Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jul 1926, p. 35

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· July 30, 1926 20 WILMETTE AUTOMOBILES LIFE 1.; SITUATION WA:STF.D-FEMALE SITUATION WANTED (COLORED girl) as exp. nursemaid. Best of references. Tel. Univ. 3125-:\1. SITUATJO~ 15LT~44-ltp BARGAIN! 1925 FORD COUPE, 1ST CLASS CONDItion. Used Yery little. C. J. Newburgh, 832 Gre~nwood Ave., Wilmt-tte, Ill. . 20LTN44-ltp . . J WTD. PRACTICAL Nurse of middle ngt> tl· adults only. 21 FOR SALE-~liSCELLA:SEOUS First clas:s refs. Phont Sunnyside f.l149 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15LTH-ltc LADIES-YOU CAN DO YOUR NEW York shopping in the Famous 1\lonasilk BlTUATIO~ WTD. -YOl'-"C; :\IARRIED Dresses. Dainty Underwear and the wurnan, white, wants Jl<·::;ition as nurse Dream Figure-mold corselette, not so girl or second girl. Go home nights. heavy as corsette, more control than Winn. 2:H2. 15LT~44-ltp ordinary corselette, at my home or by appointment at your home. WANTED -DAY \VORK OF.. .:ERYlXG. 1\lrs. Gertrude P. Ambler Referenet·s. Call 'Cninrsity 433i. 315 Green Bay Road 1GLTX44-1tc Phone Glencoe 934. 21LTN3G-tfp FIRST C'L.:AS~ LAC~DRE:-iS WISHES 1; OR SALE 1 NE'\r LYO~ AND work by tht· d ay. Tt-l. \\'il. 32GG. Healy tenor banjo, complete wnh case, 15LTX44-ltc Instant Play('r, etc.. $Hi.OO. Al!,:~. 1 Uawniiau guitar, $12.00. Call '\\ 111SJTUATTOX WTP . \YC·RK BY THE ,netka. 130U . day. Hefl· l't· ne t:~ . Ttl. Grt:t'nl<·af 1142. 21.L44-ltc 1f1LT~44-ltp 16 SI'I'L" A'I'J O.s- W A~T J~ U-)IAL E A 'X n }'}~-,IALE t:LAIHOLt ; s 11LOO.:\IS OXi.· Y 50~ P~R doz. Be:-tutiful largt· tlowers frt·~ nly pid\t·d from our ~ardens. Hibbard Rd. :11·d hnw-;t· fi<·Uth of LakP A Yt·. Loc 1k for uu1· sil!n -11..-\:\DIUXD <;AHDE.XS. crete, Special AsSessment No. 164: of the' are true, and that said court has fixed County Court of Cook County, Illinois. Monday, the 9th day of August, A. D., NOTICE is hereby given to all persons 1926, at ten o'clock A.M., or as soon interested that the Board of Local Im- thereafter as the business of the court provements, of said Village, has hereto- will permit, at the room of said County fore filed in said Court, in said .cause, n 1 Court in the County Building, in the City C(;rtificate showing the cost of the lm- 'i oi Chicago, in 'said Cook County,. as provemcnt the amount r· ~erved for ln- the time and place for the hea'r ing on terest, ~nd that there is .to excess to oe said applic~tio!l· All t>~rsons desiring abated m reduction of daid assessment, may file obJectiOns in said Court before and also that said imp· ovement has been s&id day and may appear un the hearing cc·mpleted in substan .ial conformity to and make their defense. the requirements of the original orwDATED, July 22. 