Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jul 1926, p. 34

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WILMETTE LIFE REAL ESTATE 2 July 30, 1926> FOR RENT-HOVSES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General R ·z· D ad Classified advertisements will be charged only to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory. or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NE"'S. 15 cents a linP. in one paper. 25 cents a line in any two papers. ates- 30 cents a lin<:! In all three papers. MINIMUM CHARGE, 60 cents. A;verage of fiye words to the line. No black face type used. 10% discount on all rash wJth order advertisements when brought to our office at 1222 Central An., ·wumette, or oU Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. t· Classified advertisements will be accepted e lne lOnS- up to Wednesday 5 p. m. for the WIL.\IETTE LIFE or alr three papers; ThurRday 5 p. m. for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 p. m. for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or ·winnetka 2000-2001. Not ;~es""" MODERN BUXGALOW, OR SALE-DELIGH1.'FUL WINNET- FOR RENT -,·rater · ka home. On side street near lake ; 10 5 rooms, sleeping porch, hot 2LTN41-tfc minutes' walk from Indian Hii.'l North heat. Winnetka 1907. Shore and North Western stations. FOR RENT-APART~IENTS Screened porch oYerlooking beautiful s garden; garage; large liYing nn., with 2-RM. KITCHE~ETTE fireplace; 4 sleeping rms.; Hart oil FOR RENT apartment, steam heat . and Janit?r burnE>r. See owner on premises at 341 service: near transportatwn." C~ll \V11Woodland .Ase. Phone Winn. 237 eve1L'fN42-tfc mette 1800. ·JL1~44-tL~: nings. F OR SALE 8 ROO~! BRICK 0~ TILE at 98G Vine St., Winnetka. 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, sleeping J)Oreh, sun room, attached garage. Largt> woodtd irregularly shaped lot. Price $23,500. Exl'lusi\'e Ag· <·nt~ 460 '\VinnC:'tka AYe. '\\' innetkfl. 1800 4 - FOR RENT-R00 ::\1~ f Or Jnser E. E. Stults Realty Co. 1LT~H-ltc CENTRAL HOTEL - LIGHT <H] TSlD?~ room~:; for transients and l't'!'ldents. J ... :\1 nin St Phone Wilmette 1°· 11 · ' · .tL'J'5tJ-tfe · ' L~\R( 1E SU:\).;'1 r..OO)l ).;'E.\H Tl1A="Sll(J;) Suit able for · t'\\' ll . portation. Urcenle'i-lf Av ' . Tel. "'.il. 1~1)11, HA-1-ltc _· ---~-r~-AL_R_E-~-.~-;-~F-~~---1 DESI;;~LL;T;:CANT 1 DIPROVE:~lEXTS ~20,000.00 1 \\~iltnctte: G r!OO~f & ~=WX P.\ TILOR, BRTCK COL-· <'ninl hnt watt·r lwat. 2-cnr bri<.:k garagt·.' lt ·t .t(l:xl fi5 . XOW GOING IN and huilding starts in a ft>w days on our Ult·nayn· property. Restrirtcd lots as lo\\' as ~43 per foot within 2 blocks of l':l.Jlicl trn nsportation. unry :1:s mmutes to the loop. Easy t ·rms. \\·e will assist you in building. r..OO)I FLTR~ISHED HE).;"L' OR SALE- 2 LOTS J:-\ XORTH CEN- l·OR Tel. \Yilnwtt1' transportation. all ncar ter, one i~ businl:'::;s, ·J " lots fr·om Demp4LT~H-1t. c 2706. Al:-;o, ~ter; and one is npartmt>nt sit 2 lots in Highland Park, on e is rorner T\VO GKN'J'LE:\lE:'J C'A .:\ IT.