..1 -· ,· "8 -·· WILME:TTE LIFE July 23, 1926· A. A. Results ( Results of las t Sund ay's game) Wilmette Playgrounds . {Continued from page 5) F loat on t>ack 5 mi nutes .. . . 10 " E\'erY add itional stroke lea.rned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 10 " Rc liabili tv fo r competing in cvcrv Beac h Day . . . . . 25 " Sports-mansh ip ...... . .. . . .. 25 " Cndressing in o-8 ieet water. 50 " Pass ing ReginnC'rs Amcric::.1n Re d Cross Test . . . . . .. 10 " Passing Swimmers Amerie'an Heel Cross Tests 20 " Passing Tr. Life Saving America;1 Reel Crnss Corps. 50 '(' ()\ring person 30 feet ..... 20 " s,,·imming from raft to pier R5 S\\'imming front rait to pier _ · and return . . . . . . . . . .. 1JO '~ 'fhc first fiyc participants earning 500 point:-; will be given S\rimming suits: others earning 500 points will be given medals. Tho:-;e earning 400 JH,ints "·ill also get pr izes. FIRST BEACH DAY Pd AEAB Welsh; If. . . . . . ..3 . 10 5 1 Smith , 2nd ..... 2 1 0 4 Porterfi eld, rf. . . 1 0 0 4 Borr e, 3rd . . . . . . 0 2 0 4 \ Vaidlcr, ss . . . . .. 1 0 0 3 Montg-omery, c. 3 0 0. 4 · ~fi ll er, d. . . . ... 3 0 0 4 DcPau, 1st ...... 4 0 0 4 Boesch, p. . . . .. . 9 1 0 4 RH SBSH 1 0 1 0 1 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Summer· Sale S for Men, Women and Children 1 of Shoes North Shores AVINGS are the order of the day at this Summer Sale at Taylor's Bootery. There are substantial reductions on. every shoe in the store- Arch Preservers for Women, Nunn -Bush and Florsheim Shoes for ·men, Holland. Shoes for boys and Pied Piper Shoes for the children. SPECIAL Nunn-Bush and Floraheim Shoes for Men E x tra reduction on incom~l e te · li nes-not all sizes in every st yle, but an advantageous selection from a number of comfortable, styl ish models for summer wear. · First Class Repairing-24 . Hour Service TAYLOR ' s BOOTERY 605 Main Street T AYLOR 'S DRY GOODS AT 1 12 Wilmette 385 5 CE NTRAL AV E. WHITE CASH MARKET CO. 1189 Wilmette ,· Ave.~ Wilmette PHONE-Wilmette 2779-2535 \\"ilmette's fir:-.t \n·ekl~· Beach Day ' held Ja-,t Frida\· under the direction of the newl\' c.reatcd Bureau of Recreation \vas attended b~· about 1,000 sp('ctators. This is only CIIH' of the man\' entt·rtainmcnh to he gin'n wccklv 0;1 Frida,· aften1oon throughout the s'wimming season and \rill be follo\\·cd at the close of the season hy an alldav " ·ater carni,·al. ).{ r. and .\frs. Dwight Chapman, 900 .A.n exhibition of "" imming 1)\· Robi Elmwood ayenue, arc IcaYing the lat- crt Ske lton.· Olympic ch:1mpio·n, anrl ter par t of this week to spend a fort- the " \ Vatermelon Grab" \\'('rc t\\'O n f nig ht ncar Eagle River, Wis. the most intere:;ting- feature:;. Re~ult" of the race:; \\"Cre a-; fo ll ow .; : T\\'ent,· yard dash, hm·-.; under 12: St('phen - Tfopkin :-. . fir . . t: .Frank Riley. second: Vancl' Soule. third: Xed Shapker. fourth. Cirl:. - June :\nder ~on. fir!'-t: Jane .\f rr.inley. 'it,'COIHl : EilC"cn Burke. third: r.l'nrgia Yo~.., hmgh. fourth. T\\'tlltY-fin· Yai d da:-h - 1>m·:; 12 to 1 ~: Toh.n C'a\.\'kwcll. fir-;t: . Stephc·n Tlopk.in:;, second: Jo(· Simnn. third: James Baker .. iourth. Ciri . . -,Tarcptt'linc Greener. fir . t: neatrict· Gratia. :-('COnd . Fift,· Yard da:-.h-btl\·:-. ttnckr li : Charl~·s Hnnn' r. firq: ·nllh .\fcLcan. ~rconr\ . r.irls- Da,· .\{arSlH:rn·. fir -.t : 1 farriC'ttC Danht'r. ·.,c r oncl. . P lunge for <listanc~.·-C~' org<· \\"!lite. first: Hoss Blaylnrk. "ewnd: Stephe n 1fnpkin..,, third: Joe S\\":1!1, fourtl1. I PdA EAB R li SB SH \ Vi lks, 2nd ...... 3 2 1 5 0 0 0 0 Ke nnedy, lf. ... . 0 0 0 4 1 1 0 0 .\[udloff. 3rd .... 0 4 1 4 2 3 0 0. Sande rs, ss . .... . 1 1 2 4 0 0 0 0 0'~1a ll ey, 1st . . . 7 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 Ge hringer. cf. 0 0 0 4 0 2 0 0 Sluckmann, rf. . 2 0 0 4 0 2 0 0 -;\c rrc nlrr. c. . . 0 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 Bo\'C(', p . ....... 5 0 o· J 0 0 0 () Lehman, p. . .... I 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 I Home nm s-:-~[nd loff, 2. 3 h. h.-Smtt h. j 2 h. h.-Borre. Smith. i This game makes two in .a row ":on ln· \\'i lmcttc The team ts \\"orkmg like a clock, and wi ll play the J ust ns I Sports on Sunday. Ju ly 25, at 3 o'clock, ! at the Village Green. l 'i o:roc=::::ro.. · _.eo 0 0 Coolest H Place 40° In Town to Eat 0 0 SPECIALS for SATURDAY, July 24 BETTER Legs · of 1926 Spring Lamb 0 0 Cooler Than 0 the Street Summer Menu Tempting Service 0 0 MEA T5-LOWER You~g Pig Pork Loin Roast PRICES Fresh Dressed Broilers MAC'S Bowling Lunch 11 A. 1\ f. to 8 P. M. 1159 Wilm ette Aven~te \f rs. Lillian Eric·li!l, \\·ho makes ht·r home '"ith lwr dau!.!.·htn. \ f r:-. C()nrad T. F n k m :111 , n i I0~ 3 . \ . , h land a H n Ill·. left l;rida\· of la-;t \\' t'l' k tll 1H· thr guest of \ rrs. Charlt·-.; Bo-,trom c,f Chica .~o at her · s ummn ho mr at Si., · kr Bay. \\.i:-.., until aiter Labor clay . -0- 39elb. 31¥2 Mint Free Prime Native Rib Roast Beef Fresh Dressed Stewing Chickens 41elb. Native Beef Pot Roast 0 c:=:::roz:o \ fr. and \f r:-.. \ Y. P. \'arnt'\', 10~1) Gn.·cmyood an·nUL', han· n··turned fr om a \\·eeks' n-,It at tlw honll' (,f ~frs. Yarnev's hrothtr nea r Cm·ing - ton. Ky. · 3Selb. 31elb. 22elb. Creamed Potato Salad Home Made Veal Loaf Delicious Cooked Comed Beef 30e lb. 4Se lb. 41e lb. -Strictly Fresh Fish on FridayFresh.Butter and.Eggs always on hand