1926. nance therefor, an6 nas applied to said EARL E. ORNER, cou rt to consider a1.d determine whether JOHN C. BAKER, or not the facts stated in said certificate ELMER D. BECKER, are true, and that said court has fixed '\VILFORD W . DF. H~RA RD, .l\Ioilday, the 9th day of August, A. D., ' CLARENCE E. DRAYER, Ht2G, at ten o'clock A.M., or as soon PAUL A. HOFFMAN, tl1<·reafter as the business of thE> court JOHN F. WIEDLI~. will permit, at the room of said County Board of Local Improvements of the Cou rt in the County Building, in the City Village of Wilmette. of Chicago, in said Cook County, as L43-2tc the time and place for the h earing on s:-dd application. All persons desiringYILLAGE o ·F WIL)IETTE nw~· file ohjections in said Court before said day and may appear on the hearing SP.ECIAJ. ASSESS)IE'XT .~O'fiCE and mak e thrir drfL·nse. l t · :..- · ' lf \\' IL:\lETTE SPECIAL ASSESS:\IENT EARL E. OR~ER, NO. 167. (COLORED) DAY n·oRK HOl'SE.JOH~ C. BAKER, cleaning; yard work; rug!" clE·aned; EL:\lER D. BECKER, I~ THE :\L\ TTER OF THE SPECIAL 21LTXH-lt e laundry done nt home. Cuokin~. servWILFORD \V. DE BEHARD, A~~ESS:\IEXT of the Village of ·wiling parties, actual senice on any occaC'L.\ H EXCE E. DRAYER, n td tt: for th e improve ment of a systE:>m ~ . \LI·~ POlWl:~L.-\JX TUP sion. Colorf'cl coupl e wants pnsition as F<ll~ PAUL A. HOFF:\IAN, <·f !-'tre:ets and all'ys consisting of Girard 1\itvh. t:th( (', ~lx ·l~, $~ .· pair of ma11 · ~ cook, chnufff~ ur and hou!"<· matt : will.JOHX F. \VIEDLIN, A Yei1U 8 and Garrison Avenue, the alley llt:\\' white flannt ·l trOU!;t:rs, largt· !-'iZ· · ing to lt"H\' ~ c-ity through .·ummer. Bt.·:trd of Local Impro\·emc..nts of the l~·ing LHwet-n the said a\enttes and the Rt'ft·n·n(·t ·. J. E. ~tt' lll!-' , Ph . l't· nil-~ ttJilll·s browll ~h<w~. j!ood ('<·nditH·lJ. Yillage of \Yilmette. fir~t allt·Y east of Garrison AYenue, all tt ·lt·ph(IJl·· t:tl Jk and vh:Lir, ~:1. Tt'l. \\'i lworth 1M-·~. J ·;LT:"-l:!-tfc L4J-~tc frc;m the Ro u!h lin e of Arthur Dunas lllt'ttt · ~.Jt:-t. ~1 LT-"H-ltc ~ht-ridan Road Subdivision of part of . Jot nELL\I;LJ·: :\IIItJ·LE .