-\ Yl·: :'\ [t ·r: and othl'r inf:idl·. Both are larg-e lots. roorn, board, if desired. Td. \Yilml'tt e Owner 5~~ Ore hard Lan e, \Yinnetka. .tLT ·l.t-~t c 210. 1LTXH-ltc 1492. FOR REXT - :\ICE FnOXT ROO.\f :suitable for one or two. X· ·ar tram:. 4L4~-ltp 418 Park Av<' ., Phon e 2~6~1. I·~1::-.JEST \V OODED LOT. ..\PPROXImat ..·ly JOOxl:lO. ~1 !\,50(1, SIX OLE ROO.\[ XE.\1~ FOR HENT tran:-;., eonv, to bath. \Yil. :}:!1)6. Bargain - EAS'l' \VII\NE'fKA 7 Stun'l' Tl.t·sidt·n<·t'. 4 },N1 room~. ., tilt- ltath8. lwt watl:'r lwat, garage , lM ii ux1 7li. ~12,500 . 00 l!t~(IJn 12U '\Vilnwtte A \'l'. Tl'i. \Vii. 225 1 LTX44-ltc ~ E. 60 Winn 'tka An·. E. Stults Realty Co. - \\'innl'tka ]8()0 1 LT.:\44-ltt: tLT44-1t(~ :; FOR U.ENT-STORES AND Ol'Fit:ES STORE, EXCELJ,EXT FOR REX'f location, beautifull y derorated. 32 ft. Phon e \Yinnetk. front. Will divide. 165 or call 562 Lincoln AY e., ""i mwtka. 5LTN43-.tf c FOR Te1ephom~ Winnetka 62. HE~T IXDIA.N HIT ~L S ID!S .. :: BATHS, t,2 .,\CRI~ t}R01"XO, ht·auti fully land"'capf.'d. <:o, ·cl location. \\.ill st·ll lwlow marl,c·t \'alut·. Charm in g· 6 room Coloninl, hath, la,·atory on tlw 1st floor. H. \V. heat. ]~X<'E'Ilt·nt condition. Lea\'ing· to\\'n .' \Yill mal-:l· attraeti\·t· price. s noom Brit'k 1 ,,·:-;idl'l1l'l', hot wat Pr hPat, tilt- l't·(lt', ~ - ~ · ar g-arag·t·, eorrwr lot lJ{Ix ~tl (). $~;).000.00 Indian I-Ii11: S P.o111ll Fr:tmt· P..t·:-;i<lt·!Wt' . Furn:H't' llt':lt, a died ning Tndi :m Hill Uolf Cluh. All imil!'(l\ l' lll l·llt:o;, ~-car gar:.lP:l', lot S2x150. $25,000.0tl .:\ I CST SA('RIFl('E ~JY TWO ('HOH'I~ lots on Bang-s Lake, !t·ss than 40 milt·:-; northwest of thE' Loop; all rt"SOrt ft·aturt.~ s. ~mall paynwnt cl () \\' n. balance to Ruit. Owner P. 0 .. HllX 260 \Vau condn, TIL l LTX -1 ·1-:lt p J·'ORCED AC'l' QUICJ( - STORES AXD SHOPS. 5LT~2S-tf c Frccl'k B. 'I'hon1as & Co. E.m & Limkn '\Yinnc-tka 2~50 1 LTXH-ltc ~~1 r. i<1gl' .\ \'t·tHH· Ph. \Yilnwlt e :164 \\' ilnwt!t.', Tllinuis 1LT.:\44-ltc SPECL'\L ).iODEHX 7 ROO:\f STF~ ; CO llO:.\fE, East lo<'at i(ln, J 1. '\V. lwal, tilt· hath. also t·xtnl laYatory, garagt' . Oul of town owrwr mu~t :,;l·ll. Pri<'t: $1 G,500. Tl·rms rt>asonahl(·. TO SELL - WOODLAXD W A -s·n:n TO RE'ST-HOlJS'ES P .-\RK, D£~ERFIELD. I .ot :!-~t' ('. fl, ; t·nst ·front on Stratford mad. Gl 1 tX1 liP.:! ; W.\:-;TI·;I> TO H.E::-\T - HOC-iF: AH(ll'T O<·tol><·r 1. X enr Huhb:Hrt \Yond~ SPWt'I'S, strN·ts and wau·r in, and all Horat'l' ~!ann. Gre(·l ey , o r Kt:nilw<·rtl dm' taXl·S and n HSl'f:SI11t'l1 I H paid. :\[ust sdwols. :i lwdro0ms, 2 baths at ka s t Sl'll at ()Jl(' (·, ~2,000 <'ash, or l'HSY tt·J'J11!