Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jul 1926, p. 1

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WI · L METT'E VOL. XV. NO. 43 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS. JCL Y 23, 1926 LIFE . o· RNER BEGINS YF:AR 25TH OF SERVICE Came to Wilmette as Station Agent in 1902; Tells of Early Days Here A Weekly News-Magazine for Wilmette and Kenilworth PLAN DANCING. EATS FOR C. OF C. PICNIC Wilmette Day to Be Featured by Dancing to Joe Schneider's Music 0 FowrmeEr NWilmNe.tte KMNanoaxnd NDewETAriDer I Serves Long. Here I PRICE FIVE CENTS Graduate Killed in Auto Crash in !----------------~ ----~--~~~~~=· France Dr. Owen 1\. Knox. a son oi "Mr. and ~Irs. Thomas ).1. Knox, of 519 Tue sday, July 20. to most people in Forest a,·enue, \Yilmette and for the Two member s of the \\'ilmette \Vilmette was just an ordinary week past se,·en years a resident of St. PeChamber of Coti1mercc \vho · are going day attended \vith the various duties tersburg. Florida. was killed in an auto have much to do with the success tomobile accident, near Paris, France, performed in that matter-of-fact sort of \Vilmette Day arc J. \\'alter Xelof way that hecomes a part of one's \Y ednesday, of last week. ~Irs. Knox, so n, chairman of the dance committee life. ""ho \Ya . with her husband at the time and \Villiam Taylor, chairman of the To Earl E. Orner, it was more. It was S('rio usly injured. co nce ss ions committee. \Vilmette Day was the beginning of his twenty-fifth Dr. a·nct ).1 rs. Knox were making is to be held \Vednesday, August 18. vear of official connection with the an automobile tour of the battle fields and is to he a huge community celeChicago and Xorth Western railroad bration ~nd picnic, exceeding in the of France. Thev had been as far as company as agent in the village of Len s and were. returning when at numher of the participants and the \Vilmette. ).lr. Orner was transferred Chateau Thierry a tire hle\'\" out. The amount of their enjoyment any previhy the company from its Austin office chauffeur lost control of the car which o u s event s taged in the Yillage. to Wilmette, being checked in at this crashed into a tree. Dr. Knox sufThe <lance committee. uf \Yhich ).£ r. fen~d a fracture of the skull. from station July 20, 1902. ~(']son i~ chairman and of which the Last Tuesdav afternoon as he sat which his death occurred almost inother members arc Lowell Beyrer, -;tanth·. Both ~~ rs. Knox and the in his office at · the station and permitEverett A. Dannemark and Bernard chauffeur were iniured. hut not fatal~\'. ted his memorv for a brief moment to ~!eyer, announce that they haYC serevert to tho;e days, he frankly adThe son of Dr. a net ).f rs. Owen cured Joe ~chnei Knox. Thmna~; Knox 1I f. had accommitted that the retrospect is a pleas- · der's orche stra for panied hi s grandparents. ).f r. and ).f rs. ai1t one, fraught with far more plea~ the occa~ion. Thi s Thnmas \f. Knox. oi 510 Forest .aveures than disappointments, but }.[ r. pop u 1a r six- piece nue \\"ilnwttl' . to Fnl:!land. "·herr thev Orner was admittedly puzzled that so orchestra ha s been were to he joined l~ter h~: their so;1 ~iiii;,;,;.;;;;;....;;;.... great a period of years had slipped by playing every Sat- and his wife. in seemingly so short a time. ; urday cYeningat Has Been Civic Aid Plan Burial Here the American Le Village President Earl E. 0 rncr heThat all these )'ears have flown so The body is to he brought t n \\"il- g-an his twenty-fifth year of service for gion park. on Lake ·1 nuickh· is due to one fact, no doubt, <wenue we st of mette. for burial. The family and par- the Chicago and ~orth \\"estern rat . and .. t11at is that ).[r. Orner has h.een Ridge an·m1e, and e nt ~ arc lcaYin~ Pari s. Saturday road and for the people of \Vilmette and are expected tn arriYe here about last Tuesdav. That is the length of time a husv man . ~ot only has he been at J. Walter is said to furni ~ h a he has sen:ed as station agent at \Vtl- the l;elm of company affairs in the Nelson particularly excell- August L mette, and during most of the time Villagt', hut also he has found ample Dr. Knox \v as -t2 Hars old. He was ent hrand of dance music. he was also an active worker in civic · ime to aid. and that in a material way, a graduate of ~ew · Trier Jligb school The dancing- will he held on the op and was well known throughout the affairs, holding the position of Village in the growth and development of one en air platform at the American north shore and in Chicago. :\iter his clerk for many years before he be- of the prt:'ttiest and most importat~t villages on the great north shore. Ht:; Le~ion park and the orchestra will graduation in Chicago he also had c..:._t_ .a n_ e_.:_p_r_es_i_d_e_n_t._ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ has truly been one element of sen·ice. play from 7 o'clock until 12 o'clock in taken ,,·ork in \"icnna. Ht sc rnd as the evening. The floor of the platwhich cannot he fullv compensated in an offict:r in the medical corps in the Parade Advertises dollars and cents. \Vith Mr. Orner, iorm is good and its area great lat(' war. enough to provide for a large crO\\"(l Highland Park Day attention to dutv first has ever been Dr. Knox had been in St. Peter->so that thi" part of the