Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jul 1926, p. 39

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July 23, 1926 · 16 SITUATION WANTED-'ll ALE WILMETTE LIFE 31' said day and may appear on -the hea.rtnt and make their defense. DA1'ED, July 22, 1926. EARL E. ORNER, JOHN C. BAKER, ELMER D. BECKER, WILFORD W. DE BERARD, CLARENCE E. DRAYER, PAUL . A. HOFFMAN, JOHN F. WIEDLIN, Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette. L43-2tc YILLA.GE OF WIL~IETTE AND FEMALJt r!l ~·on SALt;-liiSCELLANEOUS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LADIES-YOU CAN DO YOUR NEW (COLORED) DAY WORK HOUSE-l York shopping in the Famous Monasilk cleaning; yard work; rugs cleaned · Dresses. Dainty Underwear and the laundry done at home. Cooking, serv~ Dream Figure-mold corselette not 80 lng parties, actual service on any occahea~·y as corsette, more cont~ol than slon. Colored couple wants position as ordmary corselette, · at my home or by cook, chauffeur and house man ; willappointment at your home lng to leave city through summer. R eMrs. Gertrude P . Ambler ference. J. E. Steens, Ph. Kenilworth 315 Green Bay Road 1088. 16L'l'N42-tfc Phone Glencoe 934. 21L'l'N3G-tfp ~: · }'0Jt SALE-li~USEIIOLD GOODS-~ FO·l·{. ~.AL~ ..WONDERFUl. CHANCE FOR YOUNG l"oup le. Will sacrifice b eautiful furnishings for 4 rm. apt. ; only U!-'l ed four n 1onths; 3-piPce silk mohair ])a rl or :mite; 8-plcce walnut dining Rt·t: 4J)iece walnut bedroom set; two 9x12 \Vilton rugs; library tabl e; floor and table lamps; 5-piece breakfast set, and f;ilverware. \Vill take $fi50 .oo for all; worth $2,000.00. 832 Leland AvP., n<'ar She ridan Road, Chicago. Td Sunnyside 6190. \Vill arrange for rt eliv~rv. · 17L1,"y4 ·' 3 -3tp _F_O_n.. -S-.-\-L-F'.. --E-T-~E_C_T_R_T_C_ , -\s-·-H-I·-:1 -! lt··liahh· g·as :-;ton·, antiqur ~pool h<'d: infant's hassinc·t and bed, rhild's white ··n:tnlf: llf'd bed and dresser, 2 tuhl· radio, Burroug-hs hilliard tahlr, kitchen tahlr, "'in:-;11' ir·on IH·d, mahog-any library tablt·, g-anh·n host· and tools, fruit jar:; : 111tl g-lasst·~. laun1lr~· stanrl and ~tnYt · , arul girl's uieycl ', Tel \VilmN tt · 10H. 17LTXI:)-1tc BOY'S. HA.::\'GER $8 A~D ( · ul :-; 1 Illlc.:Psli Bu.: .r c.: ll's $10 mudguards. Good ('Ondition. Glen.' 1245. 21LT~ 43-ltp },I~ .:\~C I J\Ij !2 1s t and 2nd :Morto·arres b t> Char lcs H. Bt·etllold I~SUH.ANCE :; .1.-J v -,-v -.. Main St., \Vilm ette Tel · 65 1IA 1-tfc . _ abated in reduction of ~ai~ assessment, and also that said imp· ovement has been cc·mpleted in substardal conformity to the r equirements of the original orl!Tnance therefor, and .!'las applied to said cou rt to consider a1Jd determine whether or not the facts stated in said certificate are true, and that said court has fixed :\londay, the 9th day of August, A. D., 1!:126, at t e n o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as the business of tht> court will permit, at tho r oom of said County Court in the County Building, in the City of Chicago, in said Cook County, as the time and place for the hearing on s:tid application. All persons desiring may file objections in said Court hefore I s<tid day and may appeal' on the heat'ing and 111nke their d e fense~ l>ATED, .July 22, 1!)26. EARL E. ORNER, JOH~ C. BAKER, EL:\lER D. BECKER, wn . I·'ORD w. DE BEH.ARD, ('L.