·\<;1: 1· <'(I('PLE ~ . \LI·: , <:t-::"1 ' 1:'\1·: I\'Oll\' tl.in~·-three (33) of Baxter's subdi\·ision wants Jd:lt '·· ;t,.; t·: tr· ·t:tl\t·r in ··x ··hang P l·'·IJ! YILLAG E OF WIL:\IETTE dn ·~:-,· r })it ·n ·s in po ·rt't ·vL <"O!Hlition ~lt in Uuilmt"tte Reservatior.. to the north f,,r li\'ing qU:tl'tl'l'!-' . l·'iJ·,.. ··l;1"!-' r· fa J!l'vat lmrJ!,':litt. l'hont· \\.ilnwttt· :; ti T : ·.· , · · ., , _ · 1·:LT.:\'I-1-1t c r·rt!I11'1'S. \\'inndk a ~71·. 1 lint: <·t ~aid Arthur Dunas Sheridan Road ~P.E(' L\.1; A:-IS},SS)lE~ [ ~OTICE · ~ 11 J.diYision, tog-ethH with the alley ad;<fr· ·r r. :::n p . m . ~~ r:r:\H-lt p C . \TI ·:J~J.:1t- I·T:":" l: J!~ .\:"I· fX:'\., ., j J.(dnin"'" lots !\, 10, and 1!l, on the north, . ' !·<· I! ~.\LI·;- lill'!L':-i .\:"II I!U\-- ~ J ; [- \YJL.\IETTE Sl'E<'L\T.J ASSESS:\IE-"f ft,Jm "·<.·st line of lot 1 of said su~I'IIl · on~ Jtl' t· par.-tl illl<l "' n ···d !.~· high]~· c,·cl··~. J n \"t·ry J!." ood ("l·llditinn. :::1~. tl·:tiJll-<1 l'lll<·l't·d ··nupl t·. 1!··!-'t :-\. ~. ·o. 1G:L ' <li\'i!-'if·n to th e W('St lin e of lot 19, all 111 ,.;t<"h . !tSI\ Lindt~ n .\ n· .. H uJ.J,at·d l'· f,.: . r:n ···nl· ·;tl 1~7o. 1 t : LT:-\~l-1lt' · ·. , ., ., I !-'aid Arthur Dunas Sheridan Rcnl.d Su!J\\"of·d:-: . \\'inlt. JSF.. :!1 LT:'\-I-l-1 t·: ~:: ~~~.n~ ~~~;\ [TbP. OF !HE SPELI._~L I diYi!-'ir·n. c·x l'J)t the intcrsccti011S of sa1d li FOB ~ . \LE-1101 . ~1-: IIoi.H t;oO JIS "\. :-;L. _::-;:\H.:\ l_ of th ' 'llla_ge of \\ tl~ !-'t r··ds '"ith said alleys which intersecn_wtt·· for the ~mpro:··· nwnt ot the cc·ntral tif·I1S ar~' included hen' in in the descripWOXDEI:T·'l' L ('IL\Xt'f: F (ll~ ycwxn -~---------------- 1 t lg· htl·t·n (JS) lL·et 0 ·1 the first all\:'y _nortl~ t i1t11 of said Girard and Garr·son An:nues, C'oupl··. " 'il l !-';tC'rifJ···· h (·antiful furnish- I I. 11:-;T- I·' I~< ·:\I :!Li \\'0( Jlli:T.:\ 1-: .\1:1 ·I .. r (I 1 F(·!'t.·st An·nut' from the_ wc·st lu: c ot ~P· d<d Ass essmc..nt Xun er 167 of the ltJ da~ ·!-' n g·o , <1 4 1111111 t h~ "I t1 .\L d t· ·!-' ·' ~ ··n.- nth ~tn·d to tiH' c..::-st ltn c of ·.~tg-h~h t ·.. uut~· ('nun of <'uok ounty, Illinois. in!.!s for ·I rm . apr.; .. nl~· U!-'·: d f(·ur a ntl whitt · )\ i Ut·ll. l'all \\' i lm··t t· · :!:~ ·; months: :i- Jii·· ··· sil l·: m11l1air Jl:trlnr ~n · l'l_ lJ(' ll~g tht.' ~l_l "~- tn · hlo~:k I·t\t· ' ·'>. .:\'tiT[<'C is h t-rf' lJy \'en to all persons ~-l L 11-lt· · (· t !'lllit· · : S-J·it (' ·· \\':tlt.ut <lining s· t: 4I>ll1P,L·t· s .