Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jul 1926, p. 35

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Juty 23, l9~6 - WILMETTE LIFE A PORTRAIT SKETCH : umotorized inquires ~he man at ~,he door ~s he di s- li~rary," however, is in the rural Qisplays hts wares~ so!lle mce fresh tncts. Logansport, Elkhart and novels, a good th~ck biography, a .few Rochester are three of five Indiana . flavory short stones or a tender ptece towns which send books into the · of verse," . . country. Similar work is done by For this. , accordmg to the Amencau Portland, Ore., Durham, S. C., ClarkesLibrary asso~iation, is the lat~ st ~ouse- dale, Miss., and several other cities. hold convem~nc_e-t~1e pub.hc hbrary Birmingham, Ala., Harrisburg, Pa., on wheels brmgmg 1ts· ser~tce to Y~>Ur Detroit, Mich., and other large centers doo r. To the rank s of m!lk1! 1en, 1ce-1 hav e individual problem s in county limen, etc., has been added m many brary extensions . which they h ave places the hookman, and n ow hous~- worked out by mean s of the ho~k hold er s in those parts may have thc~r tru ck. The public librarie s of Evansmental food as regularly as their ton, Ill., and Dayton , Ohio, al. o emgroceries. hook to s make more con'fhc hookman drive s a spec ial truck ploy n:nient the trucks resource of their s helve s. . .. Ioooks for school children. "What will you have today," politely The widest use for the LIBRARIES ON WHEELS Of thirty-nine wants, "more libraries" headed the list. The latest model in trucks will be shown at the · American library .association's exhibition at the Sesqui..! Cen~ · tennial exposition in Philadelphia, which has been assembled in connection with the association's celebration of its fifteenth anniversary. The jubiIce will be held October 4-9 in Atlantic City and Philadelphia. Librarians from the forty-eight states and Canadian provinces and many foreign visitors will meet to di sc uss ways and mean s for th e extension and development of lihrarv service. ___ ------ You are like a iecret valley Musical and still ; . . You are 1ike a grove of pines Alone on a hill. · Sweet as forest brooks, and strong As ·pines against clear light. Beautiful as distance And a great height. -From "Wide Pastures," by Marie Emilie Gilchrist. _ ., . I 1 k Tuckrcl awav in a littlc -kno\vn cor0 that is virtuall y a sec tJOna )OO case \\'her e a community is sparse ly n cr oi Chicago is a city within a city. Kauvoo, Illinoi s, had a oopulation of on wheels. In it he carries a se lec tion Ia ted, as in the rural districts, book 11 is a ci h · of e tern al darknes. blind approximately 15,000 persons in of hc:oks ha s ma.<le are !cit at stor e:\ o r colony o{ more than 2,000 persons. the while today it has only 1,200. Thrs as lear111ng h1 s Iroute and r .th<.: de . lrc,s <r c"ntr,·t ll.v lcJcatcd J'oi n ts. d 1 ld accoU11ted for by the exodus of the I1<' c 1oesn t I o tll lar~e t of it s kin in t 1e wor . of the people IC meets. t R . " 1 1 I . I ·1 . , · Mormons of Utah. I . ; vo lum e wanted he takes his c.: ce nt Y t ~e 0 \\ a ,I )far) assoc Ja -o1ave ~ - .r<l;;r a li () ITI ~ll. l ". th" hook at twn has_ eqUippe d a book tru ck and . 226' . -apatrons o . " . . ...~ "' . . :star ted It on a tour of J·.c ~ t ate to It " ·ould r eq Ui re . ,1 years tor one ).{embers of the First division of ·s 1 nnce or hnngs 1t t n hm1 on thl' next demon strat e t 1 1 car to eq ual th e di stance trav ele d by ~Ietl odJ'st church will gather Thurs. e. 1t 1 1e sen- te 1opcr, · Ill ' · .