\REXCE E. DH.A YEH., PAUL A. HOFFl\IAX, JOH~ F. WIEDLIX, Board of Local Improvenwnts of the Yill age of \Vi lmette. L-t3-2tc YII.. LAGE OF W ILJIETTE Sl·ECIAJ, .ASSESSJIKXT ~OTICE \\'fL.\1 ETTE SPEf"JAL :'\0. Jf):L SPECIAL ASSESS:UENT NOTICE W IL:\lET'l'E SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. 167. I~ THE l\IATTER OF THE SPECIAL ASSESS:\lE~'l' of the Village of Wil- Ol· FER Ml~ THE FLORIDA PROP~rty you , g·~t stung on .. F .. Pavlik, Jr., wf.4 N. \\. ,,2 Street, M1am1, Florida. 22LTN40-3tp :.!-1 LO~'I' .\:\U ·' ot·xn -;-:·~:::---:-:-------------Ut~T- 1'.\11'! IIOJ!.': -JU.\D II ·~l\ ~1'1-:(' ta\'lt · ~ in IJlack eas· ·. \\\·d., .J ulr 1-l. ~~ :L' . ASSESS.\IEXT FOT~ SALE ~1..-\HOG. SOF.\ T.\BLE ~1 :i, s()(a and matc·hing arm rhair, 1~1ahog . ~:lii, new walnut dining tablt·, f-:itiH·l' i!l \\'iJ. Ul' \\' inn. l'lliHlt· \\":nn . ~ 4 L'l' .:~-1tc J huffd, a.rm chair and 5 ~ddt· t'hairs, :!6 Victrola. $10, ivory rPt·d round ta- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LAXDSC'APlXI; 1110 and arm c h air $5. porc0lain top ldtdH·n tabl e with C'Utli·ry an<1 hr~·ad Fini.shr·d. g-rading, ean·, culti\'at i11n, and tnmmrng u( :-;hrulJ:-:. <;t'lll·ral lawn tlra w ·rs, $5. Call \Yilnwtt t· Hi.'i.i . St·r\'iC'l'. li.LTXt:1-1tp FI~.\XK KLEIX T· ·l. '\\"il. ~!11-\\·. FPH SALE 1 SXXlTAHY <'Ol ('If Hl~ \\"ilnwtt· · ~\w. 2\iLT-I:l-1 tp da\·t·nport and fJUilt, 1 girl's hifo~·l'l· · · :~ lit'\\ ' circle top window framt·s and I·AJ~'l'IXG .A~D DE(' Oit .\'1'1:\'G :-\a~h gJazc~d. J~argain if you c·an U:-i{ ' !:U t ht·m . C'a II \Yil mdtc 71) 1- r.. a ftH 5 - - - - - - - : - - - - - - - - - - - 1'. :\r. 17L-t:1-uc PATXTP.R AXD DECORATOR !·' «Ill ~ALE-WHJTJ;; EXA:\JEL STOYF. 1-:stimaU·s gi\'t ·n upon appli<':ltion ust ·(l hut ~hort tinw. In ('XC' ·ll· ·nt ('(In~ Tl'l . \\.il. 2718 1·1:!2 Wilmt::tte AYe. tliti{)n. (~lwap at $2:>. Phon1· \\.inn. 2!tL:J!Hfc ~:i7-t . 1042 Fi~ St. 1iLTX4~-ltp ~ J:,n, A . P. HILLS FIIR SALE D.\YEXPORT E~IPfP.E ~t .\·J,.. library tnhlr·, Yktol'ia rol'kingchair. all Lla('k walnut. Phollt · <ilt' nt'Ot· 7R:J. 17LTX-t:~-Hc :w TUTOUIXG ------------------ l 'i lR S.\Ll·: - LEOXARD lt)il-Jh. OAK SUSAN D. STONE, Principal hox, likt· nc ·w, $20. Br(warldl \'l'ivet A SELECT SCHOOL FOR KINDER: ll' lll <"hair, $:.!11, \\.i nndka 17:.!-1. garten and g r ade pupils. Small groups, 17LT~t::-1tc short hours. ComprchenRive curricultun . Ad<ll'· ·:-:s: .\tHlrt·\\')-; Allron, r:lt·nt·OP, 1·'1 11~ ~.\LE- r·pnr· :liT l'f.\Xn. YI·:r:.y during .lui~· and .\ug-ust. :l!tLT:'\ ·12-t fe r· · ast~nahlt·. \Yilml'tlt' :!ti:!7. HY 1'.\ nr~L\.~. 17LTX 1:~-·1 It' · ,·,·nin:.;s ttnl~· . H. Htwi· ·. il:1 .i Linden .. \n ·., K··nilwt ll'!h, Til. 'l't·l. :?·: nx. Jo'tJI~ S.\LE- PTI"H'Tfi'"\LLY .':.1·~"· :~oLt~-tf(· l·.l:< t·-hunlt'r !'tel\·, .. ('all \\' innl'!l\ :t 1~011 17LT:\"'!:l-lte :1:! Ha\vthorn School Glencoe i···· ].'11){ ~.