Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jul 1926, p. 18

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18 WILMETTE LIFE July 23, 1926 Summer Reductions of Sumnwr ('oats, Dresses and Hats to as low as :~o% below regular prices. · 1t ~· ill bt> to your advantage to look them o\'er. To mak e room for new, fall stock we han' redtH't·d our entire stock Cemetery Called "Show place of the North Shoren This is the time of the year when a feast awaits the eyes of all visitors to the North Shore cemetery. It is difficult for the average person to find adj ecth·es to a<.lcquately express his enthusiasm and admiration for everything that surrounds ·him when making a tour on foot of this north shore land scape garden. Many visitors call it "The show place of the entire north UNIQUE STYLE SHOP . B. COPLAN, Prop. 1 1 :16 Ctntral A vtnat Phont Wil. 2403 Of These Two Women Which One Is the Wiser? Easy enough to answer. Naturally the · woman who enjoys a morning gallop instead of bothering herself with the trouble of doing or supervising the weekly wash. And what prevents the other mistress from having an "extra day a week" for herself- for her· children- for her home? Nothing at all. A few words on the telephone or to Bill the Washington Laundry Man and washday would be a thing of the past. * * * Have' nt you been lo~king for a solution to your washday problem? If so call in Bill today. shore," but that has become a trite KENT saying. John Western, the president, founder Northwestern's Baalcetball Pro·pecta and manager. says that Nort~ Shore Bright With Eight Experienced cemetery at the present time has more Men Returning roses in bloom than any oth~r five 1 cemeteries in the United States. No \Vith eight experienced men returnon~ .-;~ems to question thi s statement, ing for next season. Northwestern unias ~uch a wonderful display of many versity's basketball prospects arc exvarieties of roses in a cemetery is an reedit;gly brig-ht. unknown sight to the average citizen. 'f Kctlt has to (lo to After making a trial of various yarie~II Coac 1 1 i\ ' aury . . ties and trying out and applying the ht~tld UJ~ a fas.t and capable fi\ e nex t lore known to enthusiastic rose grow- . wmter ts to (ltg up a ro~tplc of good ers for a few years in that localit\' g-uards from the returntng ;;econ<lth e manager planted 1500 rose-hushe-s string .men and the f.rosh ~ecnuts. The: in the spring of 1925 and 800 more last rest wtll he the routme dnll. spring. Mr. \Yestcrn saYS th cv have For Ralph Baker and Bobby Rusrh varieties which. under goo{! car~·. pro- arc a era in expected to do a g·oorl joh at duce from fortY to sixt\· bl ooms for' the forward herths. with the all-coneach small hu sh. in a single summer. f,,renre vVal<lo Fischer at center again. There arc rose !!rower~ who have All the good guards haYc disappeared. the time to actuall~· keep hooks with though. their roseh u.:;hrs and it i::; on k hY this Earl Hathaway. Ra~· Sachse. A1 Fo~ method that sur h facts are ·obt.aincd. trr. Vic Gustafs(ln and Carl 0\Hn arc Mr. \Vest<'rn is a memb er of the the returning- second string men "·ho I AnH' r_ican Rose s<!c iety and has bern ~,·ill a~ten~pt to ~get a regular Yarsi~~· stu<l\'ln!! the sul)Ject for years: hut 1 ·oh t11t s t1mc. }rom tl1c fr eshmen s1x this httrr statement is equa l!