10 WILMETTE LIFE July 30, 192ti Second Pair of Twins Come to Winnetka Home Mr. and Mrs. Alfred .Ulbricht of Addresses C. of C. 1623 Washington street, Evanston, announce the birth of twin daughters Monday, July 26, at St. Francis hospital, Ev;mston. Mr. Ulbricht is the son of Mr. and Mrs. ]. K. Ulbricht of 883 Willow road, Winnetka and his wife was formerly Miss Selma Hankner of Ewing avenue, Evanston. This is the second pair of twins born to Mr. and Mrs._ Ulbricht, the first, Edward and Evelyn, being four years old. Mr. Ul- . bricht lived in \Vinnetka 25 years before moving to Evanston; and belonged to Winnetka Pos t of the American Legion. Mrs. Earl S. \Voodruff Prairie avenue. accompanied so n, Donald Earl, and her ] ack \Vied lin, i::; sp en~ing this of 161 by her nephew, week in Telephone your orders-Wilmette 649 No Toll We Deliver .... JtiJ(if.MMJ.M0..At1Nt 1557 SHERMAN AVENUE Evanston _, "We Save More Since We I Started Paying by Checks" but truelots ()f people lind it so) (Curious~ Niles, Mich. M. Portenhauser Painting Decorating Estimates given without obligation PhoP~ I' Dr. Sam H. Atkinson of Evan ston " ·ill spea k before tl1e \\'ilmettc Chamher of Commet:ce at the meetin g of that o rganization ~fonday evening, August 3, in the Central Cafeteria. Dr. Atkinson will s peak o n the sub ject. "Pcr:-;o nal Contact." TIc 1:i a \\Til known lect ur er and \\'ritcr. - Wilmette 2764 1030 Greenleaf Ave. CEMETERY REPRESENTATIVE John H. ~Iuhlk e ha s b ee n appointed specia l north s ho re r epr esen tative oi the ~lcm or ial Park cemetery, it \Yas. an noun ce d thi ::; \vc ck. }.! r. and ~I rs. Fra nk A. Cerould arc 111oto ri ng irom ~t. Da,·id:;, Pa ., and ,, ill arriYc in Kenihnuth Saturcla:·, July 31. to ,-i:-;it ~1 r. and .\1 r:-;. H em\· Tadur. Jr .. -U l Es :-;e x road. . -0- WILMETTE You'll find, too. that a checking account is a big help in cutting down expenses ·- just as the customer quoted above did. When you have a checking account, the figures on the stubs tell the story of spending than cash. just more plainly out }.frs. E. }.f. S\rcct. ;)20 Ahl>ottsiorr! .road. Kcnih,·orth, entertained a gr(l\1\l ui \Yotncn Tucsda,· aitcrno()n, luh' 2i. a t a thinthk p;;rty j,,r the . l :ni on church bazaar. handing These Hot Days call for cooling foods. You wili find a wide assortment on our menu. Cakes Cookies Coffee Cakes The Patty Shoppe is open at 7:3 0 with fresh baked coffee cakes and rolls. You know where the dollars go. No danger of losing a big sum, or paying the same bill twice, or any ... thing like that, either. at an appetizing CLUB BREAIZFAST 7 A. M. to 11 A. M. PLATE LUNCHEONS noontim e, include soup, meat, potatoes, vegetables and coffee A nice assortment o.f tasty cookies for afternoon and for children. Party and luncheon made to order. teas 4Sc and SOc TABLE d'HOTE DINNERS cakes 75c with C'hoice of dainty dishes. 5 P. M. to 8:30 P. M. Special First National Bank of Wilmette The Home of Savings Depositors For a mettl that satisfies. of our specials. 'l'ry one Fresh Fruit Patties Phone Wilmette 57 5 The Wilmette Cafe Meals tha~ The Patty Shoppe 115 3 Wilmette A venue Opposite Villaqe Theatre All orders of a dollar or over delivered frte. satisfy