\ LE ::r1 < :.\ L. 11 I l'l' \\'.\TP.I! l:tnk in g·ood l"ttiHlitillll, ( 'lwa p. ('a II · «:lt ·rwot· 31)1. 21 LTX -l:i-1tc too; PlTPS FOR SALE C"IJampinn Bn ·cl Sttt('k of 1ht' f,,lJowing: W.\X'rEn-nonn:uoJ.n c.oons CTTO\Y Cl TO\\TS S~l'. W,\XTF.D TO TillY- SECOND H:\XD furnitur<' nnd other household goods. Hig-hc·~t prie£'~ for same. f'rost Furnitur<' Storr, 1 004-fi Emer~on St., Evnnstrm, Ill. Phone Univ. J R!l. 18LTN I 0-tfc BERX:\ RDS Pup~. IX THE ~fATTER OF THE SPECIAL .\SSESS..\lEXT fl( tlH~ Yillagc· of \\.il1: 11'\ 1,. for tlw im,u·on·ment of the central < ·it.;·ht····n (lR) f1·et of the fir:-;t alleY north ot' Forest A Yenue from the weRt · line of ~t ' \'l'llth Street to the east lint:· of Eighth ~t n : d ht·i n~ the alle-y in block Fi \'e < 5) of Ding·t-e's Addition to \nlnll:tle, 1(\' grading and pa,·ing with concret e, Spt·l'ial . \ HHt·~smt·nt Xumlwr 16~ of the <'uuntv Court of Cook County, Illinois. · XOTICE is ht·r,~hy ginn to all persons ir.t<:n·sted tlutt the Board of Lo a l Imprun·ments, of said Villa~~.·, has h eretofo 'r e ftl(·d in said Court , in said cause, a < ·(·rtifi cate showing the cost of the improH~ment, the amount resen·ed for intPn·st, and that there is no excess to htahaU·d in rt:>duction of sa id a~sessnwnt, and also that said improvement has been t'<lll1JJit:tt-d in s ubstant ial conformity to tlw n ·quin·nwnt:-; of th · orig·inal ordina ne thert>for, and has applied to sa id <·ourt to consid<' l' :tnd dvtt·rmine whetlwr· m not the farts statt:d in ~aid ce rtificate a r c true, and that said court has fixt·d .\lotHla~· . tht· !lth dar of August, A. D., 1~2(i, at ten o'do('k A. ~r.. or as soun th ·r··al'ter as tlw busim·ss of tlw rourt will permit, at the room of said County 1 'tJUrt in th e C"ount~· t:uilding-, in th Cit~ · oJ · l'hica~w. in said Cook County, as the tinw and place for the hearing· on :-:aid a ppl i(·a t ion. All J>t-rsons dt·siringlll:t~· fil~· objt·<·tinns in said Court hefort· s;ti<l day and may appt>ar on tlw ht·aring and make their defense. D.\.TED, .luly 2:l, l!t2H. 1·:.\ IlL E. ORXEP.. JOH~ C. BAKER. EL:\l!·;Tl n. BE( 'KEP.. WlLFUHD '\Y. DE lmP.. .\RD , ('L.\TIEXCE E. DJL\YEP., P.-\t·L .:\. llOFF.\1.\~, .J<.lll :'\ F. \\.TEDL TX , T~ 1 ·:·nl of Lot·al Tmpr·o\·~·ltl··tlls of tlic Yill:q.,:·,, of \\.i lm dt~·. L43·::!tc ntctte for the improvement of a system of strrets and alleys consisting of Girard Asenue and Garrison Avenue, the alley lying between the said avenues and the first alley east of Garrison A venue, all from the sou th lin e of Arthur Dunas Sheridan Road Subdivision of part of lot thirty-three (33) of Baxter's subdivision in Ouilmette Reservation, to the north lin e of said Arthur Dunas Sheridan Road Subdivision, tog·ether with the alley adjoining lots !l, 10, and 19, on the north, from the west line of lot 1 of said subdi\'ision to the west line of lot l!l, all in said Arthur Dunas Sheridan Road Subdivision, t·xct-pt the intersections of said strel'ts with said alleys which intersec· tiuns are incl ud ed