\<l_dtttnn_ to \\ Ilmctt:·· !·~ it.t··!'l·!-'t< d thnt t1w B11:1rd of Local Impi··( 't· ,,·alnu t 1H ·,1n .om s··t : !lx12 I()(; j.'( 1(-:"1 I - :-;t '( ITTI~Il Tl-;1:1: II·: I: . ~-.· rading· :tnd Jl:t\'lllg· \Uti.~. c<JI~cr ·tr, ~Jl· CJ;\~ 1 . r 11 y 1 . 111 , . 111 ~, of said \·itlage, has hereto\\.iltr·n ntc:s: liltntn· t:1hJ.. : 11<.r·t anrt ~~!-' <·.!-'sm_l· n.t ~tll.nb v r _1 11 ·· . lll .,_th' COUllt~ fr.r·· fil ··<l in ::;aid Court, in said cause_. ~~ :! ILT~: -1-lt<· l'ltt o lJ· ·: \\' i Ill! tl t· :::~ ~ 7. (_ · ·l~Jt r·l _ t fl t)! C' lnm t;!-' : :o-tliH·c· . lir··a kf<t '-'t !-'··t. nn d l o_ok (ount~ .. JIIit Htl:-. 'c·nific·att-· showing the cu~t of the tmsih···rw;tr· ··. \\.ill t;tJ,,. ~~..-,t,_/111 f· r a ll: .:\ lTICE ~~ ht ·rt·hy g·t,·P n to. all rc· r~ o ns l·l't·\· ·m· ·nt. th l' amount rt·'-'e l'Yt.'d for in(; _ \HUE'il~(; li it : tvrt ·!-'tt<l tha~ th_' l! ~~a rd o[ Local Im~ lt·n"t <t tHlthntth r reiRthesumofSl,O-tO.t·O ·worth ~~ . (J(JO . Itlt. ~:~~ I. r·la1~>l .\\"· ·., ll ··rtr:? ~lwrid:t n Ho:\(1. ('hi C'ag"(·. '1". I. :.;unnyI t,,,., t.t1t· Jlt> ul. sa1~l \ JIL~g·c, l~as h1·l't"tn- l" h . ;· hnu·d in n ·duction of said assessL .\ xn:-;t ._, l'r ~~: j orv. ftlt-ll 1!1 ~atrt_ ( ·urt, tn S<.lld causv_. a sidl· fil!lO. \\'ill an·a11~·· fnr r1..Ji\·~ n·. , _ ,. 11 t. :t ncl al"o that said impron·ment has ; I 11(1 1, T.'I'.'\":\-:\tJl f·'in i" h' t1 g 1';111 i ltg·, !':l l'l ', <·UI I i \';It i r·!1. r. " tl~ · 1:11- 11 (· . ., t·rttJI ,·:tt{· s I11)\\'tng· tl 1·' <·osL Ot 1 ; I ·I It ·}'; tl !a\\'!~ trimming· .. r shrul·s. 1,, 11 ('<· mpl vtt·d in sul·stantial conformity ]· l'u\'t· nH· nt, tlH' ftlllnun~ rt·sv n·_l.'d 101' m- - - ---~\.:-\Tfr ·,!l-1·~:0:: t · · tht· r· ·quirt·tnl'nts of the original ordi~' 1' \ it ·· ·. I 1l'v!-'t. :~_ nll that t_ ~1:<' . ltl·::-il(, \'.\1:11 T.\I:Lt·::-:. 1'.\ll! hi'I'L· ~s 11<! ·X CPSS to h e 11 ; 111 ,., . tlwrdnr, and hn s appli e d to said FP..\ :'\K 1\: 1.1·: I:'\ , uri· ~- tn;qo], . an d .-, ti drl l· i·:l<'i·: m·thop:. Tt ·l. \\'il. ~·i 1-W . ~I !·att-<l 111 rl.'dUl'~tol.l ot !-'aul nssessmt·nt, ···U I't to l'"llsi<lt·r and dd ermine whether :1'- \\' i I:n· l t, · .\ .. a 1:d :tbn th:lt ~:ud tmpt:o'·~· nwnt h~1: LL· ~·n 1,r rt··t ; lw fnctR stated in sa id certificate 1'\J:tir!-': ;·, ·d ····:tt· d ,..,, .. rtin~ pril tt" . ..t .. h~~ii.T-1: :- : f,· l ' · · tnpldt·C~ itll!,.. :tlH1 (llltl nl:q.,... ); , " . .:ni,·;d t·f 111 sulJstn.nual vo~f?rmny t_o ar·· tnJ· ·. and th<lt said court has fixed ~1'1-:t'T.