Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jul 1926, p. 3

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July 30, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE W. W. DE BERARD JOINS REGIONAL PLAN STAFF Wilmette Village Trustee and Engineering Expert Accepts Post as Chief Engineer Village Trustee \V. \V. DeBerard o! \Yilmett e will become chief cng~necr of th e Chicago Regional Plannmg . association on August 1. He has 1 >~' cn g ranted a leave of absence from hrs pust as we ste rn cclitor of Engineering 1\cws-Record. The Heginnal Planning association is a c_orporation not for profit which has cnhstcd the support of the countv hoa rds. the Chicago Commonwealth club, UniYersity of Chicago, Northwe~tern m~iHrsity, Cnion League cl_uh, tl1e C1ty cluh, man~· cities and nllages. Chambers of Comn1ercc. and firms and individuals. D. H. Burn ham i.; president: B. F. Affleck, trca surr r: ~n d Robert Kingery. oi \Yinnetka, st·creta r~· . Plan Club Vista Del Lat.a . 1 ----------------------------------------·------------· SCOUTS REVEL IN NEW JOB OF TREE SURVEY Forester May and Scout Com· missioner Harbaugh Direct General Investigation Here "What kind of a maple is that?" a sked one of the Boy Scout squad. leaders of his mentor in forestry on the \Vilmctte tree survey, which was started last week. "Is it a Norway or a sugar maple? I know it isn't a red maple-that's one on the corner there. Gee, I hadn't any id ea there \\·ere so manY different kinds of trees or we'd ha;,c to have more sqtiad s, if we would ever get done." · This sco ut's words didn't mean that the ho tte st day of the year was wilting him , or that he v.-a s not going to see the job through, big as it is. It was rather that although he was familiar in a more general way with every street in \Vilmettc, he wa s just beginning to realize what tree s real1y meant. "There arc about twenty-five trees to the block in my survey zone, as far as we've gone." said squad leader Jame s Baker. "A few of them need to have cavities filled and splits repaired, and her e's one that I thing is dangerous." he said, turning to the page · in h.is note hook "·here he had marked a tree "un safe." ··Say, you ought to sec . how careful ~~ ajo r Harbaugh is doing his ·work on Central." another aid. The Deputy I' I 1 Commuter's Area The area covered is that tcrriton· \. · within commuting distance of Chicag-o. roughly a 50-mile radiu s. cm·ering m ~re than 7.000 sq uare miles of land in t hrcc Leaders in the ~ ports world headed by Commodore]. Stuart Blackton were ~tate..; and fi iteen counties. and inclucl · ing 250 cities and \'illages, seYentv announced as the sponsors of a great r ec r eation club structure to be erected p~rk hoards, forty p lan commissions. on the lake front at the foot of Tenth street, facing 500 feet of lake frontage. c1ght . anitary di strict s. and a large. The project, estimated at $1,500,000 promise s to be unique in this part of the country and is patterned after simi lar clubs in California which are termetl nllmher of drainage di stricts. "clubs for every member of the family every day of the year." A detailed Co-ordination of the . construction activities of the many authorities now story of Vista Del Laf:,a is found in another column of this iss ue. pl;!nning and carrying out public and pr n·ate works projects is the principal pmpo-;e of the association. so that order!