herein in the description of said Girard and Garrison Avenues, Special Assessment N'umber 167 of the ( 'ounty Court of Cook County, Illinois. XOTJCE is h er eby given . to all persons it~ terested that the Board of Local Improyements, of said Village, has heretofGre filed in said Court, in said cause, <o~ ct:>rtificate showing the cost of the impro\·ement, the amount rese rv ed for in· terest, and that there is the sum of $1,040.90 to he abated in reduction of said assessmf'nt, and also that said improvement has ht·t·n completed in substantial conformity to t lw requirements of the original ordi· nant·t:> therefor, and has applied to said l"·u rt to cons id er and d etermin e · whether o r· not the facts stated in said certificate ai'· ' tru<'. and that said court has fixed .\ fonday, the !lth da.y of August, A. D .·. l~t21i, at ten o'rlock A.M., or as soon thereafter as the business of the court will permit, at the room of said CountY <. 'uurt in the County Building·, in the City tlw tinw and pl ace for the hearing on sn id application. All persons desiring ot C'h il'ago, in said Cook County, as nw~· file ohj~.' ('tions in said Court before said da~· and may appear on the hearing :tnd makt· their defense. 1).\TED. July 22, 1!126, EARL E. OR~ER, .JOHX C. BAKER, EL~l F.R D. BECKER, \\.ILFORD W. DE BERARD, C"L..\REXCE E. DRAYER, PA rL A. HOFFMAN, .TO! lX F. \VIEDLIN, P.ll:trtl of Lo<'al Improve m en ts of the Yillag-e of · \Yilmette. L43-2tc \\ . J£~1<: H:\TRED FOX TERRIERS SPP Dodge Brothers Output Gains More Than 43% Dod~· r Brothers dealers in United States ha,·c deli,·erecl 173,373 motor cars and trucks during the first hat£ of 19.?6. a j!ain of S2.609 cars or 43.6% ' ": <'r the firrqrc:' of 120.704 for the first half of 1925. :\llhotwh thr final fig·ures for Canada for the l a~t \\·ce k of the second quarter are not Yet availahle, according· to thr preliminary report the gain in retail deliveries by Dodge Brothers cle ;1 lrrs in the Dominion is over 6So/o. "The official figures for total production of passenger cars and trucks in thr lnited States and Canade during the first six months of 1926 will probably not be available for some cla,·s." said C. ~f. McDonald. l(hut the :nclustr,·'s gain of 13% m·er the corr<'sponding- P<'riod last year reported for the first five months of this year hv the Unitecl States · Deoartment of Commerce wilt he little changed. 'Gy comnarison Dodge Brothers g-ain ic; nearly four times as great as that of the industry." -------------------------,,.TNN81'KA FlTRNTTPRE STORE Duy_:Sf'll-Exl"llang-<'-~Pw-ly~··d Tlwsc' Stmng-, H r althy RT\~EREDGE J(EX~ELS ~ix milP~ WPst OIH' milt' rn.~t \\'I 1..\IJ·:TTJ·: SPECI..\L XO. Hi~. nrwn iln ily. Tn P~ .· Thur~ .. Sat .. 8 p. m Tl'l. Winn. 1212 1 riOO \Villow Rd. 18LTN-10-tfe l !t W . \~TE]) 2~. of Hig-hb n«l Park and of Half nay ()!) Route Phone Prairie Yiew 60G\V2. :~2L 1~-ltp I I·;KT:'\E~E TO l:I'Y ('JlP.~T .\XD n:l!Tow rlH·st of clra \\'l'l's. H··:tsona hl,· and good <·onclition. 