\1 .. ~ . \ Ll ·: t h·· l't"(j\ll\'t'tnt·llt~ nt tilt' OJ'Iflnal ord_t- ; .\lr <t! Cla~·. tilt' flth day or August, A. D., Hllti·jll· fltl' llil'll"·'. ·:'\ ;-; ! I I! l . B I : 1:~ g Y · \.:\ j) 1'1-:I!E:":"L\L:-: J·,an c(~ th('reft~r, and has app~ 1ecl to saHl ·~ l~:?t: , at tt'll o'clo<'k A. :\I., or as soon :--(1\ \\-; t!-'hingt< ·ll :-:c;·. .. t fnr F:tll plant ill).!'. 1 !1t1ZI ·ll Tulip!' (· l' l ·<·un to L'o ll~Hl\· r ancl d~· tt· rn~lnc ,~·i!eth L· r tl :l-l"·· aftt·r as the husinl'SS of the court E\·an:-=t· ·! t ~ 7LT:"t4-Hc 4 lri s with ~=~ < ·rdl'l'. .J. ]J. I ' <t \. i··!-' . I·I JH·t tht · fa<"ts st:l.ll'd_ 111 !'atd C(·Iufi:--:att· \'. ill pHmit. nt th, room of said County \\. i 111 \!' tt (' :21:1!1. :!·;J..ri4 -1 t 1"' are tru e·, and that s:11d <'Ourt has fixed ('c ·urt in th(· CountY Building, in the City 17Cir! - ~ . \LI ·: FUtc ·1: L.\.\1 1' .-\X I> ,..h;tdt ·, Lt!'!.!" ··dtl sll; tdt ' <l. t '.· lllll·l't l;;mp \lt·l~(l;l~-. the · ~~t.h nay nf Aug-ust. ..-\. 11 .. th· · tltn ·· anrl platP fur the heal'ing on nn.;f'it-:SS SEH\'J{'E ;tnt! !'had ... l·"cd\ .· ;t,.:··. S\'\l· in~· n·la<:hinr. :? ; 1~~~(·. ~t tt:n ovlock :\.:\I., c~r as SO(Jn !'aid application. All pc·rsons desiring l'· ·frigt·ratr·r, l:· ,,. ;..:;tr<l· 1. t,,,;!-' ancl th.· ·rt·:l!tt·r. as th~· ltu,.:mel;l; of lh~, cour~ ,,r <'hka~"· in said Cook County, a!! lnwn lllll\\' t·J', J:··\\' <t'll <tiHl ghrb<tg"t· ':·111 }'\:rmtt, a~ tll·' r~~o~~~ ~f s~1cl Cou~t~. !l·<~" fil· · ol·k!'tions in said c 0 urt before < · :tn~. \\'; tll;tr·· · r· dtwinl! r· ·· ·,rcl,.:. :.::; ndd <... ~·tt~t _111 tlll' (_ ou1ft.~: btnldtng-, 111 tlw_ C1t~ !-';:i~1 tLt~· a nd may appear on tbe hearing \\.IL:\1 F;TTJ·: 1·PJIOLS'I'IO:H Y ~JTOP l't·<·onls, :tllcl ntlJ· ·r c.d\l!-' <dl<l ··lllh'. C'all I (IL 1. l~l(·a~·o. Ill !';ll<l . C'ook Coun~~, as and JtwJ.; .. tllt ·ir d t' ft ·nse. ()L:-iTJ·~nr X'~ !I(IXE \\.i!t!ll'ltt· :i:.:!·P. 17LTi4-1tc ·':1!:-iT CL .- \:-i:-; l'f:lfl th: tJJl1\:' ~1nd. plan' tor the hcann!? .on i ·.-\TE!'l. Jul~· 22, 1926 . :t t ~- .. ur IHillll' (tJ' at 111.\' ~\)c.p . ,, I 'rin · ~ 10:lld nppl~t·:~tton. - ~11 p~·rsons df'Slnng EARL E. ()R~EH., FOI~ :-i .\ 1.1·:-ur. f J-:);T :\ L 1! l-, ; ~ r:. EAJl'a~unaltlt· ; work g·ua rant ··dl. ., Eln·nw~· filt" ohJ( c· tions 111 !':Riel Court be f?r e 1 JOH~ c. lL\ KER, slln:thl· ·· (':t il :-ittllll:t" <·r .