Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jul 1926, p. 8

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WILMETTE F·r clotkt washed fM LIFE July 30, 1926 English Lutheran riqua if )'OU Vacation Minister Radio Sets and Suppllea Eveready .. 8 " Batter1et Music Master Loud Soeaken Base Plugs Installed Fine Line of Lishtiaa Fixtures Electrical Repairinc Adams Electric Shop Fourth Street Phone Wilme.tte 104~ Greenleaf an d Seven th Wi lliam Guise, Pastor Services for August 1 : . d" "The Panable of the UnJust Stt>·war ··n be the basis for our message at 1 ~1 1 (; worship hour, 11 o'clock. This passage of scrit)ture is t~<>. Gospel for th e Ninth Sundav aft<>r Trtmty. The parable-, \'.l hieh is recordf'd in the. 16th ~hap. of Lukt~ is one of the- most mterestmg aJ!d. l'lt the ~;amf' time, otw of th e ~!lost. ~~f fi<:ult parables of th(· :\[astl'r to mtel pi t. Our spN:inl musk h:'ls h~·P n. of the hi~·~ Fril' nd~ an· lll\'ltt·d to \\ 01~hip with us. e~t order. Sl'hool at I aliBihlt> dl·pnrtm (· nt:,;. t:J . C:rad<·d l 0~!-'011H in Tlw adult Bii>k (' )ass will study tlw h·sson: "Tiw Dt·li\'l·rance a:. thP Hl.'d ~l'it." !) : Thun;dn,·, Aug-ust il, from 4 o'cln<'k till · suns<'l, will l>t· tlw tinw of t)w _HnJ~~tal lli<-ni<' of th P -:\lissionnry !-'Ol'H't) . . I lw J'i<'niC' to whi('h tlw nwmlwrs :~nd frJt ·nds of th;. l'hureh nrP invitt·d, \\' tll bt · IH ·ld in tlw h<:auti ful pari{ along tht> lakt ·. 'l'hl' Lutlwr kng·ut· will 1.11l'l'l. J;-ri~1:1~- · fi at tlw hom (· of ?',IJss _ Lbtt: '(; ult ·r , -112 <:rl·g·ory an·mtt· . . ll~t · ~ r·;1,ng .\ug-u::;t JHoplo · :tnd tlwir fril'nds an· lll\' llt ·cl. llw )( · :tg'UI'·~ n ·<·<· nt !-'IH'ial at tlw llu l' hhob: hollll' wns <1 fi1w suc·t·t·s~. Tlw ~·oung p!·ol);t:' tlwnl\ nil for tlwir inlt'rl'~l and g,· nllous hl'lp. lHA:\IONDS 'J'h(' SU)If('llH' Scrurlty Pinnwnds han' nlw:-~.ys hf't· n n·(·ordl·d ns an in\'l'Slll1l·nt of Hllll·ndid worth. "'hilf' all othc·r vl·mmoditil·H <'h:tng·t· in \'a.lUL', tlw di:1mond l'l ' lll :dns unshakl·n. Diamonds an· eon!'idl·n·d thv hl·s t Sl't·urity when a Joan is nt·(·ded. })iamonds that dt·spn·<· this suprl'lnacy ~·o u will flt ~ cl in this store, Hl·l in platinum or whitt- gold. pt'kNl from $25 to $1,000. Bap tist Church RcY. 'N. F.. }.fcCormack, minister of religious education in the First Congregational church. will haYc charge ::gain in .Junt· of this ~· · · :tr wh1·n . tlw· of t~he services and parish affairs dur- pastor w<ts. att· ·tHling· th·· .rntf·rnatJ~·n:tl ing the month of August "·hile Dr. ( 'ntllll'il of Tit ·!igious Edtwat ton at Bll'lll~ Stephen A. Lloyd is a\Yay on his sum- i ngltam, .·\ Ia . mer yacation. ~I r. ~[cCormack came Tht · dnln ·h st·n·it't'S will lw lwlcl as to the First Congregational church w-·unl on Suntl:t\' mtot·nings lht'toliJ.:I1 tltt · carlv this Year and has been doing an sumnwr. hut thc· pt·a~·t · t· tl\o · ding~ will lw until \\'t·clnt·!'llay, Svpt· ·mcffc~ti,·c ·work p~trticularly in the clisc~tntintlt·ll J,er 1. Church school and among the younger 'l'Jw Suncln,· ~l'hool c···ntinuing· throu gh members of the congregation. tht· sumnH·r, ' !Jq~· ins at !t .I:>. Rl'\· . .