Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jul 1926, p. 28

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28 1 Summer Reductions To make room for ' new, fall stock we havt> r educed our entire stock of Summer Coats, Dresses a.nd Hats to as low as 30% below r egular prices. Jt W111 bf' to your adYantage to look. them OYer. WILMETTE LIFE July 30, 1926· othy Paley, Roy Brown, Mary ~lea son Beatrice Gratiaa, Jane McGmley, Ste~hen Hopkins, George \Vhite, Davie Ginter Ned Shapker, Jack Ross Betty Funke, Rita \Veber, Bob Sher;nan, ·Paul Keyes. \Villiam Burrill, \Villiam Holmes, Dorothy Fucher, and Francis Kennedy. Those winning the Junior Emblem \H'rc awarded a \Yhite felt . fish !O place on the front of the hathmg sm_t. The,· \Yerc: Geraldine \V ehcr, ~[ane \Vilson Ross Blaylock. Paul Soule, Vance 'Soule. Jack \Vir(! lin} \V arr<.~n 1\fonroc, Paul Bustin, and Georg1a Vosl.mrgh. The winners in last Friday's races who also earned additional points _o1 the 500 which is the goal for \\·l11rl bathing suits ancl medals _arc giYen. a. pnzes hy tht Bureau ot Recrcatlt'l which 1s conducting tl1c eHnts ar' a~ f OIIO\YS : . Horse and Rider Race: LamiL·r Bennett and Jn:.- S\\·an, first: Stephtl Hopkins and partner . . cco~Hl: H.igg. ~font iurt and Pal11 Soule. thml: J alllc Baker ancl James Burrill. iourtl1. Ureast Stroke race, boys under . 12 \·ancc ~oulc, first: _T;:unes Burrill. :"t'C nncl: Xed Shapktr, third. Girl:; Eileen Burke, fir:"lt, Ann ).Jaric \\'il:-· lll second. Breast stroke. hoy.- 12. 13 and 1-f Franci~ Kennedy, fir-;t: ~trphen H· lJl kinS: l'cond; Ccorf.!r \\.hite. third lantes l3aket, tou1th. (~lrl~. Dc)rt·thy ;rucker, first, ElsiL· Patterson, scU·JHl: Beatrice Cratiaa, third: June :\nch-r son, fourth. Brea:-.t Strokl', h o ~· s 13 . Hi. and li: Wilmette Playground Events (B_v Burcalt of Recreation) Efficiency Swim Tests (Friday, July 30) Free for all. Horse and Fight. Cnder 17. Chariot Race_:.Girls · Back Stroke-BoYs and Girls (a) Under 12 years of age (b) 12-13-1-f years of age (c) 15-16-17 years of age. UNIQUE. STYLE SHOP B. CO~LAN, Pcop. 11 or girls under 17. Hai1clicap Race-Feet tied together -Bon and Girls under 17 Loilipop Grab-Girls Rider Exhibition Swim-Cra\Yl · Anna ~1argaret Kennedy Katalic Yonkers The second \\'ilmettc Beach day held last Frida,· 1)\· the \Yilmcttc Burcau of Hccreat-ion- was featured by the entry of scores of contestants in tl1c Yanous cnnt:->. The fl..'atun. · events of the program \\·as the ;l\rarding of insignia to sc\·cral c·f the children \rho succcssf ully completed certain trsts, and the \\·atermclotJ grab. In the latter eyent fin~ hoys struggled ior thirty minutes for actual po~sessJon nf th<: melon when the officials dcci<h:d to settle the hard fought argument h,· callin .~· the en·nt a dra\\· and di,·icling the troph_\· among the fi,·e. The \\T<tthtr \\·as ideal fnr the cnnttsts and a brgt crmnl ni sn-cral hundred JlC(lpk gathered t() \\·itness t l! l' con t csts. Senior badges 111 the shape of felt, '\\·. B.'s" \H'l'l' ;l\rarcled to sn·cral ho_\·s and girls ior ·kl\·i11g cOillpktL'd thl' scn1or t<:st S\\'1111. The boys and girls \\·inning thesr tmhlcms were: James Baker, Jor S\\·an, June AnderS(II1, \Yinncirecl Stoern, Harriet Dauber. Bill Grommr~. Frank Rile~·. Dor- :z.6 Central Avenue Phone Wit :1403 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~'o~~~·~n~a~l~~~o~n~~R,~a~c~e~.~O~~p~c~t1~t~o~b~o~y~s e.·- tl- D-U-,~~(......C.._,.~..-.c.._.~,.._,c,...c....-.......c .....c.--.c.....c,._.t.._..t,._.:· j ! I I MARMON SALES AND SERVICE STATION 6017 Broadway, Chicago l I I t ~ I 1 ~ I . I ! ! Phone Long Beach 6428 Open Evenings and Sundays Call F. C. Heaney for a demonstration in the New Marmon. 1 1 I 1 Marmon North Shore I ·:·-.~--...~ ...... ,._.··,....,...,,~,._,...._..,--.c:~~..-..,...~,~· ..... ,._,,--.c.._,f)....().-,c).,....)~>.-.f·!· I ' I 14 Su this world be/ore the next" on the "?' S.S.Empress of Scotland ) Bowman's Milk is full, cream milk-rich in all the vitamins so necessary to vigorous, red-blooded health. Drink it freely-at least a quart a day-and see how much better you feel. Bowman's Milk is fresh and pure; Nature's greatest contribution to mankind. For the good it will do you and yours start drinking it today. Simply telephone our nearest distributing station or order from any .Bowman Milkman. D.o it now -before you forget. QlUISE from New Yerk·Dec. z 132 glorious days ··· 55 ashore for sight.. seeing .·. timed with climate at its best in every country visited. Plan now to take the Canadian Pacific world cruise-from New York Dec. 2, on the palatial Empress of Scotland, 25,000 gross tons, famed for cruising comfort. Spend Christma& in the Holy Land J New Year's Eve in Cairo; then on to India; Ch.ina, 4~ days in Peking; Malay.. sia;Japan-.20 countries in all. Rates, including all necessary expenses, shore excursions, hotel accommodations,etc. aurprisingly low. Further information trom local steamship agents, or Mill\. . Earl E. Orn(·r. ('. & ~. \V. Station or H. K g)\\'nl'thy, St(·:unship f:t·n~·rat 1\.!--;t::'nl, il 1 :.: . .Jack~.<Jil I31Yd., 'L\·ll't>honc Wabash l!J04, <'hi<·ag·o, Ill. For frdg-ht apply to \\r. A. I .... ntt:nmastt·t', c;l'n. Agt. Freig-ht DeJ>t. !.140 Thl' H.ookl·ry, Chicago, Ill. D'A IR.V COMPANY,. FO~ 51 YEARS THE STANDARD OF QUALITY

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