saw the play of the municipal fountains, held only every three weeks becau se of the lack of the water supply to keep them playWalter Schroeder Our returned travelers receive a cordial greeting at the Lloyd Hollister offices. ing continw,usLeft to right we have Walter, Gordon Van Kirk, Symon and Lloyd Hollister ly.One da\· (t\\Tilt\·-thn·L · hnur :'. he- I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· !trained l Home Looks Mighty Good alacrity . Landing at Plymouth on .f uly 7, the party lost no time in procn·ding to London, where four and nnl'-h;tli days were ~pe nt in sight:-t·l'ing and ~hopping. Here the boys \HTC imprc :-secl most st rongl y with \\"cs tmini stl'r Abhev and the British ).fuseunl \\·here attention see med to JH,~Iy t:xtremcl~ · h;~ppy . S~·mon Bo"·-" and \\.idter .'rhrnedl'r \\'(lll a trip to Furopc la st ).{a~· "hen cause the .bus had ~ hreak-clo\\·n) \Yas spent in thl' hattie field:-; Chateau Thil'rn·. Soi~~otb. the iam11\lS l li n<lt·nhurg iint:, Rhcim s and the. Rhcim ;; Cathedral ;~nd an Engli:-h dugout . Thence. home"·a rd bound. Only t\\ n d a":-; of rain i 11 thirty -t h r el' a 11 cl c· H r y- the,· \\Trc thl' nw-.t ::. urre- -.f ul :'alt::.llll';l in a :-; uh:-cripti n n contc.st conducted ll\· T.lonl Holli -.tl' r. fnc .. pul>li-.h~.: r, oi tl;e tht:l'l' north :-hnre IH'\\·:- magazine . - . \\. rur t·:rr t·: I.I n:. \\-1' ·q:n-:: .\ T .\I. K ;ttHI Cu::--:L.fii·: \"n,·..: . K ·lph TTv im·m;tn n i \ \" i 1111 C' t k a, a t h i r cl ~ u r r c· ":--; i ul U·nte~tant, cho.-.e a sclwla r-;hip at \"Mth,,·estern tmin:r~it,· in lit·u 0i llll' Europran trip. Ralph i~ a natin' n t Sweden an(t ha-, tra\'Cil'rl extcn-.in·ly on the Continent. Dr. George A. Huntley to Preach at Baptist Church Dr. George .-\. Huntlc~· of \Yil ml'ttc, firlcl representati,·e oi t11L' nnarcl of \lis. ionan· Co-operation ni the :\<,rthern Bapt.ist conH·ntion, \\·ill (ICl'tlJlY th e pulpit of th \\"ilmette P,apt is t church at the mnrn ing :;e n ·ice-> ~un daY. August 8. hr. HuntleY \\·a-; a '\fi~"ionar~· in China for thi"rt\·-fin· Years :111d the builder and act.iYe he~Hl oi a great hospital in th e Orient. \Viii iam IT. Ba rne . \Yilt he the nrganist at the cl111rch throughout this time and ~Iadame (~ildroY Srntt and ).fi:- s Grace Parmele \\'ill ·he the soloists. The sen·ice ,,·ill hegin each Suncia~· mortling promptly at 11 o'\lock and close at 12. it is announced. COMPLETE NAME WORK The vi llage department nf public works has practically c'omplctcd' tl1e painting of street designations on tl1c ele ctric li ght standards at street Intersection s. The ~ystcm adopted hy tl1e village ha . been highl~, commencled hy experts. the trustee s \\·ere tol(l at Tuesday evening's meeting. BOOST WILMETTE DAY There will he a short parade Tuesday even ing, August 17, for th e purpose of announcing \Vilmette clav, which is scheduled for August 18. Tlie parade will be staged under auspices of the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce.

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