\l··nd:tY (t\' bY trif' p 1:t ('l'. Tl'1. \Yilml'tt l' 2:ili. EL~lER D. BECKER, appointm· ·nt. !i!'-- ·1 l'in·· :-;t., \\'iilll . ::i~i 21LTXH-1tp ;.;aid day ;tnd ~m~~- :~!ltll'ar un the h eanng 1 'llHl make then· ddl' nRt'. \\.ILFORD '\V. DE BERARD, 1 iLT:" H-ltp DATED, July !l;tj~ .., C'LARE~CE E. DR A.. YER, ·u J> .\JVIT\(; A'iU DECOU A 'J'I:\(.; l· 0 R ~ . \ L E - t 'W l \\. :'\ 1'f.\;.;-< 1. .\ T:\X- EARL 1'... ?I,::;ER. PArL A. HOFF:\fA~, dolin att:ldl tll··nt. upright. "' r~· dark .lOH~ C. B.\!\..~R.: JOHX F. "'IEDLIN, C'HSt· ; ~plt-nrli(} r!·Jt<litil·ll. ~till.l·ll: J-'hOilt' E!.. ':'III<..R D. l~El h .ER._, B oa rd of Local Inwrovements of the \\'inn\'1 ka :!:!n~ . 17LT.:\' 44-ltc \\ ILF~~l~ ~"·,.DE BE~~-\.RD, Yillage of \Vilm ette. P.\I:"Tl·:r:. .\:'\1) J)EI '01~.\TI IT! CLAlU .. .:\Ci' .. L . DRA 1ER, L43-2t(' Estimntt·s p:-i\'t·n upon appli<::ttiPn . TOT~ SALE J:EI·. 111.:\TXt; I'!.OO:'.f PAPL .\. HOFF:\IA~, \\.ilnwttP Wil H:?2 T v I. A\'<'. ~:1 ' furniturt ·. :lll<l lt-1.;..: f'hirt\\'ai,.;t J.ox. T t- l. .JOHX F. \nEDLIX, 2!t r.:~ f·- t r, · \\· imH ·tl\a 12::t:. liLTX44-1tc r. .. an1 of Local Jmpro\·emc·nts of the ---The ).[ i~:>es Lillian Doing anc! Ruth Yillag-' ut \Yilmettt·. 'I'U'I'O U I~ G FOR ~"' Ll·~ - · 3 .·\:"TTQ'C'E R(Ji'KT-:R~ :w L43-~tc Lannen. ,,·ho arc engaged in iibrary in pcrft·d conditiull. Ph(lll·· \Vii. :n21 1 ,,.(Jrk i11 \\'ilmcttc , are returning the Ji'LTXH-ltc YII.I.A(a~ OF WII.JIET'l'}~ fir:-t 01. the next month {rom a trip FOU SALE CO:\Tl'LBTE 6 T!OO~I through the East. Among points of hoURPhold furniRhin~!': , prrt('tir·:lll.'· JlE·\\', interest that they visited were \VashPhon,- \\'innt"tk:-1 l~ti:1. 17LT:-.:H-ltc SUSAN n. STONE, Pl'indp:1l A SELECT SCHOOL FOR KINDER- \\'lL:\IETTE SPECL\L ASSESS:\IE~T ington. D.C .. and Philadelphia. They 111 :'\ r X·; l !00:.\I garten and grade pupils. Small group!':, . ~0. 162. al~o spent some time in Winchester, Hii'i~. short hours. Comprehensiye f'urriC'u11 LTN44-ltc lum . Addr~ss: Andl-l'ws Alkn. ClPJ1("0t', IX THE OF TilE SPECIAL I \V. Va. -o30LTX4~-tfc during- Ju6· and August. AS:-iE~SI\IEX'l' of the Yilla.g·e of '\\'illR W .\ ~'l'f~D-H01 1 SEHOLD GOODS 11 iss Y etive Schapiro of 814 Sherinwtte for the impro\'ement of the central TA f-'<:HT BY PATITSIA'X, t'i~hteen (18) fC'et of th~ first alley north F'REXC'H WANTED TO B1TY-~ECOND HAND B. Borir, 6~!) Lindt-n (If Central A w·nuc, extending from the dan road, recently returned from a · · Yt-nin!!::~ on!