-) to ~;u it. .\ddl'd:iS Li ft· . \ -!107 . Will h·:\Sl' . '\Vinn. 2t3G. 7LTX44-1t' I LT:'\ :17-tt'p EA.S'l' \VIN~F.'l'KA \ VOODED LOT 5!3xJn \\'fTH HOUSE plans. Th e c h(':llH·st rt·maining small lot in desirable location on East :-;idt·. ~150 J)H' foot. Phonl' \Yimwtka 1i-:01 . 1 LT.:\ H-1 tc The 3 Best A l11JYS in \Viln1ette Today SLPn. Sl'::-.J PCH., H. \\- . ht ·at. firt·pl:t<·l·, garagt' . Xorth. .~~l),Ollll . \\'ill S:ll'rifiCl' for *16,(1()(1, n1h. r:rit ·l\ l:unp:alo\\', H. \Y. Heat, firt ·plan·. g·arag·,. Xt ·:ir L and LakE>. .\ h t· autiful homl'. ,. J::\1 . ~TI'C'C'O, \L.\XTED TO TIE~T- '\VJL:\1 BTTE 01 \Vinndka. hous<', 4 hl·drooms; llt ·rll transJHlrtation and .Grammar· s<·hnol 1'iO:l ('hast:' ~\ \ ' ('. , <'hicng-o, P.c,g·,·rs l'a rl 7LTH-1 t (I 711 . Fl'nXISJl Ef ) W:\X'I'EI) TO REXT hOUSt' G or 7 roo:ns <.:un,·e nl ... ntly locat··c.l until St ·pt. 15th or O<'l. 1 ~ t' pns:-;ihl:Phon long·t ·r. :\lust lJ(· n·nsunabl· ·· 7 LTX 4·1-1tt \\"in nt'l ka 1 ~ 2. ;{ 10 Lindl:n ..\ Y\.' . Ph. \Vilmette 68 1 IA4-ltc 'EW NOR'rHBR.OOK ~~ IL\RU AlX l ~01 \V.\LXl...:"l' S'l'., \VIL:\Tl~'l'TE: ~ll.ST =-'l'll at one'('; S-rnom franw hou~c·, lot i>Oxliifl; a lwautifu l cornN' lot and T~ t · !'t ' rm. r· ·llH·flt ·ling· prop0sition on ::;hnclt· trt·t·s: \\'ould pay you to imqH'ct l·:a !'t ~i<l· · . l'rit··· ~Hi , O!IO; add $:!,000 this lil'autiful ( ' lll'lll'r and wonderful lo:tnd ha\'t · a ::::!~,.oflo hon1l'. You ('an't cation; ('<l!-:h ltrici.', *12,000; on term!-:, i-1·< 1t thi:-;, (·: ill Y!·U '.' $l! ,O(Io , $~.oon cn~h; t erms to suit lJUY\'1'; ]ll'O!ll'l't~ · dt'HI', 110 11HII'tg·ag·t·, Ld u:-; t·:x< ·ll a ngt · so11W lot~ for your \\r. H. ])fXOX (Rral Estate) hnnH ·. l~· · t · Jl 1111 l·uilding·. 1117 E111l·rson St. Ph. Grt·l:nkaf 1:361 ltA:l-:!tp St ·t· tht · "til,,· ~ :t.~.oo .!-room hung·nlow in ltt\\'11. II . \\'. ht·:tt. Easy tt'rms. Tl' l'aul ~d11'1·t'(ll'l· Says So, It's So. F ~I 5 R:\f. HSB. FOR S.·\L8 "\'!' ::-\orthhrook },:-.-· ownrr. .Just lwing· nni slwcl : l110dl'l'l1 Rl'd1itl't'tUl'1', II ot wall'r \\'E '\'L \XT EYERY YA(':\XT .\PT. n n h(lllH' in t 0\\'11 that is Fur H··nt 1i:-. t I'(] lil'H t. !'hone Xorthbrook 11::. '1\·l ·l~ig·g,·st H· ·nting ofli('t ' in tll\\'11. li.TX·I·I-ltp '\\"ilml'ttt· G~l~ ()]' Paul ,·('}l('IH ·dt ·l' & ( ' l l . 7LH-lt · .\ HK\L HO.:\!E IX \YfL~lETTE H0().\1 S, <:..-\1~.-\0E ATT.\<.111-:() 0.:\E \\ .\.'\TED TO TIE~T -l.Xl·Tl1~ISII f:t of tht' lH·st built hou:-ws on till' X. s house in "·inm·tkn, K1·nil\\' urth. ( Jl (111 larg't· l ' Ol'llt' l' lot 1, ~ 111(1('].; otT Sht ·ri( ;)t·IH'ot', r; J.. ·clrooms ~ l·ath ,.;. 'l'\\'0 ,,I ' clan Ud. . .