Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jul 1926, p. 36

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WILMETTE LIFt July 30, 1926 Children Chief Victims in Toll of Motor Deaths At least 4,500 children between the al!es ot five · and fifteen years were killed in automobile accide'n ts in the rnite<i ~tates during 1925. accordin g to the National Safety Council. The council in an official bulletin sa~·s that the juvenile traffic accident problem is particularly acute in the immediate vicinity of schools where children cros s the streets in large numbers. Tt urges safet\· instructions in the schools as a hasis. of the solution of this problem. "Xext to safetv in struction s as an aid to the protection of children ;1.g-ainst traffic hazards." the bulletin sa,·s. "is the Junior ~afet,· Patrol. \Yherc there arc sufficient. available inten·als in traAic for grouns of chil dren to cross. the Junior Safet,· Patrol may he the primarv mean s o.f protection. On 1hc other. hand. in cases of denser traffic . the patrol ma ,. he used to supplrment other prote.ctin measures such as traffic control lw police officers or automatic signals." · · Christian Science Churches I Tuberculosis Institute Park Ridge Will Have Sponsors Heath Talk!i Popular Girl Contest The Chicago Tuberculosis institute conducts a ten minute health talk ·' every Wednesday mornmg over ra dio WGN on the Drake hotel, by courte sy of the Chicago Tribune. These talk s are on prevention and ~reatment of tuberculosis and are given by speciali·ts. The talk s \\·ere discontinued June 30. for the summer months only, and will he resumed again early in September. The in st itute can supply pamphlets on any phase of tuberculosis, on chile! health ed ucation . and on general health topic .' . it is explained. Some of these arc free and on ly postage is chargee!. For other:-:, the cost price is asked, which is very economical. Thur~day. "Trut h" was the subject .of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churche s· of Christ, Scientist, Sunday, July 25. The Golden text was from I J ohn 5 :6, "It is the Spirit that beareth \\'itness. because the Spirit is truth ." Among the citations which comprised the Lesson-Sermon wa s the following from the Bible: "If ve Jon.- me. keep my commandments . And f will pray th<' Father. and he shall give you another Comforter, that he tnav abide with you forever: En. 'n the Spirit of truth ; whom the world cannot receive , because it sceth him not. neither knoweth him: but vc know him: for he dwclleth with . n;u, VISITS KIN HERE BOARD MEETS TUESDAY and shall he in you" (John 1-t :15-ii). \\.altt:r H. Barrow of Boston, ~fa ss., The \\.ilmcttc \ "illage board \rill The Lesson-Sermon also included the fol lo\\·ing passag-e from the Chris- is vi~iting at hi s former hom e " ·ith hi s tne et in re,l!u la r se:;s ion Tucsda\· C\'Ctian Science textbook, "Science and father, \\'i lliam Barrow, at 236 Laurel nin g, .-\ugust 3. at 7:30 o'clock ··in 1ht' · cotLJH:il dtamh~..·r:' of the \ .illagc hall. Health with Key to the Scriptures," 1)\· a\·cnue. ~[ary Baker Edd~· :" \\'hatever inspir e·~ with \\·isclom, Truth, or Lm·e-hc it song-, sermon, or scie nce-b lesses the human family with crumbs of romillrt from Christ's tabl e, feeding the hun HOLD OUTING AUGUST S ~f embers of the M issionan· soc ieh· gry and giving living- waters to the of the \Vilmette English tuthcra;1 thirsty" ( p. 234). church will hold their annual picnic in the park at the T.ak<' front Thurs- Seek Sociological Cause 1 d~\· aftt>~noon, Augu st 5. The outingof Tuberculosis Plague I \nll conttnm' from 4 o'clock until sunPrni. \Yilliam L. Bailey, department I dO\\·n. it is explainrd. of economics and ~ociology. Korth- ; "·estern university. and prom in en t I BUFFET DINNER-BRIDGE There will he a Buffet dinn er anri north shore lcad<.' r, in his talk on "So-l Prog-ressin' Bridg-e at the Ouilmrtte cia! Aspecb of th e Tuberculo. is Proh- i Country,.. club Thursday enni ng, lent." said that rnmnHmitics of the ' L"nitL·cl States haH gone iarther on i August .."'!. garbage and ~cwagc disposal than on i ~frs: \Yillard H . Thayer and her SCQtring- prop~r ven.tilati<~t! ~or l.JOntcs: I ll11 :-; h L)t 1 daughter. ~fi ss ~~ arian. of 522 Cen- schools and lactoncs. tral an'nue, returned Tucsda\· of la st great importance o\\·ing. to the increas- ; week .from ?, five weeks' tri1; through ing densit~· of POJH\littion resulting I ti;e .