Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jul 1926, p. 6

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WILMETTE .: LIFE July 30, 1926 a laborer a nd as a gardener. He never married a nd lived alone sin ce t he death of his fa ther seve ral years ago. He was reputed to be wealthy and was thought to have lost a considerable sum of money speculating in German marks. He owned the house in which he lived, as we11 as other property. His Sister. Mrs. Catherine Dingels, 1339 North Halsted street, Chicago, and his brother-in-law are the only surviving relatives. Funeral seni~es \\·e re held from ~1cmorial Park chapci Thnrsda·Y of this week and burial was at ~fcmorial Park. OLD RESIDENT D I E.S Nicholas Dionysius, Resident Thirty Years, Killed In Fall From Cherry Tree Quality Ice Cream Made in W ilmette Let us furnish you with the purest and rich est ice cream you have ever tasted. Every batch of ice cream we make up has the proper ingredients to insure purity and quality through and through. Made in Wilmette for Wilmette people. Hammond Ice Cream Kitchen Successor to Witt's Supreme Ice Cream 722 Twelfth Street Phone Wil. 3122 Nicholas Dionysius, for thirty years a resident of the village and \Hll kno\.vn through sen·ing as a gardener for manv families here, was killed in a fall from a cherr\· tree at his home, 610 Ridge avenue,· last Friday afternoon. The hoch· \vas not di scovered until Monday afternoon of this .\\·rck, \ Vhen ~f. . ~fick, a neighbor, saw it as he was walking through the alley in the rear of the house. ~f ick noticed a ]adder standing against a cherry tree in the yard, and a broken limb on the tree. He suspected that Dionysius might have fallen, and entered the yard. finding the aged man lying at the foot of the ladder still grasping a handful of cherries. He immediately reported the matter to the police who inn~stigatcd. At the inquest \rhich \ras helcl.'fucsday afternoon it developed that the last person to sec Diony!'itts alive \ras ~Irs. ~1ick, \rlw had noticed him picking cherries on the predous Frid~y a ftcrnoon. As the condition oi the bodY indicated that death had occurrc(l about three daYs hciore it was found. , the police placed the time of his death as Fridar. . F ell When Dizzy Tt was said at the inquest that he was subject to <Iizzy spells. and the opinion of the police was that he had fallen from the ladder while suffering from one of these. The corot1er's jur~· , returned a verdict of d. e ath bY accident. The inque~t was held at the funeral parlors of Frederick E. Lewis, 1120 Ccn tral a Yen uc. Dionnius \ras 60 Years old and came to this · country 47 ~=cars ago. He was horn in a lit tic town on the Rhine, in Germany. For the past thirty years he had lived in \Vilmette. \rorking as 1: Wilmette Men Purchase Winnetka Clean;.ng Firm Albert A. ~f cKeighan anrl his so n, John, 0f 102S Greenleaf an~ ntte, haYe purchased the Suburban Cleaners and DYers business at 8 Prouty Annex, \\; innetka. it was ann ounced thi.., week. The tlC\Y mrncrs of the cc!l1ccrn wili assume control at once. it is sa id, and ha\'c sec ured the se rvices of an expert, who, for a number of years. was hcall tailor for ).[andel Brothers, State street merchants. Scih~rt Dietz, owner of the Suburban Cleaners for many year :', \\·ill gn to California, it is said. ).f rs. \Yilliam A. Durgin. (,27 Fore st aYcnue, left yestcnlay for a fi\·e \\·ce ks' trip through the East. She will spct,(l t\ro weeks at Totem Lodge in the Th ousand blands. and \\·ill then go on to Yisit in Syracuse, Rochester and Buffalo, :\. Y. She will return tn \Yilmctte September 5. · -o~fiss Katherine Smith of Philadelphia, \\·ill he the guest of ).fis s Laura Durgin of 627 Fore st a n~ nuc this week-end. ~~iss Smith is stopping OYer in Chicago on her way home fr0m the \\"est. She is a schoolmate of ).fi:.;.:; Durgin's at Gouch(r col1cge . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · T ales of Hoffmann · · · · · · · · · · · · · · MOTORS SERVICE . Incorporotecl EVER.VTHING AUTOMOBILE ./Jr. me Have You Noticed the · Ollieial Which Check Will You Write? · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · - Wiseonsin NEVErt CLOSED TWO THINGS are t xacd y alike, but p riced differently . Which will you bu y? The one that saves you money, of course . .Map in our side ·window? It shows all roads; what they are made of and all detours. A ton of coal bought in August is exactly like a ton of the same coal bought in December . T he difference is in the price. The law of supply and demand is ever at work . Manage your home as consistently as your business. Buy fuel when the market is at the bottom of the price curve- now! HOFFMANN · · · · . ~l1 MAIN Wilmette STREET BR0 S . 1208 Central Ave. · wn. 131 · · · · · ~hone Wa~eib~got J. C. Sfown A.D. VanDeusen

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