Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jul 1926, p. 34

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.34 WILMETTE' LIFE July 23, 1926 Erwin Meierhoff and George E stes NEW BOOKS LISTED : are returning to Wilmette the end ?t I The Wilmette Public libra~y has adEstablished 18; 4 · this ·week from a two week's trip m Ided the following books to 1ts cotlec: the north woods. They ·stopped at 1tion : 1 Duluth and Rhinelander. In fi ction : "The Sil ve r Spoon " . by ~ -o. John Galsworthy promises to be our · Funeral Directors for 72 Year· The Misses Bertha and. Lou ~se most popular new book. I t coAti nues lK nobel, 204 Wood court, wtth . Mtss the story of the Forsytes in the presJordan Funeral Service plan reduces the cost of funerals Long .and ~iss Dyer, are sp.e!1dmg a j·ent time. The plot may seem insufwe.ek 111 thetr cottage at Devtl s Lake, ficient, hut it is an cxceedin~l y well considerably W 1s I done study. One is amazed at the 6 r 2 Davis St~ Phone University 44 9 -oahilitv of Galsworthy to keep such a Wilmtttt Office Pbont Wilmette 3354 l\1 r. and '!\hs. W. A. Dixon of Holly- family in existence for so long a time. CHICAGO wood, Cal., arc making an extended "0 Gentee l Lady" by Esther Forhc:-; 1oo E. E rie St. visit at the home of Dr. and .Mrs. F. is an important nove l on a seldom · Phones Suprrior 7709·771 o · Tr<'ll"·············n······································ W. Fuermann, 835 Greenwood avenue. \\'rt'ttetl a!J(lttt t11Ct11<'. "TI1" ~ " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cendentalists of ~ew ~11gland." "~adlocked" 1l\· Rex Beach i:-; concemed ,,·ith rrformcrs an<l their moti,·at1on. ' As the story has ht'e n filme(l it mu~t 1w a 'stirring- novel. '·TJw Rat" thrilkd its tens of thonsa11<ls and now ~Tary R oherts R inc hart ha s nm·e li zed it t n thrill hundreds of thousands. Other books: "Exquisite Perdita" by Bar · ritwton: "nlrtrk Ilunter" lw Curw()od: "Painted Stallion" hy F.\'arts: "Cart wright Garden's ~r ur~lrr" hy Flrt rhrr: "Homr Town" J..,_,. Hughes: "Great Yalle\"' 1l\· Tohnston. A ,;arti(:uf;trl:· charm_in .~· hook rccomI llll'tHiecl hv h·ank Swmmwrton fc,r summer re.ading is "The \Vin<l in th e \\'illo\\·s " 1,y Graham. The lihran· i;; fmttm~ttr in pos sess in~· a delightiull y illustrated copy. Tn Litt·rature: T·:s~a \·:-. an· of ,n 111 :1 11,. different kind -;-'nersonal. t r;t ,. el. :-.rientific. critical and philo:-;onhical. Tn an\· form thn· .; how cnltivation of the n1cditati,·e t;~sk. Thne are four new \'()1ttm cs nn the lihran·'s shc·ln· . ; "\"atnra1ist r·f S<lld:-." 1l\.' G;:un :t lil' t l had f, 1"1 : " \ f an '· F 11r row -. " 1l\' .\ 1p h a nf the Plotwh: "Danct· (ht·r Fire :1ncl ":;ttt-r" h, · FJi, . l;a urt' : and 'Tour ;ll1 d T~~" ~' 111 , . ~find:-." ll\· Papini. Tn Tfi storv: ":\ :-. ia" 1l\· Gn\\Tn ha-.. nrn ,·t'11 n·:J ~bldt· and .wn rth \Yhik. "1-lo"' Great Tiriti; tn T-. Cm·ernrd" l1y Kat e Ho . . enlH'rP· is a ).!{H) d primer on thr "11hiert: "Cu:-;tc·nt-. nf ~fankind" ll\· Lillian Firhkr i:-; a pt)t>Ubr pn·, t·nf;., tion: "Fi:-;- Bavonds~·· h~· J. \\·. Thoma -<111 i-. a \'ivid narratin: nf the' ~far inc-. in the F.urr·JH·;P1 \\' ar: "Earh· "\""arratin';; of tlw Xnrtln,·c·,t" 1l\· K{'lln.l!g-: 111ino i:-. lli~t or ical rPlkr t inn . Tn Education: "Directed Oh-.n Yation and Sunenised Tl'arhing" h\· H1ac·kht11·, t : "T('arhin!..!· Dull and . 1\ ('t;trdtcl ( 'hildren" . ll\· In s keep: "Prin l·inl c·-. n f Scco1Hia r~ · T:d ttca t ion" h y Tnglis. Tncid<'n~alh·: "Tndi1rc,tion" hv 1 Jnl hncl: "Rnt;c·~ in the Little Ganfen" hy Str\'en s : "La\\'11 Tt·nni<' hy ~uran nC' l.engkn: "Hi . . toric Than1e:-;" hy nett. ~c. · ·····················-·····························~ C. H. JORDAN & CO. I Phone for a Faa Be Ready for That . a .., Next Hot SpellBuy Now! .... I Guaranteed and Fans,S72! up Don't let the coming sultry days and sticky nights find you unprepared- order one or more electri1: fans now - keep the folks cool, comfortable and happy all summer long. Under the recently reduced lighting rates no one can afford to be witl·out an electric fan comfort. \\.illiam ~o n count\· !tad..; all (l11wr<: tn ~o uthern Tllinoi ~ \\'ith 17R.-l37 .R()R ton..; nf (.'(1al minrcl dming th<: h'-t 4-l year..;. -n- - \\'ith onh· iour one-thnu-.andth~ oi tl1e \\'orld' ~ popul <t ti nn. Tllinoi . 1 1a" n~';trh· I) i~er cent ni the \\·o rld's total telephones. M. Portenbauser Painting Decorating Estimates given without obligation PhoP~ PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS 1141 Central Ave., Wilmette Wilmette 2899 Joo. S. Reesman, District Manager Wilmette 2764 ~031 Gl'eenleaf AYe. WILMt:n·E

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