Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jul 1926, p. 15

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July 30, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE Philip Sears and his daughter, HelMr. and Mrs. A. J, Shores and Miss F. E. M. Cole, 315 Essex road, and Emily Shores of Los Angeles are the Mr. and Mrs. Hallett Cole returned to en, are here from Oregon visiting the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Work- Kenilworth Sunday from a ten-day former's mother and sisters at the motor trip to Cleveland. Sears' home, 417 ·w arwick r9ad, Kenilm'a n, 222 Leicester road, Kenilworth. worth. -o-oThe ~~ isses Alice and Elizabeth M rs. Edwin Hedrick and family, Mrs. Victor C. Sanborn of Lake For-oSh!pman, 432 Essex road, Kenilworth, 304 Melrose avenue, Kenilworth, are est entertained her Kenilworth bridge Harry Vissering, 257 Kenilworth, is spe ut the week -end of July 24, at the spending the summer at Leland, Mich. cluh at luncheon Tuesday. motoring to South Dakota on l>u~iness .. Carl Keith's island at Big Lake, Wis. They left the following Wednesday for a green valley, generously forested, whose low, tress-grown hills lose themselves gently in a blue California. From there they will go haze. Through its wind·wide, white, shaded roads, ast flower-blown, hedg own and half-hidden to Zion Kational Park. Ctah, where wa s of modern baronial estates ··· A region of .Quiet vihages ··· homes set in w~ gardens ··· and cool the\· will meet their parents on Aucreeks run through its meadows". So wrote Robert J. Casey in the Chicago Daily News, in describing the gus-t 25. to join them on their homeSkokie Vall~y, the beautiful territory that is traversed by the new Skokie Valley Route of the North Shore Line. \\'ard trip. Kenilworth News ..... 9. -o- I ... r. and ~Irs. Alfred \Yatt, 733 Hinma.l avenue, Evanston, arc being· congratulated upon the birth of a son, Spencer Riddiford \Vatt. July 19, at the EYanston hospital. They are now ~taying at the home of ~Ir. \Vatt's parents. ).lr. and Mrs. Frank \\'att of 33g ~Lelrosc avenue, Kenilworth. ~1 -o~1 rs. Vincent Taylor and her daughter, Peg~y, have gone to Ke\\' Y0rk to \·isit ~lrs. TaYlor's sister. ~lrs. Donald Lauder. On their war hollle ther \\'ill ~top at ~aint Davids. Pa .. as the guest=- <·i ~fr. and ~1rs. Frai1k A. Ccrould. -o~1 r;-;. B. C. Ha\\·kes. 157 Kenilworth an·nm·. Kcnihrorth. has had as her ~tH:sh. her ~on and his \\:ife. ).1r. and ~I r:-. Belnap Hawkes and their baby daughttr. < ,i Buffalo. who ~pent the pa~t \\'tt:k -cnd with her. WISCONSIN ILLINOIS· Antioch Channel Lake Loon Lake Round Lake Lake Villa Fox Lake District Grays Lake Volo-McHenry Take North Shore Line trains to Waukegan or Libertyville; North Shore Line Motor Coaches from there on regular schedule to these points. Through tickets. WISCONSIN Oconomowoc Nashotah Lakes Nehmabin Lakes Silver Lake Delafield Waukesha Beach Nagawicka Lake Pewaukee Lake Take North Shore Line to Milwaukee -step into T.M. E. R.&L. trains at door of our Milwaukee terminal, for these points. Through tickets. -oPatt\· Foresman, 515 Essex r11ad. Kenih~· orth. spent last week \·i~iting ~I is:-, Caroline Ever1ett at \\.a uka wl ·. .\l ich. .\1 iss Emilie and \1 iss Unrotln· Foresman and Richmond K L·m·< ,n 111fltored to \\.au kazoo la st ~attinLt\· to drire ).1 iss Foresman hullll'. . - 0~lis-. Lake Geneva Twin Lakes ·P owers Lake " Take North Shore Line trains to Kenosha, and to Kenosha, and North Shore Line Motor Coaches from there on regular schedule. · Through tickets. \f ~'" · DctJJa!d \i c Laughlin and her iniant -.nn returned to the home of tl 1v inrnwr's pan: n~s. ~I r. and ).f rs. Pcrn· \\'.Eckhart. 20(> Cumberland an·ntll'. KL"nihn>rth. Sunda,·. from the 1 :.\· an~ton hospital. ).fr. '\ fcLaughlin kit thi ~ week t<· Cllntinue thr gc·ologiral :--tudies he is making this summer in thL· Black Hills. -o.\1 iss Elizabeth I Ianna h. 25() \Yood ..,t<·ck aYl'tltll', Kl'nih,·orth, ~pent last \\·<:ek-end at a house party at Syh·an Bl'ach. \\.bite lake, ~I ich.. gi,·en hy I <1hn :\un·en at the :\u\'een summ er h<lllll' . MICHIGAI'i Ludington Manistee Hamlin Lake Portage Lake Onekema Take North Shore Line to Milwaukee; Pere. Marquette night steamer from there; arrive Michigan next morn· ing. Through tickets. WISCONSIN Sheboygan PortWashington Elkhart Lake Cedar Lake Crystal Lake Take North Shore Line to Milwaukee; . connections at door of our Milwaukee terminal with Milwaukee Northern trains for these points. Through tickets. ILLINOIS - o.\1 iss "\fan· Cecilia Kimber is gt\' tng a !unchc(ln ·and bridge party at the ~heridau Plaza hotel Saturday, July 31. in hnn<,r of \!iss \far'g aret Rackus of KctJii\YOrtll. -0. ~f r. and \1 rs. C. G. Burnham and their iamih·. 33(i Rosh·n road. Kenil"·orth. are -dsiting the ·camp of George Scott at Eagle RiYer. \\'i s. Libertyville Mundelein This is the center of the beautiful Lake County Country· side and the home of the 1,000-acre, ten-million-dollar St. Mary of the Lake Sem· inary. Best reached by North Shore Line trains. 1\liss Kathrine Parson of K~\\' York. kit ~~ o n clay a iter visiting ~~ rs. Samttd Conde,· of F,,·anston, formerly of Kenilwortl;. The \\\~dnes da,· Aitcrnoon Bridge rluh " ·ill ha\'C a .picnic in Lake For\'St Friday. FOR DISTINCTIVE PERMANENT WAVING (Negrescou's Pure Steam Process) As Low as 115.00 Also HAIR GOODS For diacrlmlnate requirements consult Mr. John Negrescou, 30 years on State Street. Expert Beauty Parlor Service and Artistic Hair Cutting -o- -o- Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Co. · The high-speed electrically·opnateJ railr011d Wilmette Passenger Station Telephone Wilmette 2514 BAGGAGE CHECKED For schedules, &rea and other in-, formation, inquire at ticket office, or at Traffic Dept.: ChiCIJto, 79 We.st Monroe St., phone Randolph 6ll6; Milwaukee, 408 Security Buildint, phone Grand 990 or Grand j763. THE WIGGERY SUITE lllf STEVENS BLDG. 1-97 Tel. Randolph tOii · 17 N. State Street

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