Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jul 1926, p. 36

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1 36. WILMETTE LIFE J uty 23, 1926 a1so has grown immensely in the past did beach of wh1ch . Wllmett~ no\\~ Wilmette beach the most beautiful fact it has boasts was not even m the mmds ot beach of any on the lake north of Lin. . the most ardent dreamers and only a A d 1 f f reached a pomt wherem we lead all path through the forest lead down to co1n park. n t 1e conserva ton others between Evanston and Wauke- the water's edge; hack in a time when the beach made it possible to build gan." the lake even threatened to ,.,,.ash away the beautiful homes which dot our Mt"c11igan avenue s h ore 1mes . Mr. Orner, during his brief remin- tl1e presen t b eau t"ful I . iscence did not dwell long on "shop and th~ lake fro.nt park was so far in "Ahout 1903," said Mr. Orner, "the t a lk, · t er _ the offmg that 1t . had .not even been . . , b u t rea d"l t y f o ll owe d h"ts m W"l I then VIllage board entere d mto a con· J r . ·viewer into the affairs of the village thought of: '?ack Ill a ttme \~hen t-i . . . GO 1.:-.;To BUSINESS FOR 'YOURSELF. h" h 1 h ' d . ffi . 1 mette's tntbltc school compnsed only tract w 1 th the Welshach Street Ltght · 1 ~ uung enterprising men preferably w tc 1e as a so serve 111 an o eta . . h . w1th e~pt-rience in the Men's wear bust- capacity for twenty-two years. It was the first ·umt of the Central schoo.1· 011 ing ·company for gas street 1tg tmg ness, will find a big inducement to back in a time when Wilmette was Central a~en.ue: when the · husmess service. which was improved upon enter .busin~ss for themselves b:,· co- emerging from the wooden sidewalk area was ltm1ted to only a few stores f t" t fme hv the addition of operatmg w1th us By installing a full f b k 1 th rom lme 0 1 . equipment for th~ sale of fine custom period, with tl~e ends of the old board 0 any consequence; ac w ~en e more modern burners. etc .. wht.ch anmade clotht>s, you start on a firm basis walks often w1red down, that he was prese~t north and south portiOns of nt>ared to meet the rlPmand unt1l 1922, where the profits are big and sales are first elected village clerk, which office the v11lage. for a numbe~ of l~locks \·:hen the then village hotlrrl. under the immediate. The onlY investment is he held continuously until the spring· I were heavtly wooded secttons without "d f Ed ard Zip£ worked fixtures and store rent unless you wish h d fi t d "tl orest cncv o w · to add Men's Furnishings which we do of 1925 when he resigned to accept the t e present ay ne stre~ s an ~ 1 1 out the plans which mr1rlf' possible our not ,supply. We are the largest tailor- office of President of the Village only here a!1d there a restdence odt. th~ I present electric street li!Yhting svstem ing organization In America anft Can;. Board. pl~mest destgn and crnde surroun mg · "·hich is ooerated at an exoenc;;~ of not ada and are well qualified to pilot you Tells of Old Times w1th the present da\' populous and ~t-A()()() rnore t1Pn tlnt· to success. Write in confidence to l "f ·d ·. h d-lt ovrr Jl"t . per anm!m ' ' INTERNATIONAl. TAILORING co. It was a comparison of conditions i11 )eautt ul we~t Sl e e'en. unc arte which we were paym2" for the former 847 Jackson Bouh..vard, Chicago, Ill. the village then and now that he most was these thmg~ and their gr:owt!1 that t . )e of e-a" street lighting service. · was upp~rmost .m ~[ r. Orners mmd as I } I · ·. "'"' , .... , ..... wubed · he permitted hnnself to go hack oyer I v.ni\J!'e Hu G_ wn fne if you ·Vac.uumEtedric the years which have elapsed since he "Thr g-ro~,·th of the .'" 1 11ae:~"' r!