'I'L·l. '\Vinnrtka :?llllo. J!H:rx-tJ-ltp <'il lHl~· C'a~P l'l.Pl'TE~. YEH.Y FIXE, fr()m in ~t-rn:~liona I stn('k. nark r~' d : lint llHIZZII'S, 2:11:: TI<lSt ·l11()11t AVC'. Hog-t·rs. l'nrk 10Mfl. :1:'!LT.':t:1-1t p Flirt 8ALE - LARGE TC'E BOX ...\ ~n suitahlC' for n·stnurant nnd <·andy store. A bargain. V\'ilnwtt <' 4:lli Yillage f'ho<·olatP Shop. 1!lLTX·t:l-ltc \\' TL:.\1 ETTE SPEC'!:\ L xo. ] 64. ASSESS~IEN'T Hlf1HEST PRT~E PAID FOR MEN'S clothing and ~hoes. Tel. Wll. 13!l1, 19LTN41-4tp T~ TfiE ~TAT'1'8R OF THE SPECL\L :\S~ESS:\TEXT of the Villng<' of Wii- 20 A l'TO'!\IODILES FOR SAL'Jt~ 1!\26 RICKENBAC'KER Dl'ougham. LiiH· new-must sell imnwdiatrl;v. ··wnnwtte 3204. 20L43-ltp ~1 FILLING DIRT TO BE GIVEN away. Call on the job or at 633 Park A\·e. Phone Wil. 3566. Central Construction Co., Wilmette, Ill. 21I...t~:-ttp Pldtt' fo1· t lw impro\'t>me nt of the central (·ic:htPPn (1 ~n. ft> et of the first aile~· north or Elmwood Avenlle, <'Xt<'ndin~ from the wt·st lin<' of Thirt re nth StrN't to a lint> ~ix hundrPd (600) feet west of and l':trnllC'l with the west linE' of Thirteenth ~t1·rrt hy g-rading and ]):tYing with conc·:·de, Spec:ial Assessm'nt No. 164 of the Countv Court of C'oolc County, Illinois. XOTICE is h e rPb~· given to 3.11 persons inlt>rested that the Board of Local Improvements, of said Village, hns heretofore' filM In said Court, in said cause, n t·f ·rtificate showing the cost of the improvement. the amount r· 6erved for lnten·st, and that there is ·.10 excess to be I:\"' TilE .\f.\TTEH. OF TilE SPECIAL EXT of the Yill:igt · of Wilmdte for the improYemE;·nt of the central ~ · i;.\·htN· n (18) fu·t of the first allry north or 1 'Pntral A venue, extl:'nding· from the t·ast lin·· of Fifth Street t o the "'est line ,, ; l·'ourth Sll'l'l·t by gradin~; <llld paving with (·onf' l"l'tl' , SpPl'ial Ass~·ssnwnt Xo. 162 ~~~· th~· County 'ourt oC Cook Couilty, Illinois. ~O'I'f('l~ i:; hHehy g·in·n to all ]lt:rsons intL·rl'stt·d that th e Board of Local ImI·ro\·e nwnts, of said Village, has h e r etol'ol'l' filL·d in said Court, in said cause, a cvrtificall' showing· the cost of th e impron·nwnt. tlw amount r ese rv ed for inL(·l'est, a.ud that th t-r e is no excess to l>e :1 l>ate<:l in r~:duC"tion of said aHsessment, nnd also that said improvement has he<>n co mpleted in substantial conformity to the requirenwnts of the original ordinance tlwrefor, and has applied to said cc.urt to consider and determine whether or not the facts stated in said certificate are true, and that said court has fixed :\Jonday, the 9th day of August, A. D., 1!1~6, at ten o'clock A.M., or as soon thereafter as the business of the court ~f rs. Irving B. Babcock, 229 Essex will permit, at the room of said County Court in the County Building, in the City road, Kenilworth, has motored to Minol Chicago, in said Cook County, as neapolis with her two sisters. Mrs. the time and place for the hearing on ~aid applicntion. All persons desiring George Satishury and Mrs. William may file objections in said Court before Salisbury, for a few wet~ks' stay. . \S~J ·:~~ :\1

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