Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jul 1926, p. 3

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July 16, 19Z6 WILMETTE LIFE ~EXT OUTLINES PLEASING PROGRAM OF SPORTS Daniel M. Davia, New Director of Athletics, Plans Play at Beach, Parks WEEK IN WILMETTE (Recorded at the Chamber of Commerce.) I SCOUl:S HOME AGAIN CONCERTS ARE VERY POPULAR AT RAVINIA Monday Night Concert-Re8itals Methodist Boys Are Wishing They Were Back at Camp a& School Days Approach Friday, July 't6 7 :30 p. m. Wilmette Chapter R. A. M., Masonic hall. ' 8 :00 p. m. Wilevansbrook Encamp. ment No. 177, I. 0. 0. F., Odd Fellow's hall Monday, July 19 2 :00 p. m. Progressive Bridge, Guilmette Country club. G:30 p. m. ·Dinner, North Shore Real Estate board, Lake Shore Terrace. 7:30 p. m. Men's night Guilmette ' Country club. Tuesday, July 20 12:15 p. 1;1. Luncheon \Vilm ettc Optimi st club _ Lake Shore Terrace. 7 :30 p. 111. Village Board meeting Village hall. ' R :00 p. 111. \Vilm ette Camp, ~ ·o. 10334. ~fodern \Voodman of _ '\mcrica , Odd Fcll o,,··s ha 11. Wednesday, July 21 12:15 p. 111. Luncheon, \\.ilmette l{otarv dub. Ouilmctte Country club. · 2:00 p. m. \Vilmette Chapter Xo. 753, 0. E. S. Social afternoon. ).[ rs_ Clara Tones. 1232 Elmwood ann nc, \ Vil;nctt c _ (Contributed) Arranged by Ec~atein Please You old folks can't blame them! · Everyone When the Junior Boy Scouts of the Wilmette Methodist Episcopal church So great has been the interest mantDaniel M. Davi s, newly appointed left for Camp Wilmette, 128 miles fested by the public in·the series of director of community athletics, ha~ away in the wild woods of Uichigan, Monday night concert-recitals which planned an extensive athletic program Louis Eckstein has arranged as a for the \Vilmette beach and parks. they had just left school . and were special weekly feature of Ravinia 11 r. Da vi , , \\'ho took up hi~ duties on ready for anything. That was on June Opera and Concerts, that there is July I. has already prepared a sched28-the summer was before them and · eve ry reason to believe that the plan ul e of athl etic cHitts. His plans inall they had to do was to chase but- meets with the enthusiastic approval of clude not on! v the children. hut also terflies, hike throug-h the woods sw im all mu. sic lovers. These con'certs, which the olrlcr pe~)ple. ~\Yimming sport s fish, ~nd go boating_ But no~v th'e; were inaugurated last Monday night, and rontcst:-; will be conducted every arc back home and ,vhilc they don't are given jointly by the Chicago Friday afternoon, startinf.