Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jul 1926, p. 27

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July 30, 1926 WILMETTE I:.IFE Rotarians Enjoy Outing ·:· ..--·-·----·--· - --------------: + . SCOUTS REVEL IN NEW as Guests at Waukegan Memorial Park Cemetery JOB OF TREE SURVEY \Vilmette and ·Winnetka Rotarians 1 EVANSTON. ILLINOIS I AI I I 1 I ! i (Continued from page 3) how manY trees of e~ch kind there are on public prope rty, a nd th eir size and :general condition s. lt will know a p!)rox im a t e l~- how many of these tree s · ·of each kin d th ere arc on public prope rt y, a nd t heir size a nd gen eral condition. It " ·ill kn ow approx imately how m am· of these trees ar e taken care oi b.y ab utting prope rty own ers. O n th e ot her ha nd, the numb er of trees will be known which will be ·needed to plant territory now without were gue sts of the \ Vaukegan Rotary clu b vVednesday of this week at an int er -c ity gath ering at the Glen Flora Co.unt ry club of that city. The day was spent in golf and horse- shoe. to urnaments association baseball ma tches and concluded with a dinn er at th e club. Ro tan ' clubs of the north shore are plannin g an inter-city meet to be held at one of the golf clubs wes t o f \Viln1 ette son1etin1e in August. I a i ; " A FINAL RESTING PLACE. ' ' To leave such an iml)ortant mauer for some other day , ofren results in waiting too long. You will incur no obligation at all by letting me show you thru this beautiful garden · cemetery. All space sold includes perpetual care. Two years payment plan with no interest if desired. I i; a Chicago office , Wabash 7490 Winnetka I 205 ' ·:·:- .. -~~-·-~~--~~-~~-~~-~~-·-·-~~-·-"-"cw.'-'-u----~~-·-·- I I J0 h n H~ · Muhlke Special North Shore Representative 64 7 Garland Ave., Winnetka, Ill. . (· ..:..... eLuxeSedan Appointed in Excellent Taste 'Aw George Bersch, Jack Wiedlin and Paul Hosting measuring a big elm at Twelfth street and Elmwood avenue. tree~ . The B()ilrcl of Trustees \\·ill tltt·n i>c in JH·:-ition to dete rmine a tn·e !'olin· that can he consistc'nt h· follO\\T;I \rith gnod n: ults. . The :-.tt'gg(':-tion has been made that the same fmccs that have put the tree sun·n · in 1l1< ·tion should earn· on and tnakc. :\rhur Day next year a .conspicu(l\h r·nt· i11 tht· Yillagc in tht· numbtr of tree:; Jdantcd. ~ f ajor Harbaugh hac- th is J·rugram under consideration in rcit·rt·ncc to the Scouts. What Are the Best Trees? Inspect the APPOINTMENTS of this beautiful car, and the PRICE will impress you as remarkably low. Body finished in Maxine blue lacquer, black above belt line, with silver gray striping and lustrous black enamel shields and fenders. Upholstery-silver gray genuine mohair velvet with seat backs and cushions in the latest custom paneling. · Instrument board and window mouldings in rich walnut, hardware in poli3hed nickel, smartly designed for fhis vehicle. Natural wood wheels with dagger spoke-stripes. Steel disc wheels, in Maxine blue, optional at no extra cost. Complete Rpecial equipment, including: poiished nickel radi'· ator shell and emblem, cowl lamps, cowl ventilator, nickeled front and rear bumpers, heater, automatic windshield cleaner. and many others. A smart, roomy and dependable closed car that wi-ll serve you for years at low cost. Fortunatt'h·. the Yen· bc:-t street :-hack trt.:l':-. grO\\' splc.ndidly in \\"iiIIIL' 11 t' i i gin· 11 a i air ch a 11 c t'. Co \'L' rn t!Jt·n t horticul turi:-h han~ been cxpcrillH·nt ing t·l lind the be:-.t shade trees . 'fltt\' t'ttink Clak:-. are the bc:-.t trees for :-trt· ~·t plant:ng. The elm gets second pl:tr t' and the sycamore th inl. The l!O \Trtll ll t'llt j, ,IJ..::-; dtl not seem to like t-naplcs. aith .. ugh the reel or scarlet maple i ~ a11 cxccpti(ln in the ir \Yay oi thinkin~. .\ t!oOd \\·nrd i..; sa id, howen·r. f~r thL· \on\·ay maple. Oi the fan1ily oi oaks, the red oak ;::; gi n :n prcitrt·ncc by the goycrnment hort icult urist:; fClr cur part of the country, \ritlt the noble \\' bi te oak .tcond. \ \ "ho is not impressed with tltc sturd}· dignity of the oa k a nd the b rilliant reel or its leaves in th e fa ll, o ft en sta\· i n~ on the trees unt il Th anksgidng·; Or \\'h o do cs not thrill at the c~taractc r ist i c appear ance of th e Am<:r ican elm , standa rd tree of 1\c \\' Englan d and hy some rega rd ed a: th e 111(1st repr:cscntat i,·e 1\orth Atn erican tree? Prefe rence co uld hardly be given to eith er oak . or elm by \Vilmette, but both mag nifi ce nt tr ees should be inter sperse d in plantin g. Nor should oak a nd elm be planted too closely toge th er, but g iYen r oom to shape up ' Yal -headed in all their potential maje sty. DeLuxe Sedan $1150.50 Coupe 906.5G Touring Car Roadster $855.50 854.50 Delivered C. M. McDONALD I 019 Davis St. Evanston Univ. 224 Ann oun cement is made that 1[rs. Oli\·er C. Dennis, 11iss ·Marion Dennis and Miss Oli,·e Dennis of 702 Elm " ,)od aYenue, arrived in H onolulu July 10. --o1\1 r. and ~Ir s . Roy A. H. Thompson of 811 Ashland avenue, and their family are spending a month at Land O ' ~akes, \Vis. -oGuss Elias is enjoying an outing at Clltnp Notre Dame, Iv...t DCDEiE- BROTHE-RS MDTDR CARS

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