~·. furniture and other · household goods. trip with her father to New York and .\ \'('. , Kenilworth, Ill. 'l'l'l. 82G RX. Highest prices for same. Cro!"t Fur30IA2-tf(' \:':tst line of Fifth Street to the west line \Vashington, D. C. In Washington or Fourth Street hy grading and paving nlturl;l Store, 1 004-n Emt>n=;on St., Evwith concrete, Special .Ass<'ssment No~ 162 she was among those who were inanston, Ill. Phone Univ. 1 S!l. of the County Court of Cook County, troduced to the president. "VIJ,JJAOF. OF WIJ1 JH;'l'TJ; 1ST.T~44-tfc Illinois. -oXClTTCB is hereby g-iwn to all persons WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE SJlECIAL A8SE~~1IENT NOTICE 1Iiss Jeannette Hollister of 1235 interested that the Board of Local ImBuy-Seli-Exchang-e--New-1Tsf>d OpPn dai1y. Tues., Thur~ :. Sat., 8 p . .m. WILM~TTE SPECIAl, ASSESS:\IENT' t,rovements, of said Villag·e, l!as hereto- Elmwood avenue left for Boston last ron· fiiE>d in ~aid Court, in said cause, a Saturday where slie will join friend.;; 1500 Willow Rd. Tel. Winn. .1212 NO. 164. 18LTN44-tfc C('rtifica te showing the cost of the im- from Waukegan. They will tour home TN THE l\TATTBR OF THB SPECIAL provt:' mt·nt. the amount reserved for in- through the Berkshires and New EngWANTl;U-1fi~('F.LLANEOt'l;; ASSESSMENT of the Villa~t> of Wil- terest, and that there is no excess to be mt-tte for the improvC'ment of the central al.Jated in reduction of said assessment, land. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR MEN'S eighteen (18) feet of the first n.lley north and also that said improvement has been --o-clothing and shoes. Tel. Wil. 1:\fil. of Elmwood A venue, extPnding from the completed in substantial conformity to Mrs. John Ling and her son, Mar19LTN 41-4tp west line of Thirteenth Street to a line tl'le requirements of the original ordinance therefor, and has applied to said shall, were expected to return to Wi1W A 1'\TED-A GOOD USED ·w A RDRORE six hundred (600) feet WNit of and ·cc,urt to consider and determine whether mette yesterday after a short visit with parallel with tJ:Ie west line of Th_irteenth or steamPr trunk. Cheal). PhonP Wilor not the facts stated in said certificate relatives at Fox Lake. mette 1058, Barnett. 19LTN44-ltp Street by gradmg and paving With con- l>.:\TED, .July 22, 1~26. 7hf' I t,,.., " I I ,., .L \ttcntion 2;. l I .:'\. P . I-f ILLS Ha\vthorn School Glencoe ~TATTER -

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