-\ hargain !ll :1:45,11110, :-\t'l' t hn·l'-,\'1'<1 r lt ·asl·. }Jhorl·· \\'inn. 1!II fi . 1 la \' id Tl.. Thomp:-;on, ri2.i 4th St. \\'il7LTXH-1t · nH·ttt· 2S IR. 1 LTX.t-1-ltc -SALE-YERY Dl~SIH.\ BLB LOTS in ~outht' ast '\VinrH: tka. A Iso 7-room stul·<·o }HIUSt', <.:heap for ('ash. <l\nwr. Addrl·~:-; \\' i nnc-tl<~L 'J'alk .\-~171. 1 LT.:\41-Hc HELP W .<\ ~TE U-,1 .\I,l-: LiU\' \L\,;\;Tl~D _..:.TO \YORK IX S'l'( 11:1 and tool room. :\Iu~t ])I' O\'t· r ].) y, :tl' . Paul Schroeder & Co. e\v Days Only ··on n ~Il l' Linch·n .\. n ·. 'I'd. \Yil. 698 11..44 -ltc _\X IDE:\L ( '(l L{) XL L XortlH ·rn '\Yinrh'tl\: t·nst of ltlo('k to t·xpn·s!> slop, Xonh Sllnrt· Elt'<'trk. T\\'0 lllock~ to Huhhard \\·t,tHls ':'\orth \Yt·st(·rn st:-ttion. l't·ntt·r h nll. larp;t· IiYing- room with liYing· pnrvh: IIJIJHI!-:ill' :-; idl· i~ dining t'l·l·l11 \\'ith dining· por<:h. ltuth>r pantry, l\it('h( ·l1, t·tc . Sl·(·ond f!llc,r has four mast(')' ltt·dr oms with two bath . bath l1l·i11g ('fllliH ·dt ·d with < ·aC'h lwdroom. Largt· f:t·wing- room, c<·ntt·r hall, unusual < ·ICts · t~ . ~lt · t · ping porch. Third floor, twn fini~lwd rooms, hnth and large !'t('rng·· n,(,tn. Basl:'nwnt hn s oil burning lwt wa tt ·r ht·atinp; s~· st'em: large lnundry r11om with gas dri<·r. B(·a:ttiful larg- · lot with trtT!-: and shruhbery. Garagt·. T l·lt-phonl· ownt·r: \Vfun etka ]2(18 fnr app(,intmnl· t. 1LTX44-3tp tra\'1-: !-'. ( ltlt' .. ktth~ . I-lO~Il~: n I·:~T flEX C' I ·~ 0 I·' !I r:. OCnlS, 0\\ 'X l':H IIElUt; FOR :\ FEW D.\YR h:t~ p:i\·vn u:-; permission to st>ll his dwi<:v \'acant 011 ....\~hland and ('lwstnut A \'l' nUt'S, '\Yilnwttt>, al 1!t:!4 prit:l'S. "\d now. nld. :\Totors S<·rYitl', Inc ., 'i:!l :\lain ~t. IliA 1- itt \\"ilnwttt ·. - · \\!~. G. S'l'_-\CEY & CO. Ph. \Vilnwtti:' :108 1 L'l'XH-lt<~ :;::G Lindt:n AYe . FOR SALE - lX '\VIL:\1 I=:TTE; LOTS on C lw stnut, .\shlnnd, 7th <l\'t·I1Ut· nnd Slwridan with rip, rights and l>il'n;; lit til' down, lo11g- tim e. John v <iag·t·, Vinland, Xew J N'Rl'Y. 11 ,:lS-tl't· 1 ; J ~ST lfOjJE IN \VES'r '\VJL~l ETTJ<j fur ~] 5,500. 5 lg·e rms., in a IJrkk 1:! 11 EJ.-1' W . ~ T EU-l-' J~ )J .\.L 1~ \V. \ XTED t·lt·rical work in \Yinra·tl-:a. ~7;) . 00 ]I' ' month to :-;tart. <)ppon unit~· for ;t\-; \'<l tl (·t·nwnt for nn !·al'l1t.'st, inuustrin;1 JH·rson. ( ;!,od n·ft·n·ncl·:o;. ...\(1dn·ss \\'i I 111\'tt(· Lifl· A-!17:\. l:?LTXH-lt p xOLT C'AX :\L\KE PLEXT\" (>F EXTJL nwnt· Y - A YOl"XC'r LADY Fll 1st and 2nd Iv1ortgages Charles H. Brethold INSURANCE 545 Main St., 'Vilmette Tel. 65 1L41-tfc lJUngalo\\·. Beautiful yard. $6,000 C':t!-lh " 'ill handle. Address \Vilnwtt t> Lit\· A-!174. lLTXH-ltc jllrST SELL, LEAVING TOWN, :\lODern I) 1'00111S, 2 s un porches. Abo HaYinifl. lot with irnpron~ment~. Phont· \VilmNte 1727. llA4-1tp WAXTEIJ - THE BERT HOUSE J C' A:..r purchase on East SidE> under $20,000 , ...