entertainment 1Iotor cars decorated with banner:' his motto. The· ·public is Mot alone in hurg. Florida. for the pa st seven yt>ar~. is expected to pro,·c very popular. and heralded ln: ·the continuous honk - attesting to this fact. Mrs. Orner adspecializing in children's di seases. Last in,..,. of their ho-rns passed through the mits that "many a ruined steak have Plenty to Eat \fay he \Yen t to \'ienna t(\ take up As for the concessions, \f r. Taylor sumc spel'ia l \York and was joined village in parade formation last \V ed- we eaten caused by his remainingand his committee are keeping- them a there ll\· his p:1renb and wife an<l son ncsdav evening a<h·ertising Highland overtime to rescue that of someone sec ret as yet. lt can only be learned They had gonr to Paris and the Dr1c- Park ·Dav. which is to he held by that else. left on the train." )Jr. and ).{rs. that the committee is hard at work tor and his ""iie had planned to join cih· on T~th· ~R. 'Highland Park Day i" Orner and their son, Ralph. reside at planning these dehi.; l1arept-; · <111 d hi.; son in Fq.;land. sponsored · hy the Highland Park 823 Park avenue. \han 1hcr of Commerrc and be a RPneatedh· \fr. Orner has refused tails and that they whence they l1ad proceeded. hit! community celebration similar to positions ,\"ith tlw cumpany which were arc confident 'that ~frs. John J. Spear. of :no Fr.,-,.,._t r- tlwrs hrr e an·d along the north shore. preparatory to the. line ?f promotion,. those who attend ;'Hillle. \\' intH:t ka. is a sister oi Dr. Tl'f' rt' ,,·ill he hands. dancing itt the all on account of h1s havmg to change the affair will be Knox. : ftPnlC'on and evening, and the ttsttal his residence, which is hut 1 ~ne examsa tisfied with their 1 pro~ram of sports athletics, with many p!r of his i.nterest and devotton to th.c efforts. There arc Annexation Upsets Plans prizes giwn hy the merchants. \'tllage whtch has ~o long been htc; to he two refreshhome. ment booths. one for Hospital on West Side \Vilmette. hack in 1902 was a village WILL PAVE ALLEYS at the Village lt appears from a communicatinn of onlY 2.200 persons. lts developed A petition to pan· the alle,· nnrtb of Green, in charge of Ed war <1 "Mac" William Taylor 'Yhicl1 \Yfl" re:1d at th" mcetin{J" of the Linden avenue between Vifth and limits ·were Ycrv small and the de\"illagr P.n;-~rd of \\'ilmette Turscla" Sixth streets was referred by the Vil- velopment of the existin~ area was ).{cGuire, popular proprietor of the Bowling Lunch. and eYCning, that the recent annexation of lage hoard at i1" meeting Tuesday very crude. The railroad business then was printhe other in charge of Sam Lulias. who ·he trrriton· west of \Vilmette has un - evenin~ to the villa{!<' engineer. to ..::e t th<' pl;:1ns of 1L R. P:uker for a cipally a suburban service, with only draft plans and specifications for the is also well known in the Yillagc for his ability to supply tempting r~fresh c: mall hosnital o11t n11 Locust road he- · ame. Resolutions for the paving of twelve trains each way a day. "\Ve tween Lake and \\'ilmette avenues. v 175 the alley north of take avenue and sold." Mr. Orner recalled, "onl: ments. monthlv tickets and a good month~s Sinrrthe anne'"ation of thi.; terri between Sixth and Seventh streets The day will ·start with a parade in busine;s did not greatly exceed $8.000. the morning, in which all residents arc torv. it hecnmes necessarv for the vil- :-~nd the alley north of Forest avenue "Today, . our husiness here exceeds lade to g-jyp official sanction for tlli'i between Eleventh antl Twelfth street5o invited to participate. During the af~500.000 annuall~·. the passenger ~rvhospital pr(lil' Ct. ?nd 1he Roarct at its were adopted. ternoon there will he a baseball game ice alone averaging $17,500 per month and athletic contests on the Villag-e meeting thi~ ""rek refrrrPrl the com ?nd during a greater portion of the munication from ).fr. Parker. relativi' BUYS WILMETTE HOME Green, races and contests at the beach, time our facilities for handling freight to the matter. to the Zoning Board of Arthur r . Srhwf!rm, associated with and other forms of entertainment. tlw ~futtpl Life ln<:.urance company, are overcrowded. The demand now There will be numerous valuable prize~ Apneals. h~<; recenth· nmrl1a""d the Fred C. makes it necessary that our . o~rP Thf' communication rxnlained that donated bv the business men of the carry a fult stock of inter-line and community and many lucky winners !!round had bern pnrchased some time Rire home tl1 925 Ashland avenue. Mr. Pullman tickets in order that our pa~chwarm ~net f::~milv expect to occupy wilt go home at the end of the dav ag-o with the ho-;nit:.J 1 nroiect in vi('w, trons may he properly cared for, retheir nPw homf' the latter part of Aughut now that the tl'rritor\' is withiP with pleasing proofs of their prowes-s !!ardless of what their destination mav ust. Eddington <lnd Allen. T nc., of in one .fOntest or another. Everyone the village limits o.f \Vitm('tte, re<:.tri · he. This convenience is greatly ap\Vilmette. ff'Presented hoth parties in tions will not permit a building of this is urged to be on hand WednesdaJ, (Continued on page 36) the transaction. nature. August 18. ""ill 1

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