~· and connected SYStems of Canine Named for Potent Prohibition highways, sewers, parks ·and other Beverage Retards Street Widening public and prh·ate \VOrks llla\· IH· deProject wlopcd. This is being accomt11ished "Personal Contact" is announced as t hrottl!h joint agreement of tl1csc a ti- the s ubject of an address to be given "Gin ," canine aristocrat. \Yh ose att hc:1rities in committees on each of the before the \\'ilmette C hamber of tachment for the Lloyd Bolli. ter printt\Yeh·c major subjects heing studied. Commerce ~fonday evening, August ing offices date s hack to one da \' last Such general drawings arc being ~11acle 2, by Dr. ~am H. Atkinson of E\'answinter when he consumed a 30~point as \ri11 aid officials in schedulinl'! their ton. The meeting will he held in the slug entitled "sa u sage," came " ·i thin programs. Progress and special re - Central Ctfetcria at 8 o'clock. t\\·o inches of landing in the local temple ports arr iss ued a~ need ed for puhlic · · ('{lu catinn. t·ltimatcly thc sc reports ~~ ;. , At~mson ha~. gt \·cn l_ectu~es on of justice this \\·ec k \Yhen. o n one of his tours llhout the vil lage he ventured mav ), c ,'lSS"tlll)lecl · lto t tht .1 .. ~ 1 a ma s er ...cner,d · theme, · The · Pomt 1 ot Con1 1 vCllumc co,·cr 1 t' · tact. H.' lore organ1zat10ns t 1roug 1out up on and sa11k "knee" deep into the · 11 c, tllc :... cn tre rq!Jona 1 1 · 1· 1 H' 1 prnjcct I t 11~ C"0nntry anc 111 '. ttrope. . ts c ose nC\\' cenH:nt tl'r:-ace:-; that lead up to · Has B dE · a~sociation \\·i th labor mganizations the height~ o i the Snicler-Cazcl Drug roa xper1ence 1 · 1 · ' 1 · · ~fr , , . _ 1a :-> gn·.en 11.111 an nncommon y mtt- s tnre. : · Dc Ti l ;,tr~l ha~ bccn conqt·c·<.·d! mate nc\\'pomt on cmp!O\·er-emp lo"e Our her o made a hurri ed exit in the \\ ttll. tltr l ·. n~nJc·r nn:· .\"cw~-Ruord rclatiomh;(1. ,·an of numerou s paYing brick and and tt~ predrcc . ~or, T ·. n(nneertnQ· Rcr ; . . . ,. . . .· on ! · 111 cc 1910 11 r· tl t . . J 01 man~ ~ c<~t ~. a lso , Dr. Atkmson shoYels propelled hy the gentry that . :-. . a o 1a t nne Ill 1 1 "]' 1 · 1 1 · · ~ · 1 1 ar!!<· < 1 · ff" 1a~ >ecn ath 1atcc wit 1 t 1c motron pte- hale from the sttnn,· climes \\·hence · 11 . . 1" ('I nrago , · 1 ec 1 1tona 1 n 1re. · 1 . . . - 11 h· 1 . . 1 come our be st opera s inger s ancl ma iia · 1f·· \\·· "r·trltl' < I 'f ture me u stn, a he c t at lets great , ,1 ......... , ·1e 1rorn .\ as..::·r 1liJ Srtt~ . · 1 1 1 ·: . .· 1 1 ·y lodg'.:' brethren. onh· to encount e r a · h tJ.ttJt" i 'I' 1 1 n ennc 1ec 11:-. c::>ntacts \\ tt 1 peep c 111 ·' ~ () eC 1110 ncr,· Ill 1'I 01 Cl!F1 II f J 'f irolll thflt ti 111 t'l 1910 a pa rt s (l t 1e countn·. .\ 0rc recent- second line dden se 'of John La \\'S and . , r till 1 \\·a" fl1H!aP'ec1 1· 1 , 1 .. J , 1 , · . 1· - · 1 e\'aded · 1 · ~ lC lets >cen c C\ ot 111g 11:-. tune arge- count\· con~tahle~. \\·hom he 111 <·ncrinccri n g . k 11 1 111 ' .; 11 " .<~ t~r !y to th e lecture .platiorm and writing. \\'ith inany a deft dodge and whirl that :-~ nd <.:C' \rcr.,..,.c " 1 or · · a p\1 1 1 , . . ... P an s J n 11 a c ,, n , a p d. ...,. D . \ k. . I I .- I an d llarri shur . Pa .. Col , h " ()J 1: 0 rece 111:-. 1. .>.t mson s ac..c ress t 1e would do credit to the famous \\' heaton ice man. . Oal·J·111 <1 ('· 1 g _ u.n ~ · members of the Cham her of Commerce · D . .t .. anc 1c:: en\er , '"' 1 ~nc1 ·11 c 1· 1 · \\"11mette D ay, thc ' ,~f <'tronol't . · .. ' . WI 1scuss pans ror ArriYing brcathlcss at his hiding 0 1 . an · <'"erage '- 0 1lllllts- which '"ill be ohsened· \Vedne s day place in the pit beneath the big ~liehle . ·. ~ s~nn <;t ?\Pw ~ ork. He was r~ l -=o for a Aucrust 18 ' press he at once exc hanged his newtnne Ill th e l. S. Reclamation sen·iC"<'. '=' · ly acquired galoshes of green suede for r. _De Rrranl. \\'<IS_ a memhf'r in 192-lthe more co ny ent ional black of the -:'1 ot th<' CJH!tn ee nn g hoard of r<'\'icw Baker Loom Craft Will printers trade. Thus di sgui se d he of_ the Sanitary Di strict of f'hiraP'o . n arge ts uarters sa lli ecl iorth 011 his daih- r ound s of H1s hradquartrrs with th~" R nrrinn ... ) GrO\\·th during the past tlu ec vears the Estes, :\feierhoffs, Vo 1~ Glahns a nd