26 WILMETTE LIFE July 30, 1926 \· I NEWEST BOOKS AND BOOK REVIEWS Pu.blic Library (Letters from a Librarian to a Girl in Montana.) New Books Acquired by the Wihnette Public Library Fountain Square Evanston Phone Wilmette 600 Deliveries twice daily to the North Shore Phone in your book orders. Stearns .. Education of the Modern Boy . Dramatization of Bible Miller Stories Collins .... . . Travel Charts and Travel Chats Vntermeyer . . . . .. Forms of Poetry ~fun roe ........ Poets and Their Art Reade . . ... Martyrdom of Man Corn ford . . Great Deeds of the Bh!ck Watch Beer ... , .. Mauve Decade Spengler . Decline of the West The Odyssey of the Lonely Woman What is the life of the homeless and penniless woman in London? Where does she sleep. How does she keep body and soul together day by rl~y: Mrs. Cecil Chesterton, the well-known writer and journalist, decided to go down into the depths and find out what happens in the City of Dreadful Night. For this purpose she left her home, cut herself off from friends, and, under an assumed name, star ted afrrsh tn London, without money, change of clothes, or references. . She had many adventures. She sold matches, cleanl'd steps, begged in the street, slept ia doss-houses, shelters, and . in . the caus:tl ward. Her Odyssey of the lonely \\'Oman in the fight for existence makes an absorbing book. It is called "In Darkest London," and is publi.shed by ~f :.~.cm~l lan. ($1.75.) In St. Paul's Cathedral in Londvn, =tt a recent meeting of five thousand of the clergy, the Bishop of London made interesting references to this hook of Mrs. Chesterton's, and the volume ts already in very active demand throug-hout Great Britian. Everything Under The Sun · 1n W. ] . Locke is wntmg a new novel, which will be published in the fall. The American edition will have the title, "Perella," the English being "The Old Bridge." · Books THE GOLDEN BEAST s, E. PHILLIPS OPPENHEIM ·tt II one of the fti'Y belt of hla long stories."-The Bosten Tf'cmscript. · LriTLE, BROWN & CO ~Bolloe - :\O~L\D'S ~Iary LAKD Roberts Rinehart Doran ..................... $2.50 YOCR l.'XITED STATES Arnold Bennett DMm~ ..................... $2.50 Tri tram Tupper JORGEXSEN Lippincott ................. $2.00 THE C:.ILYER SPOO~ ] ohn Galswortl1y S cribncrs .................. $2.00 BEAT SABRECR Perri\'al Christopher \Vren Stokes .................... $2.00 THE BLACK HUKTER James Oliver Cur\\'ood Beauty Lies in Healthy EYES It's not so tnu.:h the size or color of the EYES that makes them bc:autiful. Rather, it's the glow which radiat~s from them. Urr lesskeptalwayscleana~d healthy, EYES lack1this alluring lustre. Millions of women throughout the world promote EYE health and beauty with Murine. It cleans~s EYES of irritating par.. tides ~md keeps them clear and bright. Contains no belladonna. O.r illwcrakd boob on "Eye Care" cw "E~e Becauc," are 'fREE on rcquac. Each vear the list of ne\\' Macmillan Books for Boys and Girls has some feature that piques the curiosity a~racl of time. From a quaint discovery in The Little Library, to huge Pinocch ·.o, it is full of surprises. Thi s year, the preliminary announcements arc more surprisin~ than ever. They show that Dorothy Lathrop and Henrv He ston both ha \'C sent contributio-ns to The Little LibrarY. .TanH's Stephens introduces a cat storv hv his friend ~eeh- ~fcCm·. Hele;1 Damrosch Tee-Van· put s i.nto book form the sketches and storie s she ~at he red when \\·orking at ~f r. Bee br's Tropical Res<.-arch Station. The reclu se, mu sician and poet. Hen·ev .\Vhite of \\'oodstock. contributes thrilling adyenturc ston·. Elizabeth ~1 acKinstrv has collahoratcd with her friend the- poet and play\Hight Ha chel Field, in a book ab out el\'C:;. Ha\\'thorne Daniel, author and editor, turn s to fiction again \\'ith a medieval m,·~tcn· and adn·ntur<.- tale. ~fable \\'illi.a ms .introduc es the al>ridged c<litinn of "The Alhambr <t" which Goble has long ,\·anted to illu..;trat~. \\'ilired J<me~. fanHnh plann er nf heau tiful books. has discovered the ShanI . II . ama 1. Ill an o < tramlat1on; it will b~ -o_-- . ,, . issued UlHI<-r the title "The E11ic of "The }Jm~ncls. ol Spnng has JUSt Kings: Hero Tales of Ancient Persia," gone into 1ts lortv-etghth thousand. with unusual color work and decora\\·e \\'Onder hm,· it .feels to he there. J tions. Dear MarionI know that this letter is not going to be full of enthusiastic exclamation points, and that is a pity, but then 1 shall be home next week and I can exclaim on the ground! One thing I must tell you about is "Our Garden Flowers" bv Harriet L. Keeler. Many of my friends have gardens and most of them are fervent gardeners, not satisfied by the old fashioned flower names, but professionals registering interest only to the sound of "Euphorbia," "Lupine," "Heuchera," "Aquilegia," and-so-forth. Naturallv in seH-defense I find it necessarv to memorize the Latin names as rapidly as possible, and that is one of the reasons that I bought this hook. Delphiniums are no longtr the only things I know. \Ve have recently acquired a beauti-: fully illustrated set of Macaulay's "History of England." It is fascinating rcadin~ and in this day of "cloak and sword" romances it should be read more. Another beautifulJy illustrated hook is "Cambridge" hy Tuker and Matthieson. Matthieson has made a great niany water color drawing of the colleges and their surroundings. These are as illuminating as the text and twice as charming. But of course you know my fads. · The recent coal strike in En~land made me extrcmelv conscious of the romanticist in me~a Miniver Chccvv in fact. The economic situation ~incr the \\·ar has been bad, and of course people have tried to do something, but Time seems to be the onh· remech·. A survev wa s made of A1 ;1erican ·lmsiness j1rinciples and met hods (arc the,· the same?) and the result s \\'ere pub·li~hcd in a report callr<l "The Secret of High \\·ages" by Austin and Lloyd. Tt is Ycry good reading and it is abo brief. The t\\'cnt~·-s ixth "·a~ Ceorge Bvrnard Shaw's birthdaY and in rekbration of it I read "An; 15 and The :Jan." He al\\'avs allluscs me. hut 1 am afraid that I a;n a skimmer becau se I never get excited. some people do you kno\\'. !\ow that 1 have done it I ,,·isll th:1t I hacl reread "Anrlrocles and the Lion." Sec you \VednesdaY. ton'. A ~~E\\'li.U~. New Macmillan Books for Boys and Girls a .... Cosmopo/itall ........... : .. $2.00 Announcing the Removal of I THE ~CRDER OF ROGER ACKROYD Agatha Christie Dodd, Afead & Co . ......... $2.00 PADLOCKED Rex Beach BALLARD BOOK STORE Open for Business MONDAY, AUGUST 2, 1926 Formerly .I Harpers ................... $2.00 For Convenience Phone Universitv 1024 or \Vilmette 600 The Murine Company l">t:pt. 3 3, Chic:qo 15 5 Wilmette Avenue SAME PHONE WILMETTE Now II Wilmette 2.566 50 Wilmette Avenue Wilmette I '!I