Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jul 1926, p. 33

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.J uiy 30, 1926 rooms, parlors, parking reached WILMETTE LIFE Jones, 1509 Spencer leave August 9, for Nawakwa at South spend two weeks. 33 children's playrooms, beauty Chicago Commerce Group shops, and a large garage and \ space across Sheridan road,\ Holds Dutch Treat Day through a tunnel. 1· The annual Dutch Treat day, held ~her~ will also be an all-year-round under the auspices o.f the Illinois res\\·tmmmg poo), gla~s en~lose~, 100 by lations committee of the Chicago As.50 feet ; a children s swnnnung pool . . f C - b h 'd ommerce wt 11 e et soctat10n o Tuesday, August 3, at the Bonnie Brook Golf club near \tVaukegan, it was announced this week. There will be prizes for attendance, for the best, near best and worst score s in golf, and all members of commercial associations in the north and west suburbs of Chicago are inv.ited to attend. Those from \Vilmette who plan to go arc asked to make reservations with th e secretary of the \Vilmcttc Chamber of Commerce. Patio east of main dining room l Miss Maurene avenue, plans to Camp Kiwanis Haven, Mich., to -o, Miss Anne L. \Vhitmack, librarian of the Public library, will spend the month of August in Billings, Mont., where she will visit relatives. Success-Good Eyesight The child's success in school as well as the adult in business life depends on good eyesight. :L · oA·s n I ········c················· WITHOUT COMMISSION : On De.trable Home· and A.,aartmen1 1 Building· I : John Hancock Mutual Life !naur· ance Company 1 A. D. LANGWOR'I'HY, Loaa Aceat 1 112 \.V. A. dams St., Chicago ~-----~----···-----------· t. and ~00 icct ()i pri,·atc bathing beach. nt,ating. :-l'a-planing, canoeing: tcnHave your eyes examined ni' and harlminton courts: pitch : qua~ h. Yollcy and hand hall court~: and putt goli cour~e and an all year cl ock gTecn. glass enc\o;-;cd \Yill proYir k other :-untnter sport:\, while for t1 w wintL·r. prll\·i:-.ic'n will he mark for l> . d> - ~ll'dding, :-.kiing. tohnganning, icc ·rink :-kating. swinuning- and the late:o~t in l!".\·ntna:-.ium equipment. OPTOMETRISTS Called 11 Fastidious" Club ~untntcd up. all these gn to cotnprise 117 7 Wilmette A venue \\ ltat the promotor:-> ()i Yi:->ta dl'l Lago a ~· t· plca:-.cd tn tcrtll in tlH·ir c,fticial an- ~ Phone for an Appointment t ~r ,t,llt'L' tlll'llt; "a iastidiouo; cluh inr llltll l:ie per quart a ttrl \\"lJtllt'll at \\·hich the coJt,riul page- ; Wilmette 27 6-6 ~tttn· "i beach. :-.ocial and atltlttic liie t The cream taken from this milk will whip \\ill · cli:-><:OH·r !H.: \r \'altlL':-> amid a · (!l ;tttl< lr ri11S l>caut)· riY;alitlg ;ttlrit·ttt ~~,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,,~~~' '-'-'-'-'-#_"_ _~~~~~- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Drs. Bersch & Stone 4 ~ p ain." :,n "Fir;-;t, \"i:-Lt del Laga." quoting Crilt lllHJClorc Blackton ... ,,·ill bring l() l'llirag() that \\hirh in th v h~t l\\'0 \·var' at \\· orlcl - iatnntb S11 ;t, ha..; pr11\'l'rl L'\'(lltttirnl in club dcn·lnpnH·nt. Tt i' printarily a club i11r en·ry ntenthn ( ,j t11L' fantih· tYL·n· da,· of thl' Year. It i~ the S11utlll';.lt ('aliil·rnia - icka tratt,plallttd 111 the ,,·orld\ greatl'~t .~un l tllL'I" rt~(lrt. ancl \\'ith a beach \\·ith d ou h k t he arc a and t tw r L' In· a l1 t i i ul .~:tnrl than an\· oi the t\\·l'ln· beach r luiJ, that h·a n rl'\'Oilniunized thl' :- IH·ial and outing liic oi L rh .-\n gck~ . " Tltere \rill he t\Yn cla:-':-.L'~ oi lllL'll1 i>L·r,!Jip. (11H' kn0\\'11 a:-> tltt· Pi11t1l'l'l" Liit.· ntctnht-r~hip. at S301l. without -gm ·t·rnmL·nt tax. and till' arti\·e mcmi>L·r;-;hip. at S300 " ·ith a 10 Jll'i' Ct'tlt tax ;.nrl dul's. ()ftin·..; of \·i ~ta rll'l Lago arc at 0.)1) ~orth ~fichigan awnue. ('lt icago . It io.; plannvcl ln l1a\'L' tlw rlnh ~Am.- 1 ··kted somdilllL' next ~Ullltlll'r. tt h ' 1 .; ai ·1. Something new "'today"' in 0 I L HEAT! All past ideas are no\Y changed- all past con1fort-standards no\Y surpassed. Right no\V you can see it in operation ·! Skelton Shatters World Mark in N. Y. Exhibition R()bcrt . kelton of \\.i lmctte. Oh·mp~c ~,,· immit_lg ch.a mpion and gradtta~ l' I ot \e\\' Trter l11 gh school, hroke ht~ 0\\'11 record in th e :\. :\. C. exhibition <tl Conev hland, ·:\. Y.. la:->t \\'cek. Skt:ltnn ~\\'am the fom hundred yard l.rea st stroke in j :48 4-3. The old rl'rord. \\·hich he bettered by :-; ix and one quarter seconds. ,,· a~ 5 :SS. He was S\\'i mming for the illin ois :\. C. under official .\. :\. C. ~upcn-ision. when he lo \\'crcd the \Yorld record in the e\·cnt. H.ecctitly he gan· an exhibition at the \\'ilmctte beach. THE whole oil- burning situation has been changed. Here, today,-you can see how and why. You can discover- with your own eyes and ears-what new comfort any home can have now. More than 29,000 homes enjoy NOKOL heat-and have enjoyed it for periods up to 9 years. It has cost them no more than hard coal-usually less. Because this is the lowest-cost, fully automatic oil heat known! There is no dirt, no odor, no work necessary. And now the new Silent NOKOL ends noise, surpasses its own records for high .. * * * * efficiency, provides greater comfort than ever befo~e. Supplies Episcopal Pulpit During Minister's Vacation l~cY. F. J. Tromp, former . curate of St. Augustine's El)iscopal church and 110\\' Plain, ordinary foresight recommends that you see it. That can be today. connected with. the Cathedral in Chicago, \rill have ciLHge of the services and other acti\·ities in St. Augustine's parish during the month of August during \Yhich period the rector, Dr. Hubert Carleton " ·ill be having his vacation at Heart-of-thePines, Post lake, \iVis. Mr. Tromp is well known in the village and gained a wide popularity during his services to St. Augustine's church. ~hclter THE NEW Silent IN61k01 ... AUTOMATIC OIL HEATING FOR HOMES First domestic oil burner listed by Underwriters' Laboratories: approved by all lead· ing safety boards. Manufactured and guaranteed by AMERIC~ NOKOL Co.· Chicago OIL HEATING COMPANY 1311 Chicago Ave., Evanston. Phone University 7420 OIL HEATING COMPANY 215 No. Michigan Ave .. Chicago Phone Central 7 8 3 2

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