{ today. have to chop down any more trees-or Symphony orchestra, under the direcFriday of each \\-eck is BLach cla~·. and carry water to the cook or sta nd in tion of Eric DeLamarter, with one of prizes will lH· given to tho:-;e making lin e-or go to bed at 9 :30 o'clock in the leading artists of the opera forces the greatest number of point s in the the evening, or get up at 7 o'clock in appearing as soloist in an extensive rec\·ents. the morning-they may h;ne to run cita l program . . Next Monday evening, Be ~ ide s the ~wim111ing C\Tnts. hikes on a few errands for "ma" or cut the July 19, Mme. Elisabeth Rethberg, and hl'arh g~tntc ~ are planned for the lawn or clo some other old thing-that dramatic soprano, wiil be heard in a bo~-s and . girl . ·a n<l instruct ion in "no other mother ever makes her son generous program and the Chicago ~ "· imming \Yill be gi,-cn. At the clo se do_" Symphony orchestra will, as usual, of the s w i111111 ing sc asCt n, a big \\·a tcr X ow they ha,·c nothin g else to do present a brilliant program. All seats earn i,·al will he held . Th e daih· hearh hut to realize c,·crv dav is a dav nearer are free for these concert s, the general pr ngram \rill start at ·10 v clock in the admission at the gate covering every,t o sc I100. I j ott can't blame them.moth1· mrlrning and continu e until 6 o'clock er_ · if they \\"ish they were back on th e t llng. in the c,·ening. old camp ground. Thev came back 011 Mme. Rethberg, who holds a firm The Beach Day prngram gi,·e-; a July 12 a.nrl they in si5't that they were po:;ition as one of the w<ilrld's greatest rltancr to man:-· cltildr('n to win priz s , not runn1ng J\Yay from the girL-\r:~o dramatic sopranos, has won the whole a.;; a pri;re \\"ill he gi\'l·n t() rach perThursday, July 21 arc nO\r at .Camp \\'ilm cttc. X o, Sire(·! hearted approval of every Ravinia paStill who ,,·in' 500 poinh during the E,·cr _ ,- ho~- had a good time anrl lh:y tron who has heard her in the 7:00 p. 111. Bufict Dinner and Pro~('a,o n. The pc, inh are f1gurc ll on this a)l want to ha\·c another camp t:ip-- monumental operatic roles which fall grc·-.:-i\'e Dridgc. Ouilmettc Counba -.. i.;: ftr , t plac(' in ·any cnnt, twentyrl!..!ht-a \Yay! to her lot at Ravinia. Her voice is tn- club. fin· point:;: second plare in an,· en·nt. Officials of Camp unusual in that it is of beautiful lyric 7 :3!i p. 111. \\'ilm ette Lodge No. 931, fifteen points: third place in any Th e official:-; of the camp were . :1~ qua lity, yet it has a power that per:\. F. and A. ).[. \f asonic hall (' \·rnt, t~·11 \H,inh: fourth place in any mits this singer to achieve the . greatR:00 p. 111. A. T . ~herman Lodge. follo"-s: l'H'llt. fin poi11t~: <liYing, tl' n pnint~ est climaxes with consummate ease. ~ c1. ~92, I. 0. 0. 1 < Odd F ellow's -·\ lhert .\ c kerman. Francis Almclaie, for <'at h pl'rfect din·: treading wa ter Ru ssell ,\lmd a lc, Xecdham Ba:I, )..l"ed ~fmc .. Rethberg- is fu1ly equipped both hall. fi,·c minute~. tt·n point :;;: flnating- on Ball. D;n·id Boozer, :\l hcrt Bohen, Ted ,·oca lh· anrl hi st ri oni ca llv for the most Friday, July 23 b a c k fl n· 111 i 11 u t L' ' . t e n poi n h : s ',- i m7 :30 p . 