\ . 1 tnp. . . · ~ · \\' e\·entua ll v to han suc11 a t r urk in the electri c railway cars o t mols dav July 29 for a social afternoon at 1 1 t<Jthourrh a. k 1- 1eve r y cou - nt Y. C oun t ry . w1'd e apprecta·. each year. tl1e ·' h ome o'f Mrs . J . H . Dvon · _ ., ~:-o ong111a 'f tcc ·I 111 1 1 :"1 111 k . , 1310 Jno·ton co unty -' an an<. >no true s I · f 1 · · 11 · 1 1 -oAshland avenue. 1 1 I .'"' . · 11 ot hr·e;1 cm J loved ex.- tJnn t e neec ~~. H ICat cc JY a ~f r.·'-·. Gt1, · R . 1I'\ ·· tll.ck e rl)ocker ,,.1·11 he -o1<l' e .1 t .> · , .to any ·1 ·t l1 l\ 1 "'roup of represcntatJ\·e farm women trn t unt1 rcccn years. ·' o " · "' ' ,..... · Cl · d fi hostess at ·luncheon and bridge toda y Chicago, Illinois has th e largest 1 111 1ne,· st of lihrarv ~o;crvice conducted bv I who recent st Y met Hc.ago towome11. e I. e at he r home, 906 Grecn vvood a,·enue. gra 'n mart in the world. · · : · · · 1 ·· the nrcate needs of tarm . . 1 1 1 1 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ the 1 >ra r\' a . ~oc 1 a t 10n ". 11c 1 re' e<l ~ . ·~~·--::..:....::~=__:_:..:..=~_:_:.=__:.:_:_:__ _ _ _:_:__ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ ._ __::...__ that fort~·~ fi,·r per cent of the pop ul a - I tion of th e ln1t ed Stat<' s and Canada j~ "·it l1nut access tn li hraril'~ - t he figur~· running up to l'ighty -threc per Cl'nt fo r rural resiclents-lihrarian" are ~urn- 1 in!.(' to the hook truck as nne ot the 1 chid mean~ ll\· wl1ich the rountr/s .,tore of ), ook-;. m :1y he mnhi lized :1nd placed within thr conYCnience of a li. The ~.;er\·ice rend creel ,·arie s with conditions in th e communitic ~ w hrre t lw hook truck tra,·ek Tn Greem·i ll e. S. \.. it goes mn s tl~· to wnrkl'r" ·in th<' cotton mill-; on th l' edge of the cit~· . Fnm Hihhin!.!'. ~finn .. a truck tr an·L out to smal l . mining towns. while ·St . T.nuis. ).f o .. m ain tai ns a truck \.\·hirh wonder if I ought to take my car to Yi~ih the playgrounds nf the city with I p~pu- ~irs. Charles McCue, 631 Washington avenue, left Thursday evening for a ten day visit with Mrs. E. H. Sheldo n ·at . M uskegon, Mich. Mrs. Sheldon wa s a former of Wilmette. _ _ resident ~vhi,~h h~, ~~t~~ dcpo~its countr~· ~a .1~8 I· 190 1 ° r 1 1 1 s E R v I c E A Service That Relieves You Of Responsibility ··1 the service station? attention? I Wonder l' f t't needs No Cadillac owner who uses the Lubrication Schedule operated by the Cadillac Evanston Branch ever finds it necessary to ask himself these questions. The r~gular visits to the service ~ration, at 500 mile inte·rvals, enables the Cadillac service experts to check the con .. I. Variety! \V JHEN the weather's hot it\ \'V particularly difficult at times to decide on what to choose for breakfast. luncheon and dinner. Pleasing variety makes selec tion easy here. And it's always cool enough for comfort. clition of his car frequently. In this way, while enjoying freedom fron1 responstbility in operating his car, the CadilThe sign of official, authorized Cadillac Service - courteous, prompt, efficient, · economical lac owner pays only for the service work actually needed. And, · at the same time, his car is kept thoroughly lubricated. Sunday· 12 to 5 Personal Supervilion of Fred Miller EVANSTON BRANCH CENTRAL CAFETERIA Nelaon Buildia· Ctntral Avt., taat of Wihutttt Avt. WILMETTE ----··----..........--~-. CADIL· LAC 1810 RIDGE AVENUE University 86oo Rogers Park 9133

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