Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jul 1926, p. 9

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July 23, 1926 WILMEl. TE which time Miss Brooks entered with a large snow-white birthday cake bearing eleven candles set in pink roses. Ice cream, cake, and candy were served and each girl received a favor. Ruth received a little gift from the camp, and also a few individqal gifts from the girls. When the program was concluded, the girls trooped to their cabins feeling that they had enjoyed a "real" party. LIFE 9 Celebration for Ruth Williams at Camp on July 16 · · ················ · ···················· cnston Shop Open Saturda, E.aaings Only During July and August . . ··--... ---- (Contributed) Last Friday, July 16, a great' mystery prevailed at Camp Wilmette, the Michigan camp of the Methodist church, just as the afternoon was drawing to a close. What could' the matter be? Just a few minutes before, figures adorned in khaki' and Hikers Will Take Trip knickers were to be seen roving and With J. Jensen Saturday roaming about as usual. But suddenly, the appearance of the figures The Waukegan Flats hikers took a changed. One could see touches of trip last Saturday under the leaderblue, green, pink, and all the other ship of Professor Huron . Smith of colors flitting ~n and out amon,g the Milwaukee to study the . flora of the tree s and cabm s. And weren t the . heads of hair groomed as if something surroundmg country. On Saturday, important were in store! July 24, the hikers will take another The hour of the evening meal came trip of a similar nature lead by }ens and went. And then, the time for the Jensen of Wilmette. The group will campfire service arriv.ed. , But ~las, no meet ~t the Howard street elevated ·campfire ha~ ?een butlt.. fhe .gtrls en- station at 10 :JP o'clock. daylight savtered the dmmg . hall and dtscovered ing time, and will take the North tl~at the tab~es . \\Cre gone, the ca~p Shore line to W~ukegan , and from ·~ts he ~ had dtsappeared, and tlae euttre there they witt take a bus to Beech a tmosphere of ~he place. ~ad changed. station. Anv one interested in this It .seeme~ as tf t~e fatnes had left study is weicome to attend the se thetr glonous dwelhng places amongst I hike s it is announced. the trees and flower s and had some' · -------how or other converted the hare din ing hall into a beautifully decorated Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. McLough · living room adorned with lanterns and lin of Boston are being congratulated pink streamers. pink being the favorite upon the birth of a son Thursday of color of the girl in whose honor the last week at the Evanston hospital. party wa s held. Fina1ly, a little girl The baby has been named Donald \\·as ushered in bY a counsellor, and Hamilton McLoughlin. Jr. Hi s mother was greeted with - the song "Happy was Mi ss Eleanor Eckhart, daughter Birthdav to You." Who was the lit- of Mr. and Mrs. Percy B. Eckhart ti e girl, -do you a sk? \Vhy, to be sure, of 206 Cumberland avenue. K euil:-. he was Ruth \Villiam s. and the mys- worth. terious occasion was th e celebration -oe~ f her birthday. Mi ss Margaret Stafford of 936 Game s were played, forf eit s were rc- Sheridan road, commencing July 12, ·d eemed , and a "camp talent" entertain-~ spent a week sen ·ing as piani st of the ment was enj oyed by all. And then, Epworth League in stitute at Lake il encc reig nr d for a few moment s, at Geneva, Wis. STATE and JACKSON -Chicago uRRINOTON and .CHURCH-EVANSTON I · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · . .. . · ·· · · ·· · : ·· I · · ·· : I Just Anived-950 of the Very Newest ··' I I I ! I ;. I ~~ · Golf Oxford A stylish, comfortable oxford for all outdoo r w e a r. F eatured in D eer-Elk, with Sna.k e Skin 'l'rim. I Smart Gray Flannel SUITS With 2 Trousers ~llould Style, Comfort, Value-in .This July Sale of ARCH PRESERVER SHOES CTIVE WOMEN appreciate the style A and comfort which Arch Preserver Shoes provide in an extraordinary measure! S a mpl e Shoes-4A, 4 :2 .\., 4B and 4%B. Yalut>s up to $15.00 · special at ' be priced $65-in our July Sale at · · $7.85 Add to these benefits the advantage of the price reductions now prevailing here and you'll se·e why scores of North Shore women are selecting from one to four pairs of Arch Preserver Shoes from this shop every dayl fiRCH ~j~ERVEJl SHOP INC. E m~de a most extraordinary purchase of these beautiful, imported light gray .striped flannels. And one of our leading manufacturers styled them for us. They've just arrived and are quite the smartest thing of the season. All beautiful patterns- all in the 2 and 3-button loose back models for men and young menall with two pairs of trousers. Has any such value ever been offered in Clearance time before1- We think. not! Just one other outstanding achievement that Huh /latrone will appreciate. W 630 Church St. Evanston - ... I~························~·~·····························IIJ

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