4 WILMETTE LIFE July 16, 1926 Northwestern university's big new The show is pu~ up by the North stadium will be ready for the opening Shore Horticultural society and the of the fall football season . Thi s an- National Association of Gardeners, North Shore of Illinois branch. nouncement, that gladdened the hearts Schedules can be had from P. E. Paulof Purple g.ridiron fam. came this son, secretary, Lake Forest. The week from Director of Athletics Ken- schedule shm\·s 24 classes in vegetables ncth L. "Tug" \Vilson. after the usual and 30 classes in flowers; three silver weeki~' conference with construction cups and several gold and silver medal s and other valuable prizes will be comofficials. T,\·enty-five thousand seats are as- peted for, the products of the show sured for the inaugural contest with coming from all the large estates along South Dakota on October 2, with the the north shore. seating capacity slated to · increase After expenses are paid the reuntil the temporan· maxim 11111 of maindcr of the proceeds will be given 55.000 is reached for · the formal dedi- to the Lake Bluff orphanage, Lake cation contest. that 'vith the ~niver . itv ~lu~. Illinois. I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ of C_h~cago on. NoYem!)er 13. \Yhei1 All the members of the Lake Forcondltlons rcrp11re. a th1rd drck will he est Garden club and estate owners I 1 added and appro~imatclv 80,000 spec- I along the north shore are giving the Le t us f urnish yo u w ith the pu rest and richtators will he prodded for. ~·l10w their heartv support and the 1 . I - · I est ice cream y ou h ave ever t asted. .Every The contractors dailY. report that gar.clencrs on the dt~er!!nt estate s are work is progre ssi ng sa ti s factorik. The !rymg to make the show the best held b a tch of ice cream we make up has th e proper strike of iron construction workers a 111 many years. ingredien ts to insu re pu rity and quali ty few weeks ago, that slowed up all -----building work in the Chicago area. Hot Weather Last Week through and through. ha.ltcd. lahor for ten days. hut already 1 thts ttmr has been ma<le up and this Drew Record Beach Crowd I Made in W ilmette for W ilmette people. week the ""ork was ahead of schedule. 1 \Vilmettc beach had its greate st The 192() srl1edulc shows . -ortJ.nves- number of bathers on a single day this tern has _six of its eight game_s at the :'Cason Thursday 6f last week 'vhen l ne,:· stadtut~l. Journey~ to Tnd1ana and ~frs. C. \V. Hilton, beach mat- ~ Im, a . constttute the 0nly out-of-town ron, reported an attendance of 1558 cla . hes 011 the carcl. on which five Big per. ons. The record for last year \\·as Ten con fercncc g-ames arc hilled. The an attendance of 2.000, and the nearcomplete schcclulr foHows: October 2. I est ap)·toach to it this season wa s on South Dakota at Evanston: October Thur~ricn·, which was the hottest dav Car!eton at . EYan . ton: October 1(), Ia . t Wt'ek. On July 6, there were 1~-t"R , Successor to Wi tt's Supreme Ice Creant · I~ldlana .a t EYatlston: ' October 23 I hatbtrs at the beach, and on vVedne s- I ::\ot.rr Dame at EYan sto n: October 30, · day, July 7, there were 1107. Satur- 1 Tndtana at TIIoomington: Nonmhcr (), clay, July 10. was so cold that thrre Purdue at EYan s ton: Kovemh~r 13, \\"Cre no bathers at the beach. The ' Chicago at [Ynn~ton: KoYemhrr 20. prrvailing cool weather ha s made at- I Io,\"a at Iowa City. tenJance light so far. I Flower Show to Be .Held Northwestern, s at Lake Forest Saturday New StatAium Will A F lower sh~w will be held at the school, Lake Forest, on Sa tBe Ready in Time Gorton urday, July 24, and Sunday July 25. 1 Quality Ice Cream ·Made in Wilmette 1 1' 1 9. , Hammond Ice Cream Kitchen 722 Twelfth Street Phone Wil. 3122 621 MAIN STREET CITY MARKET CO. WHOLESALE _,p PRONE: WILMETTE 1810 J p MEATS RETAIL Make tbe most ol this oppo·tunity....tow p·iees on tbe iinest g·~des o~ Meats and Poula-y at Wilmette's popula~~ ma·ket. Fresh Dressed Broilers, 2 to 21/2 lbs. average, lb. ............ 4Se RIB ROAST BEEF From Native Corn Fed Cattle SPRING LAMB LEGS Special POT ROAST BEEF Beat Quality Choice Cuts PORK LOINS Half or whole From Young Porker lb. 39C Certifie~ lb. 39C . I l lb. 24C Ih. 35e Tender Young Roasting Chickens, lb. ........ . ............... 40e New Laid Eggs-Special-ever)' egg guaranteed ... ...... ....)Se. Wilson's Hams I Fancy Fresh Beef Tongues I Wilson's Certified Bacon I Half or whole Smoked Butts No Bone or waste Half or whole Short Cut lb. 45c Special- Arlnour Cloverbloom Butter, one pound prints, lb·... 4Se Four Daily Deliveries: 9 A. M. - 11 A. M. - 2 P. M. - 4 P. M. Wilmette, Kenilworth, Glencoe, Winnetka lb. 21c lb. 41c