~ln:l~Hlriqua first came to the ,·ill age in whose {\(~ fr0m ttn:~ to tnnr ~"'X · :\ll"l~n. Electrical Repairiac · ' ' vrowth and development he has played I !hercfore .V\' 1lm~tte has ha(l. SlllC*' rt..; Radio Sets andSuppllet so important a part. mcorporatton .. Ill Septf'tllhf";. JR72. Eveready .. B.. B:attertaf~ Little Pavinst Then I twrlvr annrx_at10ns. two of w.1lH'h WPrr Music Master Loud 5peaan Up "There \Y<'re onlY ;~hoHt six milt's of the annexatl0" of the te~ntorv forBase Plup Installed 1 k G p t rl t 1 1r Fine LiM of Liptiac FiKtum oaving in the entire ,·illage hack in mrr Y nown as ross 011 ~ an those davs," Mr. Orner said. "~I a in vast stretches westward. untll now our street was paved from \Vilmette a\·e-~ we~ tern hounda ry reaches to t lH· \\":1 -. Adams Electric Shop nue to Forest avenue: Forest avenue trr" erlc-e 0f the eac:t .branc~. of the Phone Wilmette I~ from Fifteenth street to the lake: north hr<~nch of the Ch1cago nver. up Lake avenue from the tracks to thr throuQ"h the Skokie section. · ~IHIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111mlllllllllll11111111111111111111111111111111111111111.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111l111111""'""" lake: Greenleaf avenue its entire "Bark in those earlier da'·" of \\'it4 length: Park. then known as \Yest mette." ~r r. Ornrr recalled. ' the· hu~i avenue from Wilmette avenue to I ness section of the villa~e was the Gregory avenue: Gregory avenue from block on tfain street hetwecn \ViiWILMETIE, ILL. Park avetllte to Fifteenth street: Fifth mette an~nue and Crntral avenue. Tenth Street and Central Avenue c::treet from Forest annue to ').laole: with the excention of the huihF:'£r nnw Maple avenue then kno"vn as Hill ocrunied bv Van Duesen. tlw grocer · SERVICES street. from Se,·t>nth street cast to ami Shultz -and Nord. which were the (Continued from page 1) . . . . 111 cctated t~ that tt ehmmat.es th~ delay of havt~g to stop over m Chtcago to re-chec~ baggage and complete tra.nsportatlon plans for travel. · , . . 'This office ~lso hand!es the bus mess ot . the Amencan · Ratlway Express , twenty-four years, in ORNER · · BB .h d , k h h t t only a great benefit to the sanitation company, together w1t money or ers desired talk. Bac w en t e s ree s of the north shore but it also made the 25TH OF SERVJC£ and travelers checks which business I were lighted with ~as; wh~n the splento ° 4 '4" EA5 . ,J' WASHER e fir ..., First Church of Christ, Scientist l - -= =_~ = I J Shcriclan road; tu vVilmette avenue from Ionly firms of the hroue-ht· track · Forest avenue Park aYenue. The business growth of therast Yillage "The sewer and water mains werr about the necessity of more husinc sc:; laid in the late nineties hut the SC\Yt>r houc:Ps anrl husin~sc;; in 1907 hrc-an · Meeting-S P. M. 9 :45 A. M. had already hegun to show the rf- mo,·ine: eac;;tward. The building of the S b· feet of overloading. The construction oresrnt villaJ,rc hall in 1910. hv t hr ~=: U Ject of the Leason Sennon of the storm sewer in 1908 (at an ex- ~ hoard under th<' presidenc,· of the ht · pense. of $150.000) which was required and QTr~tly helm·ed Tohn. D. Cnuff,~r . 25 to reh<'Ye the on"rburdrncd sewer sys- 1 made tht s the rral heart of the \\ 11 ~ READING ROOM-1163 WILMETTE AVE. te~l instal~ed in the early d:1n, ~,·as a I mette business district. ~ nlllcstone 111 the growth of the nli ::H!C. Values Grew E HOURS: The Bible and Works ot Mary It relieved a situation · which then j "Bu sine ss front-age yalue s hegan tn E Daily _ (except Wednesday and Baker Eddy and all o~her tl:reatenec_l the health ot tl!e r ommn- , <>oar. immediately. The huildinJ.r nf . Saturday) 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. authorized Christian Science lllty and. tf all~\ved to contmue \\"CHild I the Villagr thratre. on \Vilmette an·Wednesday 9 A.M. to 7:45P.M. Literature may be read, borhave se:wusl:v unped.ed th~. growth an<l l nue and the beautiful hlock er<.'rtrd ~ Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. rowed or purchased. prosp~ntr of the Ylllage. on Central aYenue a few years ago by Th Other Improvements Follow I David Xelson filled a long felt W<'. nt ~ e Publi ·c ~ coranddially. !nvtth·tedRtodinattenRd the Church = Then came the pa,·ing of Central and grratly beautified the husl !H':- '5 ervtcea VISit e ea g OOill ~ 1 aven~te west. Lake avenue wrst. thf' district. AltllllltlluuuuunHutnllttlnnuHnttmullutmlnnunulnnumHmmnnlnlmmlnnunmmtnunniiHIIIIIIIIIHnmHntHHmmttniiHHnlllttnlnttnttnnwnma.