Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jul 1926, p. 17

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July 30, 1926 WI L M.E T T E LIFE 17 ary Education of the Methodist N. K. E. C. SCENE OF church, Chicago, and N. 0. Harringdirector of religious education, RELIGIOUS WORK STUDY ton, Y. M. C. A., Eric, Pa.; Dean, Roger Albright, Evanston. 'TWO SHOPS 633 North · Michigan Ave. Chicago 8 Summer Session Sponsored by i . Methodist Church to Start ~t.r. and ~1 rs. J. G. Vyray and thetr famtly are movmg thts \veek from on North Shore A ugust 1 their home at 618 \Vashington avenlte into their new home in Glencoe at A summer school of Religious Edu- 615 \\i ashington avenue. Mr. and cation will be held at Harrison hall, ~frs. \Villard H. Thayer \\'ill rent the Kational Kindergarten and El<~men- \\'ray house during the construction of tary college, · August 2-13. The school their new home on Robsart road. is under the auspices of the board of __0 _ education of tiH' ~1 ethodist Episcop~l ~~ r. and ~~ rs. ~f artin J. Hill and church. The <~can of the school wtll their daughters Jane and Marjorie he Roger Albnght of. the depart~nent of 514 \Va shin~ton avenue returned of church schools, asststed by emment SundaY frOt;l Elkhart Lake \vis. Miss cl.ergymen an~!- . cdqcat?rs from alii Jane Hill had spent three \\:eeks at the Prlrts of th.e l Htted States. lake and was joined there hv her There wtll he sev~ral c.ourses for pare'nts and sister for the wee.k-end, pastors and .cl.asses tn subjects of the returning with them. standard trauung courses arc open to college and di\'inity students. Courses -oare also arranged for student pastors, ~Irs. Frank Schaedler of 301 Sheridirtctors of religious education and dan r'oad entertained members of the ach·anced students. Indications are summer school and faculty of the that there will he 200 registrations Columbia Co1lege of Expression at her from all parts of the C'nited States. home Tuesday afternoon, July 20. Open With Reception Se\·enteen different states were repThe school will open ~fonday e\·e- re ented by the summer school stuning-. August 2. with a reception. Every dents "·h.o were ~~ rs. Schaedler's after11oon there \vill be a program between 3 and 5 recreational directed hy I\. 0. Harrington, community director of recreation for the cit\' of Erie, Pa. \'arious recreational ev~·nts "·ill take place on the campus. and the students \\'ill he taken on excursions to the Chicago ~f useum. Library, Art 1nstitnte and promintnt places of interest i1~ and about Chicag-o. \Vcdnesday, Au. I.!U st 11. under the direction of ~~iss . 1.\'Clia ~f. Clover, superintendent of the d!Yision of pageants and costumes, 740 Hush street. Cl1icago, a pageant will ht> presented by students in the dramatic class. The annual school han<lllct will he held Thursday e\'C'ning, :\ugu st 12. and the commencement cxcrci~cs " ·ill he on Thursday afternoon . Distinguished Faculty TIH· facttlt\· will include the Rev. Charles F. Boss. Jr., registrar: Dr. llarris Franklin Rall of Garrett Biblical Institute. EYanston: ~fiss Edna Dean Baker. president of the ~ational ~(ind<'rgartcn ancl Elementary college, Frank ~f. ~f cKib.btn. Chicago. ~!arion n. Hct\\'thorne. ~orthwestern uni\'Crsit\·, and Prof. Karl R. Stolz. C~1icago. \'i: iting members of the facult~' will' include Cilhert Q. I.e Sourd. Ph. D., · rnn i ere 11 re an cl promotion sccre ta ry I for the ~fis:;ionan· Educatio·1 1110\' Cmcnt. ~ew York Cit,·: Tohn JI. ~font gomen·. B. S., ~f. S. E. E .. professor . of religious ed'u cation, Cniversity of ~nuthern California. Los Angeles: \V. G. Fagan. B. R. E .. ~f. A., director of religious rduration. Central ~f etlwclist I <'httrrh. Lansin~. ~fichigan: Edward R. Bartlett, :\f. A., professor of religious eclucation. De Pauw universitY. \.rcencastle. Indiana: ~fildred 0. \I oodY, B. A., director of elementary \\'Ork ·of the department of church srlwols of the ~f ethodist church. Chicago: Blanche Carrier. ).f. R. E..· supe.rvisor \\'eek cia~· school" of religion. ' the Sunde~Y School Council of Religi ous Education. Dayton, Ohio: Lydia \f. Glover, A. B .. director of pageantry and dramatics, department of ~fissionATIVANCE AUGUST FUR SHOWING Market Square Lake Forest, Ill. JULY CLEAR-AWAY S.ALE Sports Clotbrs-Coats-E vrning Gowns reduced to ridiculously low prices Hats formerly up to S3s.oo Now Ss.oo, $7.50 and S1o.eo Special sale at tempting reductions of French Hand Made lingeriechiffon and ·service bose-wash suede glovrs--children's sweatersbabies' Jresses, also Italian potteries-vases-lam ps~tc. ) ,. I THE SPORT SHOP OF LAKE FOREST ;~u~c~ st~s~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- Announcement We have opened our new, most modern and ONLY cleaning and dyeing plant in Hubbard Woods ·and Winnetka and are now in a position to serve the public and our great many friends with the highest grad1e 'of cleaning .a nd dyeing as well as quick and prompt service. We are the ONLY concern north of Evanston that does its own dyeing. Every garment is handled by us personally. For the past 22 years we have operated our clean· ing and dyeing plant in Lake Forest, serving some of the most particular people on the North Shore with the best of workmanship. A trial will convince you. 24 ..hour service on request. A. W. Zengeler, Pres. Sig. Wertheimer, Sec. & Treas. In Smart Creations for The Coming Fall Reduced Rates During August Sales Save Money and Delay Take advantage of our reduced Summer !'ates and modeling and repairing. Phone · CENtral 1049 CLEANERS DYCRS Plant 899 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods All Phones Winnetka 144 Branch 810 Elm Street · Winnetka

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