July 16, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE · Little Chats About Your Health No. 40 Camping Dangers Typhoid. m.1!Jri.1 .1nd dJngerous infections from cuts. scr.Hches and wou nds .ue at least three things which should be guJrded JgJinst during the \' acJ tion period. I ... Pl.ly SJfc . . If the purity of. the drinking w.Her is doubtful. boil it. In m.:tny pbccs doctors m.:ty not hr Jt hand .1nd on e .1uthority recommends that vou tJke .1long the following simple firs ~ .1id kit: Two g.HIZc h.1nd.1gcs. two or three incl1es wide : two cotton b.1nd.1gcs three inches wide: one roll of .1dhesive pbstcr. one inch wide : two dozen s.1fct v pins : two oun ces of Jbsorbc nt cotton : one y J rd of plain sterile g.1uze: one or two oun ce s o f tincture of iodine : two dozen compound c.uh.11 ti c pill s : four ounces of c1stor oil: two oun ce s h1 c.1rbon.uc of sod.1: one drJm perm.1ng.1n.1tc of pot.1sh : one hot WJter bJg and one clini c.1l thermometer. \V e e.1n 'Ill ppl Here's a Good Tooth Paste Rexall Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste Price 39c Large Tube v .1ll such things which .ue so ofrcn ne eded before the doctor .uri \'es. ~a~t I DRUG STORE Phones 28.-2 9 Only One Store - Central and Wilmette Aves. It Removes the Filmit Contains No Grit(t Corrects Acid Mouth Prevents Tooth Decay Its Daily Use Prevents Pyorrhea Accidents Will Happen! l st1't it funny that it's al"' ays your newest and best gown that is the victin1 of so111e stu pid accident or careless11ess? 7 P erhaps your gowns have beetl subject to the usual soil or wear. Our Dry Cleaning process \vill n1ake them look as nice as the day they were purcl1ased. Phone Wilmette 320 PRESSING REPAIRING SCHULTZ & NORD Cleaners for Particular People -' · 1152 Central Ave. Wilmette Phones ~20·~21