·ith $5,000 cash. Address Wilmette Life A-975. 1LT44-ltt: FOR SALE - CHOICE LOT IX I~Dlr\::-.J Hill section. '\Vill sacrifice at $:! 600 possibly less. Phone 'Vinnetka 72i. ' lLTNH-ltc by gi yj llg' us Yl·Ul' sJl< tl't· II I' full tinw in your homt·. . \ppl~· iI I JH·nwn : Ray Studio, Gl0 Ila\· i~ St EYnnston. 12LT44-1 t c W,\).;'TEl>-:\IA ID, (: 1 ~:'\ l·:lL\ I, IHH "SE ., wor~ ~llain <'ooking-. Xo \\'ashing-. " i n Ph( >JH' ffl.milr. R<'fPrt>ntt·~ l'l'((Uitl'd . \Vilml'ttt· 2:!5 -L 1 ~LT4:1-Jt <' WAN"I'F:D - A OTRL 'I'E::\TPORA.TifL y to take <'are of offkt· nnd an!-:Wt'r l)hon calls. \Vinnetka 2:-!50. 1::!LTXH-lt vVA~1'ED $12,500 E~-\ST $12,500 \\ ILME'r'I'E HELP! HELP! HELP! HFLP! WE >:EED )fORE HOt"SES TO TIEX'l' ranging from $100.00 tn $:Hto.oo per month tu tnkP cnre of alH,ut 50 offidals of a largp east e rn conet·rn locating the ir offiN·s in Chicago this Fall. SO)IE OF THE:.\1 )fAY BUY. 7 R:\L J...,R ...\)lE. CO:\lP. ROOF, FUR~ act> hl'at, 4 bedrooms, deep lot. C lose in to <:t·nt(·r of Yillagt>. Terms. F. Colen1an Burroughs 1157 Wilmette A\'~. - EXPE:RIENC'ED FJTTEl for dress shop. Phone '\1\ri nn. 1780. 12LTX44-lt c ~~1?. 720 Elm St., ·winn<'tka 421 4th St., WilmHte T e l. "'inn. 254 Tt'l. 'Wil. 2760 1LTX44-ltc ,\.ANTED- A WELL PRICED LARGE vacant Jot in one of the North Shore suburbs. Must be convenient to transportation, preferably East Side. Address Wilmette Life A-969. lLH-J.tc Ph. Wil. 640 2 FOR RENT-HOUSES 1LTN44-ltc FOR RENT 6 ROO:M BUXGALOW. H. \V. ht.; 2-car garage. $00 for 2 year lease. Phone Wilmette 1582. SIX R)lS., \VATER HEAT, FIRE2L44-ltc place, tile bath with shower, heated ~un room, 2-car garage. Three blocks FOR RENT-IN WIN~ETKA. BRICK to C. & X. W. station. $17,500. Reasonhouse, 6 rooms. Sleeping porch, 2 baths. able terms. Good location. October delivery. Address Winnetka Talk A-972. 2L'fN44-ltp 1157 \Vilmf!tte Ave. Ph. Wil. 640 1LTN44-ltc ·ro RENT SAUGATUCK, MICH. Furnished Cottage, fully screened, ace. FOR SALE-· 7 Rl\I. STUCCO, 1 YEAR six, electric light, city water, private old, H. W. ht. 2-car garage. Terms. 1 pier, nice location. Phone Evenings, Phone Wilmette 765-J. 1L43-tfc Wilmette 753-M. 2L43 2tc N e\v Brick Dutch Colonial - HEL.,P WANTED-COMPETEXT )[.A J ]) for general housework R e fs. vVin n. 14 12LT~44-lt c SITUATION "'ANTED-MALE F. Colen1an Burroughs SITUATION WANTED (COLORED) A s butler, chauffeur, or to do general wor k around a place. Will also consid er janitor or porter work. Best reference s. Tel. Durant, University 3425-R evening s. 14LTN44-1 tc 1"' - SITUA'I'ION W ANTED-FEl\IALE . - . SITUATION WANTED-BY A NIC E colored woman as cook or mai d. , 15L1N44 -ltp . Boulevard 8227. . ~

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