111. \\'i lm ctte Chapter R. A. Duck Bradford, E. Fikc, Bud Cah·in exacting operatic werk: but she likeming. junill.f- t\\"l'llty-fi,-e poinh. srnPhilit.) Hoetz. Llewell .n 1 Jones, Rc~ wise ha s the personality which makes ::..1., \lasonic hall. i.1r-- fi it~· poinh. 'f R 1 her a great concert singer and as an ·').art111. '-O ?crt ).fiddl ~cauff, James · f · · :\ rrh<'r Kenn<'(h·, \\-ho is on the h.1cks. Lud,,-1g- Skog-, Gilbert Stansell, mterpreter o pure song, she 1s JUSt fr(':--hman tealll at :\orth\YC'StC'rn ttniTr .. Theodore Stansell, Billie Sherman as successful as she is as an exponent Yersity will he the jud~c of the cliYing ' 11 ' of dramatic singing. On Monday night ac k \\ ooc 1ead. Arthur \Vilmore J fOil t l'" 1"· Points may abo be gained .-\rthttr \V est, Robert Ymmgberg. ' she will appear five times, two of her lJ\- reliability in competng C\"rry beach numbers being well known arias-one day. ~ pcirt s manship, every additional The Senior Boy Scouts of the 1fet:l- from "Der Frcischutz" and the other ndi~t church ,,-ill go :nto ramp Augus~ "I 'f · t F' " I d stroke learned. and undre ss ing in six _\ garba<Te truck, drivcrle s, running 1 trom e ,\ arnage c e 1garo. n a . 1-t and will remain 1mtil :\u . c ru-.L 28. 1' · h 1 'll h or eight feet of water. Among the \\"ild on \ ,.Yilmette avenue and back, c 1t1on to t esc s 1e w1 present t ree :\11 boys of scout age are invited to h fi · · f ft'ature C'Y('nt~ are: \\-a termelon grab. ward, too, crashed into a sedan before · song gro ups, t e rst conststtng o now 1 · F h h d f lll'l'dle-ancl-thread relay for girls, and -. to ) )incr it=- flirrht of almost t\vo regt. tcr for this camJ). Re!:!ister ~· t 1rec songs 111 · rene , t e secon , our 1 1 ,. . ,. . - not more than sn ho;·s will be ac · G d h 1 f kap-fr0g relay. hl rJ,.. k s, S,"tt1r'la~· aftert100il or" last · so!lgs ·1n E Jerman an t e ast, our ' " ' rep ted. Th e cost for two ,,-erks is 5'ongs tn Besides the beach prc,gram. thrrc wc·ck '.ngti sh. ~)Illy · S21. Transportation will co ~t \YilJ. he prn)-!ram-; at the park-; in the H. Springett, ~)f Glenview. the driver, about $6The camp is being operated Will Present "Aida" 11ltlrt1ing and aiternnon. :\ t the Yatt rnllerting g-arbage in the village, 1,,the Boy~' \\'nrk ,·onlt : lit~ cr of ih Sunday afternoon, July 18, the Chi!l1an park playground, there will be g-ames and ~torie'> from 9 o'clock un- topped at 182-l \\.ilmettc a,·enue, to \f rthodi't chttreh for the hoY~ ;tnrl rago Symphony orchestra wilt he til 12 o'clnck. and at the T.aurt'l srhool make a collection. He left the truck's girl~ of \Yilmettc-and ltnt for. prt )fit . heard in concert under the direction of "\fr. T.eT.amarter. All seats are free pl:tygrnttn<l. fr(lt11 1 o'dock to 5 o'clork. r1witH: running. There i ~ an incline in the ~treet at thi~ point, and \Yhcn the ACCEPT NEW MEMBERS for tit<'"<-' con~crts. S1n.Hlay "ni.Q"h;; hr:1ke~ on tl1c tntC"k ~lipped the car ~ . Juh· lR , Venl1 s ma-;tL·rmece. A1da 1 Legion Auxiliary Holds .:;ta rt r d tn nw,·c hark\Yard. eontinuing · .L:n- (~ 1 1 cmlJcr~ ~cc(~ptc<1 at the \\rtl- will hr the offerirH! a n<i in the title ; tlle t tt· I· 1a111 r >t'r ot ommcrce · 1 · 'r R 11 ·11 · tn thr 1()00 block \\"ht'rt' lt ea.;l\yard 'I~ I 1) I) medtn ·r . ., ro 1L' ott 11~ oprra _,.tme_ ,(.'t 1 )erg \VL Picnic This Afternoon . . ott ·' on< .1 ,., u \' -· ,,-ere· ani Dan·,· 1 · 1 t 1 · · Tit\' \\.nnH.·n·, :\t1xilian- nf thr \Yil- rra,hccl 1ntn a TTupm ohtlr ~l'(b n, · . · -· ~. · ·; 1a,-e nnr nt 1 1e mm ( ramattr roles .111l'lll' :\nwrican T. c!..! ion Po:'t i~ ha,- in ~· clriHn ll\· \Yilli am Doh!. Cli 1303 \Yi !-~J ~' "tler: JIG.: \\·lmc:tle awnu··:}_k I·. l rnr ';-ritt<·n fnr _rt s~prann. Onpo site 1 · :1 '\ 11,1 ' \ttenn.lrt ,ln, 000 R 1 cl~.l .ne- lw r \Ytllltc \Ltrt111el11 as Radam e. , an a famil~- picnir this afternoon and en'- llll"tt <' a\·enue . · \\- 1 · 1 1 1 1. ]) t 1 . · . t1 -· · · 1 t , LIIC · lLu11tnoncl Tee Cream },rtchl'n. ·1rti"t whn enio,- the <lic;tinrt ion of tltlt ~ ;t t ;t,lmgtnn par..:: on tH· ~1\:t' .r, .l '-,\\\ lC' t ,\1 cnmln~. )\1 prr- -)) T, ·rlftl 1 t-, ' . . 1 t· C \1 \f 1' D ·1 1 1' . 1 " < e D. aY1" fr<,l lt. Thv committt·L· in rharl!c of ar - '.tlll1 L' d tltl'rr " ·;1;:; :1 driHr at tlte " 1H'v1.l ,t -'· . : ~ trt'd · · c· 1 wiH". world~ mterpreter 1 . . tttoltlo lt 1 <'" 1019 1·~m.t \ "lll f 1 · thr 1 D ·QTcatrst '11 J'k · 1 r :11 1!.! t. 11 \('It t ". ('()Ill p () . . (' c1 (l i \ rr.;. s1;I 11 - 1T t.; \\ Z1 rt 11111..!' "It() 11 k "'. \\" t' r c \111 h (' ( d ('!] . - (' .: 1 . I . . ) ) . .. ( . I (l t 11" r () (.' . a 111 <; e w I 1 ('\ · . l<·ll. ,-..upl'ftor ·ur s 1op. 1L- ( ent ral 1 , -1 · f 1 ' , {i 1 \"1 , "!' 1 .) e 1 1nn \ ·an Tn\\-a!..!·rn. ch:1irman. ~rr~. hut the rt';11 prrrltcanH'nt ,,·a..: 1w t> .1,,. 11 11 , . · · \ H:11r . Ill nne o _11" t.nr~t ~oc:-. t1at T\alph Ric\', ).fr~. Clara lfarri ~on. ·tnd reali!C'd until too htr t·l aH1icl tlw c. . nf :\mono ~ ro. wlt1lc \f1 c;s .\lt\r G('ntle ).fr -.. . J. C _ \nrkr'<,n. ]d:tlllH"l an old cnl1i-;i nn. .\ ~ tre am of tr;lf(IC. l':t~t SET PUBLIC HEARING DATE ,,·ill hl' r:a~t :t-: :\mncri.;. Lr'n~1 Rotl1ier, 1 hrJtttlcl. prn-t ·ntrrl Hohl fr nm ptt11in~ n T' I kt-;.-(), 1~. ltl hr R:ln:fis .. wlllcl1 offe~s . f;t,hi()f1("rl family picnic. Tlw " :~ men :tnrl rltildrc·n ,, ill l!·:tthrr to 11lf' lrft to :1\·()irl tlH' truck The 1he \\ llmette Board of Local Im - nnt ortttnlt)· fM fi11t . 1110'111q,', :111d L()ttts at the park in tllC' :-~ftcrnnnn. 'wher e trttck hacl some what ~darkened it..: pron·ments_ s~t July 20, at "7 :30 o'cl~ck, n· \!1 <'"(' 1(\ \\"ill ]l,, tlH' Kin!..!