-\rl'hihald ( :. H:tkt·t·, JH'of· ·S !'_Cil' oi :\Jissions at thl· l ·nin· rsio· of ('htc,t_go, will ·oc·(·upy tht· pulpit on Sun?a~· morniiW, at thr H:tlltist dJUr('h. l'nll t·sso r J:al\ l· l' lws spol\l·n IWI't ' Yt·t·~· nr·<···ptahly on two prt ·\·ious cw<·a~ions. 1111C'l' last sumnH ·r and Wt· St·ll J('W('lry - Wt· WH ( ' rrclit Dominic Pagliarulo Jeweler f1 Optician 1166 Wilmette ~ve. Phone Wilmette 1 o61 ... .. .. ... ... .. .. ... ... ... ... ... .. '.. .. ... ... ... . ... ... ... ~~***~*~*********$***** . . .. . . .. . Th1· \\. ilmdtt · napti!'t ··lnn·r ·h is lrwatt ·d Claude E. Fitch of 1033 Elmwood tht· c·ornc ·r Ctf Ford;t nn cl \\.i lm· ·ttt· a\···a\·cnuc leit last S~tturdaY on a six at nut ·s. Tht · pastor, llt ·Y. Fr:tnt·is ('. Stitkr, weeks' business trip abroad. ma ,. ht· sc·t·n in his :-:t u<I~- cluring t 11· · llll·i·ning·s of thl' \\'vd< t·Xt·o ·pt :\f nncl:~~·s :ttHl :1t <·lht ·r timt ·s lo~ · HJlpl!itttlllt ' lll. Tlw 'ltlll'l'h ofl1<·t ·, in <'llill'g"t · of .\Ti s~ -:\T :tlll'llt· ltt ·n n:u·l< l· r. is op, ·n dai!~· from !I unt il l , l'lt~sing :tt 1:! o'c·ltwk 1111 :-;;tturd:l~·. Uftil-1· pi~ ·Jtt·, ""ilm ·tt 2235. GARAGE I St. Augustine's Ch urch X l xt sund:n· will lJt · tit · !1th SutHln~· <tft(·r Trinit:<-·. · Tll, ·n· will ht· Jlttb· t'lllllJr,union at X a. m. an<l Holy <'ommutfi(lll with ~··rnwn at 11 A. ).f. it l)('ing· th1 · fir~t Sunda~· of tlw month . Til ·\·. F. J'. Tn11np, fornwr assistant :tt St. "~ugustirh.'s will ht· dlarg-,. of tht · !'t ·nit ·t·s during- tht· month of .:\ ug·ust. Tlw l'l ·C' tor's acldn ·Hs on his \',\l ·a til tll will l!t 1 fl ·art of tlw J'in t·s, 1 t!St Lid-:t ·, Pl·li<-a n Lakl· P. <l., \Yis. When It's Hot! Next Door Service Do you have to go any great distance for service to your car? We are practically right next door to you when it comes to service. A thoroughly modern well equipped repair shop under the supervision of expert mechanics that know how to do it. A phone call in time of need will show you what H Next door service," means. OO HOT to encou rage appetite doesn't apply if yo u ear regularly at t h e Central Cafeteria. For h ere are h ot weath er delicacies in p ro f usio n to tem p t t he p alate, and delici ou s cold beverages t o " p erk y ou up." The di nin g room is co mfortab ly cool, always. T u O D o Coolest Plaee In Town to Eat o:roc::=::ro.... e ...a'O 0 40° Summer Menu Tempting Service 0 Sundaya 12 to 5 Personal Supervision ·oE Fred Miller Cooler Than 0 the .Street 0 D on D D 0 Miller & Miller Equipment Equals Maintenance CENTRAL CAFETERIA Nelson ~uildine Central Ave., taat of Wilmette Avt. MAC'S .Bowling Lunch 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. 1159 Wilmette Avenue 514 4th St. Phone Wilmette 636 WILMETTE =r t!:=::===::==::==::==::::::::::::::::::::::::::=::=.ll ~E::::::S:i:ii:.5iiil 0~1:'::I'O~C::=:IOJ:O

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