~ r ~" 111 a 111 de r 0 f Park a'" e 11 u e · E 1111 wood· "At Present we h a,. e a W i1m r t t e \Valnut. Forest. Oakwood anrl thr Plan Commis.;;ion which is :working nu 1 territorv south, Eighth street. \Vnod- 1c;;everal matters which will he r eafh· hinc. Broadway, .Tenth anrl Ete,·enth for the puhlic in a reasonable time anrl streets. the openmg. of Greenwood, \\·hich, no doubt will make \Vilmrtt r Ashland anrl Washt~gton . . the de- stand out promincnth·. showiu r~ \\·hat velopment of th~ ter~ttory lvmg to the 1may be accomplished hy unit~.-1 eff()rt t1ortheast. ~eav1ly tunheren over .to 1 and a plan which, 110 doubt, other" the Gag-e Pier, and knov.·n as the ~l1l- will follow ." HE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of Public Service ton H. Wilson adrlition. Back m·er this period of ci·:ic ;teCompany of Northern Illinois has declared l Mr. Orner recallen the httilding of tivities in Wilmette, Mr. Orner 1Hl.S the regular quarterly dividend of $1.50 per share the drainag-e · · fcanal.k one d of · the · import· l'l"'(t ... tl1e co- 00 era t"1011 o f manv 10ya 1 on the Company's 6% Preferred Stock, $1.75 per ant Olf'r('S 0 wor ltflflQ" 1 liS re~;t- friends and c'f } t f tJ 1n 105 0 rlrnre here. The excayatrcl material ! all of wh ~ tzen~d ~t d 1 ':-m. share on the 7% Preferred Stock, and $2.00 per share 1 1 from the canal was deposited in thr ·no~"l.hle too~ e sal t . woul . Jfe tnion the Common Stock, payable August 2, 1926, . h" umera e m a )rtC per1a k e east 0 f M lC 1gan avt>nue. ma k·- ·,od"" Bt1t tomn 11 o f sue 1 f · 1 h to stockholders of record, at the close of business, · 1 f 1 · 1 1 1 · a 1 netH s mg t 1e orty acre~ w 11c 1 )('came t 1e f d · · e rell.r"t tt p k . I erre Ill a mann('r expresstng the GEORGE R. JONES, Treasurer July 15, 1926. f t th 1 \ proper v o e ~ v 1 me e ar ( 1'·· · f · t · t _, f h" 1 tl t \V"ll' H greate~t apprectatton or thetr corw an\l or w lC 1 le 1 ~ e . 1 tam · I operation and lo altv. · Tbla is the 59th CODJealtive quarterly payment by ·the McLean who was at that t1me stat<' Y · ~ Company to ita common and preferred atockholden, and senator from this district. nlanrl so · the 98th consecutive di'ridend, including the dividend imoortant a · part. The huildiiH! of th·' Large Attendance at paymentl of the Company's principal predecessor· . drainag-e canal intake divertf'd the cur Q E S S . lM . rent which had been raoiitlv te;:1rinfY ~ · · · · OCia eetlng "'~wav the l~~e front. rerrarcll.ess of tlw The women of the Wilmette chap·.. fact that Pl!mg harl heen dn,·en alnno· ter, Order of the Eastern Star held OP NORTHERN ILLINOIS the shore 1me .and tlwusands of dol- one of their regular social afte~noons tars f'xpended m an effort to protect at the home of Mrs. William T. Jones, Servisg 6,000 square miles-278 cilia tnul the shores. 1232 Elmwood avenue, last Wednesltnn~S-witla gas and Ekaricity Canal " Gre111t Benefit · day. Bridge, five hundred and bunco . About 1908 there w.as a P"reat (1Uf"- were played after which a luncheon t10n nrevalen.t ac;;. to. tust how lone: 1t was served. The attendance was said would he unttl M1chtP"an aven11e woulrl to have been unusually large considbe. washed ~w~y, therPfore, Mr. Orner ering. the extreJl1e hot weather which sa1d, the btt1ldmg of the canal was not Iprevatled at the time. · SUNDAY SERVICES-II A. M. Sunday School Wednesday Testimonial Exer~ises July -"Truth" ·· Dividend Notice T PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY I I

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