·. \fr. Papi tlw,- \\·i ll ~pend t11C' titnL' in ~":imminl!". "Prvd, In- tilL' time it h;t rl reached l ()~(j the dat: 01 It:; next .r\' !..!llb~ 11 h'L' tln~. will rnnrlurt. g:ti1H'~. an d other picnic entertain- \Vilmcttr awn11c. in front of "-hirh a.:-; .th t time for a pul:llc lwarmg on pc~ · 1f0ncla,· cYenin~:;, Julv 19. will bring mrnt". and th<' 111<'11 \Yill ioin them for tiH' cars met and the damaQe \Yas not 1111011 s to paYt· the flr-,t ~tlln- nnrt h 01 tlH' c;ec:~;Hl of tlw co,~rcrt-r<'ritals in clinn<'r :1t () o'clock Each famih· ,,-ill great. The lte:tcl-lic:-hh oF" thr srrlan ~ores_t avenue bet\veen Ele,:enth and which \rmf'. R rt hhrnr a.; soloi st wi ll brim:- a basket lun ch. The Legion ~·\\·c rC' broken ancl thr fcndL'rs bent. 1 "<t·lltth " 1 n'd~ . . ;tnrl the ltr-..t :t.1 1c '· appear \Yith the Chicago Symphony bop~c; th:1t rn.' n· familY \Yill he rl'prc - \fr. Dol1l \Yas not hurt. nor 1 of Lake avenue behyecn Stxth on·lw~tra a;;; announced above. ~entcd tl1rrC'. . S1 rin[!rtt. th e dri\·er of the trurk and Scn'nth strcds . Tuc.;d:\\' niQht. Tulv 20 ha c; been set Tlto-;c wl1o arc C'li!..!·ihlc fnr either was fined for violating villaQ'C' or<iin fnr the fir . t perfo~mance 'this se ason 0r the Legion nr tl1c Auxiliary, and wl10 :1nrr :\o. 170, rcbtive to leaving a rar WILMETTE A. A. WINS "Don Pa sq uale" one of the li~:.rhter l1avc nnt ,·et ioinrd the-;e nr~aniza- in the street \Yith the motor rttnning. . Thl' \\.i lnwttc :\~hletic association workc; whi r h proved to he hiQ:hlv. suctions. arc invit~cl to attend. . team beat Des )?lames by a score of 1 ccs-;ful. wl1 cn. restored to the l~avinia WILL PAVE ALLEYS 10 to 8 at the\ 1llac:-e Green last Sun- .' .-.'nrrt~ir,.. bst c":-Jo;on. ).{me. Bori has Or~linances wer~ passecl at the last day . . T.he p-amc was fcaturc<i h~· 011e of her delightful parts in thi s SELLS KENILWORTH LOT GrorP"c H. Grcrn of ()()() Sl1erirlan meetmg- of the Vvtlmette. ~oard of Lo- the htttmg of ~ocscher, who got o ne merry work and opposite her will he road. \ Vinnrtka. thrnuc:-h R H. Tohn- ca l . Improvrments prov1dmg for. th e home run, a tnplc, a two-bagger and Mario Chamlrc in the lyric tenor role. stnn and cnmnatw. Jt() Linden <1\:rnue. navtng o f the first alley north of Htgh- a \valk. l\[ontgomery also came fo r- 'l'h;-~t droll "nnH' cli:ln of opera, Vittorio \\rilmrtl~' . h a' c;old to F. B. MarKin- lanrl avenue from Sixtr·rnth strcrt to \\·ard with a homer at a critiral mo- Tre,·isan, will he hear<i-a nd sren- in non_ 1125 Ashhnrl avrmtr, \Vilmctte , Rid17c avenue, and the first alley south m~nt. Next Sunday, Juh· 1R, the team the title part, and Mario Basiola will a 100-fon t l0t on Lcire ' t"r roa d, soutl1 nf Greenleaf avenue from Stxth to wtll play the ~Jorth Shores at tl1c have splend id opport1mities. as wilt Seventh streets. same place. . (Continued on Page 40) of Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth. Garbage Truck Runs Wild and Causes Accident 4 1 ! I' - 1 I

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