~· tru<' of raptlhlr youngstrrs :-tre ~nming tip. practically all pl1ases oi landscape Fred ~f orf'an. H ussell Smtth and Edwork. Tn Korth Shore cemetcrv tll<'rc ward . \Yebh ;~re ahout the hri!!htcst are roses named after 1~1an~' prominent nrosnrrts of the sextet. with T.c~lir persons hoth in Europe and America. Heineman. Georgr Levi son and D. _T. lt is too big a task to trr to de- ~f cl(av running close . Sche<lule Practice Games scribe in a short . articl" the manv other cl1arming hlooms. the extraordtFi'·" Jp rd practire rontrst:-; ha,·r nary foliage color effects. the velvet\' l'r~c·n hillf'd ln· Co:-tch Kr·nt. the romlawns, the hirrl home s and hint baths, nl,trd schedu le iu.:;t rclr:lscd show s. the une(jualled administration buil<ling "Th<' fi,·r <.:chrclu !C'rl :~rc hard ranws with its rock hound lilv and goldfi-;h and thr\"rr hunched prrth· well." pool in front. or other ·features which Coarl1 K(, nt commented. "hut . mo.,t of rharm th e visitor. There is no charge IllY men arc foothallrrs a1-;o and .a.:; for admis~ion to this place of m:ltw a ronsr(Juence we will grt a late start. ;!nd· varied nature charms. all Yisitor-s Sn th r· lw-;t thin~r to rln is to \\·ork l)('ing welcome. thf'n1 fa-.t and work them hard sn t],.,.'JI he rradY to stand the grincl." Thr practiu · schrclulr follow': ~~f r. and ~f rs . vVilliam H. EYans and December 11. \\' aha . h at T-:,·an sone of their children are again at their ton. home at 630 Greenleaf ayenuc after Drrrmhrr 1R Dr:1ke at f\·;ut . . ton . Drr<' mher 20. ~firhi)-!all .-\g!-!in a t a months' absence. They motored to Philadelphia and Atlantic City, and E \·an s ton. Dr rem her 30. ;\ ot re D;tmr at South joined \fr. Evans' sister ·to spend a Rend. week in the mountains of PennsylTanu an· .l ~otrr Dame at F,·an,tc.n . .Tweh·r con secutiH Ri g- Ten con ,·ania. Elizabeth Evans, who accompanied her family, remained in Clcn - ference contests follow. with the fir.-t land for a two weeks' visit with her a g-ame with Tllinois at Pattrn t.!"ymnasinm on Januar~~ R. cousin. Ur. and ~frs . T . P.. Ohrin. R20 T.al.-e annue. returnee! last Satunla~· from Ia week's motor trin throu~h northern \Vi sconsin. ~fr-,_ 01\\'in left \\'ilm ett<' hrfore hu ~hand'.:; departure . .:;tnnIping forher a short visit " ·ith thr H<'nn1C Cooper~ at thl'ir :--ummer hon," o 1 Pin~' T,;,kr . \\'i .:;. She met ~fr. Kild·,· in ~!ilwauker. . HAS FAST FIVE 1 l Defective Eyesight ·~ 1 c a u s e s and increases Nervousness. nr. and o· CALL IN BILL TODAYHE'S IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD TODAY-AND EVERY DAY Eyes that need glasses are entitled to specialized attention. 'Vilmf'tte A. Rurnrtt of f\·amton motorr(1 tn : ramn \\' ilnwtte last \\' r<lne srlav ior :t two-day st<lY. The~· .hring- with .them I thr tww " that the .!.!.· tr! .; are ha\"111<! a I most <lelis rhtful timr. Thr first ~i rl's · ramp ends next ~f on<la\· a nrl th e s<'co nrl. thr calllp for older- girls, opens I the same day. M rs . Kerry C. ~f ea~hrr of 7tn Centra 1 :wen ue has ret ~1 rnecl to hn home after a ten day ,:isit at Lakr Kegonsa. \Vis. ADVANCE AUGUS'r FUR SHOWING In Smart Creations for ·The Coming Fall Reduced Rates During August Sales Save Money ;1nd Delay Takf' ad\'antag-e of our reduct>d Summer rates and modeling :wd repairing. Phone CENtral 6049 -0~fl";. Gilhrrt Stan~;<'ll r·f ;·nrl ~fr . and ~fr s. \Villiam We Specialize Phone fo( an Appointment -o- · 20% Discount on work brought in and called for Washington 100..104IY.sht~ StiNI 9~ Drs. Bersch & Stone und iy ~sroN. ILL OPTOMETRISTS 117 7 Wilmette A venue Phone Wilmette 2766 EveninQs bt.~ Appointment .Phone WILME'l.I'E 145 O.R~Co .. f', ·· ,...... ... . Est. 1879 Room 901, Capftal Bldg. Formerly Masonic Temple State unci Rnnclolt·h Street~ C.hlt'Dgn

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