\\ est. I hey stopped at Yosemite phenominal grO\\·th ni cities. "As the Nattonal park and at Lake Tahoe 111 icroscopc of rhcmistn· ha ~ found the and vi sited friends in San Di eg-o atHi g~rrn . c:f tubercu,losi~ so. th e micro~cope I ot soc10logy should now he turned on 1 Salt Lake City. the community to disco ver the :-:n-o~f iss ~f ary Louise Scheidcn helm. ciological caust·s of tuberculo sis. the\· I daug~lter of ~Jr . .and ).[r s. F.]. are no less real than those already di;- ' 1 . Schetdenhelm. 804 T·orest avenue, has conrcd." returned to her hom \ after spendinrr The Golden Rule ior atttontobih· 1 seven weeks in the East. She attend~ ed her first class reunio n at \\.ellesle\· drinrs i~: "Drin· as you would har e i 1 Buy college .· and visited friends in ~[arhle~ others dri\'e ." head I\eck. ~fas s., and Kew York -0NEXT WEEK IN WILMETTE . J am~'S Callanan·and his brother and (recorded at the Chamber No smoke, no soot, few ~shes ~ ~:-ter-Jn-law, . ~~ r. and ~~ rs. George of Commerce.) Callanan . arnn~d in \Yilmette Tue sMonday, August Z 30% cheaper than hard coal day e'".e~t in g front Xcw York for a t\\:0 7:30 p. 111. Men's night. OuilmettL' d <~.y ~· tstt at the home of Georg-e I Countn· cluh . ~1artlll, 10-fG Elmwood avenue.· prio'~ 8 p. m .. Chamber of Commerl'e to their departttrc ior Des ~f oi nes. Ct'ntral Cafderia. meeting. Io\\'a. Speaker. Dr. ~am TI. Atkinsnn. -oTopic. "Pcrsq nal Contact." l{t.· ~fiss \\.inifr ed Bright will return frcshments. Aug-ust l. from a month's vacatintt Tuesday, August 3 t~ r~ s ume her dutie s as chi ldrL'Il·; 12:15 p. Ill. Lnnc!teon. \\"ilnwtll' lrbr anan . Optimist club. Lake ~ltnrc Ter-0race. ~r: A. Ha,vke s arri\·ed from Calii :30 p. 111. Village Hoard meeting·. fornra Sunday for a visit with his chi! -. \"illagc hall. · ' dren. who liH· in \\'ilm ettc and henil1:.!L'I-1 .\-Jt·· 8:00 p. 111. \\.ilmette Can1p Xo. i worth. 10334 ).[oclern \\.nodman of -OAmerica. Odd Fellow's hall. J ane Spinney, daughter of ~~ r. anrl Wednesday, August 4 11rs. Har~)ld E. Spinn ey, 927 Ashland 12 :15 p. 111. Luncheon \YilnH'tte Ro a~·e nue .. _1s spending two week s at tary rlub. OuilnH·tte Countn· S1h·er (ltfi club, Athelstane, \\.is. cluh. · -o2 p. 111. Card party. \\' ilmette chap !\f r. a nd ~~ r:-;. John Campbe ll " ·e re ter !\o. 753 0. E. S. ~~ rs. J.:,·a the \\'eek-end gue~ts of ~~ r. a nd ~~ rs. Saxer, 1315 Ashland ;wenttt.·, \\' ilexcl~ively by A. \\'. Hannah, 25() \\.oodstl)Ck a\'emctte. nue, K en ilworth. Thursday, August S -oi p. m. Buffet dinner and Prog-resVernon Dunn and f amilv of Fairsi,·e bridg-e. Ouihnctte Conn tn· field were the guests of -the Albert club. WILMETTE McKeighan s of 1025 Greenleaf a ,·e- 8 p. 111. A. T. Sht.'rtnan Lodge 1\o. nue la st Sunday. ~92 T. 0. 0. F. , Odd Fellow's hall. Phone 131 -oFriday, August I M rs. 1-1'. E. Spinney, 927 Ashland 8 p. m. \Vilevan shrook Encampavenue, entertained the members of ment, No. 177 T. 0. 0. F.. Odd her bridge luncheon club at her home Fellow's hall. Park Ridge is conducting a popularity contest in connection with a Pageant of Progress which is to be held the five days following Labor day, it was announced this week. The popularit y contest will be open to gi rls in any of the north shore commu nities, \Vilmett e, Kenilworth, Winnetka and Glencoe. Various towns in the northwest territory are entering candidates in the contest and t he win ner will he given a valuable prize, it is said. In thi s contest it will not he the mo st beautiful gi rl who wili win according to R. T. Armstro:-.g, in ch'arge of the contest, but the on~ \vho has the most friends. Local girls \\·ho vv-is~1 to t·nter s hould communic~tc with ~r~. Armstrong at Park Ridge imm e diatc~y. 'Buy- Before the Prices Advance 'Buy-Before the Rush of Next Winter 'Buy-Before Next Fall 1 From time to time the prices of all sizes of Chicago Solvay Coke advance to cover the storage and rehandling charges of manufacturer and dealer. You can save money by buying this dependable fuel for the home, right .now. Any size for hot air furnace, hot water boiler or stove. before the next advance in price. CHICAG · o Solvay Coke . Sold HOFFMANN BROTHERS

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