WILMETTE LIFE July 16, 1926 TIRES and I TUBES Reduced 12% to .IS% Let us care for all your Tire Troubles New Tires-Vulcanizing-Repairing · Gasoline-Oils.;_Car Greasing Wilmette Wilmette Ave. and Ridge Phone Wil. 290 l BRAUN BROS. -. Winnetka 723 Oak St. Phone Winn . 1565 Fireproof Stor.age SCULLY BAGGAGE AND TRANSFER Moving- ·Packing- Shipping WILMETTE 410 PHONES WINNETI(A 232 ... LO! THE PRIMI· T IVE WOODSMAN needs the laundry's help no more than solne tou.'nsfolk goes on a fishing trip up in the woods and washes out a soiled shirt and hangs it on a branch behind the tent to dry . he feels quite proud of his accomplishment. But it' s safe to sa y that if he multiplied the job by a hundred and bad to do it every week in addition to· all his other routine work , he would throw up his hands in despair before very long. W HEN FRIEND HUSBAND Telephone Wilmette 1800 Greenleaf 2180 Glencoe 100 Highland Park 1500 Then what about friend wife? Her laundry room isn't so cool as your nice office . And hers is the "grief" even if she has help ~ith the washing. When we can do these things so m nch better and cheaper, a 52 weeks va cation from the wash-tub each year is the sensible, economical thing. lO % Discount on work brought in and called lor NELSON LAUNDRY. 1210 Central A.ve. Wilmette