Pla nning assoriation "·ill he in the has made it necessar~· for the Baker 0thc r of onr most hospitably inclined Burn h~m building, Chicago. PuhhC' men nn the nnr +l1 shorf' in Loom Cra ft stu di o at 1103 Central ave - householders. Kote: "Gin" · doc? not stand for c 1osc touch with thr de vf' lnntn~"nt of nue. to get m ore room, so the store forn~erly occupie~l by the \Vilmette Ginger. Like the well known Volthe Chicag-o metropolitan di st rict are c·f the opinion. it is srticl. that ~fr. Statwnery and G1ft shop, at 1101 Cen- :-~ teadi an be,·erage, he is of unc ertain DcBcrard will he in a nosi tion to hrln tral avenue, is to be occupied by the ingr_edicnts and hi s friends sure get a for}'. ;; -rl throu£Yh traffi r ro.,d~ in t1,is Loom Craft shop after August 1. The kick out of his antics. ~rrt ion _;·nd other nro=ert.; "f nar·i,.ular two stores will he altered and enlarged mtrrr o;;t t" th, nP,..,n]e of \Vilm r t>e a11d salesrooms and workrooms provided , Book Store Takes New it was announced this week. During sur rounding to"·ns. Location Next Monday thi s \York service to customers will not b e interrupted and business will go on Ballard's Book store wil1 move from NOTED SURGEON A VISITOR its prtsent location with the CommunDr. J;:.mes Parkard Mann. a noted as usual, it wa s said. it,· Kitchen at 1155 \Vilmette avenue orthonrdic surgeon of · Philadelnhia. across the street to a store in the VilYisited his sister. 1vi rs. W. C. Reinhold, OCCUPIES NEW SHOP 1005 Ashland avenue, this week. Dr. The \Vilmette Stationer\' and Gift lage Theater building-, formerly oc~f ann is on his way to Silver City, Shop, at 1101 Central a~enue, wi11 cupied by the Vil1age Floral shop. The New U exico, where he witt he the move on August 1 to the shop former- store will continue to specialize in g-uest of his son, Dr. Arthur Horton, ]y occupied by Ballard's Book store in books for sale and rental as well as ~Iann. While in Silver City he will the Community Kitchen. It will con- stationery and gifts in the book line, deliver three addresses before the tinue to sell its usual line of attractive and will he open for business in the Grant County Medical society. gifts and stationery. new location Monday, August 2. Dr. Sam Atkinson "GIN" TRANSGRESSES to Address . c. of c. Next Monday Night I Del Caldwell and Drake Older list an oak on the fire station grounds. Scout Commissioner was setting the example no t only of high grade work hut of sticking to it. His squad stopped on]~· \\·hen it got too dark to read the vard sticks and write dmYn the notes. 1 1 . Survey Well Planned ;I I E I I Q I The Yillagc was divided int o four zones and a squad assigned to each. Fifteen scouts re sponded to the ca11 for Yoluntc·P r~. alth otwh hut 12 wcre ::1skccl for. One wa s an Evanston Eagle Scout. \\·ho came to add his bit of se rvice. Each squad leader puts hi s notes in a standard field book. On the left hand page he reco rd s the number of the tree. the species, it s diameter, and it s condition. On the right hand page he makes a sketch map showing the location of trees, street tines, di stance from the curb, and other data. Thus later the tree s can he platted on maps or a summary can be made of the different kinds and an estimate made of the job of tree maintenance. The appropriation of $300 made by the Board of Trustees at its last meeting · for the tree survey was to cover clerical and similar statistical work. as we11 as pav fo r the forester. But the forester, C. L. May, got so much "kick" out of working with the Scouts that he is donating the time necessary for supervision. Purpose oE the Survey When the survey is completed- it mav take two or three months with voltmteer work-the vil1age will know (Continued on page 27)

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